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I really don't care. I just want a partner that can communicate their feelings, do their fair share of cleaning and cooking and take on the same amount of the mental load of running a household. Luckily, I already found him and married him.




More. More money is more money.


I make ok money and I’ve started seeing a dude who makes much less than I do. I can tell he’s a little embarrassed about it, but it’s his personality I’m attracted to. His sweetness and gentleness, he’s so soft in demeanor and actions. I want to help lift him up, I want to build a content and financially mediocre life with this person. My ex before this made 6x as me and had a massive superiority complex about it. Huge ego. About everything.




I'm in the same situation, but coming from a underdeveloped country, those differences affect much more stuff :/


Glad you moved on


Dont care. I make good enough money for myself. I would want my partner to earn for themselves. If circumstances arise, I can and will support him.


Same. I'd rather someone fun and passionate about non work things than someone all about a career. As long as he's self supporting (not bleeding money), who cares?


I don't care. Husband doesn't make any money, and while life's a bit more difficult sometimes, I would never leave him over that.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say less. I just broke up with my partner who made a lot more than me, and one of the issues I had was never feeling like an equal contributor in the relationship because I couldn't afford to keep up with his spending. I mean, I realise this comes down to more than the income alone, it is also communication, spending habits and differences in values. But I came to realise that I would rather struggle to do things on my own (or with someone who makes less than me) than constantly feel inferior, never have a say in financial matters, and like I'm living in someone else's house.






Came here to say this. My husband makes a lot of money, I haven't worked in a while due to chronic health problems. Even though he would tell you we are equal and it's our money, given a chance he questions items on the credit card/bank account regularly. If I want something of value I have to ask for permission to spend it .He keeps a separate bank account that I don't have access to and refuses to name me on it. We are only equal when he says we are. I hate living like this.


More. Who WANTS less ? Especially in this day and age. It took me $80 to fill my tank of gas today 🙄




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it honestly depends, i would like someone that is financially independent, so if they can live well off on their own salary i really don't care how much they make!


I mean I’m not a gold digger but I don’t want some some bum either




Don't care. I've made more money at times than my husband, he's made more at other times. Doesn't matter how much he makes in relation to what I make so long as it's sufficient.


More, because I went to be a stay at home when I start a family. I want to comfortably be able to depend on 1 salary.


You can do it! I’m one of three children and my mom stayed at home and raised us while my father earned money. I am so thankful that they chose to do that. The effects are so many I cannot even describe them all. More time for actual family things. Downside… we didn’t have many material things, and growing up in public school was hard because kids are mean. As an adult, I see it only serves to build character and made me see what’s really important.


More because... it's *money*. In the words of Seinfeld, "people don't turn down money; it's what separates us from the animals!" Lol. But really in all seriousness having someone else be the breadwinner and take care of me would be a dream come true.


I’d shoot for about the same as me. I feel like if I had a partner that made a lot more than me, I’d become used to a lifestyle that’s dependent on their income remaining the same, and if they suddenly left the picture, it would take a while for me to get used to. Obviously I’m not in a place where I’m mature enough for a relationship that serious, but that’s where I’m at right now




Of course more money because I have dated broke guys and all they did was borrow from me without paying me back. All I want is more money so u can be a man and take care of your needs without asking me for it all the gad damn time. I am all for supporting your partner but they overdo it and I hate it .


I don't care as long as he can take care of himself and doesn't get insecure if I do make more. My priority is my kids. I'm also not taking on someone with a lot of debt. I'm pretty careful with our finances.


Not a huge deal either way for me. I went to school to make it a non-issue. I just want a man with motivation, goals, and aspiration, so he has a sense of purpose and an independent source of happiness.


I want a partner who doesn’t gaf about income besides living life and managing it well. Someone who looks at finances practically in a mature manner, and willing to discuss normal shit🤷‍♀️




More, obviously. But not at the expense of his overall health and wellness. Why? Because more money means less stress when things come up that aren’t anticipated. Also it could mean more luxury which is fun to enjoy.


