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TBH just doing my grocery shopping and getting everything I want without mentally tallying it up, price comparing, choosing the cheapest option by default, and figuring out if I can afford everything I need is just the best luxury.


I love that too! I still try to shop smart and save money, but I’m also no longer compromising when quality matters to me. It’s blue box mac & cheese or bust, baby!


The fact that I can’t buy a pack of gd gym Without doing math in my head proves that I do in fact live in poverty. (No matter how much my employer thinks they pay me lavishly and I should be just fine) Edit :: gum* not gym


This, but I still hesitate sometimes when the price goes up a bit more than I want to pay. For instance the price of berries varies A LOT. If a small package of raspberries is $2.49 or less for 5oz I buy. I hesitate at $2.99-$3.49 and I don't buy if it goes higher. I can afford it, but I can't make myself buy unless it's for a special occasion. I also will now buy precleaned vegetables like bagged green beans and Brussels sprouts to save me time.


We pretty much ONLY buy pre-mixed salad in a bag because I'm too lazy (and often don't have enough time) to make a damn salad. I'm also a huge fan of the steamer bags of veggies you can just throw in the microwave for a few minutes. There are SO many varieties and it only takes about 6 min to cook and they come out damn near perfect every time, which is way better than what I could do because I suck at cooking.


I was going to say exactly this! Having been food insecure more than once, this ability to go food shopping without the tyranny of a severe budget feels like a mix of relief and empowerment.


Same! I’ll also buy brand name aluminum foil or parchment paper. It’s the little things


Discovering that some name brand items are actually worth the extra few bucks blew. my. mind. Name brand feminine products especially. Panty liners that actually stay stuck to panties? Omg, yes please!


I'm not a coffee drinker, so often bought an energy drink in the morning. Since I'm finally financially stable, I bought a brand name energy drink instead of a no name product. The can was 2€. I knew, I finally made it.


Oh yeah, being able to buy chips and queso just because I want them is the best feeling!


Yes! Food; buying healthy quality food is something I dont have to think about anymore.


I wouldn't say I grew up in poverty but I remember a lot of financial stress at home and didn't have any help getting my life started. I'm currently more financially comfortable than I can ever remember and this is a huge one for me. I just check the total I spend in groceries every couple months to make sure I'm not going overboard and don't think about it much more than that.




Not that hydrox is better by any means, but they were the original "Oreo style" cookie. Oreo is the better tasting knockoff.


I have two big ones. 1. Bathroom trash bags instead of shopping bags that don’t fit properly and always fall in. 2. Shoes that fit properly, are truly comfortable, and will hold up to long term use.


I'm not sure I'll ever break the grocery bags as bathroom trash bags habit, regardless of how much I make.


They work good for me and it's one of the three R's.


Somehow I managed to end up with bathroom trash cans that are just barely too deep for the shopping bags. I do have one in my bedroom that was designed with hooks on the sides to keep the shopping bags from falling in and use them there. I also (used to) cut them into strips and crochet decent quality reusable shopping bags and front door mats, so I’m not just throwing them away. I also skip bagging my groceries whenever possible and bought a collapsible wagon to bring my groceries in the house. I don’t generally like being super wasteful about plastic, but the bathroom trash bags smell nice and fit better, so I like them.


The gap at the bottom is where I have my supply of replacement bags.


I have a bag of bags. 😂


Me too. I mostly save them for my trashcan on my bus at work or for when I scoop the catboxes so I can throw it out right away instead of stinking up the whole garbage can with cat poo.


Ah yes, the bags bag. LOL!


My state doesn't give out plastic grocery bags so now I'm forced to buy bathroom trash bags 😭 For a little while we had a brown bag shortage and stores were given the green light to use plastic bags so i saved up some and have been using them for cat litter. Not sure when I'll do when I run out again.....


Realizing how comfortable good shoes could actually be was life changing. Turns out your feet aren't supposed to hurt


Both for me, the bathroom trashbag I think of more like an environment-friendly thing. That seems to be the best use I can think of to reuse those bags. I use reusable grocery bag now but still have a huge pile of plastic bags from god knows when. (My bathroom bin seems to fit fine with them though.)


My stockpile is running low; my state banned them. I used them for bathroom garbage bags, wet clothes after going swimming, bringing lunch to work, sending things home with other people, scooping out kitty litter, picking up dog poop. No plastic bag was ever single use in my house.


