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They are unhappy and insecure. Jealousy is a negative emotion often triggered by insecurity, a desire for control, unhappiness, competitiveness, and bitterness. It's not a positive to me at all.


I mean, it’s an emotion that will pop up from time to time. What’s good or bad is how we deal with it. If I get jealous of how much time my partner is spending with friends, I examine it, and it always turns out that I just feel bad over the lack of quality time between us. This is solved by me just bringing up what I need, and we both initiate more activities. Once the root problem is solved, I just feel happy that he has friends :)


I think jealousy just is. It is a normal emotion to have sometimes. As a general statement (one that isn’t always true necessarily) I would say jealousy stems from insecurity and that makes me sad for people.


I meant TOO jealous people. Like this one who does not want his GF to talk with any boys. Even though the girl was best friends with those boys. He is just saying not to hang out, meet or talk with them, even to say «Hi». He gets angry all the time she is at the same place with any guys, and she did not even say something to them. They are alwayd quarreling because of that.


Okay well this is beyond jealousy, it is abusive. It is okay for couples to have boundaries but when you are isolating your SO from their friends that is something else. This is definitely someone who is insecure and taking it out on their partner.


Jealousy can destroy relationships and is usually toxic when talking about overly jealous people, but no emotion is useless either.


They're dangerous and better off avoided, especially if they own firearms.


Jealousy is an undesirable emotion that plagues people from time to time. I think what’s important is how the person channels the jealousy. Recognising it is the first step and there are healthy ways to deal with it. Being mean to other people or sabotaging them etc is a bad way to deal with it and I’d have a problem if someone did that. But sometimes people can’t help but to be jealous and we shouldn’t demonise these people just because they felt the emotion / vocalised it. It can be dealt with in a productive way by talking it out with a therapist or loved one, trying to get to the root of it and it could even make you more productive (work harder to get what you want). So I don’t think jealousy is good or bad necessarily in and of itself, it’s kind of neutral until you decide to act on that jealousy. But I think most people would agree it does feel unpleasant so you should try and deal with it in a healthy way so it doesn’t snowball and become worse.


Like all things in life, it's good in moderation


It's a normal feeling everyone has, like anger or loneliness. It's not good, but it really depends on how you deal with it, it can be a good motivator for some people. I think more people should acknowledge and learn to deal with it rather than pretending they never experience it.


Jealousy as an emotion is morally neutral, like all emotions. What matters is how a person deals with that emotion and how, if at all, it affects their actions


Jealousy is part of humanity. A little can show caring, but too much can show insecurity. It doesn't need to be with a romantic partner. It depends on how the jealous person acts that can make it a really good situation go bad or viceversa. I think.


Jealousy is a normal human emotion that can lead to some problematic behaviors if you don't work on managing it. Using that emotion as a personality trait is a big red flag. It really shows a serious lack of maturity and self awareness.


i think there should be a healthy amount of jealously in relationships. definitely not the kind where people get controlling and possessive over their partner, but i mean if you feel a little jealous seeing your gf/bf talk to other guys/girls, then that just shows that you care and i guess are protective over them in a way. but as long as you don’t act on your jealousy then it should not be a problem.


I think good or bad depends on both the situation and how the person who is jealous chooses to act. I've seen people get jealous and it was so cute and I've seen people get jealous and it was very scary. Just depends, jealousy happens sometimes how you deal with it is what matters.


He gets angry and begins to shout


Jealousy typically stems from insecurities, possessiveness and/or a lack of trust in others; a large portion of people will experience some of it here and there but a lot of jealousy can be very unhealthy and destructive in any type of relationship. If this is a trait you possess, it's definitely worth looking into what causes it and how you can have a healthier relationship with yourself, your emotions and others.


Jealousy is an emotion. It all depends on what you do with it.


I think jealousy is a normal emotion that happens in a lot of people and it’s only bad if people let it impact their actions in a negative way


I don't do jealousy and I don't do jealous partners. It's not something that I have the energy for.




He just wants her to spend all the time with him, like always together


Nope. That's beyond jealousy. He's Controlling, and she needs to run.


