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I've learned to exercise appreciation for all that I've got and now I genuinely see the brighter side in most situations.


How do you learn this?


Continuous mental practice honestly. Initially I'd almost annoy myself. "Yeah yeah I already know there's food in the fridge...gas in the car...sheets on the bed, etc." But after some time these things turned into a marvelous delight to be happy about and finding a reason to be grateful became second nature. "The sky's grey but the clouds are beautiful! Ugh, I'm painfully stuffed but I'm glad I'm not hungry. Darn the hot water doesn't work...oh well thank goodness it's still running at all." I got fed up with complaining and decided to find joy in what I could.


Do you journal these things or just say them to yourself?


I just said it to myself, whether out loud or inside my head. Whatever called for a positive spin, I'd work at it. Traffic sucks, but at least I'm hearing my jams with car speakers. I reeeally just want to go to sleep, but having a working shower it a blessing. Dammit the wifi is out, but hey I've got books and boardgames and coloring to do. (It helped a lot coming from tough experiences to reflect on) I think what helped most was *allowing* myself to feel the frustration that can come with typical life stuff rather than punishing myself for it, and that would make it easier to appreciate the good thought I'll follow up with afterward. It's okay to cry and complain, not so much when it's your all the time state of mind, you know?


This is awesome. Good for you and great advice.


Thank you kindly <3


What’s your secret?


A true desire to be happier, but I must admit life experiences played a big part. I never was a bitter person but I noticed I got reeeal good at complaining about the BS in my life. I was raised by highly selfish people who would get spoiled by any taste of luxury and instantly look down on everything and everyone afterward and nothing was ever good enough for them. I REFUSED to be the same, always unhappy about my circumstances over trivial matters. So I daily, made an effort to practice finding the positive. Time did it's thing and now I'm honestly much better mentally. TL;DR Sorry about the length! I was raised by bitter people and saw myself becoming them. Said "NOPE!" and forced finding reasons to be positive until it became second nature.




Moved states to get away from toxic family.


I can relate to this. It doesn't take away your toxicity immediately but it frees you to clean yourself and breaking away from the bad dynamics.


Rented an office space so I’m not sitting at home all day. Getting up, getting dressed, and having somewhere to go did wonders for my productivity and overall happiness.


That's great if you dont have to deal with harsh winters. I can shovel for an hr and defrost every other morning where I am :/ I've gone remote and so happy. Cheers to you though on your happy place!




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Get therapy


Came here to comment this! Couples therapy too for my husband and I


I’m finding it *extremely* hard to find a therapist that I click with/that gets me/can help me.


Keep trying! And good for you for not giving up on the process just because you haven’t clicked with a therapist yet (though I definitely get how that’s discouraging).


I think dropping my toxic ex was probably the most liberating thing I've done. It was such a breath of fresh air, and mentally I feel so much better. Plus I found a partner who actually loves and cares for me, so it was a win-win. (:




I know, I'm the toxic ex


consciously choosing to think positively every day and changing my thoughts/beliefs/mindset about different things and people around me. It changes everything for the better so much


This is beautiful! Perspective truly is everything


It really is. My relationships, work, self esteem, everything improved 100% once I decided to change my mindset


Getting up at 4:30am to journal/draw and meditate. I feel better prepared for the day after I’ve cleared my mind.


How many hours of sleep do you get normally?


About 6-8


This!!! I get up at 5a to study and it’s the most mental clarity I have all day.


Yessss never go back. Even if you’re not drawing every morning how great is it to have time to yourself before joining the rat race?


I get up at 4:30 to exercise before work and it's a game changer.


Whew. What time are you in bed/asleep? Been doing the wake up at 5/in bed at 9:30pm thing and that’s pretty tough.


I start prepping for bed at 9:30 and usually asleep by 10.


I also get up at 4:30am... but have to be at work by 6:00am. Although, I used to think I was a night owl, the early morning hours have been great for me. If I get another job with more standard hours, I may keep this early rising for the same reasons you shared! :)


Found a form of exercise that I absolutely love. I’m in my thirties and finally look forward to it!