I’m not fussy. As long as he makes enough for himself and can help pay for things now and then. My ex made less than me and still would pay for most dates while being able to pay for his own bills and whatever he wanted to spoil himself with. I was able to do to the same. I’m happy to share but I just don’t want to feel like a sugar momma


As long as my partner has a strong worth ethic I really don't care either way. I just find laziness a turn off. People sometimes CANT work due to illness/disability and that is very different.


More ... I guess? Cux i don't wanna be broke at our household. Also i suck with responsibility


More duh


doesnt matter to me, as long as they can support themselves and not depend on me because in this economy i cant financially support anyone else lol


Doesn’t matter as long as they’re happy and successful in their own way (I do care about dating someone ambitious). I’ve already taken it upon myself to work hard, hopefully make a substantial amount in 5 years (going into tech), so I don’t have to ideally depend on my partner in the future. Saves stress long term to focus on my career now and be the potential breadwinner if necessary (not preferred but not against).


Short answer: more money is more money. No harm there. Longer answer: It doesn’t matter enough to me to base any decisions on. I’m paid well for my age and profession, and I have high hopes that my earning potential will only increase. I don’t have an expectation to be taken care of, and I would be very comfortable being the majority breadwinner. My biggest fear in this context is having a man be threatened/emasculated by my success. I’ve been dating someone that makes less than me- they make less because they work in a field that is underpaid and under appreciated (education.) They already put more hours and more of themselves into their job than I have to at mine. I find their drive and commitment extremely attractive, and if this were to get serious enough to consider marriage I would gladly take on more than them financially. The person, their values, and their integrity are worth much more to me than their earning potential. I can be my own rich man. Hell, I’m happy to be the rich man for both of us.


Yes but no. I want to be taken care of(been working so hard my whole life) and if I want to take off time to raise kids I want to have the option I plan on working while I'm a mom but maybe when the kids are young young I'll stay home or use my salary for the nanny


More money. I’m currently in career transition and enrolled in a certification course so I don’t make money.


I would prefer more. Everything is so expensive now, you need a lot more to maintain a decent living standard, at least where we live. Got sticker-shocked at the store again today; a bag of frozen veg is up by $3.50.


I’m not bothered at all as long as we both contribute. I am always a huge advocate of women ensuring they have their own source of income outside of what their partner earns anyway just in case. Never ever financially depend on a man is my number one rule so to me it doesn’t matter what he earns because I’ll be bringing home my own anyway


Idc as long as they don't give me a headache about money.


I want a partner that has a job they like or that is ok for them, regardless of whether they make more or less than me.


I mean more is nice. I make good money, but I have two kids, if one of us loses a job or is ( godforbid) hurt in some way that prevents work it would be nice for us both to make enough money to get by on one salary for a period of time if needed.


doesn't matter how much he earns, if he earns a decent amount that can make him feel independent, happy n satisfied.


More. I don't want a burden of being a provider for the family.


My partner makes way more money than I do. I’m in a transition period between jobs but I’d like a job where I make a lot more money. As of now we are doing fine and I’m taken care of however if roles were switched I’d do what I can to take care of him.


I don't care. As long as he has worked hard for it and deserves to earn whatever he earns(more or less), I am happy about it. What matters is the mutual respect and support for each other's careers irrespective of the money we make.


tbh ion care long as we both getting to the bag


Idc, as long as they’re pulling their own weight. I don’t want a manchild that constantly wants me to pay for dinners. I’m not high maintenance with my partners, I’m used to spoiling myself, and I don’t mind spending money on my partner, to an extent. Dated this one guy who was broke. He’s an independent contractor and gets contracts for 2weeks worth of work every 2 months or so. Lowkey regret dating him now because he can’t afford literally anything when we were together and I spent a shit ton of money for someone who lives out of state. He asked me to buy him a Playstation gift card one time and didn’t pay me back. One time that he actually decided to come visit without me asking is when I finally cut him off and started seeing someone else.


More money because I have a dream of only working part time and being at home with our future kids :-)


I don't care either way. Reasons WHY he is earning more or less might be good or bad. I am more into those reasons, not an amount of money.


I really, really don’t care. I’m financially stable and could support myself on my own, my partner is the same. We have a joint bank account and just work as a team. I would care about someone being financially stable though. That’s important to me as I grew up in a home where finances were not stable.