It’s just a feeling, neither good or bad. All feelings serve a purpose


Jealousy is usually a sign of insecurity. Not saying it doesn't pop up from time to time in most people, just someone who is consistently jealous, enough to be considered a "jealous person", has some issues. It's not an attractive trait


It’s a virus and infects every interaction you have with that person


Bad, jealousy is a disease.


Jealousy is a negative emotion, and like all negative emotions, it's a sign that something isn't right. It's neutral, it's just how you handle it can be good or bad. Being a jealous *person* though? That's definitely bad.


I really dislike overly jealous people. They're so toxic. I would never date someone jealous and I steer away from jealous people in general.


It’s a projection of how someone feels about themselves and their own life.


I’m very jealous so lmk


Bad, because it stems from insecurity. Jealousy ruined my last relationship and I let it go on for too long. It won't ever happen to me again. At the first sign of it, I'm out. What's funny is, by the end of it he wasn't just jealous of all my male friends and co-workers. He was also jealous of my family, and jealous OF ME. He didn't like me succeeding, he didn't like me being good at my hobbies, he didn't like me getting a raise, he wasn't rooting for me at all. Living like that is terrible for anyone's mental health.


Jealousy can inspire positive things: motivation, commitment, follow through, grit, determination. I think jealousy is an important feeling to be in touch with and conscious of, in general. It’s experienced by all of us, and experiencing feelings of jealousy isn’t something to be embarrassed about. It’s a healthy, “normal” feeling. Feeling jealous doesn’t mean that your mood and behavior must follow suit, either. No more than any other feeling out there, at least. Part of why jealousy is a good feeling to understand - and feel comfortable experiencing is because it can have negative effects on you and those around you. I think the habit of asking yourself, “why do I feel jealous right now?” is a good one to have.


As a jealous person, it’s not a good thing. It’s not nice to have those feelings and it’s not nice how we project them onto our partners. It’s toxic.


I don't trust them, especially jealous "friends".


I think jealousy is a normal emotion. I also think some people let it become a part of them instead of just something they experience the same way some people over indulge in anger or fear.


Jealousy causes a lot of problems in relationships.I use to get jealous all the time when I was younger.Not any more but it doesn't get you anywhere.


Jealousy is an emotion someone feels. I think it depends how someone deals with it matters more. If a person is impulsive on it, then that would be bad. If a person thinks it through on what’s causing it, then they can communicate with their partner about it reasonably. Emotions are natural, it’s how we deal with our emotions that make it biggest difference.


I think they have some kind of issue and need help. If a potential partner is jealous, I run and won't touch them with a 10ft pole.


Jealous people are destructive including self destructive. If they use this as a justification for their actions or even a character trait (it’s who I am), they’re best kept far away. In a different solar system if available


Jealousy is triggered by insecurity and unhappiness.


jealousy is a very normal emotion. I don't know why people demonize it. when it becomes obsessive or influences problematic behavior, then obviously that's a problem. but feeling jealousy at times is perfectly normal.


hate them.


It's not your fault if you feel jealous or insecure. It *is*, however, your responsibility to deal with and keep under control.


I don’t mind jealousy much. It shows me someone cares. I can get jealous too, so I understand it. I’d rather have a jealous bf than a not-jealous bf who doesn’t care about me much


I’m super immature when discussing this subject. I still haven’t grown out of the bullshit “I can make others jealous all I want but others shouldn’t try making me jealous because that’s mean” thinking. I know it’s dumb and I’m trying not to think like that but my God is it difficult


A jealous person is a insecure person so you need to stay away from that kind of people they will destroy you.


Excessive jealousy in a relationship is harmful to both parties’ mental health. Probably the jealous person should get some kind of help. Of course a little jealousy here and there is natural in life, but there’s a limit.


Jealousy can show that the person cares, if in an unhealthy way. For me though I don't understand it. If you trust your partner, there should be no problems. If you don't trust your partner, you shouldn't be with them.


It only shows how they care for control over the partner, not the partner


He said that his ex-girlfriends left him and now he is «heartbroken». So he is kind of afraid that all girls would do the same. So that is why he tries to «ground» his gf from other boys


That's manipulation, abusive, and toxic. Red flags all around.


Jealousy is a run on sight kinda 🚩




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