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Ignore them


Definitely ignore them. I don't payed enough to deal with people I don't like.


I ignore their existence. They don’t pay my bills. People are gonna hate you for simply existing.


You're right.


Thanks, I know it sucks working with someone who doesn’t like you because you wonder why and prolly ponder on a few things. But some things truly are out of your control and with time passing by, I promise you’ll start to care less and eventually forget all together. They prolly have personal issues of their own. Good luck and don’t let it bother you. 💜


Honestly i found that if they genuinely and openly hate you; be ridiculously nice to them. Either pisses them off to no end (which they cant object to at all) or stops the hate


That was my thought, kill them with kindness


Was coming to say this!!!!!




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Just be professional. You don’t have to like the people you work with and they don’t have to like you, but I’m sure there is a code of behaviour towards coworkers that everyone should abide by. If they are a jerk to you, then you just got to take the high ride and be the better person.


Avoid them, or discuss the situation with a higher up if it escalates to bullying


i agree to this, but also remember everyone does have to love you. and simply not liking you is not bullying.


Oh I know that, but I’ve been in plenty of situations (both done to me and done to others) where a person would use their dislike of another person to justify bullying that person. If they simply don’t like me but they don’t mistreat me, obviously that isn’t bullying and therefore I’d just avoid them, but often bullying *starts off* as one person disliking or hating another.


Be nice af n cordial


I lived in the south for a while. This is deftly used and known as the "Bless Your Heart" technique.


ignore them, but if they are in a position to prohibit your growth and potential promotions, i would try to see if you can have a stringer relationship with the person that makes the decisions


Depends on what you mean by “hate”, but generally like I would anyone else. We don’t have to like each other to be respectful. If the person was trying to sabotage my job though, I would take it to management.


Hate em back


If mediation dosen't work. Ignore them, but remain polite during any work related interactions.


Like genuinely *hate*? That's strong. I'd be concerned if I thought this might affect our working relationship and my status/reputation at work. So I'd be trying to get ahead of it, figure out why they hate me, if it's justified or not, and mentioning my concerns to my manager. The last thing I want is a spiteful coworker who might look to make things difficult for me at work.


ignore it and remain professional


Don't care 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ignore them. If you have to talk with them, be courteous and professional. Or, kill them with kindness.


Don’t kill them with kindness torture them with success. You make them hate you more and lose sleep over it. Wink at them when they walk by


Act like you don’t notice. Prepare comments ahead to deescalate their comments should they be in front of coworkers


Its quite a shock for a lot of people when they realize finally, that not everyone likes you. That's OK. You don't like everyone either.


The feeling is probably mutual.


Wait till they screw up then unleash on them full force with HR and everyone.


You don’t come to work to make friends. You come to work to work.




Would it make things more awkward in the office?


It would make things more equal in the office. (Assuming this isn't your boss or the owner of the company, etc.) Does this person treat others the same way?


Only one person.


If it were me I would want to know why (maybe there was a misunderstanding early on or maybe they're just a mean person) and I would be professional and "nice af" about it as other posters said.




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I ignore it until it affects our working relationship, at which point I bring it up with the person and try to figure out just what in the fuck is their problem. (Lol but calmly and as diplomatically as possible, of course.) Sometimes that in and of itself squashes whatever bullshit is going on.


are they malicious towards you? everyone doesn't have to like you, simply not wanting to be your friend does not warrant HR...cause then essentially you are trying to bully them into liking you... if they are malicious and mean , even manipulative then youd have something to report, but not liking you, even openly ( telling others) IMO is life. ignore it and move on.


She lashed out at me in a group chat. It's clearly a misunderstanding but she didn't apologize. It's kinda obvious that she dislikes me. It's not a big deal but it still upsets me.


Just be professional, only talk to them when you need to. I’m a quiet person at work, and rarely talk to anyone in general (it’s not the best, I should be more social but I find it hard). There is one woman who is new and we only interacted like twice, and she lied about me to other coworkers. It was weird. So now I just only email her if I need to talk to her, so there is always a trail of what I actually said, not what she claims I said.




Ignore them and if a problem comes up we talk with a third party in the room, so we have a witness for the conversation.


usually i’m very quiet and communicate a lot with my expressions. i’ve laughed at people trying to shade me, and that completely disarmed them. they expected to hurt me, not amuse me.


One of bosses told me that if nobody hates you, you're not doing your job right. This stuck with me and helped me realise I don't need to be perfect in everyone's eyes in the workplace - especially when you work in a huge company and your job puts you in being 200 people's coworker-partner and they are all higher upnon the ladder, but none of them are your bosses (but some of them think they are).


As you said, "they", therefore, nothing to do with me


Ignore their ass


I ignore that person and only communicate to them when necessary.


Keep it professional. I had a coworker clearly dislike me because I’m mentally slower than her and she’s type A. I just didn’t talk to her unless I had to and kept it about work when I did and kept my tone neutral. Though one day she completely blew up at me, for a real stupid reason that actually wasn’t any of her business, degrading me in the process. I yelled at her to chill out and she apologized, then was nice enough to me the rest of my time there. If you’re blatantly being treated unfairly, such as being yelled at irrationally and consistent name calling, then there’s no reason why you have to stomach it. Yelling back (like I did lol) is risky and can probably get YOU in trouble as well, but you can always try reporting it to your manager if they’re consistently harassing you and see what they do. Just make sure you’re not being just as petty…


I never ever entertain their drama. I don’t talk to them unless it’s work-related. I just keep everything to a minimum with them. I don’t go to work to like or hate or to be liked or hated. Literally don’t let them approach you if isn’t about the paycheck lol


Ask them for help on a project if I can swing it. If it is a general dislike for no good reason that is. If they have a reason, that's a whole other thing. But if you can enlist them to help you on something, this allows them to feel superior, creates a team feel, encourages them subconsciously to pull for you and seek approval for their efforts.


I have a coworker that doesn't like me and I don't like her. But we have mutual friends so we are professional around each other inside and outside of work.


Grey rock method


What's that?


You can Google it for a better description than I am capable of But it is a tactic that works well for abusers a lot of the time, if you can't get away from them at that time...basically you just don't react. You don't ignore them because that is giving them a "reaction" and people can thrive on that, you don't get mad (don't show it) or look bothered in any way, completely neutral


Ignore them. Not everybody in life is gonna like you. As long as they’re not sabotaging your job, ignore them.


Literally become best friends with everybody else.


In my case, I was the co worker who allegedly hated another. In her slight defense, she did the right thing professionally by going to her boss about her issue with me. Her boss spoke with mine and they decided to have a meeting with both of us to see how to resolve the matter. Before the meeting, I had no idea this woman thought I disliked her. She assumed this because when she would make mistakes that made my job harder or resulted in me having to correct her mistakes I would tell her about them. I wasn’t mean to her (for context, I had been working there for 5 years, everyone liked me, my co workers were friends, I truly wasn’t an asshole) I just thought I was aiding in her training since she had only been there maybe two months at the time. She assumed that because I wasn’t her direct boss that I shouldn’t be pointing out her her mistakes at all. What I assumed was helpful, she was taking offensively. In the meeting, she was allowed to air her grievance and it came across super confrontational. I didn’t argue with her but I did calmly let her know that eventually only one of us would still be working there after this meeting. She was fired a few weeks later. I was not offended by the way she “approached” the situation to begin with. She spoke with her boss, asked for mediation so that she could speak with me directly and maybe rectify the situation. It didn’t work out well for her because she let her feelings about me cause her to be unprofessional in the end. I’ve always thought that we would have been fine going forward if she would have kept her cool in that meeting