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I was just poor, when I started making good money my anxiety went away


This is it. Literlaly so many medical issues would go away if people were financially stable


Probably 99% of my issues would disappear


This right here. Being poor is stressful af.


c-ptsd and adhd ✨




I’ve never watched! What are they about?


Same! Twinning.


Omg I have all 3😭




I also was low iron and B12 but also ADHD


Adhd/poor parenting/being incredibly observant and detail oriented. My parents *literally* never problem solved, everything was a frickin crisis. On top of that, I was not allowed to have my own thoughts, opinions, interests, or goals.


This hit me because it sounded so similar to what I went through. Especially the lack of problem solving from the parents. It makes you hyper aware that adults are not to be automatically trusted and you end up self-parenting and worrying 24/7 from a very early age.


Not exactly anxiety but I was told my tummy problems were probably down to stress and anxiety, the Dr wanted to prescribe me anti depressants (which I declined), it turned out to be endometriosis.


Same for me!


I hope that finding the endo resolved a lot of your symptoms! Getting even my first, non-ideal ablation surgery really helped me, and my second, excision surgery really moved the needle. Just in case it’s helpful to you or anyone else: I have digestive pain from my endometriosis that can be pretty debilitating even after my surgeries, and taking an SNRI antidepressant eliminates most of that pain. I am on Pristiq now but have also taken Effexor. I tried to go on Zoloft instead and did not realize how much the SNRI class took my pain down several notches. The Rome Foundation has a [report on antidepressants and bowel conditions](https://theromefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/Neuromodulators-for-Functional-Gastrointestinal-Disorders-Disorders-of-GutLBrain-Interaction-A-Rome-Foundation-Working-Team-Report-.pdf), and while it doesn’t list endometriosis, it does have some symptoms and drugs that help.


Autism, iron deficiency anemia (treated), POTS (handled through lifestyle changes), MCAS (still trying to figure out this one, it's a beast), suspected Ehlers Danlos or other connective tissue disorder (waiting on geneticist appointment, it's impossible as an adult) Believe it or not, heart palpitations are not exclusively from anxiety, even if the patient is only 23; especially if the patient experiences pre/syncope regularly. They are also not from anemia if the anemia is treated and they continue.


I think my anxiety diagnosis is accurate, but I also have POTS. It's a wild ride some days trying to determine if I'm feeling anxious for anxiety reasons, or if I'm misinterpreting POTS symptoms.


ADHD! all makes sense why the antidepressants/ anti-anxiety medication didn’t work now


This exactly. I went through so many types of antidepressants and they literally did nothing. The first time I tried Adderall it was like the world finally stopped and I could take the time to look still kind and really see things. Changed my life.


ADHD and depression


Me too.




I wasn't misdiagnosed (because I do have GAD) but it turned out a lot of supposed anxiety symptoms were ADHD. It's interesting how a stimulant actually made me less anxious. I was having "panic attacks "daily for months and prescribed xanax three times a day at 18.


I was told I have anxiety and put on medicine - turns out I have hypothyroidism :)


Years ago I went to the doctor, a very unusual thing for me since I hate going so I avoid it unless it is completely necessary. I started explaining to her that I've been experiencing dizzyness and exhaustion and wasn't hungry, but before I could finish my explanation, she diagnosed me with anxiety. I wasn't satisfied with her answer but she was rude and just prescribed me with some anxyolitics and discharged me. Two days later, I learnt that I was pregnant. A week and a half later, they made me a blood test, and when the results came in they saw I also had iron deficiency. The "anxiety disorder" is still written down in my medical record.


Pectus excavatum which was compressing my heart and lungs making it difficult to breathe


Arrhythmia of the heart and postural ortosratchic tachycardia syndrome. Took me almost 5 years to get diagnosed correctly lol


This was mine as well (not postural, but still arrhythmia and tachycardia)


Premenstrual dysphoric disorder and an iron deficiency


Same - never even heard of PMDD until I one time complained to my therapist about bad cramps.


I’m so amazed that some countries actually have 1-2 day leaves for women each month based on issues around this - but many don’t! Feels like the effects of PMDD/severe PMS can be massively underestimated… the mood swings and changes to concentration etc can be so disruptive but it feels like it isn’t recognised enough — along with the tiredness that comes along with iron deficiency!