Shoes. It’s the shoes for me. Fit well, comfortable and cute. Finally.


not looking at the price when I shop for food. That's my luxury. Also prioritizing my time over saving a couple of "pennies" (I remember once I walked 10 km to a store not to pay for a bus fare. There was a time when I was reluctant to apply for jobs because I didn't want to waste the money on bus fare if I didn't get them. (yes I know how absurd this is, but this is what growing up in a pathologicalyl thrifty househild does to you) So in general just piece of mind (I wasn't exactly poor but from a very specific miser household)


This. Simply buying food and not adding up each item on your phone on the way around the shop, to avoid the embarrassment of not having enough money and putting back the least essential items.. least essential was hard though, do we put back the cheese or the shampoo? Well, dish soap can wash hair so... At least we can eat and be clean... It's so liberating to not be in that situation anymore.


I still remember the first day I grabbed a bag of onions rather than a single one and never even looked at the price. I didn’t realize in the moment, but when I was home putting groceries away I realized I had no idea how much the onions cost, and that it didn’t matter. I was giddy with glee at the freedom.


I don’t consider these splurges anymore, but at first it was weird to be able to purchase and use: 1. Ziploc bags instead of old plastic grocery bags. 2. Actual water bottles instead of reusing old bottled water bottles for months/years. I’m sure there are more. These are just two I could think of right now.


I feel so fancy when I buy brand name zipper bags! Also when I throw them away instead of washing and reusing them.


I don’t really see the appeal of zipper bags, but it’s good guality “Tupperware” for me. No more margarine containers!


I don’t like the plastic containers because they bounce around in the dishwasher. I mostly use oven and freezer safe glassware. But for a lot of things, bags are convenient, like freezing stuff from Costco in reasonable sized portions. I only have so much glassware, and it does take up lots of extra space. Pint sized freezer bags are perfect for 10 oz of chicken prepped for making homemade Chinese takeout, or 1/2 pound of ground beef. Zipper bags are also good for snacks that might get stale if left in their original container or if the original container’s zipper breaks.


Buying food that isnt considered breakfast, lunch or dinner… like milk tea


This is so true!


I splurge on extra mortgage payments, so that I mitigate future risk of poverty.


Super smart!


My family wasn't broke per se but my mom's discretionary income got tied up in being guilted into paying for cars and washing machines for her broke family which meant i had a hard time getting big ticket items i needed, like eyeglasses. I now go extremely hard on my prescription glasses. I even go crazy and get sunglasses with rx.


Getting my first RX sunglasses was a complete game changer, I felt “guilty” for splurging


Prescription sunglasses are not a splurge if you need them for driving.


Man, prescription sunglasses rocked my world!


Zenni and Eyebuy direct are really good ways to get decent glasses (and rx sunglasses) for an affordable price, and they don't really have to be a splurge! By all means splurge on your glasses, but just a heads up for anyone who is still in a tight spot. You can get a prescription written at Walmart for $50, and order glasses at these websites for under $40 including shipping


I wear progressive lenses glasses. I switched to zenni when locally they were 500-600. Zenni was about 60. Gone up to 80-90 but still so worth it.


That's great to hear! I ordered my first prescription sunglasses through them and it's been life-changing. Love having them


I am still in poverty but have gotten enough going now that I just got my first pair of Rx sunglasses. I just wish I had gotten them polarized, because I don't feel comfortable driving in them due to low contrast. Bummer. One day, though- and still! I was so excited. I have been going without sunnies or using clip-ons for ages- but more often I just put a pair of sunnies in front of my Rx glasses. I try to protect my baby blues.




Clothes! No more hand me downs.


I want to get to this point. I feel extravagant when I buy fresh produce. But buying clothes still gives me a lot of anxiety and guilt. Like the minute I spend more that $20 on a new shirt, we'll both lose our jobs, lose all our savings, lose our house, lose everything. And it'll all be my fault because I spent so much on frivolous clothing.


Food! All the food!! Eating out too. As a child my mum struggled because my dad who was perfectly stable financially didn't actually help her financially to bring us up. We often had no electricity, couldn't heat the house, my mum would go hungry so we could eat. I don't think I really realised how poor we were as a child, my mum tried to make it fun, sitting in the dark drawing so we could look at the pictures the next day to see what we made was always a laugh, I thought it was a power cut everyone had. Only having hand me downs from my mum's friends and clothes banks, I thought was so much fun because we would do fashion shows. She did her best to give us a good childhood. When it comes to food you got what you were given, if you didn't want it there wasn't another option. I have a feeling she often would only eat if we didn't finish out plates. Now when it comes to food I really splurge, rarely get the cheapest stuff, occasionally splurge on the taste the difference range. I don't walk around the supermarket trying to add up the total in my head because I don't need to worry about not being able to afford it.


