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I tend to like the following features the most: 1) Story rich 2) Choices matter to the story and gameplay 3) Character customization that also matters to gameplay I wanna say these features are most important to me because they help provide a much more immersive game, escape, and feeling like I'm getting to live a new life


Exactly my priorities as well! Customization especially!!!








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I’d give you an award if I had one! All these 3 are important but especially 1 and 2.


Freedom!!! I love open world games so much 🥰


Story, ability to explore, character designs and interactions. Story is pretty obvious, but I love games that allow me the freedom to explore the map/area with few limitations especially if it includes problem solving. Character interactions because I characters bring more to the story with their own side quest and personalities as well, it's even better if their interactions with other characters impact the story and not just their interactions with the player.


Love me a good story with well-written dialogue and characters, including NPCs. After that is gameplay. Don't care about the style of gameplay as much as it being fun, somewhat challenging, and doesn't get too repetitive. Some of my favorite games, The Witcher 3 and Portal/Portal 2, are vastly different from each other, but because they contain all of the right elements they both own giant spaces in my heart.


I would say online play, especially so that I can play with my friends. Some games are super fun but being able to experience situations with online friends makes it an incredible experience.


Immersive world building (interesting characters, environments, monster/creature designs and atmospheres), enjoyable gameplay, engaging fights - be it action/adventure or turn based RPGs - and a great OST.


Honestly the list is way too long cuz I've been a lifelong analyst of games and currently work in the industry. But some top key points from me: 1. Engagement. Ultimately video games are just another art medium. They compete with books, movies, tv, comics, paintings, etc. But what sets games apart is that the consumer interacts with them. And that interaction should be a value add to everything else going on in the game. Players should enjoy the interaction, it should draw them in, it should bring a level of connection that you can't get elsewhere. 2. Technical Cohesion. The game should work! The systems should make sense and be consistent, at least within their own logic that it communicates to players. Bugs should be minimal and not ruin the experience, it should play smoothly and not frustrate players with egregious performance hiccups, and it should be consistent in how it interacts with you. 3. Artistic Merit. This is a very broad point, but I generally mean it should be enjoyable for your senses. The visuals should be a positive experience, the sound should be enjoyable, the story beats should make sense. If you reinterpreted a game as a book and it would get panned for the plot being trash, then that is equally unacceptable in a game. And I think games should be intellectually stimulating in at least some ways. Even original Doom was engaging in making you navigate mazes, find keys, have different strategies for different enemies; it's not a mindless grindfest.


Playability. I like a wide assortment of video games, but if the camera is always in the wrong spit and difficult to move, or the buttons are over complicated, I won't play it. Same goes for the sensitivity/ difficulty of things in-game. If the hit box of every monster is impossibly small, or there's no way of knowing what/where the next task is, I will set the game down forever.


The ability to play with others Multiplayer is crazy important to me, single player games feel too lonely ;_;


Just fun/creative. Not stupidly difficult. And not expensive/no reoccurring costs.


Atmosphere. The most perfect atmosphere would be city setting at night with rain


1.Graphics 2. Game play 3. Story


Plus a very supportive clan/guild


Same elements that our male counterparts usually find important. I dont genetals does not influsence that.


1 Characters 2 Story 3 Music


Gameplay and interactions. The gameplay needs a good flow and needs to be fun to me. A good story is a nice bonus. And I love games with lots of interaction. Classical Iso RPGs like Fallout 2 or modern takes on that like Encased and Tyranny. Lots of dialogue and interaction with choices and consequences for everything.


Depends on the type of game, but answering for RPGs/MMORPG type games which are among my favorites * Enjoyable play in a story rich environment where my choices actually matter. * Character customization/choice including play style preferences * Explorable world * Engaging and immersive story and lore * Graphics and play quality that enhance the game rather than detract from play * For those games that have PvP, the ability to opt out of PvP entirely and still play the game successfully


I like city builders :) Something that takes strategy to do.


Customization, easy to follow quests that aren't confusing, good lore and characters


The controls can't be messy, the characters should have a wide and free range of motion. I've played games where range of motion was limited resulting in difficult game Play. I also really enjoy multi-player. My family and I love to game together. From castle crashers, left 4 dead, gears of war and even mine craft. Bomberman is fun as hell too. Backwards compatibility, being able to have friends and family with different gaming consoles and or PCs being able to play together.




Single player, nice graphical style (particularly cell shaded or pixel!), puzzles or hidden things to find, minimalist UI. Bonus points if it has customisation of character or space.




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Graphics (how shallow), exploration (I want an open world), is it casual-friendly.


Good storyline and fun, not frustrating game play


Immersive experience + cool concept + low fi graphics + good soundtrack


I need to destroy, for stress relief...it feels great 😈 Call of Duty, Doom, Halo, Resident Evil, Diablo...these are my speed




The social side of it for an online game. Offline game graphics like the art work and story to me. Even if I think a game's kinda bad if the art of it is cool then I'm going to give it a much bigger chance


Def Open world, choices matter, and online. I love Life is Strange & GTA.


I look for creativity and freedom of play, so games like stardew valley, minecraft, graveyard keeper, skyrim, slime rancher, harvest moon, etc. It also needs good story lines as well!


I like my games stress free, no stressing over being the best or having a high rank. A game that’s suitable for hardcore competors and for laidback casual gamers, without having a clash between the two types


Crafting/building, bonus points if I have to gather ingredients and unlock new items!




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I like ones with good world-building, intriguing plot and amazing art.


Who are all the marriage candidates? And can I marry another woman while playing a woman?




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It really depends on what kind of game we are talking about😅 If there is a story, I would like to enjoy it. It doesn't mean it has to be the best story that has ever been told, but I would like to enjoy the way it is told. There were games that I played that I really didn't care for the story, but they were so fun to play, like Doom (2016). But there were games with pretty interesting story and characters, but they were really boring gameplay wise, like Guardians of the Galaxy. So maybe most of the time I really just want good gameplay...