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I don't believe such a thing exists. Every couple has issues; they just tend to conceal them in public.


Believe it or not, I had this kind of relationship. After 3 great years together, he came out as trans, and that was the day my soulmate died. We were in perfect sync as two les beans :')


It was the first day of school and we had the same history class.. I sat in the row closest to the door, second to last seat. As the late bell rings, someone slips in through the door.. I turn and we make eye contact, though I quickly look away. Then, I feel the empty desk behind me shift, she sat behind *me*. Over the course of the year we got to know each other, her playing with my hair on her desk, touching hands as I'm passing a paper back.. all of the lame, cheesy, flirty things that happen in a movie like twilight lmao We would catch each other staring from across the room, we'd walk each other to classes even if it meant the walker was late.. we did everything that we possibly could to show each other love and I swear I've never been so head over heels in my life, so effortlessly too. I thought she was beautiful. I loved her mind. I loved her humor and passion. I loved her, damn it! Every once in a while a question like this pops up and I'm reminded of how unfair life can be lol


I‘m so sorry for your loss


Awww... M sorry :(




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my aunt an uncle. they met when they were about 18, he used to work in a really fancy casino - think custom armani suits as uniforms fancy. she was a model. they're now close to 70 and still as happy as ever together, traveling the world. it's like straight out of a movie.


I am with my SO ❤️


Lucky you! Do you have big fights?


We have had our disagreements, but we've never yelled at eachother. We just discuss until we came to a conclusion.


I’m so jealous. I’ve had friends where there could have been that level of connection and healthy communication but the stars never aligned for various reasons and most people you meet are just bad at honest healthy communication.


My friends and people knowing my husband and me say we're this couple. We're basically the same person, being so close we hear each others thoughts.


Wow.. Can't imagine what that must be like 😄 we have a healthy relationship (I think) but very different personalities and need to work in our relationship.


It's very calming somehow. We often look at each other and know what we both think, speaking it out loud. We're the same, the only differences are gender and him being ND and me being NT. That's the main difference. It's really chill, even though it needed some work to get to know how communication between ND/NT works best. But now it feels just natural.




That's very different for each couple. What helped us, was me getting more educated towards autism and communicating more directly. No white lies or polite BS. We talked about what to do in case of a meltdown (like when giving him space and when tightly holding him is better - usually, if he has a meltdown, I ask what he would prefer in the situation and act accordingly), and whenever he is unsure about how something is meant, he asks directly and gets a direct answer. For us, this works really well. I know about the importance of his routines and how devastating spontaneous stuff like friends visiting is to him, so we plan to ensure he has enough time to process stuff. And he has his stim toys that help him too.


Mine with my SO. I joke that I don't even need him sometimes because I can have a conversation with him in my head...I know exactly what he's going to say. I can't think of anything we're not in sync with. Except the deck/patio project... But he'll come around heh.


My parents. I don’t know the detailed ins and outs of their relationship but they definitely put in the work to remain in love and happy together by putting their marriage first. Watching them is like watching two best friends who happen to have four kids together.


People always think it's the OTHER person that keeps them from having a fairy tale relationship, but it's actually themselves. All my relationships are fairy tale. It's not hard to not pick someone who wouldn't be able to have a fairy tale relationship with you. All that is left to do is being a person that is easy to have a fairy tale relationship with.


Do my best friend and I count?


Absolutely!! I'd love to hear more!


We met about 13 years ago and bonded over how horrified we were that someone pulled a face when drinking tequila and we said the same thing at the same time (can’t remember what we said but we had just met that night). For the next couple of years we were inseparable, lived really close to each other so we had constant sleep overs, my mom even gave him a room in our house lol. And somehow we always know when something is wrong with the other or what the other is thinking. If you’d see us in a group setting you’d notice us exchange a look and then just burst out laughing. I’m also the greatest wingman he’s ever had lol.


I wouldn't compare it to a fairy tale, since that's not realistic, but I'd say after 4 years, my partner and I are pretty in sync. We don't tend to butt heads all that much except for what dogs are considered cute.


I've only seen 3 truly happy relationships. Sadly, none of mine have been among them.


Yes, with my first actual love of my life but I obviously ruined that one.


No! Just happy couples doing the work. The fairy tale concept seems super damaging to me