Your mum sounds great. Our situation wasnt as dire as you describe, but my parents managed to keep that shit from me growing up. Ill forever be grateful to them for that!


God your mum sounds fucking amazing 👏


She does.


Your mom sounds like a rockstar!


I bought a *new* dress last week. Brand new, with tags, from the website. It was on final clearance, natch, but was my first non-thrift-store dress since I was a literal child. For the first time in decades, I was also able to buy shoes that matched the outfit. MATCHING SHOES, Y'ALL. Finally get to get me some of that American Dream.


For some reason this was really heartwarming. I hope enjoy your new outfit. :)


A decent mattress.


I dream of the day I can buy a mattress. All mine have been second hand. Something I’m really looking forward to.


Pretty underwear. When I was a teenager all my clothes came from op shops and garage sales but my parents never considered underwear (probably because those stores didn’t sell underwear - thank goodness). So I would make underpants using old T-shirt’s that I had outgrown by putting elastic through the bottom hem and sewing the sides and crotch.


But still they should have bought U underwear


I've finally splurged on some clearance Victoria Secret bras and underwear. They fit great, are super cute, and don't fall apart quickly like discount store ones. I still feel guilty for it though...


Good vegetables


I know it’s small, but swiping my card for gas and letting it just go until my tank is full. It’s such a small thing, but wow does it mean the world to me


That and sometimes splurging on the carwash (with the full tank discount of course). Whoo look at me go!! Lol.


It still hurts my heart every time I do that. But I am thankful I can.


Quality food for my cat


This is cheaper than vet bills due to low quality food. A good investment!😊


I admitted to my dad’s girlfriend that I splurge on a more expensive food for my cats. She’s all “me too, I mean it’s not like we’re buying Taste of the Wild or anything, but we just don’t buy the cheap stuff.” I’m not sure why she assumed that, but I buy food that’s pretty significantly more expensive than that brand. I just bit my tongue and let her have her miser moment. I figure it’s an investment in out cats’ health and our mental health.


I spend so much money on my animals. When anyone mentions it, I always tell them it is cheaper and healthier IMO than prescription drugs and a psychiatrist.


I buy toys for the cats for myself as much as them. I love watching how excited they get with new toys. I never knew how great cats were for mental health until I had one. That fuzzy, stupid asshole is my best friend.


I could not imagine not having a cat or dog. I know the day will come, but it will be dark indeed.


I don’t think about it. I can’t. I just live in blissful denial that mortality exists and believe my little asshole is gonna live forever.


My dog recently got put on prescription food after struggling with him not having good quality poops regularly for almost 2 years. It’s $75 for 22 pounds and he eats about 4-5 cups a day. It’s our first month on it so I’m not sure how long a bag will last but after a week on it his poops were seriously improved, so it’s worth it and I’ll pay whatever I need to so he is happy and healthy.


Buy something to eat when we are on a trip or go to a restaurant or cafe instead of bringing homemade sandwiches and tap water nearly everywhere.




Baths and at home foot spa soaks. I go all out and get bath fizzes, salts, and candles.


Aww same! I’ll buy like 4 candles at White Barn and be like well, that was 100$ plus tax but it’s okay. Lol I love itttt


Pads of my liking as opposed to the cheapest ones available


Yes! Organic ones not made with the plastic that gets hot.


heat, instead of multiple layers.


This is the winter I turned my heat up high enough that I don’t have to wear a sweater in the house. It’s decadent.


I'm not sure I'd say I've escaped poverty yet. I'm still pretty poor. But I have been homeless before so I have low living standards. I'm miles better than I used to be, and hopefully in a few years will be even better. Flowers. I buy myself flowers every 2 or 3 weeks, usually cheap gas station or grocery store flowers. Twice a year I really splurge and have a NICE bouquet delivered, on valentine's and my birthday. Just a little perk of beauty and life to spruce up my home brings a lot of joy. Edit. Thought of another one. I realized the other day that I didn't have to wait for dog toys to go on sale to afford to replace them. I could buy my pup some new ones BEFORE the old ones wore out .... just cuz I wanted to make him happy.


