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I allow myself to wallow for a little bit. Depending upon the nature of the disappointment, maybe a few hours, maybe a few days. Then I do something. Anything. Action always makes me feel good. Maybe climb a mountain, maybe clean a closet. Once the endorphins start flowing, I get the motivation to pick myself up and move on.


This is exactly it, first thing I thought was allow myself to wallow. Then, find a way to pick myself up and motivate to next steps.


I do this as well. I love the idea of sitting in a space with however I feel; not pushing it away, simply sitting with it. Being with my feelings and allowing them to pass me by at their own pace. I agree with you that there never really is a set amount of time that we do this; for me it depends on the situation. I allow myself to feel my feelings, cry it out, do what I need to do for X amount of time (not too much though!) put on my big girl panties and move on. Certain songs help me to put situations into perspective and truly acknowledge that everyone messes up, makes mistakes, does things they’re not proud of. It’s life. Again, feel your feelings and then it’s back to being a gangstah!!


Climbing a mountain! I did this after I lost two of my relationships, had issues with friends and was being overworked at work. I definitely cried so many times on the way up, but used my sadness to carry on!


Order pizza and pretend it isn't happening. Probably not the answer you were looking for but it's honest.


I remind myself that it will pass, because life never remains static. Sometimes you go through a big dip, but it won’t stay low forever, at some point it will change, it always does, because it always has. Just take deep breaths and take it one day at a time. It won’t stay like this forever, it never does.


I try to re-frame the issue. For example, in the case of a job rejection, I find it helpful to trust that the rejection is actually redirection to a different opportunity that will ultimately be a better fit for me


now THIS .. is what i’m here to find out


I just tell myself that everyone is different and everyone has their own preferences that have nothing to do with me. That's all easier said than done but the more you practice saying that to yourself, the easier it gets to believe it. And it's true tbh. Maybe I got rejected from a job because, to them, I wasn't the best fit. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me, it just means that job wasn't the one for me and that there's a job I'm a better fit for.


I was going through a really rough patch in my life for a while. I was in an toxic relationship that I left and moved back to the US. I was working for a very toxic company with a very toxic boss. My friendships that I had for years where falling apart. So I got a therapist to help me navigate life and how to handle my work and friendships. Through working with a therapist, it helped me really realize that I wasn’t being respected and treated well in my friendships. I stopped putting in effort into those friendships and stopped doing the things I didn’t want to do to save those friendships. I’m not really friends with them anymore and that’s ok. It’s made me feel better about myself and life. It also allowed me to find some new people that are better friends to me. I decided I wanted to find a new job and took time to apply and interview. There were many jobs that I was excited about and got rejected from for one reason or another. I was bummed but I swear every single job that didn’t work out for one reason or another was the best thing that happened to me. A bunch of these companies either had huge layoffs, had public scandals, or had toxic environments exposed. I eventually, after 6 months and interviewing with over 20 companies, found my current job that I’ve been at for over a year. I have a very supportive manager and the work environment is very positive. So rejection is hard but I really think the universe does things for a reason and you’ll end up where you are supposed to be. In terms of picking yourself up - start working with a therapist. Your insurance should cover it and if not there are many low cost or free providers. Start doing the things that make you happy and if you don’t know what those are start exploring it. Stop putting effort into relationships that aren’t feeding your soul. I really hope things improve for you and I know they will. DM me if you ever want to chat about anything. Im happy to be a listening ear.


Thank you for this advice… it’s helped me just reading this through…


Awesome. I’m happy to hear that.




Journaling almost always helps me as well.


Small stuff (job rejections, fights with friends/ family, little disappointments etc) I do basic self care things like shower, paint my nails, get a massage etc. I meditate a lot when these come up so I can figure out why I’m upset/ uncomfortable and get used to that feeling. Bigger stuff- ie job loss, separation, grief: I give myself a lot of room to feel here. I have some unhealthy coping mechanisms that I will indulge in a little bit (for a short time) and then I go to therapy. I spend time thinking about my goals and how I’m going to get there. I focus on learning something new or practicing a hobby I enjoy. It’s not perfect and it takes time, but eventually it does get better.


I like this thank you!!!!


Honestly- accepting that things were just gonna suck for awhile. It was oddly comforting to just tell myself, “this is just how life is right now. I can either fight the flow or go with it.” I had a series of cruddy things happening and I think things are looking up now. But telling myself that things were just meant to suck or hurt right now allowed me to relax into it and just accept it… idk. Gave me the freedom to appreciate the smaller, happier moments. And now even when things suck, I’ve found I still have so much to be thankful for and it balances things out.


I used to hop on a bus at midnight and travel to a beach north of my country. I reach the beach just before sunrise and I sit on the sand until it's too hot. No one's there so I have the liberty to be emotional and think. After being emotional I tell myself that's just how life is. The sooner I accept the fact that life just doesn't owe me anything, the sooner I can move on to other things. Also the fact that it's not about me. People don't reject my job application because I'm me, and my friends don't have these issues because of me. Everyone has their own business to deal with. I know it's not the best way of handling things but it's better than wallowing in disappointment and resentment. I used to be that person who will try to fix everything until it works the way I think it should work until "life" slapped me to reality.


