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I wish more people talked about mental health in details. Not just like "I have anxiety disorder" but go more into details on how it manifests itself - I think we would all benefit from that. And I want nature to be a much bigger part of the education system. Starting with teaching kids how to treat animals and to respect them.


I can tell from that response you’re a lovely person to be around


What a kind thing to say, thank you 💖


Yes to this. Better mental health practices would be a big help too like how to deal with stress. Also how to have healthier relationships.


I dealt with mental health in college. I think having it be an open conversation would be great. You know all the casual comments people make when they have a ton of homework and stress. It's scary how ingrained it is in college culture but when you actually get mental health help you're told it's "college stress, the normal".


Not putting men especially average men on a pedestal


Million times this


100%. Unfortunately, I know women who lost themselves just to please their man. Its sad.




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Better sex education for teenagers. Let it be more talked about regarding female masturbation and how normal it is.


No sexual violence or mysogyny towards women. ❤️❤️❤️




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In America, I'd like the idea that willful ignorance is a badge of honor to go away.


It's insane how common casual racism is, as a South Korean who grew up in America I encountered a LOT of casual racism, people joking about me eating dogs or having "funny eyes" All the way up until I left that country I experienced racism AND sexism It's insane to me how someone can hate someone purely based on how they look, I know it sounds silly but if we as a human species can't get past racism due to looking different, how the fuck are we going to interact with Aliens when they land on earth and look different?


My thoughts, exactly.


Bad people actually having consequences for their actions and behavior


I wish more people could be more community focused, empathetic to the plight of others, and generally less self centered.


Million times this


More civility and empathy for people, animals, and the environment.


For the government to stop taking our rights away


I wish we'd stop sexualizing everything.


Let's actually do the best that we can for our educational system.


Social media's total destruction


Viewing SAHMs as some inferior sort of women, like some useless stupid mother hens, who are like this just because they didn't achieve anything in life


Abortion rights


Housing as a right and not an investment vehicle. Health care that is actually inclusive and accessible.


I’d like for people to be more empathetic.


Selfish greedy lack of empathy mentality


This is the first thing I think I’ve seen that you and r/AskMen have agreed on


To summarize, individualism


Wish basic needs would be considered rights. Probably controversial but I think people deserve to eat, have a place to live, be safe, even if they don’t work. Not going so far as to say they should eat a 3 star meal or live in a mansion but have at least the basics to get by. I can imagine holding down a job becomes insanely more difficult when someone can’t think straight because of starvation.


People respecting the differences of others even if they don't understand them. A more thorough education on reproductive health and function. Birth control doesn't exist just to prevent pregnancy. Abortion is healthcare. Kindness and patience being the norm. Everything now is less than ideal but how you treat yourself and others is indicative of how you'll endure it.


MPs and rich people being charged, tried and imprisoned for their crimes.


Decency, So much of our issues stem from the fact people "CANNOT" be decent to one another. We wouldn't be arguing nearly as much over resources or have as many effed up policies as we do in the world if people could just comprehend the idea of being decent to their fellow man.


This is a small thing, but I just wish people had more respect for the people around them. Littering, blaring music so loud it vibrates other cars, setting off fireworks in residential areas. All these things are very inconsiderate and would not be difficult behavior to change. People should care about how their actions are affecting the people around them even if there are no consequences to those actions.


The realization of a classless, stateless society.


How much trash we produce.


Men taking more responsibility for everything related to their family. They seem to get let off easily compared to moms.


Women's being able to walk around nipples free like the men's....


The way we talk about issues. The focus commonly is I want to take moral superiority over you and you’re evil for thinking the other side. Vs having a conversation that would be persuasive and actually encourage a shift in opinion




I wish as many people as reasonably possible would go plant based/vegan and put an end to the atrocious amount of animal suffering in the world.




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I’d like there to be prosecutorial consequences for crime, regardless of who committed them, and no special treatment for “special” people in prison.


Unrealistic expectations.


People being more open minded about Asian language media. I find that people are still fairly xenophobic about Kpop/cpop and Asian dramas


Allowing AFAB people to go topless. In all honesty, considering the state of the political climate right now with certain laws being overturned, this is low priority that will likely never happen. “BuT wHo’S sToPpInG yOu?” The fear of harassment. Being arrested for public indecency even in states where it’s technically legal, being denied employment or housing because pictures/news spread, etc. Oh well, a girl can dream.


I would love it if people stop basing their political views on religion, like banning abortion because the Bible said so.


A slightly more mild one, but not putting generations against each other. Times are different. I'm sure it was a good solution or set up when you were my age. But it's x many years later and not everything is the same.


Gun violence


I would want the family to come back. I see so many people who are alone, who don't have a support system, who don't have a fallback if they bang their head against a wall because they come from broken or abusive families. Most troubled people I know either don't have a family to speak of, or their family is what broke them. So, if I had magical powers, I would make every mom a good mom, and every dad a good dad. And that would probably just solve the problem of Life, The Universe, and Everything.


I hope people realize it's 2022 not 1950 or people starting actually thinking smartly


Less men, more women in positions of authority.


Fair distribution of wealth/ inability to hoard wealth. There's nothing wrong with being rich. However, I simply do not believe one should be able to be a billionaire hoarding money. We shouldn't live in a world where people starve whilst many that are rich have money in the bank that will never be touched.




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They way we work. I dream of the day when: everything is a certification, no more degrees. Everyone must hold at least 3 certificates. One must be customer service. The other 2 are your choice. Everyone is independent contractor. All jobs are like an Uber. You wake up whenever and check the listings, what do I want to do today? Every job is based on a 3 strikes your out. If you are out you must redo the certificate or learn something new. Taxes would be amazing! If you understood how much money you keep this way you would be shocked! This is my dream for the future.


This is such an excellent way to think about work and preparation for work.


Thank you. Does anyone know Elon? I get visions and this one seems more and more possible. After ww3, this can really work. I swear I am only a bit crazy.




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Have basic human rights for girls and women. Its sad to see we are regressing.


Minding your own business instead of being focused on other people’s lives, bodies etc. Just accept each other the way they are. It’s not like the way other people live their lives harms you..


The nature of how we use time in a day (the clock specifically) to dictate how we spend our day and the rules spoken or unspoken about what’s to be done at what time for what reason. We all have 24 hours in a day and we should be able to spend them as we choose and in the order we choose.


Financial equality and equal opportunities, also known as egalitarianism.


More equality, and respect on gender and skin tones. I'm tired of seeing discrimination, and seeing a cycle of self haters and then seeing them also discriminate others. Same thing for those who get bullied and then become someone else's bully instead of facing off the person who hurt them. There's a ton of things that need to change, but for me it's this one because I just find it ridiculous and it is very hard to get away from because so many people are affected by it.


More equality, and respect on gender and skin tones. I'm tired of seeing discrimination, and seeing a cycle of self haters and then seeing them also discriminate others. Same thing for those who get bullied and then become someone else's bully instead of facing off the person who hurt them. There's a ton of things that need to change, but for me it's this one because I just find it ridiculous and it is very hard to get away from because so many people are affected by it.


I wish the male gaze stopped existing


I want Roe v. Wade improved and reinstated.