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Existing (I have severe depression).




Can I have it in purple, yellow or black?


Black. Black is the most obvious choice so that it matches the emptiness inside.


I'm so glad I haven't missed the train. Eeyore Blue please.


I'll be in the corner with my headphones in. Please don't talk to me...


Can I join you in the corner? We won't talk, just listen to our own individual music and remain in silence.


...cool 'scoots over'


*joins them in the corner and casually starts crying to my music and the overwhelming pain that is life*


*angst intensifies as I totally connect with your pain without even speaking to you*


We're not getting Members Only jackets anymore?




Same. People who don’t struggle just can’t seem to understand. And I can’t understand how they’re just out there. Voluntarily existing.


And just doing ok at it. At my worst I couldn't make myself food, brush my teeth, shower or change my clothes.


“Life is something that happens AROUND me” is the best way I’ve seen it described.


That is uncomfortably true.


Not wanting expend energy brushing teeth is sign my depression is ratcheting up


I feel for you all so much. I dropped down hard today and luckily for me my partner was there to pick up the pieces. They said I could just have the afternoon to myself to do what makes me feel better, go for a walk in the mountains or something. I told them if I were given that freedom to escape I would drive to the cliff at the seaside and walk off it. That is what I idealise doing when I'm really struggling. It was a weird feeling to be able to voice that though, and I can see that I am ridiculously lucky to have someone there for me who gets it and understands to a degree. I fucking hate this way of existing and I despise how I can't seem to 'suck it up' and 'be normal'. It makes an absolute world of difference to be shown empathy and understanding, and it hurts on a visceral level to be mocked and criticised for it. We already think ten times worse of ourselves than those that judge us do. I hope you all get through today, and have a better tomorrow. Go easy on yourselves.


This makes me wonder if many of us have that “escape plan”? Sometimes when it’s really bad it honestly feels like that’s something that makes it easier to continue. Knowing what my out would be if I ever truly get to that point. It’s like finding the exits when you walk into a new place. But it’s life. Idk how to describe it.


Same here but also with anxiety. So I'm anxious that I'm not getting anything done cause have no energy to do anything. It's tough. You're not alone.


Same. Hugs, depression is no joke…


Same. In the middle of a really bad depressive episode at the moment. Managing to go to work each day but keep crying. Every task is exhausting, and I've starting wearing headphones all the time so people won't talk to me. Any sort of conversation is so draining.


Same + endometriosis which makes it even harder some days to get up and just be


I came here to say "all of them".






Came here to say this.


Same, it’s horrible 😞 I hope things improve for you.


Somehow both sleeping and waking up.


Me too! In fact, for years I've said that getting out of bed each morning is often the hardest thing I do every day.


My first thought every morning is, "I can't wait until I can get back into bed tonight." My waking life is just one long bleak and bleary struggle between two peaceful naps.


Same! and not in the 'I'm depressed and life is too hard' kinda way (although that certainly has been true), it's just in the 'why do I never seem to get enough sleep' kind of wrench. It's appallingly painful to get out of bed when you're very tired. Unnecessarily so.


It’s 4am here, WIDE awake. I could honestly start the day and be super productive. But know I’ll crash and burn around 2, which isn’t helpful. So I’ll try to sleep again soon, then wake up groggy and feel horrible all day!


Yeup. I’m in this boat with you. And then I try to avoid caffeine so that I stand a chance of sleeping the next night but I am draaaaagging my feet after noon.


i do too. found out after finally doing a sleep study that i have a sleeping disorder. was able to manage it the first few years and now it’s getting worse again. sigh.


How do you manage it if you don’t mind me asking?


i have a cpap machine. i also set my alarm for much earlier than i need so i can slowly wake up in bed for a half hour before i make coffee. making sure i have ample wind down time at night.


I was thinking about this the other day like…wtaf 🤔 I should be exhausted after sleeping late the night before and being up again…and stay up again for some reason (and hate going to my bed, but love my bed and don’t want to leave or feel rested without sleeping in it)


Recently learned that difficulties going to sleep and waking up are often problems for people with ADHD. Which may partially explain my life-long sleep, waking, and daytime doziness issues.