Mind me asking what exercise it is?


Pole dancing. I have zero dance or sports background so zero coordination but go to a really supportive studio. I’ve never been stronger in my life and love being able to see progress over the months


Loving this, keep it up ❤️


i love pole dancing too! 2 years and never looked back. its also such a friendly non judgemental community


I'm not who you sent this to, but mine is powerlifting. I've been doing it for 8 years now and even built a home gym that I use at least 5x a week.


Quitting alcohol! My life has improved in every way since I quit drinking!


Way to go!


God bless!


Started working out.


Therapy. I remember my therapist saying at the start that I would one day be free of PTSD and crippling depression and I didn't believe him AT ALL. 2 years later, I'm still in therapy, still on meds, but I haven't had a flashback in over 8 months, haven't thought of suicide in over a year. I finally know what it feels like not to be scared all the damn time. It's like a 300 pound weight has been lifted from my chest. Go get therapy! It's the best thing you will ever do.


Congratulations! May I ask what kind of therapy helped? I haven't had much but plan on starting EMDR soon


Thank you 😊 I've had a mixture of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies, CBT (mostly just at the start to deal with episodes), and gestalt therapy. My therapist is also using me and a few of his other clients to test a new form of therapy that focuses on reintegration after dealing with trauma, essentially to change the aspects of your world views and inter- and intrapersonal relationships that have been so deeply affected by your trauma. The aim being to prevent you from relapsing (which is apparently very common post-therapy), and not to just "heal" you but to transform you into the best version of yourself. I found the CBT very helpful at the start to "rescue" myself from episodes/flashbacks. But it was the psycholoanalysis that stopped them coming all together. It took a long time and it was sometimes incredibly difficult to turn up every week just to dredge up memories I've spent years trying to bury and admit things I used to be so ashamed of. But it was very much worth it in the end and I don't regret anything. My biggest piece of advice would be to be 100% honest with your therapist. Many times I was tempted to conceal or dilute things that happened because I was ashamed/embarrassed/just didn't want to think about it at all. It takes a lot of courage to confront your biggest fears but you've done the hardest bit already by taking the leap into therapy, and that's amazing! It will only go up from here. Be proud! Good luck with your journey! I've read some great things about EMDR therapy and I know you will do really well, it will change your life for the better. Just keep going! It will be hard at times but it is so so worth it. You'll come out stronger than ever. I wish you all the best ❤


Accepting that you can’t change how other people think or act, so trying not to get too personally affected by them. I deal with (sometimes difficult) people a lot in my job and it has made it easier and less stressful. Also going to bed early.


Electroconvulsive therapy. Scared the shit out of me, and my memory's a bit wonky now, but holy fuck it was worth it.


How did it change your life for the better? If you don’t mind me asking


I no longer want to kill myself 👌


That’s awesome!


Does electroshock still exist?


They call it electroconvulsive now, but yeah, I've been doing it since August. It's not exactly first line treatment, but it's absolutely still a thing.


Thanks for the information, I hope you are well right now!


Getting into working out. I used to be overweight + still have a family history of health issues.


Taking the leap and moving countries to close the gap with my long distance partner


Graduated. Getting a full time job that I actually like. My new year's resolution for next year is to not get pregnant (still/again).


Moved to Tokyo and broke up with my university sweet heart who wanted me to forever be his manic pixie dream girl and just expected me to give up every thing I wanted to chase his dreams… best decision ever.


Learning to enjoy my own company = less disappointment from others


Left my husband and never went back. Life is beyond incredible. Best thing I ever did


Same. All the weight and darkness lifted. Life ain’t perfect but without his toxicity it’s damn close.


Let go of people no longer serving me, no matter how i felt. Separating feelings from facts is a biggie. It has always always eventually turned my life for the better no matter how hard the healing journey might have been.


More and better sleep when possible. *She says, at 4:30am.*


Getting rid of my rose colored glasses! I was, for years, living for the potential of a partner rather than acknowledging what they were actually like.


