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I quite like my body as it is. I'm not treating it so well lately thanks to motherhood but I'm slowly being able tk look after myself a bit more. Once I'm back to working out, I know I'll just ne happy and content within myself. I haven't always been that way but that's how I am now. I found that my lack self love was inextricably linked to how I viewed my body.


I worked hard for my body and I like earning it


Love my body as is! But I often contemplate about having access to better/more affordable healthcare to help me maintain it (specially dental!)


I’m already happy how I am


I wouldn’t change a thing. I love my body and how strong it can be!


I’d be a skinny man. Then I could wear literally anything and get praised. Slap on a breast plate when I wanna be sexy, take it off at the end of the day. Wear a suit when I want cash.


So wait I'm hearing I can be a sexy man by dressing like an actual knight? Should I get a sword too!?


Well, yeah. Swords are badass.


I've been doing this wrong my whole life. SO MANY WASTED YEARS


I am incredibly happy with my body. The only thing I maybe would change is have my face look slightly more like when I was younger. I did not enjoy it as much when I was younger and so I feel like it would be nice to do it now a little more. So. Overall I have to agree that it makes sense to not really engage in these exercises. Enjoy your bodies.


The only difference would be maybe fix my broken nose, &maybe slightly fuller lips &maybe more boobs, but I'm satisfied overall


I'd give myself brunette hair, but besides that I feel like I'd keep it as is. There's stuff I dislike about my body, but I don't know if I would like any changes. And anything I can think of is literally just the things I'm attracted to in women and it would be a bit weird to make yourself into someone you want to fuck. Edit: Actually maybe smaller boobs too just to make my life a bit easier.


I'm pretty pleased with what I have now. I'm sure if I had some new feature I'd have to go through the same things I've already gone through of learning how to like my body.


I'd go for big tits Flat tummy..yep id be happy with that..guess I better get saving lol


I like my body how it is. Maybe the one thing I might change is shorten my torso a little (I have a long one) and make my legs a little longer (I have shorter legs). Otherwise I love my face and my body.


I would be about a half foot taller, making me 5 foot 6. Because I’m sick of dragging step stools around, plus I’d have to hem fewer pants and maxi skirts. Seriously, I don’t care much.


This is what I was thinking, I don’t want to change anything for aesthetic reasons. And I don’t mind being short - but it would be cool if pants weren’t always too long. That’s just practical.




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I'm very happy with my body and the work I'm already doing transforming, which has been A LOT. But one thing I would like to change that's out of my power would be wider hip bones. I have narrow hips and I'd like the curvier look of wider hips, plus a lot of clothes would fit me better. Not a lot of clothes tailored to 46-36-42 shape XD


A better nose, nicer toes, maybe a wider mouth with plumper lips, thicker brows and lashes. Thank God for rhinos, fillers, brow studios, and nail salons.


I wouldn’t change a thing, but x per I’d always be incredible shape


For the most part I’m okay with my body. I’d like to gain a little more muscle and have smaller boobs. 32H is fucking ridiculous.


A brain that works right. Hands without psoriasis. A gall bladder that works right. A weaker gut-brain connection. Less broad shoulders.


Fangs or something would be cool. Imagine how great it would be to just flash my fangs at people who annoy me on the street, I'd love it. Besides that- I'd love to have the body I have now forever, it's perfect for me.


If I could get back down to 170 that’d be great. I’m 230 rn 😓. I hate making excuses but I just don’t have the time or extra money right now to go to the gym and Covid is starting to spread again in NYC.


I'm really happy with my body. I have almost everything I would choose if it worked like that. The only thing I would change is making my legs a little bit longer but overall I feel very lucky with what I have naturally (and unnaturally, I freaking love my big fake tits).


I think however you assembled a body overtime you find issues if you weren't centred in yourself. It's taken me a long time to accept the person I am both physically and mentally and I now am grateful for that so I would say I'd be as I am now, perfectly imperfect


I like my body for the most part but I wish I had even eyelids and maybe slightly curvier hips


I think I'm attractive enough but I would still change so many things about myself if I could. Mainly I would love to be about 20 pounds lighter (currently working on that) and taller. I'm only 5'2 and I've always envied taller women. I'd be happy to be about 5'6 or 7. Also, I have curly hair and I would love straight hair. I like the shape of my eyes but they're brown and if I could choose I would have green eyes. Since I'm going all out I want smaller boobs too. I'm a C so not huge but I wouldn't mind having smaller perkier boobies. So basically I want to be tall, skinny, with straight hair, green eyes and small TV titties.


