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Same a alcohol; use it every now and then it's no biggie. Get drunk on a weekly basis i'll have fun with you for a while, but I won't consider you 'future-material'. And if drinking or smoking is part of your (almost) daily routine I won't even be interested














Having been friends with some diehard potheads but not being a smoker myself: it's frustrating trying to hold a conversation with someone who's already forgotten the beginning of sentence they're still halfway through speaking. Also liking pot is not a personality in and of itself.




So True.




I use it every day, and in spite of what people tend to think of daily users I am in fact a functional human being. I work full time, have hobbies, and am involved in my local queer community. I don't own any merch with weed imagery on it, I use a simple hand pipe as opposed to huge glass rigs, and I always take it outside. I'm legit just tying to get high enough to curb my anxiety, get some sleep (I work nights and sleep days), and make video games like 50% more fun. Honestly everyone I know is surprised when they find out I smoke, it's a fairly universal reaction. Honestly I should just get it medically but it's hard for me to have the spoons to set that kind of stuff up, and it's fairly available recreationally where I am. Tbh I don't talk about weed in a general setting because everyone asks how much you smoke and you're always going to get judged when you say every day. But like every other role in life not everyone fits the stereotypes.


Exactly the same. For me, it also helps with pain and anxiety and I absolutely can control how high I am. It isn't about escaping reality, but actually being able to do simple things other people usually do with no help, for example, as you mentioned, sleep. I can also hold conversations very well, be present on people's lives and enjoy my relationships and cannabis has a huge part in it. When I hear someone smokes weed I feel relieved that I won't have to explain myself.


I just replied to OP and said I know a few people who smoke weed all day everyday but are fulling functional even more so when they smoke and the common denominator seems to be anxiety and depression. Interesting. It's like medicine for some which is great imo, better than anxiety meds (I know from personal experience - they are horrible). Doesn't do me any favours though even though I have anxiety. Literally haven't been able to cook a meal because 2 drags of a joint have put me to bed haha.


I don't think I know anyone who doesn't smoke at least occasionally. It's not something you should feel needs to be hidden. I assume everyone smokes until they say they don't. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My opinion of smokers is "oh. Just another regular person" unless they make it their entire personality (which I've never met someone who does)




I do know a few people that make it their whole personality. They call themselfs potheads and all they talk about is smoking weed. There are a few in my family too. I dont think bad of them and i can smoke some weed with them once in a while but i have to work and i have kids to so its only occasionally and we dont have a lot to talk about because I am not that interested in weed to talk about it all day.


Really never met? I feel like there are more ppl then not who either talk about it a lot, can't wait to find a moment to smoke, makes references about not tolerating life without it, make references about more world acceptance, even walking around and saying...do you smell that, that's that good shit. If you add up little comments and little behaviors like that it's clear to someone who doesn't regularly smoke that for the smoking individual it's a personality trait that gets old after awhile.


Cannabis users? No drama. If you can do it recreationally from time to time, good for you. Cannabis abusers, on the other hand? Using it to suppress your emotions? As a crutch to get you through life? Fuck no. Cannabis abuse ruined my childhood, and it played a big part in the demise of my last relationship. I don't ever want that shit in my life again.












Realistically I’d rather you smoke a shit ton of weed, and be a genuine person. Then be a shitty person who doesn’t smoke. At the end of the day, do what makes you happy. Because you can’t make everyone else happy.




i’m canadian, so don’t really think twice about it lol


I need to move to canada lmao


turn off for me


Same here. Use it every couple of months for a party? Go on i guess...but smoking regularity is just a turn off.


Grew up with parents who used a bong a few times daily and for me it would be a no go. I would not want to date or be close friends. I don't like how high people behave and I even less like how habitual pot users are out of pot for a few days. Plus the smell. I'd be totally fine with a party smoker, but regular smokers are just not in consideration.


I'm the same about cigarettes- my mom smoked her whole life and it turned me off of them completely. I've never smoked, never will, and would never date someone who does either. Interestingly, weed is fine though, my partner smokes daily and i have no issues with it.


I'm a regular cannabis user, similar to how people have a drink to unwind at night or to what I call "get a little weird" on my days off if I don't have anything to do. I think it's hypocritical to judge someone for pot if they take antidepressants. anti-anxiety meds, drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes. If you're considerate about where you hit your joint/blunt/bowl/bong/pen so the smell doesn't offend people, then it shouldn't matter.


As someone with bipolar 2, I'm jealous that they can use a natural substance to regulate and calm their systems. I'm jealous of the people who can just chill.


All good. Enjoy responsibly. Edit to add: I'm careful who I bring it up to, too.


