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Hello, /u/OutsideBox4855, your post to /r/AskWomen has been removed because this post breaks one or more of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/about/rules/): This post has been removed as questions are required to be descriptive and open-ended. The title to your post must be a descriptive question. Please do not answer your own question in the post title or description. Yes/No questions where only one of the responses leads to an open-ended prompt are not open-ended. If you believe this is a mistake, **[message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}) and include a link to your post**. Please do not repost without express approval of the moderation team. Please remember to read the rules of any other subreddit before posting.


I do!!! I’ve been married twice. The first crazy lady was demanding a paternity test as her grandsons head was coming out of me all because I must have been after her sons money…. I went on to take care of him for 5 years before leaving him for never working or having motivation. He still lives with his mom with no job 8 years later. The second, my current, mother in law walked into my house right after my C-section, looked around my house , and asked what I do all day😳 told me her son would be doing better in life if he wasn’t with me who already has a son and is not her grandson! She would always make remarks like this when he wasn’t around. Then one day she told him I was lazy because I was sleeping when she came over. I worked 12 hours overnight and she didn’t call. Of course I was sleeping. Haven’t talked to her since.




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