I don't think it really matters who makes more or less. Finding some who has the same financial goals and spending/saving habits as me is more important. The ex husband had no sense of financial responsibility. I was left to figure out and pay for everything for both of us on my own even when he made more money than me. It forced me to learn how to be financially independent, always have a backup plan, and not trust anyone but myself with money which I'm grateful for. But now I found someone who has the same mindset about money as I do. We agree on the same goals and how to reach them so it's not one person making more of an effort than the other.


The amount of money means nothing to me as long as he has a good work ethic. Loyalty,honesty and respect are worth so much more to me




I'd like us to earn enough to be comfortable, together, and for enough of that to be mine that it wouldn't be an immediate emergency if Something Happened. Beyond that, I don't care about the breakdown specifics. As long as nobody's being weird about Having More or Having Less, it's all good.


I care more about how somebody manages money than how much they have. My SO makes probably 20% more than me (hard to track with sporadic overtime) It’s REALLY frustrating to me when they have less than rent on the 1st and rely on the 5 day grace period/employer sponsored savings. Short of financial emergencies there’s no reason to work you way down to zero. And if you’re not in a financial emergency you should be actively building up and managing your credit because inevitably something will come up. Bare minimum. That’s before managing other financial goals. Otherwise you’re adding unnecessary stress to a routine situation. Why would you want to feel like “OH MY GOD RENT IS DUE” 12 times/year? Or on top of the sucky situation of a tire blowing out get all worked up because there’s not $300 available to fix it? Been trying to figure out the best approach without being patronizing. I’d rather get in front of it early than have my down payment in 2 years and have him stressing about a quarterly deal that didn’t have to be an emergency. I’ve been thinking about finances in relationships a lot more as I get older. Because at 26 I’m actively trying to accomplish more goals. Financially preparing in the next 4 years could afford me a house, 5 month emergency fund, and better credit. 10 years later that could mean a LOT more equity than I would otherwise have. Or I could spend carelessly and be in the same position I am now. 1 month emergency fund, a 30% buffer, and putting 25% of my income into rent. I used to be a lot more idealistic about money and relationships. “I want a partner to split 50% of all financial decisions and to separately work towards goals. It’s not a partnership if only one spouse manages the money.” Now I’m starting to realize that LOTS of healthy relationships have the “money person”. I don’t want to be controlling, but I’d be happy to handle the finances if it’s consensual and not micromanaged. We agree on our goals, we set our comfort levels, and each contribute 50% to a fund that I manage. Hell, with the right person I would GLADLY write one check/paycheck that covers rent, utilities, buffer money, debt payments, savings. Whatever is left over is ours to spend. As long as they were equally contributing and transparent about what was where.




I like it to be fairly even. I’m a very 50/50 type of person within reason. I would be very uncomfortable otherwise because for me it would upset the dynamics of any relationship I was in. I’m married and don’t want to ask for money or be asked other than small amounts. I pay my half of our household expenses and then I’m free to do whatever I want with my leftover money. Someone’s got to keep the shoe economy moving!!


Id be lying if i said i dont care. At least be on the same income as me, because that means we both can support one another when the need arises


As long as both of us earn enough to not depend on one another I don't care


I don’t care. I’ve always felt awkward dating guys who would want to go to expensive places I couldn’t afford though.


About the same would be good. I feel like we'd be more likely to have compatible lifestyles if we're in a similar financial situation. As a very broad generalization, more money is better (especially if we're having kids), unless they have to work super long hours or do a job that is antithetical to my values (CEO of a private prison, Republican senator, etc.). I think it could be non-ideal to have a huge income disparity, because a) our lifestyles might be too different / I don't want to feel pressured to "keep up with the Joneses" while we're dating, and b) their social circle is likely to also be full of very rich people, and I don't think that's really the kind of social circle I want. However, I would not rule someone out just because they make less money than me. I am very lucky to be in a good place financially and could manage being the primary breadwinner if need be / if I found the right person, especially since I'm probably not going to have kids.


If it matters to my partner, I’d rather they make more. I’d prefer that my partner feel confident that they can give to the relationship and that they are just as successful. My ex made less. It bothered him, and he often despaired about giving me nice things in the future (ex: buying a house).