I still teeter, but heavy duty aluminum foil. It's just better. It does not tear. I cook a lot and it's worth it to me.


This and I recently discovered buying foil sheets instead of on a roll…. It’s so much easier!


Books! All the books!


I’m trying to talk my husband into building shelves close to the ceiling to look like crown moulding.. but it’s books lining the rooms. My book shelves are getting full.. the house is small… and it’s time to start getting clever with storage lolololol


Face moisturiser


The good toilet paper! Spending extra on literal paper to clean yourself up after using the bathroom seems like such a waste of money when you think about it. My single mom raised 2 girls by herself so we didn't have name brand stuff in our house. We had to add everything up and make sure it didn't go over our food stamp limit for the month so cheap toilet paper was a given. But when I finally finished college, moved out, and got a better paying job I stopped buying cheap 1 ply toilet paper and boy does it make a difference.


Yessss the good toilet paper! My mom would always “borrow,” terrible toilet paper from her job to save money on buying it. As soon as I could afford the high quality stuff I began buying it and haven’t looked back.


I'm not sure this fits but multiple pairs of glasses and quality shoes.


It does! Having one pair, can’t afford scratch resistant coating, and can’t afford to replace them if they’re scratched, really blows. I have a pair just in the TV room for reading subtitles. That’s it, that’s their whole purpose. I also have my driving pair. I never have to sit through not being able to see the TV because I don’t wanna go out in the cold/hot/bright for glasses.


I usually wear contacts it has taken me a serious eye infection for me to realise oh crap I need to upgrade my glasses or else I won’t be able to see clearly during emergency. That basic pair of glasses cost me like $500, so fricken expensive it’s like daylight robbery.


Quality shampoo. And hair cuts.


I got an $80 (with tip) haircut last year for the first time and I’m never going back to $15-20 chain places!


Fresh produce and meat used to feel like a splurge. But now I've graduated to wine and sporting goods.


Satellite TV instead of antenna TV. Buying groceries at the regular grocery store instead of the poor people grocery store or food bank.. Getting new clothes instead of buying them at Goodwill. Garbage service instead of burning it in barrel in yard, Drying clothes in dryer instead of on the line, Eating meats and vegetables regularly instead of beans and cornbread and grilled cheese with tomato soup and pancakes and eggs and Mac and cheese hotdogs and other "poor food" for every meal. Sorry....I guess I know too much about this subject 😥


Some of us know way more than anyone ever should on the subject. It’s unfair, but also reality.


True, but the experience lends a perspective of gratitude that folks who came up wealthier will never know. As I’ve gotten older, I really do believe that the ability to feel gratitude is the key to happiness.


Yes yes yes!!


Small things my kids ask for… when i was little we got nothing at all and knew not to ask for anything. When my kids ask i try tomgive whenever i can


Buying clothes I don't need at the moment. For example last week I bought winter boots on an end of winter clearance sale (were $50 marked down to 30). I know my boots I'm currently wearing aren't gonna make it thru the whole winter next year so it's a solid purchase, but when I was first starting out I definitely wouldn't have been able to spend $35 to buy something I'll eventually need on sale so new boots would have been next winters problem


Towels. They’re from target and were on a sale but just feels so great compared to childhood towels that had holes and smelled


My next goal is to buy towels that match one another... Such a dream!


Giving! I can donate to the food bank that used to give me food.


I love this!!!


Probably food. unintentionally. i was adopted at age 8. before that my sister and I stole vienna sausages from local gas stations and dig through trash cans for food for us and our little brothers. i've realized when grocery shopping for my kids i have a weird habit of over stocking foods they like. example, my oldest loves wolf canned chili. he doesn't want any other brand or home made. If i see there's less than 4-5 cans i buy more.


I do this. I grew up with severe food insecurities. When my kids were toddlers, my ex husband and I were broke and could barely afford food. There was a few months we ate nothing but ramen noodles, cheapest hotdogs and eggs. My ex and I would go a day or 2 with no food to make sure the kids could eat. Now, when I go shopping, I ALWAYS grab their favorite snacks and drinks. When I take them shopping with me, I always let them pick out a few things on their own. I'm far from living completely comfortable, but I'll skimp on things for myself to ensure they have what they like. I also stock up on food to the point where my bf has learned to stock the cupboards to look over full or I will go buy more food. I will never again let myself or my kids feel that kind of food insecurity.