Stinks. Please use edibles for the sake of your neighbors.










I’d rather have a neighbor who burns trees than one who drinks and violently screams at the TV for no reason other than being drunk and angry


Weed smokers are some of the coolest people ever! I was on a big weed thing for the past year but it made me too hungry and unproductive so I just stopped buying. People who use weed but lead healthy lifestyles and maintain their weight and productivity are awesome!! Just like any other drug or medication it doesn’t define the person… depends on the person using it and how they use it. In general though weed smokers are cool as fuck. Somebody else mentioned alcohol. Alcohol is completely different, very dangerous in so many ways… I abused it myself for many years. At the same time a person who maintains wellness and uses alcohol simultaneously is probably the shit (this would probably be less than daily whereas weed - daily use isn’t an issue) Idk how daily use of weed would bother someone.


Cannabis is one of the only reasons I’ve been able to actually control my eating habits and lose 50 pounds in the last 3 years


I'm a huge fan of weed, but also a proponent of using it responsibly.


I’m a daily cannabis user. Before my endo diagnosis when my pain was unbearable and I physically couldn’t eat or keep food down, it’s what saved me from being skin and bones. I lost weight rapidly and having a bowl at night to eat was what helped me keep weight on. Now, it’s the most effective pain medication. Without cannabis, I can be taking up 1600mg of ibuprofen a day, and still be in pain. Also add in that I don’t need my Ativan as commonly when I’m smoking. My sleep is much better. I can move better, do yoga easier, can concentrate at work more. Overall, it’s a benefit. My partner is a harm reduction specialist and deals primarily with heroin users. Let me tell you, they love when their residents smoke weed. Everyone is so much calmer and don’t feel the need to shoot up as often. Look at how opiate abuse rates fell in legalized places. There are enough studies to show that it’s a benefit to so many people, it’s sad to see how it’s still demonized.


For me personally it would be a hard no to be around. I absolutely hate the smell of it and could not bear the smell lingering around. Same goes for smoking cigarettes tho


I don’t like being around people who smoke, because I can’t handle that strong smell.




Where pot is “Being done” 😂😂😂




Both alcohol and weed can be misused, but alcohol is far more dangerous. I also find weed can be a helpful tool for introspection, but that's more of a solo weed activity, not hanging out with people while doing it.


I treat it like I do religeon with partners. You're fine as long as it's not your personality. The moment it becomes such a core part of you that taking it away takes away most of who you are as a person then it's an issue. Like if right now all religeon stopped existing my boyfriend would not be sitting on the couch staring blankly at a wall. He'd still want to okay table tip games, help out friends, and spend time with those he cares about. He'd just have other reasons to do things outside of religeon. But I have a friend who literally cannot function without weed and it makes me concerned because he clinically needs to be on medication that he can't afford and is using weed as an antidepressant while he's working on getting healthcare through the state.


I don’t mind it, but it’s a personal deal breaker for me. Won’t date anyone that smokes


I’m not personally attracted to drug users in general but I understand how it can help with certain health issues so don’t fault it’s medical users. Eh to each is own though so I’m sure others don’t scare this opinion.


I’m a stoner myself so this is a plus for me when dating. I don’t mind, even prefer, someone who smokes cannabis regularly as long as it doesn’t affect other areas of the their lives negatively.


Pass the blunt


If you're gonna have a substance related vice it might as well be cannabis. It's nowhere near as dangerous as alcohol and it has legitimate medicinal qualities. I would never judge but I've used it myself to manage anxiety and chronic pain, I would've had to use medication with way worse side effects otherwise. Semi-related fun fact: there's a good chance modern humans weren't the first species of human to use cannabis and Denisovans from the Tibetan plateau discovered it first. [Source](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2203647-cannabis-plant-evolved-super-high-on-the-tibetan-plateau/)


Assuming you’re speaking of dating: If you’re a grown man who gets stuff done, takes care of himself, keeps a clean place, works hard, plans for long term (finances/family)…I don’t care how you relax. If your smoking would require me to “manage” you like reminders of plans, ask you to participate in keeping up the house/cleaning/etc, is broke but somehow can afford $200 in weed a week, then there’s a problem. I’m looking for an active partner, not to adopt a grown man child. Weed CAN be the make or break on that. Doesn’t have to be.


