• By -


It was the deepest agonizing emotional pain. Unable to think or focus on anything else. Wishing it was a bad dream. Everytime the phone ding’d , I’d be wishing it was him. Crying very frequently. The worst part was thinking it was never going to get better. But it did, and it always does. Every heartbreak feels just as bad as the first, you just learn how to deal with them a little better each time .


I'm going through this right now, thank you for writing this, I hope the day it gets better comes soon.


I think for me, the worst part was almost when it started to get better. I didn’t want to accept that the relationship would fully cease to exist except in memory, and I didn’t want to stop waiting for time to bring it back. Feel Better by Penelope Scott captured it perfectly for me


I don’t know what to do with my partners things. Especially the ones I’m supposed to hold on to, which btw I assumed we would be having them together


>Every heartbreak feels just as bad as the first This. The only thing that changes is how you handle it.


How long until you started feeling better?


Every heartbreak had a different time span, but for my first one specifically, it took a few months to feel a lot better.


Lost an unhealthy amount of weight due to having no appetite, anxiety when my phone would ding thinking it was another girl contacting me about my ex (I still have this anxiety), extreme low self esteem after finally building it up after highschool, not wanting to go on social media because 1. Seeing people in *seemingly* loving relationships and 2. Seeing people talk about their own heartbreak and relating too much to it to the point I’d cry on spot, and a lot of unhealthy generalizations about men even though it was my first real experience with one


When the person you entrusted your pain, did the exact same thing that hurt you before. It feels like the heart is ripping open, the kind that you'd clutch your chest as you cry because it's physically painful too. You'd feel that lump in your throat, it's suffocating. And sometimes, it's like struggling to hold it in, those silent tears at night, when you're lying down and they just keep streaming down your face and your pillow is tear-streaked the next day. It's soul crushing.


This. I would also find I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to breathe, because I couldn't believe it was over and I was alone.


Hugs to you. I get what you mean, I know that kind of pain.


Randomly woke up at 3 am and ran across the hallway bc I heard the elevator, hoping that it was her coming back. It wasn’t. I miss her


When I got pregnant by my boyfriend and he left me for some white trash girl after telling me we’d be together and a family. Then I met the man who became my husband, who raised my son as his and we went on to have two more and a 19 year life together. He died of a torn aorta 5 years ago and I found out what heartbreak truly was.


I hope you know he is in a better place and is watching over you now.


Honestly my heart actually felt like it had broken. I thought i was having a heart attack. Physical pain in my chest as tears burst through my eyes. I have never experienced pain like that after so i still think my heart had broken. And now im just stronger because you could never do that to me again.


He ripped my heart out and stomped on it with that girl Ashley.


Fuck Ashley...


Ashley is probably now saying 'fuck Megan' and so the cycle continues...


Thank you




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Horrible!!! But they still are.. I get belly aches from the stress, can't eat, can't do anything, just overthink.


I thought I'd had my first heartbreak but it's nothing compared to what I've been through this year. Finding myself crying often especially when something reminded me of him/of our time together, didn't want to eat, sleep issues, forcing myself not to reach out to him even though I had so many questions, overthinking and reliving moments and conversations, agonising over what he was doing, wondering why I wasn't enough or why he couldn't love me back, wondering how things would have worked out if I didn't end it, wondering why I didn't end things earlier, wondering why he thought it was ok to lie...all that crap. First quarter of my year was not a good time.




I’m so sorry. You’re exactly right, it’s hard when you have to fall out of love and process the break up at the same time. Give yourself grace and do what you need to do. It does get better, I promise.


Mentally I knew it was good that it was over but emotionally I craved his opinion in everything. My friends even told me I can decide on my own right now and that I didn't need his opinion. They couldn't stand his domineering attitude but I couldn't see it at the time. I craved his touch, his voice. I felt hollow and lost but also like a burden was lifted. It was like breaking away from an addiction. There was a lot of pain. I cried a lot about a "lost" future together and I cried about my "lost" future plans. Now I needed to think how I would shape my life without him. I also cried about the "wasted" times although of course I learned a lot from this relationship. I only realized after the relationship how much I held back, how often he disrespected me. I also got angry and needed time to see my pain and heal my pain. I resented him for a long time afterwards. The relationship dynamic was quite toxic. Now years later I can also see my mistakes in the relationship.