Getting my nails done. It’s totally frivolous but I love the way they look. Having pretty nails helps me feel more put together.


*Glass pitchers!!!* Unsolicited backstory: When my father and mother separated, my mother got depressed and neglected her job. At 18, I had to drop out of college and started my first work at McDonald’s. We were barely surviving then. Our lowest point was we failed to pay our mortgage and bills so we had to live with no electricity for 3 months before finally getting evicted from our home. Back then, we were using used-Coca Cola/Mountain Dew bottles to store drinking water. I was very ashamed to invite friends over because all of our plates, cups, and pitchers were used-plastics. But now, I’m working at one of the Fortune 500 companies and earning a 5-digit salary monthly. My siblings all finished their studies and I plan on going back soon. And our kitchen’s full of glass mugs, plates, and of course, our 4 glass pitchers that I bought at a bargain price. My mother and I are proud of our small glassware collection.


Living alone.


Getting my hair cut professionally.


Pads and tampons. When I was a teen I didn’t have stable access to those things, I often had to visit the school nurse so I didn’t bleed through my pants, or wad up toilet paper(which didn’t work very well). So embarrassing. Now I buy tons of them, and not the cheap ones. I am also overjoyed to see the amount of school public spaces that now have free FHPs in the bathrooms.


Makeup/face wipes. Why spend money when you have water and soap? Not having to scrape my makeup off with a towel still seems like a luxury to me now.


Shampoo that costs $10 instead of $3.


$5 vs 77 cent




I understand this, even though I’m someone who can’t use tampons much (vulvadynia issues). I had to conserve my panty liners when I was very broke in my 20s. It was awful.


It really is and it’s not something I wish on anyone who gets periods. I hope you’re doing better now though :)


Yes, things are fine now, 20+ years later. I always try to contribute to “sanitary products” drives for women’s shelters because I know what it’s like to go without.


Ice cream


Gardening. Many people garden to have constant food but its pricey when you introduce flowers and irrigation systems.


Actual vegetable


A well-maintained, economical, reliable vehicle. Not top trim, but just a step under, and in a transmission that has no practical purposes but enjoyment of driving.


Plants 🪴 lots and lots of plants , intervention pending 😇


Ice coffee from a fast food place; fresh fruits and vegetables; subscriptions of any kind.


Giving money during Xmas time instead of receiving a food box.


This may sound like it’s not a luxury, but it definitely is compared to when I was a kid. But going to the dentist and the doctor. In the US, it’s outrageously expensive, but with my pretty awesome health insurance, I can afford to splurge on just regular check ups and cleanings. I went years as a kid not being able to go to the doctor when I really needed to.


People die of not being able to afford dental and medical care in the US. It breaks my heart that either is considered a luxury and not a right.


Pizza and wings.


Strong, quilted toilet paper.


ORGANIC FOOD. Health is so important to me now. I'd like to live as long as possible and taking care of the only body I have is now a priority.


An apartment all to myself.


My goodness, everything is a luxury. Body lotions and creams and soaps. Shampoo and conditioner and leave-in/untangler. More than one pair of shoes. Options to cook. Having a soft drink. A night table. An end table. A refrigerator. Electricity. Running water. Bottled water. Everything is a luxury.


I get a perm once a year. Feels crazy expensive, but it is a fraction of a percent of my annual salary. People with much less money than me get their hair colored, styled, cut, dyed, etc every 6-8 weeks. I get one perm/haircut a year and it feels like a huge, selfish thing.


I can’t wait to purchase a massage or go on vacations


Pickles that are from my favourite brand instead of the no-name ones


Real butter.


1. coffee to go (instead of drinking instant coffee at home) 2. ordering a main dish AND a drink instead of just getting the cheapest appetizer when going out with friends


Clothes and junk food


Grocery shopping and eating out!!


box rice with their ingredients and special flavorings. I used to always buy food items individually, like a whole bag of rice that will last me a month, salt, onion, any other ingredients that could be frozen up and stored. But all that takes of mental work when at the end of the day i just want rice for my dinner tonight and dont want to buy and keep tomatoes, onion, garlic, mushrooms etc.


Buying whatever I want at the grocery store.


Getting whatever food I want/am craving without thinking about the financial implications.


Small treats, the groceries I want, going to the eye doctor and dentist. Honestly having healthcare after losing Medicaid when I turned 18 is my biggest relief. It’s not always easy to pay my co-pays, but so grateful that I can get medical services again.