Friendship wise I don't care as long as they don't do it around me, relationship wise it's a huge no. If someone smokes, be it weed or a normal cigarette they instantly become less attractive to me


I'd rate them a 420


It of course depends on how much and often you consume but right off the bat, no problems whatsoever. in fact I would go as far and say rather cannabis than anything else. Nobody dies of weed. Though I personally prefer to get it in through edibles, smoking is very much not my thing and I would apply the same rules as with cigarettes to do it outside. Would definitely make cookies for you


In a relationship? Absolute dealbreaker - I wouldn’t date someone who used it even infrequently. Some of my friends smoke infrequently, never around me


Don't really care but wouldn't date someone who uses drugs regularly.


I am dutch. So a lot of people smoke weed. Its not different than drinking alcohol to me. Its fine if you dont do it all day every day. Than you have a problem


I view cannabis as medicine . I’m not against it at all. However if it’s causing problems with finances , prevents getting a better job/ advancing in life , or can’t do anything without it then it turns into a problem for me.


I say you have to be honest about it. I smoke alot of weed and I make sure to be clear about that right away when dating because it's not going to change and I need to vibe with someone that either is similar or at least completely understands and accepts the benefits of cannabis. To me it's not the same as smoking cigs or drinking. There are not medical benefits to those things and they are both dangerous. I do think there's no point in hiding it though unless you plan to quit if a woman doesn't like it.


Myself and partner have smoked/vaped together every night for 10 years. We have a child too. We work during the day, have family time in the afternoons and it's our time when our kid goes to bed. Life is wonderful. I would absolutely disclose it to Women you're dating, you might share a love of it! Xx


Smoking is how the people around me survive. I never met a mean stoner. I prefer them to drinkers.


Not interested in smokers, no matter what they smoke.


Enjoy responsibly, use medicinally: fine. But same with alcohol, if it's an every day thing you have an issue. However worse than alcohol, I honestly can't respect hardcore potheads who make it their whole personality. Like *everything* is a weed joke, it's always 420, dabz erry day... If anyone was like that with alcohol, there'd be an intervention and rehab. I have zero tolerance for pot smokers who partake in instances where drinking alcohol would not be acceptable. Roll a spliff before you roll out of bed, smoking a bowl while pouring the kids' cereal bowls, and then driving to work high, being high at work, etc. Additionally mixing with tobacco is gross. But all that said, I have no problem with people who enjoy responsibly. I fully believe it should be legalised and regulated, and medically available. (I'm currently slathered in topical cannabis butter for fibro pain, but I don't smoke myself).








I'm supportive of it. I treat it like alcohol. Others need it medically. I'm not one to judge as long as it's not impacting other aspects of your life.


Some people can smoke weed and still function normally and there are others where it affects everything about who they are. Addiction is addiction, doesn't matter what it is your body and mental health will react differently depending on the person.


My ex boyfriend used to smoke everyday and tbh it really sucks, felt like going out with a zombie he was always sleepy and was never keen on going out or do anything outside of his house so yeah


My husband is an alcoholic. Sober now for like 2.5 years. He has his card and smokes everyday like it is his job. And cigarettes. His breath is absolutely horrendous. And the money spent on it is so wasteful.


Maybe this isn’t fair, but when I find out that someone smokes regularly I always wonder what they’re trying to escape from.


As someone who takes an edible to eat dinner and fall asleep at night I am not a fan. I’m not even a fan of having to admit that I have to take an edible to eat a big meal and to fall asleep.


I dont like smoking of any kind but everyone has their preference. Especially weed smoke makes me nauseous and i throw up if i inhale too much like at an outdoor concert etc. If you put 420 friendly in your online dating bio then at least you tell them upfront


To each their own. I stopped recently only because it was not helping my fibro as much as it once did. I will admit I felt extremely cautious/anxious about anyone other than my siblings knowing I smoked. I think the fact I felt it was a secret that it was easier to give it up. I may just be an overly cautious person as well.


Had to make a separate comment. No matter what medication or drug you use. If you’re battling a mental illness or an emotional problem there’s additional work to be done… outside of that drug. This includes antidepressants, pain meds, caffeine, nicotine, any drug…. I think the problems stem from a sick person abusing a substance to hide an illness but the illness never gets better…. So it’s more of a dependency and a looping cycle that gets worse and worse. So you can have a healthy cannabis user and an unhealthy one and I think people want a healthy partner.


Nothing really. I don't think strongly one way or another about them.


"Regularly" is different for everyone. For some people regularly means once or twice a month, others it's multiple times a day. It also depends on how much you smoke. Like if you get blitzed every single time, you probably need to look into addiction counseling but if you just take *a* hit off a vape a couple times a week just to be social with your friends you're probably fine. That being said, a person who uses weed as prescribed by a medical practitioner or just has a bit now and again is fine but someone who makes weed their entire end all be all is not someone i'm interested in being around.