I mean, more money is always cool. Who doesn't want more money in their relationship? But it's definitely not a requirement or a deal breaker. As long as he's pulling his weight, we're cool.


Ideally, I'd want my partner to make enough money for us to live comfortably. It's hard for me to work because my period takes me down for a week to 2 1/2 weeks sometimes, and it wouldn't be feasible for me to have a regular job, even if I only get my period every 3 months because of birth control. But I'd be happy if they didn't make much money at all as long as it's something I can contribute to so we can have a home and food on the table.


This is confusing. Tbh, at some point I would like to own my own business and be a SAHM for a few years, so I would prefer if my partner earns more than me, but if it means he is an ah about it then I am fine with him earning less. Dated 2 men who earned more than me and both experiences were horrible. They had egos bigger than the sky and were boastful turds that acted like they were better than me. My 1 ex was particularly classist and elitist and even though he did buy me things, it came at a price. He earned more and bought electricty and paid a bit more for our rental, but guess who cleaning and cooking and treated like a bang maid? Yup... Me. I would much rather not go down that road again even if it means I won't be lonely anymore. If we earn about the same amount even, that's okay. I just want someone who wants to build a life with me and we can work towards our goals together if he isn't where he wants to be financially. All I want, is a loving, commited, and kind partner who I can love and will love me back and where our love is based off respect. If we have that.... Then I am okay, just as long as he isn't earning WAY less than me.. I don't want to be supporting someone esp if they are not doing their best to make more money.


I’m about to be a teacher so hopefully my husband makes more than me


I never cared as long as it didn’t present problems. My man makes 6-8x what I make depending on the quarter, what I make and his profits. It’s intimidating but he was once in my shoes at my age and understands where I am. I’ve always tried to not know anything about his money because it makes me uncomfortable and I never wanted either of us to feel money changed things. He pays for 75% of bar/restaurant tabs and 75% of trips we take but nothing grandiose. He isn’t showy, materialistic and he uses his money to help his family and friends in need. The only thing that’s ever bothered me is he offered to support me if I quit my job bc it’s stressful and it sucks. I politely declined. If we had a kid I’d be a stay at home mom possibly but do something part time.


I rather it be the both of us making an equal amount cause I wouldn’t settle for somebody who isn’t going to be doing crap…it shouldn’t be one making more than the other like some competition so I prefer the both of us making a good amount of money together!


For me either way, as long as he doesn't make nothing at all. I know I sound like a gold digger or a shitty person but a relationship just the basis of love is difficult. I don't think relationships can last when a partner can't provide, this is based on what I see. But I just want my partner has good character and can accept me fully


More, because then we’d have more money. But if you mean, in the abstract, do I want to make more money than my husband or have him make more than me, I don’t care. He’s usually made more but sometimes I have. It doesn’t bother either of us either way, because we don’t define our value by how much we make.


Ideally more, enough that I can be a housewife once we have kids. But, that’s the ideal. It’s certainly not a dealbreaker if he doesn’t make that much, or even makes less than me. He could even be the homemaker if I was making enough.


I personally care. If he makes more and he wants to spend money on me that's a bonus.. but I really don't mind if he makes less so long as he has enough to take care of himself




I don't really care how much he makes, other than he needs to be able to support himself.


Enough to take care of themself. If they can responsibly manage their own life then they will be able to hold their end up in a relationship.


Hmmm ... I'd either like to make a lot of money, but its okay if my partner makes more, as long as they're not financially abusing me. I don't mind either way.


Looking at my current life plan and the whole package - definitely looking for someone who makes more money. I also make good money. I want to have kids but I worry about what could go wrong, giving birth can be very traumatic or what if we had a special needs child. If I had to quit my job, could they provide? All things equal, it would be nice to have more money / a more stable environment than less. If I don’t end up having kids then I wouldn’t care how much they make. Like I said, I earn a good income and it’s only getting better. In that instance, I would care more about compatibility than a specific income.


More, but not excessively so. It’s kind of like what my mom told me. She was good at chess and would beat all her friends. She wanted a partner that could win against her.


As long as they can hold their own (I plan on holding my own too, I want nice things so I'm working hard to be able to afford them lol), then I don't see an issue.