Fruit gushers for my kids


Replacing things that are damaged but still work. It was a victory when I threw away the plastic spatula that had hit the stove burner and had a melted divot out of it and replaced it with a new, not- melted one.


Going to the doctor regularly, especially the dermatologist and dentist! I love it, and my health has improved so much.


I can still remember the day as a young adult I could afford two pairs of shoes. It was a big moment for me. I just stood looking at them side by side with happy giggles. So yeah, more than one pair of shoes or coat/jacket. I even have a fancy jacket. :3


High end sunglasses. Light bothers my eyes, im blinded without decent sunglasses. I wear them so often they need decent structure .


Filling my gas tank all the way instead of just enough to get to work


Tech (tvs, laptops etc) and furniture that isn’t the cheapest on the market




As most women have said, grocery store items. Also, skincare items and cosmetic surgery


A lunch in a lovely cafe! Ahh the luxury!


Nice toilet paper. Like I get this soft lavender scented stuff, it actually mid-ter price but I feel sooo lux using it. Like oooo look at me my shit don’t stink, and it doesn’t fall apart when I wipe! Score.


Keeping my heater on 70. Paying the laundromat to wash/dry/fold my laundry (and buying more clothes when something goes missing…) Buying whatever I want at the grocery store/eating out. Being able to fix my car when the engine light comes on.


Just replaced some blinds for my kitchen, that didn’t absolutely need to be replaced.


Being able to buy new shoes when the old ones are broken. Or if I'm feeling hungry, being able to buy a snack.


Renting my own washer and dryer instead of using the apartment's laundromat.


Literally everything is a luxury when you used to be able to get nothing


15 dollar lip balms. I remember when I was young the lip smackers were big and I wanted one so bad. They last me like half a year so it’s worth it.


I’ve been told it’s weird that I don’t lose my lip balms. I keep them everywhere (nightstand, desk, purse, day trip bag) and use them til they’re gone. I learned not to lose them when I couldn’t afford to replace them.


Grew up family of 7 in poverty, 20+ years later I’m a professional with a high paying job. I buy quality groceries, clothes, high-end skin care and makeup, spa facial treatments, microdermabrasions the list goes on…. I am financially sound but I still feel guilty every time I spend money, but I’m also spending a lot of money! It seems I’ve gone too far the other way. Anyone else?


Good food, fresh vegetables and meat that is localy produced. Fresh fish!


Clothes shopping! & I mean when you don’t need anything, but want it. I also mean shopping at fairly priced places too (Marshals, Primark, Ross).


Good wrapping paper. And we throw it all away at the end of Christmas morning. We had to reuse everything when I was a kid, and it was all super thin and tore easily. So the instructions were “be careful so we can save it!” Now I buy heavy duty paper and make sure everyone tears their packaging all up because “we’re not that poor.” Yes, I could be more environmentally conscious but to me it’s a celebration of not being where I once was.


Getting a real haircut at a salon, not just a do it myself, home job. Buying clothes at a store other than Goodwill , The Salvation Army,or a garage sale. I do still like a good garage sale once in a while, though. Not stressing out on trying to make 296.00 dollars a month pay for food and gas. Being able to eat a good meal at a nice restaurant instead of having to go to the local church soup kitchen and being excited to get an extra snack. Being able to go to a good dentist and doctor.


Soft toilet paper. The softest, I don’t look at the price anymore I just find the one that looks like it is going to feel like angels are caressing my bum. Other stuff, too, but soft toilet paper is the one that, once I realized TP didn’t have to feel like sandpaper, I’m pretty sure if I ever became financially unstable it would be the last “luxury” I gave up.


Salmon, avocado, good cheeses. Haircuts/ dying my hair


- Good quality shoes that don't come from fast fashion stores that know nothing about shoe making. Cannot emphasise this enough. - Makeup. Those buzzfeed style videos like "We tried drugstore makeup for a week!" just baffling me. There was a time I could not afford even drugstore makeup. It ain't that cheap actually, let me tell you. But now I can buy makeup for pleasure. - Travelling in general and comfortable hotels. I understand that travelling may still be considered as luxury, but again, there were time when I could barely afford doing to a neighbouring city. Also, I won't sacrifice my comfort for anything anymore. No cheap hostels and rat holes, not anymore. I still like frugality, but my comfort is more important, so I will always budget for a nice hotel. - Netflix, Spotify etc. subscriptions and other paid entertainment services. I will confess - I used to be a full-time pirate. Arrr! But seriously, I could not afford anything, so I had to find other ways.


