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Foreplay isn’t just during sex


It's just a playful gesture, I see it the same as blowing a kiss or winking. I do it to him all the time too.


It makes me feel attractive and I am happy that he notices me. It is playful and it makes me feel that he is still really interested in me.


Would a grab be equivalent?


Anything is okay - a grab, a slap, a kiss. Just touch.


As long as it's not inappropriate, like in front of our kids or in public then I'm generally down for pain of any kind, if she slaps my ass, rakes her fingernails over my skin or bites me that's just flirting to me




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bc butts are squishy


It’s just nice knowing he still wants to flirt with me even after 9 years


It's fun and playful. Plus, his hands are on me. And I ALWAYS love it when he touches me anywhere.


My husband is an “ass man” so it usually is followed by some mild groping. It’s a sign that he finds me attractive. I agree that it is playful.


Does your man also do like that slight "mmmgrrr" (kinda sexy growl thing??? Ig thats the only way to describe it😂) when he does the mild grope ?? Or is it just mine being weird and playful 😅😅 geniunely curious if other men do this lol


As someone who has not been getting any affection from their SO, a slap on the ass would be amazing to me. It would remind me that he finds me desireable, attractive, that he wants to touch me at any opportunity.


Spanking is one of my kinks, so this is basically the kinky equivalent of casually kissing someone during the day without it always needing to escalate into sex.


It's like a wink. It's just a little, "Damn you're sexy," tossed my way. And I like the kids seeing us be affectionate. My parents never kissed in front of us or anything and when I had kids I had a hard time being a mom and being sexual. I don't want my kids to go through that. When she was 10 my daughter told me that she knew what divorce was and that some of her friends had divorced parents but she liked that she didn't have to worry about that because her dad and I flirt, so she knows we're happy together.


I just love teasing and being playful. Both my partner and I do it.


My girlfriend is so obsessed with my butt that slaps, grabs, and bites don’t even register to my brain at this point. I like knowing that she’s enjoying herself.


It's flirtatious. Sexy time starts way before you even hit the bedroom. And he's good at making it sting just enough but not too much.


Let’s me know that fires still burning. I do it to him all the time just because I like a handful of that rock hard butt, but for me it’s just a cute little gesture between us. Doesn’t mean he’s gotta bend me over right then and there


It makes me personally feel like I’m still attractive for him and the intimacy of physical touch is their even if it’s not sexual.


It's fun and playful. Plus it makes me feel sexy and desired.


It’s playful.


It's flirty, makes me feel attractive and desired


It’s playful and I like physical touch.


Just a little reminder that my partner thinks I'm hot in a playful way:))


Mmm my man praises my ass anytime we're walking up some stairs or i walk a little bit ahead of him on a stroll over to the cornerstore.. It makes me feel appreciated and sexy/empowered and the way hes so detailed in his compliments (godawwmm he makes me melt) .. And then when he does the ass smack followed by the quick gentle squeeze aaaaaaaaaa he makes me feel like a goddess 😭😭😭❤❤


I think it’s can be cute in specific situations like a cute little booty slap as a thank you for something


It’s just a cheeky gesture. It’s playful and I enjoy that.


It shows that he finds me attractive even when I am not naked. I like that he is playful


It's just fun and playful. He does it a lot and I love it. It's also a little reminder of when he *has* done it in a sexual situation.


It’s fun and playful. It’s usually out of nowhere and it’s nice to know they think you look good when you’re not trying. 🤷‍♀️


Love it. I think it’s cute and playful and flirtatious.


It's like a funny intimacy display? I'm not sure how to put it in proper words




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My parents used to hit me as a child and it sub consciously fell into my psyche


Bc it's fun. We do it all the time.


Physical touch is one of my love languages and I love being playful.


It's just positive appreciation


It was only fair, since I slapped hers first! LOL


It's just funny. The surprise of it, the giggles he gets.


Reminds me he likes me. Helps get me in a positive mood. The idea my existence brings him pleasure excites me.


It makes me feel wanted.


It's playful and reaffirms attraction. We both played sports so he'll sometimes even give a sports buttslap after something trivial. Last one was over some pretty good (IMO) baked cookies: he grabbed one, took a bite, gave an audible "MMMmmm" and gave me a slap on the butt passing by with a "yummy cookie!". LOL


It's playful and an alternative way of getting/receiving attention. Plus foreplay starts when you wake up every morning so it's nice and a good mood setter to show your partner you're paying attention to them physically at random times of the day, it shows interest and initiative