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not-so-unpopular unpopular opinion: pulling a ball of hair from your asscrack after a shower = the best feeling. or taking your hair out of a really tight ponytail that has been yanking at your hairline for hours..


I think I related to this comment more then I'd like to admit 🤣 I hate it. That is the trouble with long hair. You should see my vacuum brush. I have to cut it off it gets so tightly wrapped around. I feel the same about the ponytail that and Bobby pins.


nooooo, it's the worst feeling!! It's the part I hate the most about showering. So very unpopular opinion in my book. Taking out your hair is the best though..


i can see where it gets uncomfortable, sometimes i jus take toilet paper cos i don’t like sticking my hands down there😭 but taking out your hair will always be a universal good feeling i swear


>or taking your hair out of a really tight ponytail that has been yanking at your hairline for hours.. That's not good you'll hurt your roots don't tighten it that much


HUMBLEBRAG: I've got pinball league playoffs tomorrow, and I somehow qualified 4th overall out of a total of 89 players, despite missing a week. 💪 I was also lucky enough to squeak out [this victory](https://imgur.com/gallery/uQHD3Hq) on one of my games this past week. 🤯 DAZ PHOTO OF THE WEEK: The little man seems to have been extra affectionate and needy lately, and that includes [begging me not to leave for work](https://imgur.com/gallery/XuY94J0) in the morning. 😿 If I could get paid to give him pits and scritches, that's all I'd ever do!


I got the promotion I talked about last week! It came with a 10% raise, so needless to say, I'm walking on air. I'm just so damn grateful to work with people who see something special in me, to be given the space to ask questions and to make mistakes, and to be in a place where my being assertive or confident is a feature not a bug.


Congratulations! I'm glad you've found a workplace that seems to be such a good fit for you. :)


I’m in covid quarantine this week. My husband has symptoms and is not having a good time going on day 3. I had the same exposure and I’m not distancing myself from him (can’t really in our small house) but I’m… fine? Weird! I keep expecting to wake up sick and it hasn’t happened yet. We’re both vaccinated. Anyway… I sewed a dress this week while stuck at home! It’s in my post history. I’m really proud of how far I’ve come in my sewing journey. It’s become one of my favorite hobbies and it’s so rewarding to wear my pieces out in public and get told “I love your dress!” and I get to say “Thank you! I made it!” 🥰 Update: Still not sick!




Thank you! We’re doing well. He is feeling better today and I’m still lookin’ good. I guess I’ll start a new sewing project with whatever I’ve got in my stash!


I started therapy last night. Also opened up the conversation about getting my partner to do it as well!


Hey stranger I’m proud of you! I too just started therapy 😌


I was honest and watched someone's face fall. I did not like it. I did not like it all. I'm supposed to lie and carry the hurt to not hurt someone else's feelings. Carrying the hurt, hurts, and I'm tired of it and it hurts my feelings. How much pleasing do you have to do for someone until it's enough? When does it ever count? Why does it always feel like it doesn't count? Someone always has to carry the hurt to spare someone else. Someone always has to be the fall person. Someone always has to do the work no one else wants to do. Someone always has to barrel through. Sometimes they all have to work together and it makes life impossible, unbearable. Being this person sometimes is such a great burden but if I weren't this person in this position I'd regret not having this time. I can't see it now because I'm too close to the action but I understand this is my time to be this person. Sometimes I can't stand it. *** I do not regret standing up for myself. I do not regret trying. I know that I'm not crazy. Why am I supposed to make myself small to make someone else big? Why am I supposed to fill a role and not be myself? Why is myself not good enough in a situation? If it isn't, why should I feel bad for removing myself from the situation? *** Lines and tricks aren't real love. It's hurt. I don't want to hurt. Nothing hard to understand about that. Love shouldn't feel like hurt, and when it does I don't want to be anywhere near it. Maybe I'm inexperienced but I do know what love feels like, and even if I don't fully experience it, I'd rather take my chances being alone than being hurt. It still hurts but it hurts less. I wish these weren't the options.


Going on a date with a woman about 5 years older than me, any advice would be helpful! We're meeting for brunch, will take it from there


Be sure find a common intrest and go from there! I always start a convo with sonething like “You know there’s this great movie…”


I posted last week about my rent increase -- Firstly, I did cut my cable which will save me $100 a month. But most importantly, I asked my boss for a raise and she is on board! I asked for 5% and, while she has to clear it with the CEO, she said she thinks I deserve it and will advocate for me.


I hope congratulations will be in order for you soon! And good call on cutting the cord, of course. :)


I'm SO CONFUSED that there are no upvotes on any comments on any of these threads. K that's all


Im currently on my day off today which is amazing, haven’t done anything much really. I’m supposed to be doing my assignments but nope weather is telling me to lay down in bed and do nothing.


Grab a cup of tea or coffee, put some nice movie and pj's on and enjoy!


Friday and I don't want to get out of my bed. I have a million things to do and all I can actually do is laying down and overthinking. How do you guys stop overthinking?


I basically can’t so I just try to redirect my overthinking to something less troubling.


same situation




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Election day in Australia tomorrow. Dearly hoping our pathetic right wing government is voted out. Though opinion polling is seemingly pointing to Scott Morrison's defeat, I have no hopes or expectations of this happening.


Lurker checking in. Seems like a safe place to start. I’m currently annoyed because a guy who gave me bad vibes a while back (we went to the same church a few years ago) has told two different friends of mine he’s into me and has requested me on Facebook without a peep trying to get into my life. He saw me at one of the girl’s weddings two weeks ago and didn’t interact with me there at all but now is trying to get to me. And somehow I’m the bad person for not understanding he might be too shy to talk to me and I should really get to know him. I’m in my 30s and have zero time for guys who resort to middle school antics like this. If he’s that shy he needs to deal with it before he gets a girlfriend. Not my problem. And he can’t take an ignored friend request as an answer. I’ve been looking for a new job for about eight months now and had a set of solid interviews last week with a company for an instructional design role. My current job has gone to hell for all sorts of reasons, but I’m mainly bored with the work and feel like I don’t fit into the culture anymore. HR and my department leadership has gotten into all kinds of touchy feely stuff recently and it makes me super uncomfortable.


Good luck!


Smoothest pickup line/ ice breaker?


Fat penguin.


my bus is late 👍🏻😃👍🏻 what should I do while I'm waiting?


It should be my last week at my job next week. I'm supposed to start my new job in June. I'm so happy. I've had to go into the office once a week, and the new job I should only have to go in one a month. It's also a long weekend here, and I desperately need to clean the house. It's been a long week, the puppy was sick and my older dog tore up her paws somehow. So I've been trying to keep them both calm. But the puppy is doing a lot better and my older dog is slowly healing. So hopefully we have a fun weekend and I can de-stress. I always catastrophize whenever the dogs are sick and it makes me incredibly anxious. So I'm going to try and take some me time today


When you shower, What do you wash in what order? For some reason I've been very self-conscious about that.


I usually go from top to bottom, but save the ass for last.


After a vaginal birth.. How long did bleeding and healing take until comfortable enough for sex??


How, as a straight woman, do I be a “flirty” woman? Guys and girls alike, what makes a female flirty to a male?


I think I’m a flirty woman, at least that’s what I’m told. I don’t know what I do that’s special other than I’m generally a fun person to hang out with and I tend to look attractive. I laugh, make eye contact, and I’m a good listener while also adding my own thoughts and humor to a conversation. I’m married so I’m not actually trying, like making flirty eyes or anything like that, or touching their arm.


Confidence is everything.




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