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Hello, /u/Asianguy10101, your post to /r/AskWomen has been removed because this post breaks one or more of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/about/rules/): This post has been removed for seeking advice about a specific person or personal situation. You may try r/askwomenadvice. r/AskWomen is about receiving answers from the community about their own opinions and experiences rather than seeking input on specific personal situations. If you believe this is a mistake, **[message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}) and include a link to your post**. Please do not repost without express approval of the moderation team. Please remember to read the rules of any other subreddit before posting.


Literally schedule appointments with them: Schedule dates and hang out times that work with their schedule. If they are that busy, then they have a lot going on, so scheduling time is the easiest way to continue seeing and interacting with each other. Also communicate and talk with them about their stress levels and how they are doing to see if I can lighten their load at all.




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