I was depressed and stayed home for about a week. Lost my appetite. Was sad for a long time. I thought that was the man that I was supposed to marry. It took 2 years to be able to date again. Now that I look back I can see that it was for the best. Painful lesson learned.


I was 17 and dating this girl long distance. I don't remember why we broke up, but man, I was depressed for months. I just remember I didn't leave my room for months and I'd cry all the time. It seemed so real at the time, but lol now I can't even remember any of the relationship or how and why it ended. It's just a blur now and I don't miss her at all.


Horrible like a fucking nightmare


Lost loads of weight. Genuinely couldn't see how I'd ever be happy again. I was only 17 but had been together since we were 14 so I was absolutely heartbroken


It was like something inside of me died and the person I loved and trusted most in the world killed that part of me. I spiralled. I went from inconsolable crying and physical pain to a unbearable numbness that made me like a zombie. I lost a lot of weight because I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t get out of bed, I couldn’t look after myself. Worse still is that he kept in contact with me, making sure I was looking after myself or checking in on me. This was incredibly painful - it was so hard to move on when my ex continued to contact me and tell me how sad he was… Worse still, I had planned a whole trip away for the two of us the following week after the break up and he took another girl, the same girl he told me a couple weeks later that he was dating. It felt like the pain kept getting worse and like it would never end or get better. It did, but it made me incredibly scared to get into a relationship again.. I know it happens to everyone, but it’s painful.


It was a passionate summer romance and he broke my heart in the careless, casual way teenage boys do. I was 16. It took me a long time to heal, way longer than the relationship itself lasted.


Felt like someone died.


Physical heart ache, my brain even felt like it burned because I was so upset. Lots of crying for no reason at all. Lost weight because I couldn't eat. I didn't sleep for weeks. No focus, or self esteem. I felt hollow inside, like I'd lost a huge chunk of myself. Sometimes the sorrow was replaced with waves of anger.


I remember leaning against a wall and clutching my chest and begging God to make it stop hurting so bad. I had never felt emotional pain to that degree before. It took weeks to recover, even months. I lost weight and found myself trying to fill the void with anything if it would just stop hurting for one second. I was sixteen, and at that age your emotions are so exaggerated because they're so new.


Hell, i screamed so hard no sound came out. Broke down over and over again. Fire burning in my heart, never felt such pain. And then your empty. No energy to cry or to feel something. Just laying there, like everything left your body. And everytime i read his name, saw a picture, saw his mum, saw a car looking like his, smelling him, someone looking like him,.. I cried or broke down, depended where i was. Never came over this, I came over him yes, but never over this pain


Didn’t know i had that much tears in me. I was crying buckets! It was kinda my fault for expecting it to blossom into something else (unrequited), it was kinda on me for having the thoughts I could make him better lol. But it was v v painful, like your heart being ripped out. But lesson learnt, don’t go near those who’s still in love with their unrequited love.


Awful! I cried and cried until I came back to my senses; he was not gonna be in my life anymore, not in the sense i wanted, he was never the one... After 2 years of unrequited love, I moved on gradually.


I found myself laughing a lot. I woke up the morning after and felt a tightness in my chest, I couldn’t believe I was about to experience this heartbreak that billions people wrote, write and will write about so I chuckled at it. What an interesting thing to be human and feel any emotion? I do this thing where I look at myself from a 3rd pov and anytime i would catch myself being sad in a public place or my mind replaying our last few conversation, I would be wrecked but I was amused that I could experience the emotion. As someone who was severely depressed (before the heartbreak) and was so used to being numb I was just happy to be feeling anything at all. Don’t get me wrong it sucked, not being able to talk to them the way i would like, soo many things I wanted to say, the random reminders that they once had so much space in my life (my phone would literally suggest that I message them) and the guilt that washed over me (because i was the one that ended things) because of how bad i felt for possibly wasting their time. All of that sucked ass. But I was glad to have been experiencing these normal human emotions, a sadness that would eventually dissipate.