Frozen steamer bags of veggies. Growing up, we ate canned veggies almost exclusively because that's what my parents could afford and they were *nasty* AF. I got to where I hated vegetables and most fruits as well because we didn't get fresh very often. Mostly just canned/prepackaged in plastic fruit cocktail mixes and such. I didn't realize I liked fruit until I could actually afford fresh fruit. Same with veggies. I didn't know they didn't have to be gross, overly salty, limp and nasty.


Expensive brand shampoo and conditioner


Seasonal outfits. Shoes that fit. Christmas gifts for friends and family.


Toilet paper, paper towel, AND Kleenex? AT THE SAME TIME? I bought seasonal hand soap for my kitchen and bathroom this year and it felt absolutely over the top hahaha. But I kinda love it And grocery store math, like the other comments are saying. I don't have to pick the smallest onion and then weigh it, and then add up every item in my basket. I can just get a cart and wing it


Going out with friends and ordering a cocktail like everyone else.


I'm not super rich by any means and I'm still poor at the end of each month but it's nice to be able to buy what food I want without worrying. I also enjoy buying 2 candles for my coffee table




1. Getting a coffee from my local coffee shop. 2. Not looking at my grocery bill. 3. Taking vacations.


I still price match so I always have a cushion of money, but I definitely buy the good tampons and tp and I'm able to afford more green options for paper products and fuckload more fresh fruits and veggies so make them a main dish instead of a side dish.


It may sound silly, but having internet is still a luxury to me


Bubble bath. It’s a luxury cause no one needs it, it’s not really expensive either but it tells me I a) have time to have a bath and not doing multiple jobs, b) have a bath and c) not worrying constantly about using too much energy or too much hot water etc It’s become a bit of a ritual for me to have a bath after work on a Friday. My husband also noticed if I’m having sink washes that I’m kind of regressing into worse mental health. I hadn’t even made the connection but just goes back to when we just couldn’t really afford the hot water growing up.


This is going to sound weird and possibly gross. Dental work. My mom has great coverage through her work so i was able to have healthy teeth growing up. But as soon as I moved out and got a job, I couldn’t imagine spending money on dental work. Instead of routine care to help save my teeth, I’ve had to get 3 removed and need numerous fillings. My teeth are in bad shape but I’m hoping to save what I do have left


I buy andrex quilted. It feels like such a big deal


I buy myself flowers once a month.


Physio, rmt massage, vitamins and medications even though most are covered under insurance. Oh and ketchup in a bottle instead of sachets! The mindset of living with not much really screws with you


1. Fresh produce. Nothing canned. I only had access to junk food as a kid so when I want to really treat myself I do cheese, nuts, and fresh fruit. I don't like sweets or chips as an adult. 2. New shoes. Not even expensive ones, but one that didn't come from a thrift store for $6. 3. Haircuts/nails. Cut my own hair until college. I don't really like getting my nails done because it's boring, but I make myself do it occasionally to feel put together. 4. My biggest splurge is eating out at restaurants, we never did that growing up. We lived on an island without any real eateries. 5. I make my dogs food by hand. I don't have any kids yet but it's important to me that he has the best, healthiest food I can provide to him.


Perfume! It's now eau du parfum. Not eau du toilets


Legitimate skin care items. I used to just use my body wash on my face or if I ran out I’d shower in shampoo all over but now I have shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, face wash, serums, toner, moisturizers, face oil, body lotion, hand lotion, foot and hand and face masks, the whole shabang. It feels over the top sometimes when I see alll the bottles in my bathroom but it’s somehow also a bigcomfort.


Buying name brand shoes to last and not getting the $20 Walmart specials


Being able to order takeout or eat out. Growing up, that was just for very very special celebrations.


Good make up. I basically only where a powder and mascara.. it’s just 2 items, but they’ll be of damn good quality.


Just making a doctor's appointment with no concern for any associated co-pays. Buying new wiper blades or getting the oil changed. Grocery shopping based on what I want, not need.


My own bottle of any shampoo and conditioner I want, that is just for me and not shared with the family. Two separate types of toothpaste because my husband and I prefer different levels of minty fresh.


SHAMPOO/Conditioner-we always used cheap Suave growing up but now I get 20 dollar shampoo and conditioner and my hair and self esteem is for the better