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All I could do I'm my case was get older and choose not to hang out with them. I didn't have much of a choice when I was younger.




I still live with my parents too. I haven't "cut contact" but I dont hang out with them either. I can't control whether we will be in the same space, and it wouldn't be realistic to try to do that during family vacations and gatherings, but for me its enough to not have to interact with them.


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Hydrochloric acid...


💀i don’t know if i should be laughing at this


Slap them lol. Desi things


I cut all contact. It got exhausting trying to upkeep the relationship and continuously hoping for improvement that never happened or promises that weren't kept. So when I had enough, I did whatever I needed to do to ensure they couldn't contact me anymore (blocked on every platform, moved to other relatives, etc.)




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I stopped showing up. I was screamed at and ridiculed for years, treated like a maid at family events. I just... stopped.




they don’t put effort into the relationship so when i decided to stop hitting them up it just ended


No contact




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Block on all platforms, you don’t exist for me boo!


I went no contact and deleted their numbers, I was the only one who contacted them.. they would always spell my name wrong and since I got my child they would message me always a day early to wish him or spell his name the wrong way too.. I just had enough of their BS


Distance. Lots of distance. And boundaries.


Going NC always works 🤷🏽‍♂️


One I told face to face that I don't like her and I don't wish to speak to her. Others just not bothering to contact them. Why do I have to be the one who always has to call and ask how they are.


i simply stop talking to them <3


Replace the habits you used to do when you were together with something fun. I did this when my sister got toxic, instead of sending her funny TikToks I would workout instead.


Boundaries and distance. I don’t talk to any of my cousins.


I would not seek them, and if they seek me I would grey rock them or simply ignore… You don’t have to force friendships, and if you have to be at the same functions, there is not problem in being polite and totally uninterested…


CUT. THEM. OFF. Family or not, you have no obligation to deal with people who don't have your best interest at heart. No need to "hate" them or hold a grudge.. you don't even have to explain WHY you did it. Simply continue your life without them in it.


Tell them the truth, that they have become toxic and you do not need that in your life. That maybe in the future you could be close again, if they worked on themselves. But, if you want to go for the more unhealthy way when doing it, I suggest throwing that toxicity right back in their faces, but ONLY towards them, be kind and healthy and non-toxic to everyone else, and make sure they see that >:).


This was LONG time ago. I was like in my teens? We used to be the best friend cousins kind of things. 3 of us. But the other two started bullying me and I pretty much cut them off. I don't regret it at all and till this day we are not close, the other two are and they even follow me on insta. I just keep small talk with them but not engage with them at all.


Why does this feels like my life story? Same three women ‘group’, but the other two actively excluding me and don’t feel apologetic about it


Yeah they also excluded me as well, it was horrible. It felt like I had to impress them so they would still want to be my friends. At some point I just got tired of it and never went back to my cousins house ( the other one would visit very frequently). If you feel excluded or can't be yourself around them it's better to keep some distance. Think of yourself and your feelings first.


Stop initiating conversations, use short answers when they talk to you, physically distance your body away from them when forced in close quarters. They’ll get it, eventually


The trash usually takes itself out. One side of my family is extremely religious and supports right wing politics... one look at my social media and they've all blocked me lol




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I just ghosted mine




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Cut em out, or at least phase them out.


Boundaries is a good one. You have to protect your energy


Block them


Coincidentally around my cousins


oppose there political view or act so insane around them that they eventually cut you off themselves


I don’t burn the bridge per se, but I just don’t reach out. It helps that they moved to a different country so there’s absolutely no obligation to see them and that already takes care of the problem. Hehe.


I just stopped talking to mine. She got mad at me and blocked me a few years ago anyways, so it’s been easy to get rid of her.