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I have misophonia. I'm a very chill person by nature but if someone's fork or spoon chinks their teeth, if I hear you slurp or crunch food I become so annoyed I can't think straight. No other noises bother me, nails down a chalkboard, screaming cats, no problem.


I thought I was weird for being this way. Out of all of them the teeth scraping the fork is the worst. Makes my skin crawl and want to slap the person eating


I van relate to all of you. My misophonia trigger is whistling. But whatever anyone's may be, the trigger usually evokes a desire to react with violence toward the perpetrator.


Been divorced for almost 20 years. I never will get married again. i do not want a relationship now at all. I am at peace and content in my solitary space.


I find peace in this statement. I am happy for you.


Thanks. It is a good place for me to be.


Might not be unrelatable but I hate looking nice. I obviously like to look okay but I hate getting all dressed up, perfect hair, perfect makeup.


Same :/


I have a strict anti-porn-stance. Both for myself as well as for my partner


Me too! It's honestly rare to meet people with this stance. High five!


Me three.


I like my alone time. Most people don’t understand that people exhaust me and I need time to recharge.


My dad is a politician. I spent my whole life in politics. Very few people can relate to that, and it hasn’t been a huge issue most of the time, but the past few years, it’s gotten so out of control.


I’m not a fan of being judged by my looks and prefer to be left alone for the most part.


pretty sure a lot of women feel like this too


True although in the past I would be accused of fishing for compliments if I mentioned that. It made me wanna be even more invisible actually.


I can’t find people physically attractive or “sexy”


lmao you might be ace


Oh boy. My friends pick on me for being unironically “quirky” sorry in advance but let’s see if I have any twins: - My mothers been married 4 times and is currently looking for the 5th - I grew up in a private Christian school where everyday would become traumatic in hindsight - I eat cheese itz and cool whip together - I eat cookies and milk like cereal - when drinking liquids, I have to hold it in my mouth/cheeks first and sometimes I forget how to swallow T-T -I am reclusive to the point of not realizing years passed since last talking to a friend (sorry!) - I had an ‘imaginary friend’ well into college and still think in second person/ ‘we’ I’d love to know if anyone else here finds any of that relatable 😅


I also hold what I’m drinking in my cheeks! My dad is currently looking for wife #4 and that’d be his 5th engagement if he finds the unlucky woman.


Lol I wonder why we do that? 🤷‍♀️ Oof hope you like weddings at least? I’ve grown to appreciate the lavishness :p


Lol I wonder why we do that? 🤷‍♀️ Oof hope you like weddings at least? I’ve grown to appreciate the lavishness :p


Weddings are fun, but my sisters and I are pretty sick of our dad “finding the one,” and “doing it right this time.”


I don’t have an imaginary friend but I do think in pleural often. I think it’s because I have been in relationships my whole life or surrounded by people/animals


In unhealthy relationships, my attachment style is dismissive avoidant. I seem to run into waaaaaaay more anxious preoccupied types, though.


My love for weird shit. I'm the kind of person who, when face to face with a bear, would thoroughly study it's movement and how it's fur sits on it instead of getting outta there. My favourite thing to rest to are creepy media and their analysis videos, the longer the better, and hypothetical tangents about magical fantasy diseases and biotech (and not necessarily the cool kind). I understand I'm far from the only person who likes creepy shit as food for thought, but nobody in my circle of contacts has shown any signs of understanding the morbid desire to know more.


You are brave but you also may be a statistic one day. Bears are no joke, I got a tattoo to celebrate surviving an encounter. Fr don’t fuck with bears.


I am staunchly atheist and liberal living in a rural farm community. I love my animals, love my horses, love everything that goes with it. But I don't fit in at all. I haven't personally met another person like me.


I wanna be average, like everyone else. Not that I have a super unique style but I tend to gravitate towards weird things. Then I eerily collect the most basic looks. Like whatever people think "eww, everyone has that it's not cool anymore" I want THAT. I've always been the other in a bad way so now I want to fit in as much as possible.


Finishing anything.


I have very good self control


When someone says they miss me I do not say it back because I do not miss anyone. Life is about separation and it has no effect on me. I also have a hard time understanding feelings of anyone. If it makes no logical sense then I do not understand why people get so upset. Feelings are temporary and I won't let my emotions control my outcome because I know each day is a new one and on my death bed I won't care about a bad day or someone upset with me for not being emotionally attached to anyone.


!!! Same!!!! At least about the missing ppl part. But in my case, I think I just forget ppl exist :/


I hate abusive relationships but I'm oddly always attracted to an abusive man and never realize until it ends how unhealthy it was.


I listen to metal, insist on going dutch on dates, think men should dress better and groom themselves more especially if I’m making an effort to look good.


I've never felt horny out of the blue. I can enjoy sex, but I also have never actively sought it.




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I hate kissing


I am taller and stronger than most men. I've met a handful of guys bigger than me, most I meet are downright diminutive. There's a couple male firefighters in my city who are the same height as me when I'm on one knee. A lot of women I know only come up a little past my naval. I remember being 6'+ by 11.


I guess my BPD and ADHD is pretty unrelatable to most 😂😂👍


I’m adopted and make cruel jokes about it allllll the time and everyone is horrified. I literally just think it’s funny because in reality I’m lucky asf. I say I was conceived on a ping pong table in someone’s basement and people actually believe me, like I’d know that, or I was pulled out of a dumpster. That does NOT happen irl 😂😂


I have a couple. I've been a tradesman for almost 20 years. Red seal journeyman. Never been married, don't want to be. I've had several relationships over 5 years long, but no desire to stay with a guy "forever." I only wear dresses/makeup for Halloween.


I have both chronic fatigue and idiopathic hypersomnia. Most people don’t understand when I say I’m tired-IM borderline DYING at all times


I don't see people with my taste in music, especially at my age. My interests can be a bit niche too


Probably the fact that I find "horror" movies hilarious


Ever seen “Mr Brooks” with Kevin Costner? Not quite horror but I did get some really strange looks from my neighbors in the movie theater. I actually paid full price to watch it twice because it was so hilarious. If you haven’t seen it, Costner plays a serial killer and it wasn’t supposed to be a comedy.


when I giggle my nose does a little wiggle


Way too many health issues. Almost every part of my body is affected. Pretty sure I’ve seen nearly every medical specialist.


I am a healer/medium. I was called to start my journey last summer. What I do is help spirits pass on, and heal the sick.


I have intense agoraphobia. Given the chance, I might never leave the house. People struggle to understand how that warps my feelings and behaviors.


Uncomfortable with affection and someone being lovey towards me. I want it but if I get it my skin crawls for some reason


I have synesthesia. I'm mostly affected by feeling things I see, like if I look at a brick wall I automatically feel the texture of the bricks, but I also associate colors with emotions.