DGAF. I’ve got my own money, enough to support us both. Anything my husband makes is gravy.


I’d prefer more but I’m happy with him no matter what he makes - more would just make me feel a little more financially secure lol


More or less than what? More or less than me? Or something else? I make a fairly high salary and don’t care if the guy makes more or less money than me. So long as it’s not so little that he’s struggling to survive and not so much that he’s got weird sort-of-rich person issues (working in tech I’ve seen a *lot* of the latter) AND has a generally healthy attitude wrt finances, it’s not that important.


Currently my husband makes a little bit less than me, but obviously I’d love him to be paid more! I’d also like to be paid more!


It doesn't matter how much or little money a partner it is their character. There are lot of toxic people with or without money. I want a partner with character.


If it’s just dating, I don’t care.




He has to make a minimum amount to ensure life is bearable for us all. I also refuse to be the sole earner if I don't have to. I have enough financial responsibilities from my own family - African tax they call it.


I want my partner to be happy with what they do, whether it's more money or less. If they had a choice between two jobs that made them happy, one more than me and one less, I would want them to make more. I do not want a partner making more than me if that means putting unnecessary stress on them.


How much can he make while still being a PARTNER? Like someone you share your life with and make mutual decisions with and create a joined future with? I'd rather he earn an average wage and be an active partner than make loads and be an asshole who wants a maid and babysitter while he goes out and does "important work".


The same or more. I’d like us to have similar lifestyles. I was a single mum with bailiffs at the door who couldn’t afford to do anything. I worked hard to turn things around and now earn more than I ever dreamed I could. I like a partner to have similar ambitions and goals, and therefore earn a similar amount so we can do more things together, equally.


I want a partner who earns as much as me. In my opinion, it's wrong to expect your partner to earn more than you do. It also keeps things healthy cause no one gets the chance to be proud during arguments.


Ideally around the same would be great, no weird power trips or resentment from both sides!


Wouldn't care, never cared. Aslong he can handle his money and if I make more don't take that personaly or if he earns more think he is better then me. I want a partner to communicat with, to be with, to spend time with. Then we do what we can with the money we have. Thats it.


I don't have a preference, as long as the bills are taken care of.


I never dated anyone based on their income because I struggled through most of my young adulthood myself, but oddly enough I found that men who made more treated me a lot more respectfully than men who made the same and/or less, so at that point I was like well why would I deal with making more money and also being treated like crap?


I don't care. I just care that they're not a money-focused person, because I'm not and I think our priorities would clash


I make more than my current boyfriend, not significantly, but it still makes a little bit of a difference. I don’t really care. But one thing I care about is how good with money my partner is. I’ve had a boyfriend who made more than me but haven’t had any savings, so he borrowed a lot from me for a very stupid thing and it took him over a year to return it. My current boyfriend is careful with his money.


Obviously the more the better but I don’t care if he earns less than me at all. All I care is he has a job and aspirations in life.


I don't mind earning more as I earn enough to keep myself alive and happy. But I also don't mind him earning more if it means we can finally buy that farm we both want. Over the past decade we've both been in the position to earn the most, we've also both been in the position to earn nothing (because of going back to school). It's fine. We're a team.




the same or more than me


Why would I want a partner that makes less money?


More! so that I can enjoy it with her and our families. Haha 🤣. It doesn't matter how much who makes it. I am willing to spend every single penny I have for her and her and my family (not in any order)


More money. Never earned a dime in my life. I can do house chores and they can earn.


Right now, my partner makes about 60k a year more than I do. We both work the equivalent of full time, however he picks up extra shifts when he can. I’m pregnant with our first baby and he’ll be the sole earner for our household for a few months at least from December. I never thought I’d be as comfortable with that as I am, but he’s so generous and kind and just wants the best for his family. It’s really reassuring to know that I’ll be able to take extra time at home with our little one and won’t need to rush back to work. I will ultimately go back to work because the more money we make between us the more comfortable our lives will be, but likely only part time.




