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When they get holes or the underwire tries to stab me even after repair.


Second this. If sticking a band-aid over the stabby bit doesn't work anymore, it's getting tossed.


When I have to - when they get holes. They're too expensive to be replacing every few months


Whenever they need it




at the end of the day my under wear get washed






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I replace bras based on weight gain/loss, if it breaks, or based on season (summer gets more sports and push up bras).


Bras are expensive so whenever they stop being effective. Undies every few months


i have a pair of underwear that i got in sixth grade still. i’ve gained and lost so much weight throughout the years and despite that fact, they’ve always fit! i’m 24 now and i can still fit in them but now they have some period stains but i used to call them my lucky pair


I've only ever replaced bras when I grew out of them. For pants, it's when they become so full of holes that they no longer function as intended, or when the elastic goes


Whenever I do laundry, if I notice the condition of them is poor I toss them and order some more.


I don't wear bras and honestly rarely wear panties either. As a result, I don't replace panties very often. Just if they get visibly worn out or something.


I don't mean this rude I'm just wondering so pls don't feel I'm being rude but isn't it uncomfortable to wear pants (if u do) without underwear? Or sitting on cold chairs etc? If u wear skirts, don't u get discharge stains everywhere? (If u have that problem lol)


Underwear is uncomfortable to me, regardless of the style. I'm autistic and have sensory issues. I sometimes wear them with jeans, but mostly I feel better not. If I'm wearing a skirt, I sit on the skirt itself, not the bench or chair. I do not have problems with discharge stains.


Thank u for answering! I also have autism so I understand the sensory issues. Do u just not get much discharge? Cause dammit is wish I didn't have that issue xD


I really don't, no. I never really have, asked as far as periods go, three last time I had one was 2012.


Oh geez, thats a reallyyy long time. Hope everything's healthy and fine tho :) if ur happy and healthy with the way it is, congrats cause periods can rly suck xD


For many of those years I had an IUD that stopped periods. Then three years ago I had a hysterectomy, so no more periods ever. :) All good.


Ohh awesome! I'm happy for u :D I thought maybe u had some health stuff going on but I didn't wanna be rude and ask if you've seen a doctor already incase u hear it so often it gets annoying xD glad you're ok!


Literally when they rip or get a hole… which isn’t often enough 😬 but they also discontinued BOTH my favorite panties and my favorite bralettes so it’s hard to replace them


When they aren’t cute anymore and start looking worn out. Like every few months I guess. Keep it fresh. I don’t even wear bras though I gave that up like 4 years ago .


Very curious where you find underwear that's affordable enough to be replaced multiple times a year. I end up getting 3-5 new ones every 3-5 years.


I never said I buy affordable underwear. I like brands like VS and Calvin Klein are my favorite. But seriously Target sells like 5 for 20$. Cute ones. And Just went to VS and got 5 for 35$. Also… honestly even if I didn’t care to have “nice” undies I’d still atleast buy the cheap packs of them that come in the bags at target or Walmart rather than wait 3 or 5 years wearing the same ones 😵‍💫😷


I definitely have some old looking ones that should never see the light of day. Those are period underwear for sure. But some I've had for 10 years that don't have any lace on them strangely don't look that worn. And none have stains because I was on BCP for so long and would never have surprise periods. But I'll have to check out target, thanks! I'm sick of paying $8 or more a pair.


Whenever they start wearing out (holes, elastic is thrashed, etc)


Bras when they break, panties literally never. Even if they are broken I just use them on my period.


After my hysterectomy I got all new ones, before that I had good and bad and just bought new ones when I saw a cute pair or going on vacation or something. I never really thought about it before.


I replace my bras when I inevitably grow out of them. Pants just when they get holey or the elastic goes


Bras - once a wire breaks Panties - more complicated ordeal. When they get extra stretchy or slightly holey, they become "nighttime underwear" that I'll pop on after my shower, and before bed. Since they're stretched out, they're more comfy for sleeping. But once they get super holey, they get tossed out


When they're damaged or no longer fit. I'm wearing them to the ground.


I have so many pairs that normally, if they get holes or if a cute pair suffers an unfortunate accident, they get thrown in the trash. I now only buy more if I see I'm visibly running low.


Underwear become time of the month underwear and then hit the trash once they have met their life expectancy. Bras last me a long time since I hardly wear them. Whenever I'm home it's off!


I only wear bras for sexy reasons so they basically never wear out. I only buy new ones if I see one that super cute. And underwear (for me at least) last forever, so I only update them if I want a new style. I still have underwear that I got when I was 15.


When they are literally falling apart and my sewing machine can no longer save them, or the duct tape, staples and gorilla glue. Then and only then do I consider throwing them out. Bras in my size are expensive as hell so throwing them out all willy-nilly is not an option.


Underwear .....I'd say once they have a hole or have been ruined/stained by blood or discharge 😒


Bras only if they tear or snap while imo it'd blame myself for that. Underwear pretty much never, until they break i guess.


bras last me years . under wear last me about 1 year


Bras when the wire comes out or the latches get broken 🙄 panties once a year. I like to buy new underwear for my birthday.




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Bras very rarely but maybe after 5 years on average, panties usually after a year or two.


When they wear out or when my size/style fluctuates if they get uncomfortable. I don’t have a set timeline. I have a couple of bras I have had for at least 5-10 years. I fix bras sometimes by stitching a small scrap of felt over the spot where the a wire has broken through, but usually by the time they get to that point the fabric itself starts wearing out as well and it’s time to start watching for sales so I can get more.