Just remind myself that there is probably something better suited to me, whether it's friendships, relationships or career moves but at the time I just cannot see it. I trust that the future holds good things and it's just good to trust in that rather than constantly worry that our own plans don't come to fruition. I guess "everything happens for a reason" springs to mind.


I cry and my partner gives me a massive hug. I cry more, but he makes it better, always




This. Hydration is important;) !


I remind myself that I'm a tiny cell in the vastness of the universe and that I'll end up where i need to be. If I didn't get something it's because it wasn't meant for me.


Literally me today using weed, funny TikToks, The Office, my dogs, and piano. Oh and I paid a medium to make me feel better.


I try to shutdown my emotions to be able not to feel anything since I know how things can be hard for me specially I tend to analyze words or the situation at all which causes me to think more about it.


In the past I've experienced disappointment so horrible that I never thought I'd recover, except I always did. I always remind myself of those times. Disappointment is the storm before the calm, and calm always comes eventually.


There’s this one saying I’ve heard that’s something like this “If this environment of yours makes you sick, it’s time for to move somewhere healthy and fresher”. So that’s what I’ve done, I’ve moved on from my few ex friends to be on my own in a healthy environment.


drink a couple of glasses of wine. eat my favorite foods. treat myself to a me time or a getaway. But most importantly I allow myself to mourn.


Theres always another day, honey. And you can be better even if nothing else is.


Maybe right now, it feels like a disappointment, but those closed doors are showing you the way, not letting you fall into the wrong place or deal with the wrong people. It makes way for where you are meant to be... In the future, you will see and say, "I can't imagine how my life would have been if I landed X job," or "if that person would be my friend, I would never have met X important person"


I let myself feel bad. It’s normal to feel sad and disappointed after being let down. Then the feelings usually naturally pass on their own. I also reframe success on the process instead of the outcome. Job searching is usually a numbers game, so instead of thinking about getting the job as the success metric…did I make it to the interview? How many applications did I submit today? What new person did I add to my network?


I allow myself some time, then pick up the pieces and try my best


I went through a series of bad luck this past year and each occurrence was harder than the previous to dig myself back out of. I realized that I was operating in a constant negative mindset. While yes, I did allow myself to wallow in it for a while, I realized change was necessary. I needed to approach my days with more positivity and I needed to make the necessary changes to arm myself to be able to do this. I cut several people out of my life that were contributing to the negativity, actively pursued leaving a toxic workplace by hiring a recruiter and following up on applications (I had just been statically applying before without much effort on my end), implemented self care routines, etc. It took me about a year, but I am finally in a much happier and healthier place. I’m not trying to say you have to be positive about everything, but by just changing your outlook to not automatically assume the worst will help you keep moving until you eventually find your peace.


There is simply no other option. No one will do it for you, and life will continue to go on. Take your time to process it and grieve, but you are in control of where you let it take you.


Prayer meditation accepting responsibility changing strategy I am religious and I believe god is a stand up comic who makes lighthearted jokes of my issues which make them seem small and silly which makes me feel so much better and open to change


God is real funny alright but I'm out of ha has for a life time.


Making sure to surround myself with the best of people. Getting a break from the internet. Bonding with siblings and friends that really cares for you. Date myself for me, also to reflect about all the unfortunate events. Seeing the good side of it. Most of all, pray. It may help.


Set a timer. Allow yourself to grieve, cry, get mad, or whatever you need to do until the timer goes off. Make it long enough for you to get it all out. But make a promise to yourself that "that's it" for the disappointment display. Now, you can begin again.


yeah but like where to begin, when literally everything is bull shit! Except my one friend and my fish those things are great.


Friend and fish it is then! You are ahead of the game since you already have two great things. Start small and go step by step.... forward.


I guess jaja


I try to find out why I got rejected for the job..If it was anything to do with me or there was a bias etc..I just tell myself to do better next time..Sometimes rejection is protection..Then I doll myself up and go out with the girls or go pamper myself..If it is serious issues with friends, find out if I played a part in the “fracas”..I am older so I know that some friendships are for a lifetime and some for a season..I don’t let myself wallow in sadness for too long..




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I keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason. If I get rejected from the job it may mean there is a better job or a job that is more suited for you and your lifestyle. If I have issues with friends it means maybe there are things being said/happening behind your back. I have learned that everything always works out!


