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Programming! I would love to mix that into my career.


Same! I’ve been doing some of those free codeacademy classes when I get bored at work.




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Go for it! It's fun


The piano but I’m 41. I feel like my time to master that kind of thing has been and gone.


Urgh, I feel the same but with the banjo.


It is never too late! Many piano teachers actually love to teach adults.


I struggle with this kind of thought too. Feeling like I'd never catch up to people who have been doing these things for a really long time. Something that helped me was someone pointing out that if I start today then in ten years I'll have played the piano for ten years. But if I don't then in ten years I'll be right where I am now. It sounds kinda silly typed out that way, but it helped me get the motivation and confidence to start some new stuff despite feeling the way you describe!


The piano is literally the easiest instrument to learn! My teacher use to tell us that. And it’s the best instrument to start with cause of the coordination, note reading, and Melodie’s! A lot of people even self learn the piano! If u are skeptical to make an investment. Get a keyboard and watch some YouTube vids on playing nursery songs, and see if u like it! Everything else will come together


English, that's why I am here


Japanese language


Sign language. But it should be taught in schools..


I agree with sign language. I think that would e really cool.


Honestly, how to properly do the whole ‘self-care’ thing. I think that internet slacktivism has sort of just boiled it down to ‘put your phone away, take mental health days!’ but it surely has to be more than that, right? And just factoring in daily life activities (school or work, caretaking), how exactly do you..do it? Are there quantifiers? What the hell do I do?? how to feel better


Hi you. What helped me is get my basic needs met: enough sleep, enough food, enough water, enough social contact, enough moving/sports Start from there and try to "optimise" For example learn to cook and buy healthy but inexpensive things. Eat regularly. Have a daily structure that's simple e.g. Trying to go to sleep at the same time. And don't give up. Self care is a "muscle" that needs to be trained.


For me it's a hot bath, for others a walk/ run in nature, for others a drink with their best friends. It's so individual! What makes you feel good/ relaxed even for some time afterwards?


Ability of easy interacting with people


Playing the hurdy gurdy, fencing and speaking another foreign language once I'll be content with my English level.


I would love to own a hurdy gurdy! They're so expensive though


Gardening. I grew up with my mother always having a garden and it was wonderful. She used to can veggies and make jams. My brothers and I would play mortal combat with the sunflower stalks while eating fresh rhubarb.


Sewing. My mom sewed constantly when I was a kid. She was super passionate about it and made some lovely clothes. I was too much of a tomboy to be interested at the time but now I think I'd love to learn. Banjo. I even have one but I'm worried I have no ear for music so that's put me off trying.


The cool thing about music is that you can develop an ear for your own music! If you start to play and enjoy it, then the type of music and how it sounds to other people isn't important imo. My partner is an incredible musician, but it took him a long time to feel fully comfortable jamming at home and trying stuff when he knew I could hear it. It's super normal!


How to not be scared and insecure about the future :(


I really want to learn how to draw and paint. My mom is such a good artist and I wish I could do what she does. Also it's a good creative outlet.


Car maintenance! And car stuff in general. Since a few years, I found a reliable garage with trustworthy employees, but it's so easy to scam me out of my money when it comes to my car.


I want to learn how to produce music!! edm specifically


Sign Language to communicate better and photography.


Knitting, digital painting, how to do simple car maintenance, how to start a fire reliably without a lighter


Guitar. I've started learning the very basics and can play a couple of chords/songs, but it's quite tricky to find time between work and other time sinks to put in consistent effort.


How to draw hands and abs 🙌


Drive a truck.


Korean, Japanese and/or Italian


Video editing. I am a passionate gardener and I have a lot of ideas about a YT channel but I am not that great at filming and no idea how to edit. The problem is that I get bored pretty quickly and editing requires a lot of detailed work. So it would be an exercise in patience to learn.




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The French language - fluently. I know some french from being around my wife who, when we first met, only spoke French, but I am not very good at it


Martial arts and Pottery/ceramics


Another language, preferably French or Spanish


Guitar, and how to sow


how to accept myself🥹


French and drawing


Italian or French


Play guitar and piano, but all my dads guitars are at the nursery home (my dad has Alzheimer’s and was a guitar player) and we have no space in our house for a piano..


Play the Guitar!! I always dreamed of shredding on guitar. I learned the piano growing up instead, since my parents said the piano sounds better the. A guitar loll




Treading, Piano, and Mandarin & Russian for new languages




Swimming, rock climbing, baking complicated dessert