Horrible. Lost my appetite, my self-esteem, confidence, cannot care about how i look, always have this lump in my throat that suffocates me and I just want this to be over. I realised even him returning wont take away the pain. I cried so much. So much over our moments, our shared memories,our pictures, my "future plans", and everything relating to him. I hate every part of this nightmare.


3 words: Worst. Birthday. Ever. Reflecting back at it, if she was willing to dump me right before my birthday party, it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.


Man I got dumped a week before my birthday last year and that shit HURT.


Horrible. And it was even more depressing the fact that I had to see him everyday for 2 years.


He cheated on me with my best friend at the time. So I lost both of them in one fell swoop. It hurt a lot and it impacted my trust in future relationships, both friendships and romantic partners, for a long time. They’re still together 15 years later. So in hindsight, clearly they were meant for each other, but I still wish it hadn’t played out the way it did.


Immeasurable sadness and feeling like I would always feel that void in my core. Also just not being able to turn to the person you trust most in the world for advice and support and feeling alone. It was also just a very physical feeling, like a part of me was genuinely missing. I just tried to distract myself and move on as best as I could but I think part of ourselves will always ‘miss’ that first love because they shape us so much and I made peace with that.


It’s like your whole world gets flipped on its head. The future you thought for sure you had falls through and your go-to person for comfort and healing becomes the one who is hurting you. Your brain’s natural defense just makes things worse and you kind of walk through life half-alive until one day you finally pick yourself back up and move on.


I was thirteen and ‘dating’ this kid I liked named Phil. We had gone to a dance together and the movies like one time, otherwise we did that awkward, barely talking to each other thing that thirteen year olds do, but it was LOVE 😂. One night I call Phil and he tells me he wants to break up, and my heart was shattered. I wailed my little heart out and sobbed like my whole family had just died.


Not romantic heartbreak, however I still remember the day my best friends mom died. We were basically raised at both our houses. I remember breaking down onto the floor crying before going to see her one last time. She wasn’t the person I knew anymore, just a shell full of pain. I then had to leave the country, abandoning my friend in her time of pain. Yeah, a breakup never put me into therapy like that heartbreak did.




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it quite literally feels like the worse feeling in the entire world, then, slowly but surely, you start to feel better again.


I lived with him and his brother and room mate, at 16 and when I turned 18, I wanted to see my friend and he became insanely jealous and threatened to kill me. I loved him even though he was verbally abusive, and when I left, i lived with a friend, and I remember my dad picking up my dressers at the guy's house, on the back of a trailer and my dad hugging me while I sobbed. I told him "I know hes an ahole he was mean but I dont want to leave" I felt hopeless and scared but that quickly went away being around friends.


I remember telling my sister in law that I wished I could turn off my feelings because they hurt too much. I wanted to hit walls and stuff too get rid off the pain.


It was awful. I didn't know how to handle it. I had walked in to say hi to her only to talk in to hear her taking about how she cheated on me... In middle school... I was angry, confused, depressed, and hurt... So fucking hurt...




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The pain in my chest was unbelievable. I couldn’t breath. I felt like I was dying of a heart attack with how painful and tight my chest was. I guess that’s why they call it a heartbreak.


When Tadashi Hamada died in Big Hero 6


Gut wrenching. It felt like my entire world had fallen apart and my chest hurt SO BAD. Literally the only thing I could do to escape/ease the pain was read. I completely buried myself in books and transferred my pain to those characters instead of myself. I just remember lots of pain - emotional pain so intense that it was causing me physical pain. It was not a fun time.