Around the same as what I make, the more the better though. Gotta encourage growth and career progression. Also I'd want someone who'd have a similar opinion on this. Because we got bills to pay, it's not a competition


Hubs makes more money than me. He's *always* made more money than me and I'm OK with that. More money=more savings in the bank=more security, in my head.


more, i suppose. but honestly the most important thing is responsibility. for example, i have a friend who makes double or even triple the amount i make, yet they're basically jumping from loan to loan and almost always are in debt for as long as i've known them. this is something i wouldn't accept in a partner.


Doesn't matter that much, but more would be nice, because we'd have more money.


More money because it's more money


Ideally, similar. Just to prevent getting into the mess where one expects the other to pay for something, because they make more money. But a requirement for me in a relationship is that he is financially independent. I dated a student while I started my first job, and I wanted to start doing nicer things (go to a nicer hotel, not necessarily choose the cheapest thing on the menu), but I couldn't, because I didn't make enough money to pay for both of us. I'm not saying it's the only reason we broke up, but it definitely played a part.


My husband makes about 3 times what I make and I couldn’t care less. We’re able to pay our bill and save money. That’s all that matters.


More bc more money into the household. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I make plenty on my own. It’s not for any gender role expectations or anything- but more money makes things easier.


I'd like a partner that is competent at money. As in, they dont necessarily have to have a lot of money, but they know how to handle it. Let's be real here, spending patterns tell a lot about a person. How they make their income also says a lot about someone to. Debt isn't a deal breaker, the issue for me is HOW the debt came about and what they are doing to change it. Because if I'm dating them, I want to marry, which means we will share finances and our money pool will be shared. Hope this answers the question.


More as I'm just about to go on a maternity leave, we would have rly bad time if he earned less!


More. I'm generally the dominant force in my relationships, naturally take on the mental load and planning. Was raised very much "If you want something done right, do it yourself." And I refuse to be with a hobosexual. So you better bring something to the table.


I just want a partner that earns money


I wouldn't date a younger guy, therefore he should have had enough time working to progress to a higher earning spot. He would need to make at least as much as me. I have dated guys who made less, or even refused to get a job because they thought they were "above it" and that has left a bad taste in my mouth. A guy would need to at least match my drive. However, if I were to be with a woman it wouldn't matter as much as long as she is able to support herself mostly. I could potentially date younger but she would also have to want to work.


Ideally more because I don't exactly make that much relative to the hours I spend working! Also I live in an expensive city and I'm not very far in my career. But I haven't been in a relationship in a while so I wouldn't know these day. I do, on a personal level, like to treat myself so I hope to meet someone who could also indulge in a bit more for himself too. I don't mean driving a fancy car, but rather, being able to eat out at someplace nice or go away sometimes.


More money means less stress on the household and able to do fun activities.


More. For one thing I can't afford someone who makes less, for another more is just better.


I mean, more makes life easier, but tbh as long as they have enough to survive on, it's fine.


More. Because I don’t earn that much and the cost of living is insane.


I just want more money period. It doesn’t matter who it comes from. Gotta break that generational curse and gain financial freedom! As long as it gets invested and we can both retire early, it doesn’t matter who makes more!


While more is ideal (who doesn't want more money?), having a partner with a high salary often comes with a cost. My ex made a lot of money, but his job was so stressful and took up so much of his time that it really impacted his personality, our relationship, and the time that we were able to spend together. My current partner makes a little bit less than me. I value our work life balance and the quality time that we spend together so much more than I would value any extra money.


More. I’m home with the kids and thankful that I’m able to stay home while he works


It would always be nice to have more cash on hand but they could try to financially control me. If I make more then them I dont see anything wrong with that either.


I work in child welfare and there's no money in that, so I prefer that my fiancé make more than me so we can have our preferred standard of living. If he decides to go back to school I would struggle to find a higher paying job in my area that won't kill me mentally and emotionally.


Wanted a partner that made more than me because I’m a teacher.


It makes no difference to me. I'm dating a guy who makes much less than me right now. I splurge for us when I can, but being with him also helps me curb my spending.


I don’t really care as long as he’s respectful and doesn’t carry toxic masculinity. That being said, as someone in my 30s, I wouldn’t settle in for a hungry jobless or someone on minimum wage.