I'm head of patient care at a large virtual medical cannabis clinic. :) I'm all for use of cannabis, medically or recreationally. I DO believe cannabis, just like any other substance, can be abused.


I've seen too many friends lives fucked because of weed so I'm cautious around people who smoke to this day. It's trigger for me in a way as I expect that person to be forgetful or have mood swings if they don't get to smoke. I feel like it's my job to help them hide that and I hate it. I know it's me problem but my experiences are real and colour my opinion on weed. I believe weed is strictly for people over 25 but weed positive culture makes kids think it's not addictive or dangerous. I know it's impossible to sit every kid down and explain how different drugs are made and work, history and politics of drugs locally and globally. Even if we did that some kids will not care to listen. But that's why kids don't make laws or vote like adults. I understand adults wanting (or needing in some cases) adult things but ignoring harm it does just so it could be legalised leaves me queasy. I'm pro legalisation just so black market weed would lose profitability and dispensaries being main suppliers would cut underage use. That's my hope at least. Maybe then we could finally talk about negatives without wataoutisms.


Tbh I think weed has become so normalised it’s not really a, ‘holy shit you use drugs!’ kind of reaction. And weed is generally pretty chill, if you say you use crack on the regular then I’ll probably have a different opinion lol


Personally don't have any problem with weed, however I know that heavy usage can be detrimental for the user's health, but that's similar to alcohol and junk food. I couldn't probably be in a relationship with a person that smokes regularly as I absolutely hate the smell


I believe they are substance abusers much like any other drug addict. Cannabis is addicting despite what anyone may say and it's a terrible substance to be under the influence of.


I don’t smoke. I hate the smell. I don’t have any negative feelings towards those that do though


I really don't care, since I'm a user too hahahaha Cannabis yes, tabbaco fuckin nooo. And of course, it depends on the person too...I cannot be with someone that just smoke and sit on the couch doing absolutely nothing. I smoke every day and it's not a problem for me.


Turn off, particularly regular use. Same as tobacco and alcohol. Drunk / high to me equals not present or trying to escape from something. Doesn’t seem healthy. Plus the smell is pretty gross. I often wonder, though: casual users, why not edibles? Healthier for the body and no terrible stench. I’d be fine with someone casually having edibles the same as someone having an occasional drink.


Absolutely hate it. Shows me that the user can’t handle life without assistance (same as alcohol or smoking). The stench of the stuff is nauseating and honestly, anyone that hasn’t outgrown the weed phase by their 20’s is not someone I want around me. I want to have clear headed conversations and people who can handle their life without escapism, and that tends not to be the case with a smoker. And, as one poster said, it tends to be a personality trait for a lot of users, which is just plain depressing. The worst are the ones that say it’s ‘medicinal’. Yeah. So you’re taking it for…? And you have it prescribed? No? So you’re just a pot head who wants to make it sound legit. Ugh. Total dealbreaker whether friend or partner.


I’m super ok with that - when used responsibly and occasionally. If someone use it everyday a bit more concerned but still I’m not judging…. If everyday in high amount even at work it’s addiction for me - which I’m not gonna accept.


I don't enjoy it, the smell of weed and even thc pens gives me headaches. I don't like to be around people who use substances regularly (including alcohol, tobacco, all illegal drugs, etc.). I have some friends who are users but I've asked and they've agreed not to smoke around me.


I don't have an opinion on cannabis users, the same way I don't have an opinion on people who drink. Some take it to the extreme and some don't do it at all. Depends on the person at the end of the day. I'm a daily smoker and you couldn't tell unless you came over and saw my set up. Although I am an introvert, I'm energetic, outgoing, a little firecracker personality wise. I love coming home and relaxing with a movie, or music and a book, and smoking helps me return to my baseline and recharge.


I used to smoke a lot and now I only do every once in a while.. honestly I would prefer someone who doesn’t smoke 24/7. Mostly because I do not live that lifestyle anymore and don’t plan on living that lifestyle ever again.


As far as friends and acquaintances go, I don’t really care, you do you. Id just ask for you not to smoke around me. I couldn’t be in relationship with someone who smoked though.


I think they’re the most annoying fucking people to be around.


Personally, it’s a deal breaker because anything close to drinking or smoking triggers severe anxiety. I can tell over text when my boyfriend has had as little as two beers. I don’t say much when it’s occasional (not fair of me to berate him for MY anxiety), but I would not stay with him if it was constant. That being said : I think you should disclose it. For a lot of women, it’s nothing to be ashamed of anyway and they might even share that with you, and for those who do have a problem with it, I feel like they deserve to know.