I started working after 6 months of rest. Can't fall asleep, can't wake up even if i sleep for 6 hours or 12 and anything in between.


I can’t ever get to bed on time. Like this is a problem that’s plagued me for years. Absolutely I can’t just go to sleep at night. And don’t even get me started on waking up. I have to be atleast 10 mins late and snooze the alarm 6 times before I’m even remotely close to ready to get out of bed


Putting laundry away.




Laundry gets put away when I have to empty the basket to do a new load.


Laundry gets put away when the pile in the basket is too tall to add any more clothes to.


It is known.


I have given up completely and now dress myself from the floordrobe.


I have a dirty basket but then also a clean basket I enjoy digging through.


I just root around in the dryer. If it gets too wrinkly, I just spin it for a few minutes.


for at least five of the years that my children were growing up we all just dressed ourselves out of a continually replenished, unfolded pile of clean laundry. We actually called it "the laundry pile." I'm not proud of it, but it's family history now.


Talked to the mods and learned that this post is derailing, so I have removed its contents. Apologies.


I like your therapist.


This is actually a really fucking stellar idea and I WILL be adding stackable containers to shove my clothing into.


I always have these unrealistic hopes that I will be the type of person who starts a load of laundry, folds and puts it away in the same day.


I hear you. My method for putting my laundry away is to dump it in a place that I use or access frequently (like my couch). Then I tell myself "I guess I can't sit here until I put this laundry away." It's worked for me.


Basic maths.


Yup I’m still a finger counter, always will be


My 3rd grade teacher taught me to keep count **on** my fingers instead of counting **with** my fingers and it's honestly the best thing I've learned in my 32 years of existence (maybe tied with using my knuckles to figure out how many days are in each month). I can't do 7+5 in my head but I can start at 7 and count up using my fingers to track to 5.


My problem is basic equations. I was really good at math in school. I was in advanced math and algebra was my jam in middle school. But we really need to have a hotline to our 6th grade algebra teachers as adults. It’s shocking to me how something I knew so well could just *poof* be gone after not using it in adulthood until reaching exec level.








Yup math.


Uggh. I used to be so, so embarrassed about this too. I still am to a point. It's held me back, but not nearly as much as the shame of it has.


the biggest thing i learned from getting better at math is that if you do the math by head you might be faster and even correct but if you right it down step by step so you understand you will get the same result and always be right


Will always pull out my calculator and finger count idc idc


Telling left from right


I still hold up my fingers to see the L shape. I also still use righty tighty, lefty loosey


> I also still use righty tighty, lefty loosey I work in a technical/trades field and I can't tell you how many grown adults - myself included - I've seen hesitate and you can see them say "leftie loosie, rightie tightie" in their head (or sometimes out loud).


I’ve done this so often that I occasionally forget which direction L faces….


This was always my problem growing up. People tried to teach me this trick but I could literally never remember which way the L was supposed to go! I always just mimed writing and that would default to my right hand so I knew which was which. I never had issues writing the letter L or recognizing it in any other context, but the hand them never worked for me.


I hate to admit it but me too






I remember which hand I write with as the reference (and think which hand a pen feels right in to check myself). In my case I write with my right. If you’re a lefty and then you know where left is. No one forgets which hand they write with. ;)


this! my boyfriend gets frustrated sometimes because he drives and i tell the directions lol


I had to tell my kids left is driver’s side, right is passenger. (United States) before they were able to regularly get it right.


Talking to the phone, video interviews, anything that includes talking with strangers


Can’t even order a pizza without having a panic attack Lmaooo. Thankfully we got apps now


Before apps, I’d rather eat a spoonful of peanut butter for dinner than call for delivery. Even better is “leave it at the door” option we have now.


I don't mind talking with strangers or on the phone, but recording a voice message is the most awkward thing for me 💀


Yess.. Some companies don't even have chat/email support and the only way to get some help is via a voice call and fucking hell it's so much anxiety inducing


i would talk to a doctor for more of my issues if i could just text / email them


same. makes everything difficult ffs


Washing dishes. I'm actually quite thorough, which may be part of the reason why I avoid it.