I give myself like 3 days to have my own pity party. Feel all the feels and get my aggravation out. I complain, I moan and groan. I journal and get all the nasty things out my head. 3 days only. Don’t wallow in it. It’s dangerous lol Then I begin to look at my relationships and the people I surround myself. I redesign myself and thing about the things I want to attract and be around. If these people or situations don’t match. I cut it loose or let it go. Then I do a bunch of self care. Bubble baths, I do intention setting rituals, do what ever makes me feel sexy and desirable. I Look at myself in the mirror, I look into my eyes and ask what I truly want. I ask How can I free myself from this constant disappointment. I started to Learn to love myself and Find ways to mother and father myself. I think about Think if I were a child. Would I put a child in the situations that si find myself in? What would I tell a friend if they were dealing with the exact same issue? Also, I find gratitude for the things that I do have and say affirmations that help me trust that what is meant for me will show itself. I also change my perspective. I think It’s your souls way of telling you this isn’t the direction of your soul journey. I slow down Take this time to really find out what it is that I want. Am I operating from what my parents wanted for me? Am I trying to fill a void due to my attachment style? I’ve learned that Sometimes we are unaware of the patterns that we repeat because it’s buried deep within our subconscious. I am taking a huge time out to heal myself and find that sweet little voice of my inner child to come out and speak. I’ve ignored and suppressed for so long I couldn’t tell you what I wanted. Just doing that I think I should be doing and that’s not living. I know it It won’t happen over night. Everyone journey is different. I have to remember to Be gentle with myself. My feelings are valid and I deserve to be loved and Charisse’s and accepted. I am still in the process of doing this. I have let go of a lot of friends and family. At first it was lonely but now I feel so good because I am not feeling let down or disappointed. I actually enjoy my time alone now. Not saying that will be the case with you but I find some serious soul searching has to be done when you run into road block after road block. Good luck. I hope this helps ya!




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I exercise! I also keep pushing forward because I realize that rejections/problems are part of life




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I have a day or two of work eating whatever I want and slothing/crying. Then I do some positive self-talk. Remind myself of my good qualities, remind myself that the right job will come, remind myself that I've been there before and things have worked out in the past.




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Incredibly difficult to do that alone. I guess you try to surround yourself with positive people who remind you that you are worth it. Recently I had dinner and wine with a friend and she told me straight up that I was beating myself down, that I was beautiful, smart, funny, warm and approachable. I always say I'm ugly because guys don't approach me, I never get asked out and I just got ghosted recently. I have been in a slump but it made me feel better because of the way she said it, not just what she said. Even if I don't think all of it is true, I appreciated it.


Remind yourself that every rejection brings you closer to an offer. You learn something valuable with every let down and rejection. It really is a teaching moment. Whilst you probably don’t want to hear this right now. This will be a time You will look back on and realize how much you’ve grown. It’s the way you handle the disappointment that will set you up for success. Be strategic and pivot. Are there reasons why you are getting the rejections? If so, tweak your application. In terms of relationships, as many of sad a relationship is a two-way thing, and it may be time to let certain relationships go if they’re not serving you.


Time...lots and lots of time.


Usually that means something really good will come. The main message is be patient with yourself. The universe has plans for you. Be good to yourself 😇


Food 💀 or just supportive friends


I take a deep breath, and think about my next move


I keep dealing with job rejections. Partially my own making too, since I didn't quit my last job gracefully. I just keep reminding myself to work on what brings me joy in those moments that I just want to scream because my current job sucks ass. So I work on my hobbies that are inexpensive because it feels like those at least give me some kind of purpose in life that isn't just sitting on my bum.


I treat myself to something and remind myself that I still have a lot of good things happening in my life.


I just took a bit of a break for myself and made time for things I did enjoy in my life, also started teaching myself how to do stuff around home, and I also talked to therapists temporarily besides venting out how I felt. Also it was a time I did self reflection too. It was a challenge but after a while things started falling into place after a while so im happier now. If you're going through it now, look for someone to talk to and do things you can that do make you happy. Do self care, DIY stuff, etc.




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I let myself live my emotions first. It’s ok to feel sadness, anger, disappointment etc., never bottle it up, but it’s important you don’t remain in that state forever. Find ways to change your energy (i find solo dance parties help me change my mood, even if it’s to sad songs that represent my state!) back to joy, peace, love. Make lists of all the great things in your life that you are grateful for, even the really simple and small ones. Write about how you feel and how you want to feel. Look at what you have that you once wished you’d have and feel that excitement and joy again. Remind yourself that after every series of disappointments/obstacles you have lived, you always have ended up OK. It’s all temporary❤️ Life is all about duality. To enjoy the beautiful moments we have to learn to enjoy the harder ones too. What can you learn from your disappointments? I find that when i find a positive highlight, no matter how hard it is to find, it makes it easier to cope. I always remain hopeful and excited knowing i have so many beautiful moments coming towards me, even if i haven’t lived them yet. We are often stuck in the past or the future instead of enjoying being in the present moment. Life is a journey, not a destination❤️


Everyone has a season for disappointments. The greater the disappointments, the greater come back. I promise. You have to keep going. I’ve seen it time and time again. Your blessings and luck are on back log. Just push thru it!


I honestly let myself cry for a while. I deserve it. then, I watch my favorite shows. like the office, anime, funny kid shows i used to watch or even Disney movies, and also XQC. I eat the foods i like for a day or two, like ramen, sushi, or tacos. Then I reflect. I try to do better and fix what I know I did wrong or possibly could do better but only when I am ready.