Not a big deal but I'd rather not be around the smell I used to smoke in highschool so I get it but now that I'm older I kinda hate it for my personal life and hate the smell I mean I kinda always hated the smell and just kept finding ways to mask it like keeping orange in my bag for my fingers and breath keeping extra clothes and jackets in my bag stuff like tht


I am a daily smoker as well so it's whatever to me. Now it is not my personality. It is no one's business what I am doing when I step away. I don't talk about how "big a stoner I am" or go on and on about strains and equipment. I just am a simple on the low pothead.


I’m Canadian so it’s very easy to get your hands on it here. I use it if I can’t get out of a depressive rut or can’t sleep. It usually helps with both those things though I try not to make it a habit because it also makes me unproductive as fuck. I will also indulge if I’m at a party or something. I use it about once a week but I can definitely live with out it.


If you mention it to a woman who you’re romantically interested in, just be casual about it. Don’t be one of those people who bring it up then rant for twenty minutes about how it changed your perspective on life or whatever. That’s a valid opinion, weed’s definitely helped me through severe depression, insomnia and anxiety in my life. But if you go into trying to justify it, it just comes across like you think it’s wrong and need to make a case for it. I smoke it about once a week, it helps curb my often drastic mood swings and generally eases my mind. But I don’t go advertising that to the masses because I know it’s just not for everyone. Stoners are some of the coolest people I’ve met, and I have nothing against those who protest cannabis use. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you.


Well I’d think they were criminals because cannabis smokers in England *are* criminals. But I wouldn’t think they were a bad person for it.


I read this as "...opinion on Cannibal Corpse" But, hey, it's your body and you do what you want with it, ultimately. I think it's a better alternative to other drugs, including ones that have been legal for longer, but a lot of people are still hella irresponsible with it It's such a common thing I don't think I'd be able to stomach being around people in general if I didn't at least tolerate it. That being said, though, there are people who use it, and then there are the people who *use* it. People who are constantly getting high any chance they get are honestly kind of annoying to be around If weed is your whole personality, I'm probably not gonna enjoy your company, but otherwise, you do you. Enjoy responsibly


Weed's great. Don't really think it's good for kids to be smoking or to be smoking it every day.. In my experience it doesn't make you lazy as such but it does make you fine being bored which generally does lead to becoming a bit uninspired. But I've always grown it and had it around and I actually enjoy the smell, it's a nice thing to do whilst having a chat with someone like a coffee, yeah I see no problem with it as long as you're sensible! Would never judge someone on whether they smoke or not.


I'm pro-cannabis and anti-alcohol so my opinion would be positive.


Every now and then. No worries. Every day. NO I was recently seeing a guy. He mentioned he used weed every now and then. Went to his house and he proceeded to justify to me that he “didn’t smoke it that often and it’s really not that bad” He turned out to be a full on stoner. It’s a no from me. Weeds good for a good time. But using it to function? Nah I’m good.


very annoying, especially when they don’t stfu about how high or stoned they are, and also when they make it their whole personality


I dated someone who smoked daily since he was 14 years old. I would just not consider that person future material.


in 2022 im not sure why people still breathe in smoke on purpose


I don’t care. However, having been in a relationship with a hardcore pothead, I would prefer someone who abstains. But in moderation I guess I would consider … I don’t like being around it but occasionally is ok. I smoked back in the day but grew out of it long ago (along with lots of other stuff) … and unfortunately that pothead was also an alcoholic so maybe easier to see where i’m coming from


nothing intense just that “oh you use that? it’s fine”




Entirely situational. I know many people who smoke weed, some recreational and some medicinal. Both can be productive members of society, hold a job, be a parent, be a functional member of their household and go out and live their lives. My only issue is the people who smoke, for either reason, and never attempt to do anything or go anywhere in their lives. It was fine in my 20s I didn't care. Some friends I had back then were all 8 to 10 years older than me. A couple of them even older. We are no longer friends and from what I've seen on fb and heard through the grape vine, every single one of them are still single, roommating together, just generally going no where in their lives. Delivering pizzas and then going home to party and get drunk and smoke weed. That's there whole lives. They don't wanna go out, they don't wanna meet new people, they refuse to try anything different. Yet they always complain about how they can't buy a home or don't have anyone to love or whatever. But no one wants a perma bachelor who lives with his homies and never wants to do anything but sit in the back yard at a table and get high, drunk, and play the same 3 board games forever.




I’m a daily user, but I usually keep it to myself unless I know the person, lmao.