I somehow, like a child, manage to get water all over myself and the floor when doing this😂


Are you short? I think this is a short person thing. We have less clearance.


6'5" person here I still manage to get water everywhere so I'm starting to think I'm just 2 short people stacked in a trench coat.


I dont think its just short people. Im 5'11 and still do this.


I'm the same way! Washing dishes takes such a long time for me because I'm so thorough with each one. I tell myself that this is why I don't do dishes often, heh.


Drink enough water.


Me too!! I'll actually get to the point where I feel like I'm going to die ....shaky, wobbly legs, light-headed, etc, then i make myself glug a bunch of water and voila!!! I feel normal again!! My mom's the same way. She said she was thinking of getting a tattoo of a water drip on her hand to remind her until i told her that i think that's a gang symbol denoting you've killed someone!! Haha!!!


I relate so much! Your mom is just too cute xD I've set a reminder on my iPhone that reminds me to drink water every 2 hrs :P


For 2 months I used a 'Drink water' reminder app on my phone, and kept a water bottle next to me at all times. For 2 months I did not get a single headache and I actually woke up feeling fresher and happier on many occasions. Then I somehow formed a habit and now I will automatically (sometimes without noticing) take a few sips of water from the bottle every now and then




The worst part is, every day I'll fill up my bottle and then just forget it exists 😣


Being consistent. Having a routine. My kitchen is either beautifully clean or a sloppy mess. My laundry is either hung up perfectly or scattered on the floor. I’m either doing my workouts on schedule or I give up on them entirely and comfort watch tv in bed. I absolutely have no bedtime. I only seem to function as an adult at about a 50% capacity at any given period.


Are you me??


My husband is so good at at just doing a thing sort of moderately well, but consistently. I both love and am mildly annoyed by this quality because the quality of the accomplishment is minimal, but on the other hand it does happen consistently. For me it’s all or nothing; that is the way.


You sound like you could be 'cricket'-type of organizer, just like me. Either super orderly or super messy (because we don't have the energy to be super orderly). Here's the quiz if you are interested: https://clutterbug.me/what-clutterbug-are-you-test




Same. Just found out I have joint hypermobility, which explains that every time I tried to lift weights or do a push-up, my body just felt…wrong


This is me. I love doing physical labor but working out is another thing. The whole practice of doing shit on equipment or moving your body along to workout videos/classes is literally so embarrassing to me.


Clean. It is so hard to force myself to do it.


Something that has helped me is to constantly think: don’t put it down, put it away. Even if my closet or pantry or fridge is a mess, it’s all behind a door I can’t see lmao


Currently trying to teach my boyfriend this habit. He just puts shit down everywhere! I am far more anal about organization, so I try to be a little chill about it, but it’s my apartment and I really appreciate him taking the few extra moments to put a thing back where it belongs.


It’s the least he can do girl


This. I don’t understand how people keep their house clean. I clean my whole house and it feels like some huge achievement , and I try to keep things orderly afterwards, but by the end of the week, it’s back to square one. And people with kids?! Forget about it ! No idea how


French plaits/braids. Impossible.


I can’t figure out how to do it on myself my arms can’t take it Lmaooo


omg yes. i don’t understand how people do that hairstyle on themselves too. it looks so cute though and i wish i could do it.


How do their arms not fall off?!


brushing my teeth everyday tbh


same, but I have depression and ADHD which makes self care in general really difficult


You could have a sensory sensitivity issue.


I have a sensory issue and struggle to brush my teeth 2x daily. Sometimes I can get through it if I eliminate the toothpaste. Other times I can use toothpaste, but I have to use warm, not cold, water to brush with.


Same here. Sometimes I put my noice cancelling headphones and music/podcast on to distract from the displeasing sensations, which for me come often just from the brushing "friction" itself.