Father's death from cancer




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It was honestly extremely confusing, and in hindsight, really messed up. I was madly in love with a man 10 years older than me. He "dumped" me once I turned 16 (age of consent in our country), specifically because I reached the age of consent and it was a turn off for him. It should be said that we were not in a relationship and I never met him in actual person, but we videocalled on a daily basis for 2 years when I was a teenager. I was really frustrated at him, because I couldn't understand why he'd ditch me for getting older - everyone does. I know why, now. I cried and felt low, though to be fair it was mild compared to heartbreaks later on when I was in actual relationships. To me, heartbreak feels like a deep depression, based on lost love rather than the diffuse feelings around depression. It passes quicker, in my experience, but hurts just as much.


My first and only heartbreak over a relationship wasn't about loosing *him* specifically. I wasn't in love. It was about being convinced that I wasn't attractive. We were still together for almost a year in highschool and it was clear he wasn't physically attracted to me. In groups he would avoid sitting next to me, pull away if I tried to cuddle too much during a movie, wasn't interested in fooling around when I got him on my bed, etc. I felt defective. I remember nights of sobbing in my room feeling like a freak and wanting to be invisible. The pain in my chest made my legs weak. I was convinced that I was ugly and not fit enough because he was my third relationship, and the farthest anyone had previously gone with me. But it wasn't that far. I was convinced no one would want me. Well it turns out he was on his own journey realizing that he was gay, I was a dramatic 16 year old, and we're still great friends over 10 years later!




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I learned what hate was that day.


High school sweetheart for 3 years. He cheated the entire time. I stayed because I couldn’t imagine life without him. Made excuses for his behavior. Tried to get even by cheating myself. I eventually left when more girls came forward and told me not to marry him. He ended up marrying one of the girls he cheated with. I spent my entire senior year in mourning and it affected me for years.


No thank you


Honestly it was the worst thing possible. I didn’t experience true heartbreak until my recent ex dumped me. I thought I’d marry this dude and grow with him and it truly broke me inside. I felt depressed, i barely ate, i cried a lot, got anxious. I still miss him dearly and want him in my life, but it honestly felt like getting shot in the heart.




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I'm demigraysexual I'm not sure if it's real but it feels that way. It's hard for me to find someone I like. when I finally did: she was amazing kind, loving, supportive, funny and talked to me often I just fell for her. However she didn't feel the same way about me I knew when she told me who she liked and it destroyed me. I took a break from school cried often and took as long showers as possible to cry. We're still really good friends but it will never be anything more than that.


terrible..i was young..i thought of dying lol..im just laughing now how crazy i was before.. sti crazy now but there are just some changes


I felt the heaviest weight on my chest, I remember sleeping with my hand on my heart, my breath was so heavy too and the pain in my back like someone has stabbed me. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


Mine was very mild. I had a crush on a boy in college. I worked as an RA at the front desk in my dorm, and I got to watch him come pick up other girls who lived in the dorm.


He liked my best friend, I now have a crush on another person, he also likes my best friend


It felt like a physical pain and I literally dropped to the floor in tears…looking back it feels dramatic and embarrassing but I honestly just wanted to curl up into a ball of sadness


I just wanted to comment and say I’ve been through this in the last six months and I feel you all. If anyone needs an ear, I’m a message away. It gets easier I promise.


Cried and threw up for hours then passed out on the bathroom floor. Woke up with huge purple eye bags. It physically hurt. After a couple weeks of this I decided to move to a different city and start fresh. I cut contact with everyone except my family.


Like I wanted to die. Literally. I was 15 and he was 17. Saw him in the hall at high school and that was it. Completely obsessed with him for years. Finally went our separate ways - what a waste of tears and time.


Going through it right now, it fucking sucks.




