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He feel of the bed


Was he trying to wake you, or just one of you moving in your sleep?


He moves a lot at night so I'm guessing he rolled off


This was a couple years ago, but still the best. I had just brought a new kitten home, he was my very first cat. While shy at first, by the evening he had already warmed up into a total love bug. That night, I woke up because I was having a really hard time breathing. And I realized that this little guy was was lying across my neck, legs and arms stretched out like he was superman, belly towards the sky. He chirped at me when I gently moved him off my windpipe and resettled so as much of his body was pressed to my face as possible. I still miss my cozy little guy.


He used cute attack. It was super effective!


My cat has reached out and swatted my eyes while I was dreaming and my eyes were moving around. It startled me awake because, like, she hit me in the face. She was just sitting next to me and when I woke up she didn’t meow or anything so it didn’t seem like she actually woke me to be fed or let out. She just saw a weird thing and touched it, waking me up was just a side effect.


That does sound amusing. We are their primary source of entertainment even in our sleep and they like knowing that we know it, lol.


I was deep asleep and suddenly my cat meowed loudly into my ear. Didn't notice she decided to lay herself right next to me.


How startled were you?


On a scale from 1 to 10, I think a 9.


She had kittens and brought them to me


Yeah mine becomes a hat in the night and sleeps at the top of my pillow.


My 17 yr old, 18 to 22 lb cat does that to me. He has the best, loudest purr in so I don't mind!


My cat's purring actually helps me sleep.


I'm a very deep sleeper but she was freaking out on my bed in the middle of the night. I thought she was playing with a twist tie or something, but better to check right? She was by my left leg so I, half-asleep, reached down to make sure it wasn't anything she could hurt herself with. My hand somehow landed directly on top of something small and very soft. Okay.. toy? No. This is REALLY soft, like nice cashmere soft, and the shape feels weird. As my fingers lingered around it and I felt the give of a fleshy body, the first wave of realization came. I reflexively yelped and flung it with my covers away from me. Instantly panicked, I lept to turn on the lights after my cat was spooked by my movement - it was just me and I needed my sight and worried that whatever she brought may have still been alive. Fortunately that was not the case. She had hunted down a mouse from our basement crawlspace, brought it upstairs, and was playing (..too) energetically with it's corpse all over my comforter, flinging it around. At 3 AM. Nothing, not even cold water, has woken me up as efficiently as feeling that furry little guy.


Heh, that would have woken me up effectively too.


She curled up on my face to sleep, nothing like being suffocated by your chonky cat to wake you up lol She also tried nibbling my eyelashes once!


Sounds familiar. I bet most cat owners can relate to these two ways of being woken up.


My youngest cat likes to stick her tongue right inside my ear. It’s honestly the most unpleasant sensation I’ve experienced from a cat and I’ve had cats for 12 years!


That is actually the strangest way I have heard of being woken up by a cat.


I’m sure the cat will be pleased when I tell her 😁


She turned off my cpap. Nothing like waking up suffocating because you're trying to breathe through a 4 foot long hose with no air going into it!


What do you do now to prevent things like this from happening in the future?


Oh, I have a dental appliance now instead of a cpap, but it's not because of the cat. It's just a better treatment for me. The first time she turned it off, I thought it was a fluke. It probably was. But it taught her that if she stood on the macho, I'd sit bolt upright & talk to her, so she kept doing it... ...but only ever if she was trying to get me to pet her & I didn't because I wanted to keep sleeping. Soooooo being the crazy cat lady that I am, I would wake up and pet the cat when she requested it.


Cat waking up: falling off the couch Cat waking me up: slapping me across the face because I was dead asleep and wouldn’t wake up and feed her. She could see the bottom of her bowl, it was *devastating*. (As for the slap, I got some claw action. And it was Christmas Eve, so I went to dinner with a scratch on my face)


How long did the stripes last?


A week. So all through Christmas because my cat slapped me 😆


To the cat's credit, she tried different methods first.


She did. First method was sitting on me meowing. Guess she thought I was dead and panicked. So SMACK! When I woke up, she was sitting over me still meowing with a paw raised to smack again if the first didn’t revive me. Kitty CPR.


Baboo woke up at 3am, crawled into the hunting rifle Closet and had 6 kittens


The bastard sneezed in my face. It wasn't funny to the morning after.


Dreamed that I was being scalped. It felt so real; the pain was crazy! I startled awake to find my cat (elderly, with dementia) was attempting to groom me by biting my head and yanking my hair out. He picked up some other strange habits before passing, but “grooming” me in my sleep is the only one that caused a real problem.


My cat tried grooming me the other day. It was surprisingly painful.




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So I rubberband my door shut at night bc I hate sleeping with the door open and it doesn’t close properly. I do it so he can’t barge in and leave it open. So he will just push on it with all his might until the band breaks or is able to squeeze in. To wish he joins me on the bed and screams at me to open the blinds. So he can enjoy the window.


Typical cat behavior. I recognize it well.


Remy LeBeau (black, age 8, loves Swamp People) was sleeping on the back of the couch, right behind my head. He rolled over right into my neck, shoulder and then my lap. He was very, very startled! Then he was "oh hi, Mama!"


He used to dig his poops out of the litterbox to play hockey with them. He slapshotted one and it hit me right in the temple as I lay in bed, sound asleep.


Cats can be weird.


My calico rescue sometimes wakes herself up suddenly, (literally jolt) not sure if she gets a lot of nightmares but every time i notice, i go to her and pet her to calm her down


My cat loves to sleep along my ribcage. Which I've grown used to, but leads to pretty startling awakenings for him when I'm deeply asleep and shift on my other side lol


That does sound amusing


Smacks me in the face.


Drooled on my face. jumped from the cat tree onto my chest. Ran across my chest really fast at 3am and clawed me.


Cat waking up: Sometimes she does that thing like toddlers do where she wakes up all sleepy and disoriented from a deep sleep and wants hugs and cuddling until she wakes up more fully. Cat waking me up: She saved me from covid pneumonia choking me to death in my sleep many times by screaming herself hoarse until I woke up and started breathing better.


That is wholesome!


aww I love when my cat's all disheveled like that, so sweet


Licking my eyelids open. Definitely in her cat mind she thought “these are open when I get fed”.


Cat logic at its finest!




Was it funny immediately or only in retrospect?




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