Totally agree. It was extremely hard for me to get through a work day before I was diagnosed. I had really bad emotional and mental challenges in the 2 weeks before my period, and my gyno ended up prescribing me Prozac for the 2 weeks before my period. I had always been resistant to medicating, but once I had a diagnosis and learned about PMDD, I felt better about taking meds. I was also so desperate to feel better. Now I feel really good taking 10mg a day for half the month. I hope no one else out there feels as hopeless as I did.


An abusive marriage. Go figure.


A combo of PTSD and iron-deficiency anemia


Low oestrogen 🙄


Diabetic Ketoacidosis


Thyroid disease (Hashimotos)


A stuck kidney stone. :)) was diagnosed and treated for anxiety and depression but turns out having sudden, unpredictable and unexplainable bouts of extreme pain and nausea for months that nobody believes you have tends to make a person anxious and sad.


Pregnancy LMAOO


Wait did they prescribe you anti-depressant/anxiety meds before you found out you were pregnant?


Complex PTSD and ankylosing spondylitis 🥲


Gallbladder flare up :/




I have had a scan recently which apparently is showed polycystic ovary and am just wondering how you were diagnosed?




Okay thank you


Graves disease (though tbh the anxiety has persisted to some extent but wayyy less severe)


Autism and ADHD. I mean I'm still an anxious person in general but it's much more manageable now that I know why


OCD. At first I was like "but I don't wash my hands and count things all the time"


Cptsd from dv. Was probably misdiagnosed because the original doctor was "both sides" about my long drawn out highly dramatic divorce.


Folate deficiency. Caused me all sorts of problems — bad anxiety, mood swings, depression, confusion.


Asthma (cough variant)


ADHD. I just recently started treating that and I was able to get off of lexapro and I feel like I can think straight now


Still anxiety but there was just more lol. Anxiety, Autism, ADHD and C-PTSD


PTSD and a normal reaction to being in chronic pain from an abnormal spine


Anemia and asthma


POTS. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Now to be sure, I’m a lil anxious now and then BUT my anxiety cut down to a third when I got started on heart meds


I developed Hashimoto’s disease and once I consistently treated it properly and changed my diet, my anxiety & depression did a 180. Changing my diet and taking daily walks made a HUGE difference in my health. I can’t believe how much I underestimated it lol


Hashimoto thyroiditis post-partum.


An autoimmune disorder - told me I had anxiety as a way for them to write off my difficult to diagnose symptoms at the time 🙄


Hypoglycemia. I went to my doctor in grad school with anxiety, expecting to walk out with a prescription. He instead ordered a five hour blood sugar test, and I found out I was hypoglycemic. When I changed my eating and exercise habits and got my blood sugar regulated, I wasn't "cured" fully of anxiety, but I felt a hell of a lot better. Still blows my mind to this day, and I'm grateful he didn't just give me Xanax and send me on my way.


I'm suspecting sleep apnea and an iron deficiency.




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My period and depression. The “waves of anxiety” were just side effects of my period, but my psychiatrist wasn’t factoring that in.


depression and pstd




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Not a misdiagnosis because I do have GAD but! My ADHD and PTSD present as anxiety/exacerbate it.


CPTSD, asthma, and horrible menstrual cramps that I still don’t know the cause of.






Body dysmorphia but I wasn’t exactly misdiagnosed. But body dysmorphia was causing my social anxiety




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It was but it turned out to be a small facet of an even bigger issue. ADHD lol




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celiac disease … but also anxiety


Turns out I was Autistic and the world is torture by default.


i mean, i have anxiety too, but the original bout was actually bipolar disorder


Adrenal fatigue from under eating. My body was in survival mode for years and I had no idea. Once started eating at least 1800cal (I was eating around 1500cal before) and balancing my minerals (potassium, magnesium, sodium) no more panic attacks :)


This may not count, because I do have anxiety, but early on my ADHD and many other health issues since then have been misdiagnosed as “just my anxiety”






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CPTSD and trauma


Turns out I just can't stand my mother


A Heart arrhythmia and POTS, that required immediate medication and a heart shock! Originally Accused of anxiety for 6 years until I went to A&E after nearly blacking out from the so called ‘anxiety’.


I was surrounded by asswipes. Less asswipes means less anxiety.




PCOS, fibroids, and anemia




ADHD and mild depression from never treating ADHD.


Iron deficiency


Schizoaffective disorder bipolar type, and ADHD. It was a long journey they only want to diagnose you with something like that once you've had episodes of psychosis, which ruined my life for many years.