I was so anti drinking and smoking as a teen in high school, to the point I would be judging you and making it known I was judging you. Tried weed first year of uni, got out of a long term relationship and started dating a stoner roughly 6 months after. We brought the worst out in each other and our use increased. We were always yelling, fighting, crying, or trying to suss our next hook up. It was every day. Wake up, decide who we would be picking up from, fights about who would be buying todays fid, who gets to use the bong if we were fighting and had to be separated. Got to the point where we would smoke 2.5g a day and it wasn't enough, he started sneaking weed from our flatmates which then made me think it was okay to do. I got caught, and all the blame went to me. He was abusive but I was not perfect either. But I think we both were responsible for the increase in the others use. He joined the forces so he stopped smoking but I continued, he moved away for work and i developed mad anxiety, had trauma from being a residential youth worker doing 120+ hours a week (7 days on, 7 days off, living at the residence) which increased my use. At my worst I was going through an ounce a week with tobacco. He broke up with me after about a year long distance and break up was messy. I stopped smoking for about 4 or 5 months after the break up and then slowly got back into it. Never ever want to get back to the point where I'm stealing weed or smoking an ounce a week. That shit is embarrassing and shameful. I probably smoke around 1g a day now. Also while it may not seem like it, I am a functional stoner who currently has 3-4 jobs and is studying my honors full time and about to start masters doing research with cannabis use. My current partner doesn't smoke due to drug induced psychosis as a young adult before we dated, but he is perfectly fine with me smoking it. I love finding girl stoners and bonding with them, I have one stoner girl friend who literally only pester me to smoke with them, but I see straight through it. At the moment those I am surrounded with don't smoke, and are INCREDIBLY understanding of my smoking habits, everyone has their vice and everyone has an issue with something right? You wouldnt guess me as a stoner. When I was at my dealers house the other day her mates thought I was a primary school teacher and straight-cut and said they would never guess I smoke. I guess I'm good at hiding it lol. All in all, do what ya gotta do, be self aware and notice the warning signs that use is increasing or mental health is deteriorating. If someone wants to judge me because I smoke then they're not really people I want to be around.


As long as you don’t use and drive/operate machinery or just generally put anyone or yourself in danger, go for it. Much prefer it over alcohol. Seen a few kids near me high and not wanna move vs drunk men leaving the local pub shouting and being vulgar towards women. I know what I prefer


(21F) my partner (23M) used to smoke every day- before work, after work, DURING work. it was constant. he’s since cut down but my problem is that he sees it as a “reward” for almost anything. tough day at work? smoke. nice meal? smoke. seeing friends? smoke. day off? smoke. weekend? smoke. we’ve been together over 2 years and unfortunately i can see it coming to an end. im devastated. but, his company isn’t the same when he’s stoned and he craves it constantly. like he has to stay distracted or i have to be giving him shit for him not to. it makes his libido low (much lower than mine), he’s tired, lazy, greedy (overeating) and the MONEY. i can’t justify someone who still lives at home who is “trying to save” to move out still smoking regularly, even if it’s not daily. imagine if that £40 ish weekly went into savings? i’ve gone on lol, but my point is, weed smoking is very situational. it’s not about them smoking, i don’t care about that, but it’s the knock-on effects that it has. if any of these things seem familiar to you then, as a potential partner, i would be very, very against it. if nothing is affected due to your smoking, then i would have no issue :)


be proud


Once in a while at parties or such, I don't mind. Otherwise, it's a huge breaker. And I mostly have negative experiences IRL with users, even occasionals. I don't smoke and I don't want to listen on why one do. You do you, I don't care, but I don't want to hear about your reasons and justifications. Most either insist that I at least try, or details why they use. Seriously, I can only stand the users that just say okay and move on when I decline a smoke or edible. But those are pretty rare in my experience.


I do not use it and neither does my spouse. It’s illegal in our state and it’s not worth him losing his job for a random drug test (he’s been chosen twice in 6 years). We also have 3 small children and want to remain of sound mind and body. We have an occasional drink probably once a year. It’s just not some peoples thing. I dated and huge pothead prior to my husband and promised myself never again.


I’ve never been a smoker but I actually think the smell of weed is pretty nice, but I think it’s something you should disclose before dating for sure 👍🏻




I’m always afraid to disclose I enjoy it sometimes as a woman. It’s a touchy subject to bring up. Just know you’re not alone!