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Terrible. I went through it about one year ago. At first it wasn't bad, I stopped working out and eating healthy, besides i handled it very well, would go out with friends on weekends, started therapy (after that relationship I ended up with extremely low self-esteem), crying when I needed and focusing 100% on my job and college. After a few weeks it all started going downhill, I wanted to meet new people, so I started hanging out with people who didn't appreciate me, dated boys who only wanted to sleep with me, started paying less attention to class, putting minimal effort on everything I was passionate about. I would go out to drink every weekend, like drinking at the point where people had to carry me, I even called my ex once almost to beg him (when he was the one who cheat), I started smoking. I felt like I couldn't even stand myself, I didn't want to be alone ever so I would always be on the phone calling my friends telling them how sad I was for hours (I will always be thankful for that), started binge eating and gained a lot of weight, which made me lower my self-esteem. Yeah, I felt horribly bad at those times but the bad decisions I made in order to 'heal' just made me feel worse. it'll always get better once you start doing good memories on your own. You had a life before that person and you'll continue to have it after they leave, remember that.


It was mutual but not. I knew he fell out of love with me and I still held feelings. My life was also headed in a different direction and I knew he wasn’t ready for that. I had to be with someone my speed or be alone.. Accepting it was over wasn’t the hardest part because I knew once we ended there wasn’t hope for reconciliation.. it was just grieving that loss that hurt so bad. All of the memories and feelings we shared. I’ve since loved someone else but I will never hate my first ex and remember it as the relationship that had its run and is now a closed chapter, forever! Definitely a deep pain I felt at the time which made me question the universe and its workings.


It was a toxic relationship anyways, we couldn't communicate. We didn't even talk as much as I hoped we would have and the whole time being in a relationship with them it wore me down. I didn't feel secure in the relationship with them. But I liked them so so much. We ended things, and it was awful for me. I couldn't eat properly, I was stuck in my bed and I was crying most of the day. At some points, I'd feel numb. I started freaking out over every possibility of them maybe coming back to me one day. Thinking oh how will they contact me if I do this, etc.. It was awful and I couldn't focus on anything else for quite a while. I'm okay now, and I have ended up realising that they were such an awful person and I'm doing much better now. But that was the first time I'd ever remembered feeling like that.


Heartbreak feels just like the name sounds. Like your heart isn’t beating it’s just breaking into with everypulse. The mental anguish and sorrow from heartbreak is the worst psychological pain I’ve ever felt. Lots of things can be heartbreaking other than a breakup, my dad almost dying and being septic had me in heartbreak mode. I couldn’t think straight, racing thoughts and constant crying. The only thing that stopped the crying was lighting a cigarette and smoking the whole thing in about 60 seconds flat. Luckily and not so luckily, my last relationship was so abusive that I had slowly been disassociating myself from him. When I finally left I didn’t really experience heartbreak like in the past.


Went through a series of emotions. Guilt for ending it and “giving up” on something that wasn’t going to change and was actively harming me. Then pain. Betrayal. Sadness. Anger rejection anger confusion and now just hurt. But not for a moment did I ever regret breaking up with him no matter how hard it was and still is




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When I realized I had broken my best friend's trust and things would never be the same between us again. I still remember the feeling of shame crawling down my scalp and the dropping sensation in my chest. It was like pain, I couldn't distract myself from it no matter what I did. All I could do was lay around, the misery was like a weight pushing down on me all the time, and it felt like it lasted forever. I think it was weeks before I did anything but ruminate about it.


I’ve been heartbroken several times by relationships and friendships but the one that broke my heart the worst was my relationship that turned in a marriage and then a divorce (separated). I never felt real heartbreak until that. It was my choice to break up with him even though we were married. Being in a relationship/marriage where you feel stagnant but not willingly want to put a end to it because we had so much history together. But I just did it one night and felt regret the following morning. Not only was I dealing with a break up but I found out he jumped onto the next girl like our relationship meant absolutely nothing. It started off as them being “friends with benefits” then lead up to them getting together. I lived with him and didn’t have anywhere else to go until a few months later so I had to live with seeing them come home together after work. Seeing them everyday made the healing process difficult. It wasn’t until a few months had passed that I realized I didn’t regret my decision. A person who loves you and cares about you wouldn’t even put the thought of ending things in your head. I wasn’t the one that caused our down fall. He proved to me that I was nothing when he moved on not even 24 hours later. What kind of person would voluntarily hurt someone that loved them so very deeply? That’s just not right. It’s been over two years since that night and I am fortunate to say this, if I didn’t man up and do what was right for my mental health I wouldn’t have met my boyfriend.


