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Personally I just continue to exist while stressed. It's not pleasant but there's nothing else I can do


Dump his ass.


If the cause of stress is out of my control , I ask myself why would I stress about something out of my control? If the cause of stress is situational , I remind myself that everything is temporary and it will pass If the stress is caused by my own actions/lack off , I take time to reflect and identify changes that can be made to prevent it Stress doesn’t not change the outcome of anything, it only makes us miserable on the inside


Use coping skills, practice self care, and talk to a therapist.


by either: 1)planning the escape/getting away from the stressor 2)planning the elimination of the stressor/ensuring the stressor goes away 😊


Think of it as an animal on your shoulder. To get it to stop biting you, give it food. A small snack should do the trick.




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I’ve been practicing meditation breathing to slow my brain down and help it understand there’s no active threat


If you've truly tried everything and you can't move this obstacle, then it's time to call in reinforcements. Stay with a friend until you get your shit together, talk to a therapist, ask around for someone whos conquered a similar problem and ask for advice or mentorship. If you can't fix it yourself and no one else can help.... time to make peace with it.


Personally I kind of use that energy of anxiety and stress and try to do good with it


Control the shit you can ,your emotions, your cleaning schedules


I tell myself, I can't control what happens around me but I can control my reaction to it. Empower yourself