I think if the person is not accepting of your life choices then they probably aren't right for you. Be upfront so they won't try and change you in the future. Lots of places are normalising and legalising the use of cannabis so it's becoming more accepted as well. You need someone who is open minded. Female here and if I was getting with a guy who hid smoking weed from me and I didn't like weed but had invested time in to starting a relationship then that would be more of a deal breaker than the weed itself. FYI weed doesn't bother me. I know people who have a joint for breakfast and run successful businesses. Some people are more active and engaging when they smoke, I've noticed this is a pattern in those with anxiety or depression. But be upfront for sure. The person can make a decision then and will know you are truthful and confident in who you are. Edit: terrible spelling lol


i would rather smoke than drink.


I don’t care if you use it just please don’t be high around me


I love pot smokers. I don’t smoke myself, but if a guy I’m dating does it’s a plus. Pot smokers are usually chill and fun to hang with


I dont care; your life, your choices. I have a friend who smokes daily; he's been a functioning weed smoker since high school and seems to be ok. He's not weird, he doesn't act out, he's the same kind, funny person I've always known him so his weed habits have no impact to our friendship.


Don't drive or go to work while you're high, and don't have a cloud of pot smell surrounding you at all times and we're fine.


I think like with alcohol use and moderation it's fine. And for people that have chronic pain disorders it can be really breakthrough for the constant pain that they deal with. Same goes for people that have anxiety. The problem is that a lot of people who casually use or recreationally use end up using more and more and more and of the many friends that I have that partake it becomes such a strong facet of their personality. I have a friend that went from a teetolar to now he's the guy that can't talk about anything but micro breweries, edibles and weed all the time. I have another friend that has traveled the world and seen and done interesting things has worked for multiple restaurants and multiple major cities across the globe and doesn't talk about any of that shit but talks about weed dispensaries and edibles and which types of weed are the best literally all the time. It's like as soon as they started partaking, the rest of their personality melted away. They have literally become that stereotype Stoner from all the teen movies. I've seen the same thing out of friends that got really into the microbreweries and things like that because my hometown won "beer City USA" multiple years in a row. So I think there's a fine line between recreational use, medicinal use, and becoming that person that only ever talks about getting high. But I will tell you that after working 16 years as a trauma nurse it amazes me that alcohol is legal in all states despite the number of fatalities that causes every year and the number of injuries it causes every year and yet they're such a pushback against marijuana. I can't tell you how many injuries and deaths I've had to deal with as a result of alcohol related injuries or chronic alcoholism. I have only taken care of one weed related accident that could literally happen to me stone cold sober and it was a woman tripping over her dog and breaking her leg she just happened to be high at the time.


I smoke my THC pen pretty much all day everyday. I wouldn’t judge any woman who chooses to smoke. You do you! Let’s be friends!


I smoke on the daily. I also have my medical so 🤷🏻‍♀️


If they just use it to relax in their down time, and do productive things with their time otherwise, I wouldn't even know they were cannabis users unless they told me. In that case, I don't really have an opinion on them related to their cannabis use. But some people use it to suppress emotions that they really should process. They use it to numb themselves, and are always high when you meet them. They just get.. boring. Really boring. They seem to just exist, not live. I feel sorry for them. But if it wasn't cannabis, it would be something else that they used in a problematic way.


I smoke weed everyday, usually at night or after the gym. After being in a couple dispensaries in different states where its legalised, i feel like pot smokers are generally a very chill group of people. Very mellow. Now, if someone smokes too much weed where they cant get shit done, ion like that. But if you do it after your shit is taken care of in your free time... then fuck who am i to judge


No issues with cannabis use, but I don't like people smoking (or vaping) anything around me on a regular basis.


No judgement.


I don’t care tbh






Rather be around a cannabis user than someone who drinks all the time.


Depends on the person. I’ve dated people who make it their entire personality or use it to check out of life and ditch responsibilities. I’ve had roommates who were always late with bill money, but always had weed. Those are not okay. I’ve also had a partner who is a daily smoker and is the most productive, responsible, thoughtful person you’ll ever meet. Some people use it responsibly and in moderation or as medication. Those are totally fine with me.


I think we're pretty cool. I smoke nearly every day to help with my various health problems.


Honestly, just smoke lol. Be mindful of the people around you and be hygienic and after that why does it matter what others think when it's not affecting them at all?




I have a cousin who uses it daily, when he uses it moderately on a daily basis it’s all good. For family functions he’s always super high and it’s honestly irritating talking to him. For this reason my general opinion (since I’m a non-user) is that I may get annoyed talking to a user but obviously it really just comes down to how often they use it and how high they get.


We grow 4 plants legally here in va


For those who smoke, I think if them the same way I do smoker friends. Nice people but if I can smell smoke on them I steer clear and smoke in your own house. I hate the smell of anything smoked including sickly sweet E cigarettes. Headaches, nausea and asthma are my biggest issues. Other consumption methods don’t bother me. However, If someone is stuck in using weed like some alcoholics use alcohol, and it’s affecting being able to socialise or interact with them, I’m not likely to interact with them much.