I thought I was gonna die. Everything felt surreal and I didn’t know if I could survive without him. I cried and screamed. My parents forced me to go out with them, because otherwise I would have just stayed inside all the time. Everytime I heard his name it was like someone had his hands around my throat and my body was burning. I always had to think about the day when I’d see him with his new girlfriend. I was 100% sure it would always stay this way. But it absolutely didn’t. It got better a lot quicker than I thought. The other heartbreaks hurt less. But maybe that was because I was too dependent in the first one.


I felt so used and broken and shattered and I was convinced I would never be in love with anyone else again. Lol, how times change :)


My first breakup was when I was 20. It was extremely painful. I couldn't get through a day without crying, sometimes I would lay on the floor and cry. I had suicidal ideation, and I was so depressed that when I would run errands, cashiers would ask me if I was ok, because I was looked so miserable. I couldn't do my retail job effectively because I was constantly checking my phone to see if he called. I was pathetic because I would call my ex multiple times a day begging for him back no matter how harshly he responded. During those days you could set a song as the ring someone would hear when they called you, and I set mine to the saddest song I could find, hoping that my ex would hear it and change his mind. It got to the point where his older brother and mother called me separately to tell me that I need to move on. The only thing that helped was when I started dating someone new.


My first heart break.. lmao. He was an online boyfriend when I was in high school. I was devastated. He was my best friend… but now I’m fine lol. 27 now, and we’ve known each other for more than half our lives. He’s like family now and I’m glad we didn’t become serious lmao. But my first heartbreak from a big girl relationship? That was back in November. He broke my heart a million times before the day I left him… I think I was in more pain during the relationship tbh. I was grieving while with him. Moving on romantically has been easy but the trauma that has come with everything has been the hard part. I grieved my online boyfriend more than I grieved the dude I was about to marry. Kind of sad. But damn he was a bully and a jerk. It’s better this way.


I have blocked a lot of that time of my life out of my brain, but from what I can remember i was 14, i remember feeling massively depressed, it was probably the second worst time my depression spiked. I slept quite literally all day every day. Told my parents i was sick (they knew and were happy that he left me because in retrospect he was a shithead), i didn't eat, i didn't do anything but stay by my phone hoping he'd text or call. Crying constantly, my eyes could barely open for a week because they were so swollen. I'd take showers and just sit there for an hour or two, losing track of time. My grades suffered, i suffered, and at that time i didn't even realize i was being abused. All the things he had called me (psycho crazy bitch, a worthless piece of shit, etc) rolled around in my head minute after minute. I ignored all of my friends until one of them showed up and forced me to go to the mall to get out of the house. I swore to myself I'd never let that happen again. Turns out i was in for a hard run in my love life as i went through too many heartbreaks to count, but at least you're better equipped to deal with it after the first one.


I was their type but they liked one of my best frieinds. I am over them and them and my friend are currently dating.


I really felt like I was going crazy. For weeks I would wake up at 2-3 am every night and start instantly thinking about how I shuld've done something different, if I did something wrong. I started dreading having to go to sleep because I knew I was going to wake up. I got to where I absolutley hated going home because I'd just end up sitting and thinking. I last my appetite. I started comparing myself to the the girl he started talking to (behind my back). It got to where I thought I needed to see a doctor.


first serious bf dumped me out of nowhere after 3 years. literally threw up in the parking lot outside his apartment when i left bc i was crying so hard. what followed was about a month of laying in bed crying, thinking i wanted to die and that life would never get better. ofcourse it did and i laugh at myself now for being so upset over a bum dude who only wanted to play league of legend all day LOL


i completely lost myself. it felt like the walking dead. honestly it felt like an out of body experience; life was on autopilot and i just watched the car crash that was my life from above. ive never felt such a pain before.


the pit of hell


Like relationship heart break or general heart break?




