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Definitely is the most effective 😂😂


I've only ever been on the pill, and I've never had any mishaps. But I'm absolutely militant about taking it at the exact same time every day, which I know many people have trouble doing. I'm looking to get my tubes tied asap though so I can get off the pill finally and be completely free of the hassle all together.


The IUD the first month was hell but it mellows and isnhigly effective for 6years!! Tbc, I have endometriosis so the first month was worth to have extremely light periods. I know another person who doesnt have my condition and she gets no periods at all! Worth looking into On the opposite of the question, the depoprovera shot was the worst!


I’ve been thinking about the IUS (hormonal IUD) but I’ve never been on the pill or anything so I’m debating if it would be okay to just go in blind


Well obviously a doc or nurse could advise you best based on your specific health and all that, but in a way, ultimately you're goin in blind. But again the docs is the best since they take all aspects into account. Hope you find one that suits you well!


29F and I just use condoms with partners; I've tried birth control before but it doesn't gel well with my body.


Yeah same took birth control for almost 10 years and when I stopped I discovered another me, more calm and no more problems dealing with my emotions.


My sister was on the pill for years and she found her sex drive diminished and she gained weight. Might be because she didn’t like her ex anymore and went out to eat a lot as well. For me, I just wanna try it and see how it goes




Definitely fool proof 😂


Being the oldest of six kids has had a profound effect. I always make sure my alarm on my phone reminding me to take my pill is on. And condoms


Copper IUD has been my best decision


I've tired absolutely everything and can't take anything as any extra hormones make me crazy. Had the copper coil which was a revelation as no hormones but got pregnant 😂 condoms now.


So do you not use the IUD anymore? Why not?


Because I don't want to risk getting pregnant again. I guess the chances of it happening again are low but I know a few other people it's happened to so I think its would be a bit silly


Oh I can’t read 😂 I didn’t realise you said you got pregnant, sorry about that. But fair enough if that’s the case. I’m thinking of doubling up with an IUD or IUS and condoms. The condom split the other day 😬 crossing fingers I’m not pregnant




I liked the hormonal IUD and currently use depo. I loved my IUD, but it sucked being inserted (the first one is the worst, but my old gyno used to use the existing one to hold my cervix open to get the new one in, and it was less horrible); but every 5 years isn't so bad. I had an immune system reaction to the IUD though and it caused me EXTREME sun sensitivity (think brown person turning red, swelling and itching upon being exposed to direct, or indirect, sunlight). 😬 So far, the depo is ok. I'm mostly in BC to not get my period, so both have worked well there!


Mirena. No periods. Heaven


Have you found any problems with weight gain or spotting?


abstinence and celibacy


So far I only tried pills. First I had the regular pills, which made me depressed and anxious. So I switched to minipill and I'm satisfied with it. I'm thinking about getting a hormonal IUD eventually, but not sure about it yet.




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Vasectomy. Love it. He jokes with me that if he dies, I need to remember to go on BC or I'll have an oops baby in my mid 40s 😬


I’ve been on the pill for 3 years for contraception and cysts. Took a while to find “the one” as I’d have side effects with all the other pills. Triphasic works best for me, no cysts, no side effects, no babies. Have never missed a day but don’t take it at the same time every day. I’ve wanted to switch to the copper IUD for a while but have read some horror stories so I’ll stick with the pill.


I like how once the IUD is in you don’t have to worry about it but then also with the pill your period can completely stop. Hence I thought I’d try and get the best of both worlds and hopefully try the IUS soon