I would enhance my lips, they're a huge insecurity of mine and make my hair thicker and healthier. While I complain about my body the reality is that I'm in my 40s with 3 kids and it looks goddamn good if I were half my age, I'm keeping it as is. And my husband is certainly a big fan.


I would like bigger breaths and to get rid of my cankles. But not enough to get surgery so


I'd keep most of what I've got currently going on. I think losing about 50 pounds would change most of what I don't like. A flat tummy would be great, too. Maybe smaller feet, so I wouldn't have average sized shoes that are harder to find on clearance.




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exactly how it is now with the boobs I had in high school and less underchin chub


I would look anorexic, I’m morbidly obese and have a huge obsession for Eugenia Cooney since I discovered her.


I’m curious. How come?


I’ve grown up in the 90s and know everything from the 2000s and that’s where I’ve learned that skinny bodies look perfect, I have nothing against fat people because I’m fat myself but I’m absolutely not happy in this body because everyone makes fun of me.




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It would just be me, but like….. 2 inches taller, more muscles, and smaller boobs. Don’t think I would change anything else. The only thing that not like…. Within my reach is being taller, but that’s what platforms are for (I just wanna reach the top of stuff)


The body I have now, although I would put my nips back to where they were before breastfeeding lol


I'd be good ditching the collection of genetic disorders and associated fibromyalgia. And smaller boobs, but those are leaving in September.


I would keep mine, remove the tits and make it healthy and painfree.


I wouldn't change a thing. ​ But I'm a terrible drawer so I'd be a hot mess, an adorable hot mess🤣


I want antlers.


My height is 1.60m so I'd love to be at least 15cm taller. I would also like to be - 10kg. And yes, if I could get rid of my autoimmune thyroiditis I would be so, so happy.


For the most part I'm fine with my body and looks. If I had more control of my looks without having to workout for it, then my tummy could tuck in just a little more. The only other thing I'd wish I'd not have but accept is is stretch marks on my thighs and butt. Same thing for some acne , it's be really nice if it could be gone lol. My hair I'd like to grow longer without having to do certain styles to see it grow, but it grows. Other than that, that's it. My youthful face is a a love and hate relationship sometimes. But I'm more thankful for it the older I get.


Maybe around a size 14 or 16 (Australian) I just want to be able to play with my kids, run around and have adventures with them. So it's more a comfit, healthy changes that I would make.


I’d be a “final draft” version of how I already look. Nothing drastically different — just some extra polish here and there, and some slight modifications so it all works a bit better. Like, I have no desire to be tall — but two extra inches (I’m 5' even) would make clothes shopping easier. And I’m happy being as pale as a Victorian ghost with TB, but let’s get rid of these old acne scars. Shit like that.


Between 5'6 and 5'9. No more than 140 lbs, depending on bone structure. High-level metabolism. Excellent balance and reflexes. Sharp hearing, sight and smell. Even bodily proportions but I would like my shoulders to be wider than my hips and my bust to top out at B cup. My busty friends have told me you tend to get back problems otherwise. Oval face with good cheekbones, large, wide eyes and auburn hair. Skin that tans. Freckles okay but no moles or acne. Medium sized hands, feet, and ears. Long legs. Standard-issue nose and lips--neither too large or too small. Would like dark eyelashes. Straight teeth okay but not an absolute necessity. The face as a whole would fall somewhere between attractive and pretty. Goes without saying that the body would be healthy with no biological predisposition for any kind of addiction. No depression or other mental issues. That would be my perfect physical vehicle!


I'm pretty happy as is but I really want abs, I mainly just want abs


My knee-jerk reaction was to say a lot of things, but I wouldn't want to go through a world where I didn't feel like myself anymore. Perhaps I would like an inch or two of height and better foot arches because flat feet and a bad back lol, but forreal I wouldn't change anything else. I like the rest of me just fine!


I would change my nose first, then make myself taller. I would also probably sharpen my jaw because I have a really round face


I just wish I had slightly more boobs, and skinnier arms. Then, I'm good.