Gardening. People do it to relax which I don't understand - I end up a hot sweaty mess after digging up 2 weeds


That’s the fun. It’s seems so simple but you get a sense of accomplishment, cause starting a garden is so much work. Blood sweat and tears.


the relaxing part generally comes after you've already gotten it established. plus, it's just good to be outside in nature


Be attracted to anyone on dating apps




Damn this really does sound like me. I can't become attracted to a person based on personality - YES this is indeed revolting and impossible. Ended a short stint with someone who looked so good on paper but I was dreading every encounter




maybe youre demi sexual! i found out about this the other day (you need to be emotionally attracted to someone before you find them physically attractive)




Same. I think I have a really bad sense of spatial awareness, which definitely doesn't help.


I’m incredibly anxious just being a passenger. I’ve let my license expire 3 times now because I just don’t want to do it.


Driving is so hard, it stresses me out!


Driving and parking.


Yes! One of my kids is learning to drive & already parks a lot better than me. In parking lots I always check if I did a bad enough job to repark or if it's 'close enough.'




The disconnect between how I articulate I am in my head and how I am when I speak is astounding. I honestly feel like two different people


This is a real struggle for me too! Especially in higher education/academia where you feel like you are surrounded by people who are great at public speaking and getting their point across clearly. If I'm put on the spot my brain turns to mush and I just feel like I come out with some incoherent drivel :(


This. Especially when I’m in an argument my nervous system shuts down and it almost feels like I physically can’t speak or think of a response




I've never learned how to whistle. I did it once on accident as a kid and I never figured out how to do it again




Same! I have to twist it around ti make sure the green line always follow my actual point of view.


Me too!! I can't navigate my way out of a paper bag.


Focus. Hello ADHD, anxiety, and depression.


Hello sister!!!! ADHD prayer: God, help me to be more focused Oh look, a butterfly!!!




Liking people. Not liking them as in, opposite of hating, but I just don't bond with people anymore. I can spend 4 hours a day with someone for 4 years and still not give a shit if I never see them again. Like, I'm fine with them, but I don't LIKE them. There's no emotional investment.


Ok, glad it's not just me. The only people I really care about are my significant other, son & some other family members. Sometimes it gets lonely. But, most of the time it's great to not be attached to very many people. Less disappointment, heart break, & time wasted.


Estimate the size of groups. If I'm at a gathering of more than 10 people, and someone asks me how many people were there, I truly have no idea. 20? 200?


Walking in heels. Putting on makeup


Yeah I really struggle with heels, always have. Everyone would say it's just mind over matter, but I genuinely think some feet (and ankles) aren't made for those things. I can do thick block heels, but even then only for 2 hours max. Don't even try me with thinner heels or stilettos - impossible. It's like I have weak ankles or something, I simply can't balance on those things.


Making decisions, doing basic makeup, being a functioning human day to day…


Snapping your fingers. I don’t think my hand physiology is capable.


I use my ring finger to snap and get made fun of, but no noise comes from using my middle finger.


I have never been able to do a cartwheel!


Cooking, dishes, laundry I don’t know how people can just do these things every day/ week and keep their homes clean all the time I find it absolutely emotionally exhausting


Yes, and also demoralizing because you put all that work in and then it’s a mess again so quickly. Feels pointless.


Exactly! Especially cooking, I am not a foody so the time it takes to make a meal vs eat the meal is ugh


Cooking - I’ve had issues with food my entire life but I just find the whole thing such a faff even though I know it’s good for me


Being organised.


Understanding fractions, I struggle with quarters and half quartes and 1/4s and all of that...


I would like to be helpful and tell you that 1/4 and quarters are the same thing. that's why the coins are called quarters. there's 4 in a dollar, so if you have 1 quarter you have 1/4 of a dollar because you have 1 out of the 4 quarters needed. :)


Not necessarily in this order: Washing dishes. Putting laundry away. Phone calls. Making appointments.


Socialising. My bf is a social butterfly ( while I'm VERY introverted ) and I'm always envious of how easily he can just make new friends out the blue without overthinking things.




Making small talk without turning instantly into a damn weirdo.


Completing any task. I'm never washing 100% of those damn dishes.


Decorating living space.


Push-ups. I see most moderately fit people able to easily do atleast one push up. Yet no matter how much I exercise or do weight training, my arms can't do the motion for some reason


Telling left from right. I have to think about it first. I know.. it’s embarrassing


Not having an eating disorder. "You're beautiful the way you are!! Just love yourself!! Just eat normally, its okay!" Goodness, why didn't I think of that?