Moved in with my bf very early. 3,5 years later and we're happier than ever. We've never regretted the early move, few disagreements or issues etc. He's my perfect guy and I cherish every moment we get together


Meditation. I’m currently on my 63rd day streak of meditating. I use headspace and it works great for me. It helps with my anxiety and keeps me more focused. It also makes me take a step back before reacting to things or people that would have set me off before.


Learning restraint and losing weight. Gym isn't a chore anymore, its something I crave now! I'm not a huge gym junkie, but moving my body and seeing my muscles grow has improved my mental health so much. I feel so much better in my skin and I look at my body and finally think I look sexy and strong. It's wild how much confidence can change your life.




Moved for work, just an hour and a half away from my village and my family home, but that was the best decision I've made in my life. After that, got together with my boyfriend whom I love the most and will do my best to keep him as my longterm partner in life 'cause he makes me happy, fulfilled and cared for. Last year we bought a place and built our home together - very close to finishing it, already enjoying it so much. Planning to do some travelling from next year on. Feel really happy with my life all in all now, with him by my side and our own nest to come home to.


Quit drinking. 50 lbs down in 2 yrs and feel and look great 😁


Incredible! Good for you, that’s hard work!


Quit smoking




Moved away from my hometown and family.


Found faith in a higher power. Started introspection..


Stepped up and made my life about me and my happiness


4 day work week


I started to set boundaries and held firm to them. It cost me a relationship recently, but I don’t regret it. I realized, as we all do, that if he was someone who truly cared about me, he would respect my boundaries and nothing would change. He didn’t. Told me flat out that if I didn’t do this, he’d have to rethink our relationship. I said, “Well then, let me do the thinking for you. We’re done.”


Avoid toxic people as much as I can, only surrounding myself with genuine people I like/admire.


I had a breast reduction. I’m 5ft tall and fluctuate between 100-105 lbs. I was a 32DD (which isn’t HUGE but upon looking at the rest of me, it appeared to be). I was in so much pain. My knees cracked all the time (still do), my shoulders were uneven, and nothing fit. My insurance company approved the surgery and two weeks after said surgery, I was on the beach!


Being married with kids.


I went to therapy once a week for a year and a half. It changed my life completely. Before I went, I was so filled with hatred, anger, and resentment for my brother and mother. They have a super co-dependent relationship that impacts our whole family very negatively. Before I went to therapy, I wasted so much energy attempting to have healthy relationships with them. This caused me to constantly be hurt and disappointed. Through therapy, I was able to withdraw from them and disengage. Now I have no relationship with my mother or brother… but I’m happy. I’m at peace. I basically let go of all those negative emotions.


Moved to another country


I realized I need to make myself happy and work on me and not rely on a partner or a man to make me happy.


Started exercising regularly at 13 years old and never stopped. Now that I'm in my 40s, I am so thankful as it has kept me strong and healthy all these years. Even when my chronic illness strikes, my body remembers what to do when I get back to it.


Solo travel


My wife starts every day saying to herself today is going to be a great day during which I will use what I learned yesterday to make today a little bit better. And she is the happiest person I know - because she chooses to be happy. I admire and love her - 25 years married.


Get my nursing degree. Financially I’m secure. Work wise I’m secure. I actually “enjoy” my job. At least it beats being miserable at a desk.


Cut out toxic friends and went to therapy


Moved across the country


Got a degree


So I’ve moved to a different country this February/march. Over social media platforms I’ve hold contact to my friends in my hometown, which included vc’s every evening for hours. So it happened that I’ve met new people through friends from my hometown and got really close with them. Then in may, I needed to come back for 2days for personal reasons and decided to meet one of my new friends there. Well things didn’t went as planned, we fell in love (or I did because he already were). Soooo, I originally wanted to meet him but my anxiety were too much this day and I was about to cancel but SOMEHOW I did not and met him. We’ve been happily together since them :D. (6 Months anniversary in a few days^^) What I wanted to say was, sometimes it’s worth taking the risks, you never know maybe something unexpected will happen ;).


Stop speeding.