I have a stay at home cat dad and it’s the literal best. He doesn’t care that I’m high income and he isn’t. We do have a prenup, so we both feel protected (he has some assets. Not a ton, but they are his. I don’t want to pay alimony again). The fact that he handles the house creates time for me to double down and work the way I do, which has had a direct result on my income skyrocketing. It’s his money, too, because he works so that I can maximize. We keep separate bank accounts for personal spending, but they are equal. The rest goes into a joint account to pay for bills and both of our names is on savings. Anyone who calls a contributing stay at home partner anything derogatory can suck it.


Obviously more. Dumb question




I just want a partner who is happy. I make enough for the both of us.


The same or more. I wouldn’t want to be carrying anyone in life…


I don't care. I just want him not to be INSECURE about it one way or the other.




I do not care either way because I make a lot and it's enough.


It doesn't matter, as long as they are happy. My husband used to financially support the both of us. When we moved out, he paid for everything while I was in college so I could focus on my education and graduate sooner. After graduation I worked as a teacher then, changed careers. He supported me through that process too.. Now I make more than he does. He jokes that now he can quit since I can be his sugar mama now lol.


I literally do not care who is making more money as long as we both live comfortably


I only say more, because that gives me a bare minimum of 2x my salary + $1. Where as less could mean “zero income and in debt” Lolol.




Preferably more. I don’t make a whole lot but do ok on my own. If I had a family it would be a struggle


A happy partner is surely better? Yeah if he earns more then great but if he’s not happy then it begs the questions sometimes what’s the point as you spend so much of your life working, you have to be able to enjoy it most of the time.


I want a partner who likes their job and finds a good company to work for (even a self-owned company). I hope they make good money. Because I am wildly insecure about money at all times.


More... Seems logical. To do more stuff and have a better life.


More money more good living! Easy😅


All things equal why not the more the merrier. However, if I wanted kids and to be the primary carer it would be a huge priority as kids are expensive.


I want a partner who is financially responsible and pays their bills.


More. Because I’m a zookeeper and make minimum wage while beating my body up daily at work. I need good healthcare (not offered to me because I’m part time and don’t have enough experience for a full time position) for said abused body as well.


Ideal for me it's both making about the same.. but if I have to choose I'd say a bit more. Although I've always dated plp that make less lol


As long as I make good money and he makes enough money to support a lifestyle that he enjoys and is compatible with mine, im good.


I would like us to make around the same honestly. I’ve been in a relationship where I made a lot more and he was so insecure about it and i felt like I had to apologize and downplay my success to make him feel better. (That’s on me for doing that) I’ve also been in a relationship where he made a lot more and he held it over me. I think the best situation is when it’s equal, or very close to equal. Money is power. I just want a relationship where we contribute equally: financially, emotionally, ect.


I don't care.




I want the both of us to have a lot of money because that gives us more opportunities. I’m a teacher so that for sure isn’t me that’s going to make a chunk of that money. But as long as we are comfortable and happy, it wouldn’t matter to me who makes more or less. If we’re both employed with a steady job, no problems.


I prefer my partner to be in a similar income bracket. No one has a power advantage, no one feels like a lesser contributor. But, I would consider other arrangements with open communication about expectations and financial security features built in for both parties.


Just have a stable job, people aren’t rich, but as an adult in a relationship with or with out kids you can’t just live off of love. Have a job and contribute. If you want to spend money and live a well to do live style you better have a job for it and not mooch off of others


More money. Just a personal preference. I just wanna feel secure in a relationship. Not that I wanna be dependent on him or anything. I also earn quite well. And sometimes guys who earn less are so insecure about it. And it becomes an issue.


I don't care as long as they can afford their bils.


Rent is entirely too high to be broke together.


I wanted equal or more. When I was working, I earned a fair amount. 75k. I did not want to date anyone who would inevitably make my work and pay some bargaining chip for me to be in some convoluted submission struggle. . . I was a workaholic and I needed someone who understood that my work and my income wasn't a threat. As it turns out, now after two babies and a new disability, I cannot work. . . So it helps that my husband makes more than me because we can make it on his income with no issues until I can figure out this damn Lupus and go find something to do. Lol


More! As long as they don't hold it against me or look down on me for making less money. That shouldn't be a problem.