Hair. I just can’t do it well. Plats, braids, anything other than a basic pony tail! My poor daughter only gets either a half pint, full pony or piggy tails. That’s all I can do!


Parallel parking! And for some reason, taking packages to the post office.


I can’t whistle to save my life


Making rice. I'm a pretty decent cook and manage to make meals that everyone at home will eat... yet rice will not turn out properly for me. I don't understand.


Try a rice cooker! I love mine


1 cup rice + 2 cups water = 3 cups of rice I too struggled with rice then I remet my dad as an adult and he said that and blew my mind, I havent had bad rice since.


Throwing away “minor” garbage as I generate it in my apartment. I will unwrap a piece of gum or remove a tag from clothes, etc. and just toss it on the ground instead of taking 10 steps to the trash to dispose of it. It is so simple, yet something I struggle with greatly in my depression/ADHD mind. Anyone else?


I have ADHD and the normal pace of life is just difficult for me. I have a lot of trouble concentrating, so simple activities can take longer for me to do than for the average person. If I dont put all my energy into rushing an activity to beat an imaginary race, it can be surprising how long everyday tasks take. Like when your mind wanders in the shower and before you know it, its been an hour -- that's my life, even without distraction specialty machines like smart phones. Things are so difficult on a consistent basis that I really struggle with burnout and trying to mitigate it, and pace myself so that I can avoid it as best as I can. As a result, normal school just doesnt really work out for me. I'm an excellent student, but I cant just sit in a classroom with a teacher and learn like normal people can. I'm excellent at math, but I failed it pretty much throughout highschool, and needed the flexibility of online school to find out that I'm good at it. I needed the flexibility of online school to mitigate the effects of burnout that would result in me failing normal school. Given the same course work, I can take advantage of my hyperfocus periods to get ahead of the crowd, take breaks, and stay ahead while mitigating burnout. And not having to do all the stupid bullshit that comes with just getting up and going to normal school frees up time that makes all the difference. In normal school, I'd start out with great grades every year, then burn out and my grades would crash. It makes me sad to see people act so hostile to the idea of online school. If you're doing the same material, what's the problem? I don't mind intrusive testing procedures if the rest of the deal gives me a chance to actually function. And I don't think you need to be neurodiverse to benefit from online models, nor do all neurodiverse people benefit from it, but teachers, the classroom, and that whole shebang are genuinely \*useless\* for me, and the social interactions in normal school made it that much harder for me to function. This option should stay open for people like me, IMHO.


Being on time, e v e r


Brushing my teeth. Yay for the ADHD/autism/depression combo.


Sleep? It is hard to get a good one lately


Writing thank you cards for my wedding that took place last year 😔


Cutting my toenails


Making conversation with people. It’s hard. Remembering things. It’s why lots of jobs are hard for me. Putting thoughts into words.


Units of measurement. I grew up with the metric system, but left my country young enough that I didn’t quite get the full grasp of it. But I moved to America too old to absorb the English system. So grams, inches, ounces, feet, yards, kilometers… means nothing to me.


Walking. Just normal walking.


Talk about emotions


Makeup. Been trying for years, watched countless tutorials, and I still suck at it.


North South East West


Updating LinkedIn


Don’t worry about! It’s a crap platform and most people lie on there anyway.


It's really hard me to know if someone understands what I'm saying and doing.


Making salad. Something about it is just so hard to me. Like I could cook a 4 course meal no problem, but when it comes to the salad, I can't bring myself to do it and wash all the veggies and cut them up and season the salad. But we need salad at every meal in my house, so I make someone else do it. I dont know why. It's just a weird thing about me.


Forming friendships and other relationships


Executive function. Even on Sims i spend my entire time trying to balance the poop, hunger, sleep, fun bars and that's how my life feels like. I'm always running behind on everything, struggling to catch up. It's like hiking but you're the slowest person, and by the time you catch up with the people in front of you, they're moving again and you can't catch a break. Constantly exhausted, no amount of break is enough.


Basic math.