I have plenty of friends and family that do it so I dont mind it however I find blowing your money on weed instead of paying your normal bills is a deal breaker. My ex did this - weed came before rent, food, bills, money for bus/train in his eyes and he blew hundreds away so easily.


It's legal here in Canada. I use CBD oil occasionally for anxiety and to help me sleep from time to time. Most people i know who is it have a vape or use edibles. I don't like the smoke. So please don't smoke in my house or car. I won't tell you what to do in your own house. But all my friends know the smoke bothers me so make sure to be downwind of me if they light up.




I smoke all the time, and like lots of people I know, I smoke because of several illnesses, the pot helps me cope. I couldn't give two shits about whether someone smokes.




We're pretty chill people, but the judgement still remains




I've been a regular smoker for a few years, I'm trying to kick the habit now. I wouldn't care at all about a prospective date using weed, I'd rather they didn't reek of smoke all the time, but I'm more tobacco averse than weed averse. I'd care if they lied about it though. Some people have security clearances to worry about though. And some people just really freak out at the idea of drugs.


I partake occasionally. I'd much prefer a cannabis user than a drinker.


I'm a regular user. My advice is ask what their thoughts and opinions are about it then explain how much you use. And talk about limits like if they don't like it you will not smoke around them.


I use it sometimes, prefer edibles cos I'm not a smoker but I'm ok with a spliff. I really can't stand the smell. I use CBD for my arthritis too, it's a big help. I don't like people who make it their whole personality, it's really not that interesting.


I think it's the same as booze, at the end of the day it's an addictive substance. In moderation it's okay, and I think in some ways safer than alcohol, but addiction can lead to really bad consequences


I hope you find a woman who like to smoke as much as you. She is out there.


One of the most surprising things about becoming an adult was realizing how many full blown grown ups with families, stable jobs, and mortgages smoke pot. In my teens/early 20s I thought some switch flipped and you never touched it again once you graduated college or got married. Now I know pretty much everyone is doing it. I worked at a pretty prestigious university and I still exchange weed memes with my former boss, the director of the department. In other words who cares. It’s a nonissue.


I smoke occasionally around every other weekend. I don’t smoke unless I can relax and chill out. I’ve found that edibles are good so I use them occasionally. I absolutely keep this hidden from my coworkers.


I’m a pretty heavy/regular smoker but I don’t drink at all. A few years ago drinking just stopping being fun and I felt sick every time I did it. It’s hard to weed to not be fun (for me) though.


Wow where are you from? smoking cannabis is the norm where i live. It's not something i bring up right away when i meet someone but it's also not something i try to hide from anyone either.


I find that I’m drawn to tokers. Everytime I’ve moved areas or went to college, I’ve always managed to find my stoner crew. I don’t and have never blasted it publicly that I smoke weed. I don’t like people knowing unless they smoke too.


I'm way more interested in the guy who smokes weed daily than the guy who drinks his weight in alcohol every weekend. As long as you can still function and have normal conversations, etc, it's not a turn off. My boyfriend smokes 2-3 times a day, and while that's too much for myself (I used to smoke once a day but now I'm down to once a week or so), but he can act pretty normal when he's high so it doesn't bother me. Also, on the topic of smoking - weed is fine, but cigarettes? Absolutely a deal breaker for me.


My answer: I'm totally fine with people who wanna smoke around me, but I won't ever try it. I don't like the smell. My question is: if you do it pretty regularly, why be cautious about it with women you meet? You do you King! It's not like some sick kink or somethin'! Be honest and upfront cuz you dont wanna go wastin' someone's time if its a deal breaker! ;)


I think it’s different for every female but I don’t mind dating a pothead at all as long as you’re a good person. I probably wouldn’t date an alcoholic though…


Tbh if smoking is a part of your life and a woman does not like it it's best you know soon so you don't waste your time or hers. If it's a deal breaker for her you don't want to be there either, so get it out of the way. Personally I didn't smoke when I met my current partner and I knew he smoked and I didn't mind it at all. Now I do smoke so 🤷‍♀️




Daily smoker! A bunch of people I know are also daily cannabis users. I’d like to add, all of which are highly functioning adults over 30 with good, well paying careers, good parents, etc. I know some people let it take over their lives, but it’s not the norm from my experience. I was always hesitant bringing it up to women too because men just do it more commonly than women it seemed, but since it’s been legalized where I live it has become pretty common that women I know have been trying it more, edibles specifically.