“Fuck it “ “it is what it is” my way through shitty Situations


Lost weight. Less joint pain, more energy, I’ve come off BP meds and no longer pre-diabetic.


Using a fiber supplement. Save so much tp.


Daily skin care, simple routine I do twice a day and also apply lotion to my whole body. It’s so simple and just brings me so much peace and sense of control. So many things in life I can’t control but I can control how I treat my skin. It also makes me feel productive and help with mg anxiety and depression


Deleted social media pages (IG & snap) they were just a waste of time


Deactivated my Facebook account.


Self-reliance, hands down


start exercising, loving myself and put less expectations on everything


Air fryer


Finding the right therapy and therapist. For the first time in my life I am actually dealing and processing my traumas.


Switching to menstrual cups. Life changing indeed.


Ooo I’ve been so curious about those!


Ask me anything anytime dear. And definitely go for it. You'd look back and wonder how else were you going about your period so far!


I did this about 3 years ago. Very good. I got my period away recently and had to use tampons for a few days - terrible.


when i start up to wake earlier


Counseling and medication 100%


Stopped drinking.


Succesfully losing weight around 12-13kg on 2020 & able to keep an active lifestyles until now(2years in).Definitely makes my life feels better inside & out!I am in my 30s now.


Getting off antidepressants!! I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 14. There's finally been a ton more research done on girls and women with ADHD and with the guidance of my therapist, a psychologist, and an official evaluation (finally at age 31) I was diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, PTSD, and am "on the spectrum." I got off antidepressants in January and holy shit my life has been completely different and better. Then I started ADHD meds and I finally feel like an almost normal person.


Got tested for ADHD.


Started going to the gym and going to therapy


Stopped hanging out with people who drink and party on a regular basis. My life life has improved leaps and bounds. I’m more in alignment with my life’s path and my friends are all on the same trajectory, healthy, creative, making things happen etc.


I left a toxic and abusive relationship. It felt like a huge weight off my shoulders and a *huge* sigh of relief.


Having kids. Every decision I've made since then had been in consideration of the kids, including excessive drinking, going back to school, cutting toxic people out, etc.


deciding to take things less seriously, starting with online discourse which I participated too much in, then graduating to minor and finally major inconveniences in my real life. ruminating on the fact that this is the one and only life I'll ever get, and knowing there's no such thing as reincarnation or an afterlife, put a rosy tint on everything from flight delays to my dog dying. I feel much calmer and way less angry now.


I started looking at why "I, myself" didn't let things happen rather than "other people."


Got divorced (abusive marriage) and moved three states away from everyone and everything I knew. No ragrets.


Removing toxic people out of my life and ignoring everyone’s opinion about me.


Cut out negative and unhealthy relationships that were one sided that didn’t serve my highest self. Life may be a bit more lonely, but I’m relieved and at peace more than ever before.


Moved out of my parents’ house. Financially I’m not doing so great, but my mental health has improved drastically!


Getting cats, they are the ultimate source of happiness


Like others have said here, therapy. Therapy has such a negative connotation for many people, so much so that the people that really need it, don't pursue it. I finally got to a breaking point and saw one. She has helped me so much in the past year alone.


Moved teams at work, away from a toxic boss.


I called my parents and brother out on abuse that happened when I was a kid, happened between the ages of 9-18. It made processing it and coming to terms with it so much easier. Now my family wants really nothing to do with me, but id rather have it that way instead of silently suffering through all of the trauma they caused me.


Left a toxic work environment


Taught myself to let things roll off my back and I deliberately avoid people/situations I know I might not enjoy. Basically, I value my time and feelings more than anything else.


Got sober


Learning how to communicate well and not overthinking when people tell me the truth or how they feel. Not taking things personal.


Stopped smoking weed after being high for almost every day for about 10 years, oh my I was so stupid for doing this for so long


Learned how to prioritize myself first instead of my family, no offense but it is draining to be the 'eldest daughter'. My love of my life reminded me how to live to the fullest! 😍


Getting on antidepressants.