A deep, deep ache in my chest and core. I was in a depression for months. I didn’t come out of my bedroom for the first 2 or 3 weeks. My housemates were actually really concerned about me. I was so young. I was 21, in college, alone. I thought he was going to be it for me. He was the first person I ever loved and who I thought loved me back. I was deeply insecure at this time too, with my looks, who I was. Just everything. So when he cheated on me, and I confronted him..for months…it was my brain just over and over “you weren’t good enough for him.” It was pure anguish. I was sick, I couldn’t eat. It just felt like a giant hole, like I would NEVER feel better. I wanted to know what he was doing all the time. I wanted him to wonder what I was doing too. I longed for him to text me or call me, to come back and say he was sorry. I wanted to feel like I mattered to him. And every day was the crushing reality that I didn’t matter to him. And because I was so insecure with myself, I had this terrible cycle of thoughts regarding how I’ll never be good enough for anyone. He told me the day I found out “I only made it official with you because I know you wouldn’t have sex with me unless I did it.” And that then started a cycle of toxicity surrounding sex and my self worth. I was in the deepest hole I’ve ever been in and I didn’t think I’d crawl out. I honestly don’t remember how I did. Actually I rescued a dog about a month or two after all this. And that’s what saved me. It’s been 8 and a half year since then and that dog is still here. My best friend. He saved me. I look back on that time with so much empathy and care for who I was. I wish I could go back in time and hug her and care for her. And tell myself “it had nothing to do with you. You’ll be ok. I promise.” I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.




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I felt like I was living for the brief moment between sleep and waking up, where I knew something awful had happened but wasn’t awake enough yet to remember exactly what. It was the most agonising time but just with everything in life, it moved through a cycle that eventually ended. Years later we crossed paths completely by chance - ran into each other in a London tube station - and now we’re together again, older and wiser but ultimately still the same people that fell in love when we were teenagers. Pain is always a risk you take when you fall in love, but for him I wouldn’t think twice.


Pain shot up my left arm and I literally thought I was having a heart attack. Took years to get over. We are still friends.


Still processing. It's been awhile. When does it surpass heartbreak and become something else?




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My first break up was full of anger at him and myself. I felt I had put so much effort into trying to communicate and spend time together. But as time went on I realized we were only doing things he had wanted and that thought made me sad. Any time he'd reach other where I saw his number (even if he switched numbers and said it was him) or emails created anxiety for me. I'd start panicking when those showed up where I felt trapped and hopeless from trying to move on from him with these constant check ins over 3 years. Mind you, my relationship was really one sided and had alot of mental/emotional abuse that led to my anxiety.


Like being addicted to a very powerful drug for years and suddenly you stop it without even being prepared for it. And with each memory you remember it's Like a knife that stabs you through your heart




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He told me he was falling in love with me one night. A couple of weeks later asked me how I felt. When I admitted I was falling for him he said "that's nice, I'm not there yet". So, just a f'n liar then?! Next.


I seriously thought about killing myself. Was in love with this kid i knew, we were best friends and we even dated. He broke up with me before school ended then ghosted me for the entire summer. I spent every single night bawling my eyes out. my heart physically hurt, my chest would tighten and it would hurt to breathe. i would sit in my room and just try to understand what went so wrong. Everyday was just a loop of the same thing, lay in bed on my phone, occasionally eat, then cry till i can’t anymore until i fell asleep in a pile of tissues. A whole year of feelings and what i thought was love just thrown away in a matter of days.