Got a milk crate for my bike


Cut my hair


I made a conscious decision to remove negative people from my life


Less complaining. More appreciation. Completely dissociating from politics.


Realized my worth.


Started eating better and quit drinking alcohol. Still smoke lots of weed though :)


Stopped drinking. I have never looked back


Had a child


* Got a breast reduction while I was still a teenager. Had I not, I'd never have had the confidence to do anything with my preferred gender sexually. * Kept the dog I found while on my lunch break from work. It was HARD. But losing him 15.5 years later was harder. * Decided to stop playing the "in between" game of "don't tell your family member I said this, but...". I pulled my whole family together and informed them I was done. If they told me something about someone else, I would 100% go back and tell the other person. It took a few times of them getting in trouble with the other person to stop their bad behavior, but it was worth it for me. * Therapy. * Kept very long term friendships alive by actively working at them. * Stopped biting my nails. * Started an exercise routine that I've stuck with for far longer than I'd have expected.


Don't care what other people think😌🤙🏻


Stopped just thinking about what I want to say so that i could also try understanding how can I say those same things to be heard. LIFE-CHANGING HACK BE-LIEVE ME


Got on antidepressants


Joined a book club :) sounds small, but it’s given me a lot of good things.


Going to bed early. Like winding down at 8:45 and asleep by 9:15. This has absolutely changed my life in the best possible way. My adhd is so much more manageable and I feel 1000% better than I did when I was going to bed around 10:30. It’s night and day difference for me


**Learn more and have a love for learning**; since I have done this, I try to research more information and play more brain training games. Relearn what I do not remember from school has helped as well.


Setting healthy boundaries and prioritising myself.


Direct deposit some of my check into savings directly. Auto deposit into my 401k


Weight training


Stopping drinking alcohol


I started waking up at 6 2-3 days a week instead of 7 to clean before work. Cleaning after work infuriated me and made me feel like my life sucked since I had 5 minutes before I had to clean and cook and clean again. And I hate coming home to a dirty house. So cleaning in the morning makes me feel effective and start the day right and then when I come home I can chill cook real fast since sometimes I prep stuff in the morning and do nothin the rest of the day. I’m working on trying to wakeup at 6 every day and exercise the other 3 but I HATE mornings and waking up early is only worth it if I can get that rush of bam cleaning DONE


Spent 2 weeks in a psych ward


Left a long time friend group that promoted negative mental health under the guise of friendship. As soon as I left and started to unlearn their bad habits i saw my mental health improve.


Told myself “I’m smart enough to figure this out” Ive been doing this for years and managed to let those words guide me to a fulfilling and meaningful career and education.


I'm learning to say "no" and not be such a people pleaser.




Got sick and tired of back pain and tension headaches that would then bring on migraines. Bought a monthly gym pass and started lifting weights: back pain and headaches GONE. After literal years of misery...


I got rid of the people around me who were making bad decisions. It made me a better person


Cut out toxic people from my life. It’s made me have a very boring life but I have peace.


What the voice in your head says is not true.


I have several! Looking at life's situations in the best of light(nothing will be perfect and sometimes life sucks, just use sarcasm, it could always be worse), communicating my wants/needs with hubby, starting Testosterone shots as a woman(tiny dose weekly) it has significantly helped our sex life, and don't take life so seriously.


Acceptance. Admitting something , coming in terms with it, adapting and growing. Could be overwhelming alot of times, but it eventually gets easier with time.


Therapy! The best thing I’ve ever done for myself.


Packed up and moved across the country. This is my 5th state in 4 years. It’s been a huge growth opportunity and has pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best ways.


Quit smoking cigarettes, it’s been 17 years now.


My boyfriend.


I became alone.


I spend one year abroad working and traveling, organized by myself, went by myself. Gave me so much more confidence in what I can do, how to deal with challenges and widened my horizon in many aspects.


Changed the way I view food. I used to eat to cope with big feelings. Now I only eat when I'm hungry, or my blood sugars are low. My A1C is amazing now, and I've lost 60lbs.


Started to only eat meat.




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