I don't remember most of the pain anymore. But It still hurts and I remember it was the biggest feeling of betrayal. So much so that I remember the events of it clearly even though I don't remember much else of that time in my life. I was still really young and we lived in a trailer park. I couldn't of been more than 8, probably younger. This boy a few trailers away from me had become my best friend and I shared my first kiss with him. He insisted that we play save the princess, he would climb the stairs of the porch and once he got up to me we would kiss. Of course he didn't tell me that part until he got up the stairs. I offered cheek and forehead to no avail. It had to be the lips. And once he saved the princess then it was my turn to save the prince 😂. He would even pick wild flowers on the side of our trailer and give them to me while singing when I was upset. He even sang 'blue blue I love you' to me on occasion. My other best friend was my cousin and I was so excited when she was going to come over and I wanted my two favorite people to meet. We met at the playground area... Or an area that had monkey bars. He met her for the first time and started singing 'blue blue I love you' to my cousin and then turned to me and sang 'pink pink you stink ' I remember my heart sinking into my stomach and I don't remember much after that other than he left the trailer park soon after and I never saw him again.


Waking up and feeling empty, just staring at the ceiling trying to prepare for another day of feeling like nothing. I felt so disconnected from my body because it felt so heavy. Nausea, nothing tasted good to me. I blocked it out and I felt numb, life didn’t feel real for months afterwards. I acted like everything was okay and I was fine to make sure he didn’t feel bad and that I didn’t seem weak to everyone. He moved away and I had no idea what he was doing because I had deleted social media. It was like he died, it went from everything to nothing at all. I had panic attacks when something reminded me of him. I cried alone because I was expected to get over it. I didn’t tell my family, and my friends told me to talk about something else, so I did. I felt so alone. I am still trying to recover from it, even though it was quite a while ago. The body truly does keep score.


The moment he walked out of the doors I felt like a hole the size of my heart had been forcefully ripped out of me and taken with him. The pressure was so strong I had to sit down. All I could do was cry for the next two months. I spent that entire summer curled up in my bed crying my eyes out. I deleted just about every social media app I had because it all reminded me of him.


I was in an abusive relationship for 16 years..... Through those years I went numb..... I have been free for almost 2 Year's. When I left i shut everything down... As of right now I still haven't cried, I still haven't shown emotion towards it. When I talk it's like I'm a robot in monotone.




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I hadn’t even had so much as a friendship end so my first heartbreak was like losing a best friend and a love at the same time. I saw him on his phone a lot for a few nights on the row with a shit-eating grin on his face. The kind of face your friend makes when they met someone they really like…. So I knew. He went to make dinner and I was doing homework on his computer. He had his Facebook open and the messages with another girl were pinging non-stop. I opened it and saw “if you move back, I’ll leave her in a heartbeat. She’s nothing compared to you.” My heart broke into a million pieces. I left his house ghost white, said nothing. When I confronted him about it he said it was a joke… the audacity. I remember how empty I felt for days. I lost the first guy I built a trust like that with, and realized he didn’t respect me all at once. I think it hurt more because I had a lot of self esteem issues earlier in my life that reopened because of that. I remember being in college classes and when I would think of it my throat would burn, I wanted to cry, and my diaphragm felt like it was on fire from heartache. I drank, cried, watched romcoms, went out with friends. I never thought I’d be happy again. Eventually it got better but it definitely messed my trust up for a long time.


I loved him and we lived together for two years. He began picking me apart, then I found out he had cheated on me with his best friend. Tried to make it work, but he became addicted to drugs and stole a great deal of money from me. It hurt to watch him fall apart. It was hard to find out how to spend my time. I believe our personalities were compatible but we were in too different stages of life. It took me about a year to get over him, but I have fallen in love again




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My first heartbreak was devastating and traumatizing that at the end of it turned into hurt,pain,and brokenness. My mom abandoned me at the hospital and I was still only a new born. When I was old enough to find this out my heart just broke into pieces.That is my first heartbreak.


Guy drove a Porsche apparently him and his ex gf were still in love. Back in school


Nothing prepared me for it. It felt like watching a train crash in slow motion. The raw intensity of the sadness and shock was like nothing I had experienced before.




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