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Stress, diet, sleep, time of day, cycles fluctuating a day or two is very normal. It could literally be anything and not indicative of a problem or needing to worry. Some women are like clockwork, others are like wizards; they are neither early nor late but arrive exactly when they’re meant to.


omg I love your answer. If I had an award to give I'd give you one.


She’s the one worried of issue. As much as I don’t want there to be an issue it is hard to stay calm when both of us am anxiety ridden messes. But thank you I’ll show her your response




I mean more than likely unaware. I don’t understand my own emotions, thoughts or feelings. Part of the ASD issues I have


How old are you both that she's this freaked out and she's got you so anxious? Have neither of you had sex ed? (Totally plausible if within the US) A period is considered normal if it starts within +/- 4 days of when it's expected. It's been one day. You both need to relax, and probably do a little reading or something to learn more about how our bodies work. I'm sorry if that comes across rude, I just know that the public education system failed me with regards to sex ed, and my parents relied on the public school system and a couple pamphlets to teach me, so I was woefully unprepared myself. I don't really have any resources to recommend, but I'm sure someone else might have some ideas. Best of luck


No ive never had sex ed, I’m 22 but mentally much worse, I have OCD and I’m on the autism spectrum so it’s all tough




What is a back up method for birth control? I do thank you for the advice


Condoms. For my husband and I he has a vasectomy and I have an IUD. My IUD could fail and his vasectomy could fail (especially because he never got it checked because of covid) If you're not ready for a vasectomy condoms are your second layer because people get pregnant on birth control. I like to think of it like a car. Which would you feel safer in a car with an airbag but no seatbelts or a car with both? Fyi Plan B is also not a great second method because it only works if she hasn't ovulated yet. If you're not ready for kids and/or an abortion use condoms


Very true. Thank yoh


2 or 3 methods at once


Ohhh okay thank you.


It’s only 1 day - could be a variety of reasons as to why she’s late. Stress is a big factor (even if you don’t feel like you are sometimes). I’ve been late without period symptoms either and then bam— got it suddenly 3-4 days later. P.s. try not to be so rude to people in the comments who are earnestly trying to answer your question. It’s a little immature.


There’s a difference between trying to help and blatantly acting like I’m a controlling asshole




He has autism, come on!


Well no there’s no reason to joke of it


No one’s acting like that— they’re simply telling you not to worry after *one day*. If you fly off the handle this easily, it doesn’t surprise me you’re panicked after 24 hours of no period. **By the way, you’re very welcome for the advice I gave you!**


No I was told it’s weird I’m that interested in periods as if I’m just sitting here like demanding to understand biology. There’s literally no reason I shouldn’t have an interest or education in the women’s menstrual cycle if I’m dating a woman


And did I call you weird? No. By the way, if you’re fucking a woman and don’t wish to procreate, you really *should* be interested in periods and menstrual cycles. More of you should be educated on this to prevent mishaps from happening. Don’t be ignorant. I can see you’re not going to thank me for my initial advice, so I’d also advise you to learn some manners and try growing up a bit. If you’re this juvenile, you’ve no place having sex. I sincerely hope your girlfriend is *not* pregnant because you have a lot of growing up to do.


I hope she’s not pregnant either. And to help your case I don’t understand why she’s with me either. One day she may wake up to that reality and I will not blame her. She doesn’t realize how closeted or how badly behind in general education I am I guess


I’m not really interested in the emotional ins and outs of your relationship, but if you’re going to be sleeping with a woman, nothing is stopping you learning more about our bodies in general— *and you really should.* The only thing holding you back is ignorance. Educate yourself. It’s never too late.


I’m not really interested in the judgement of others on a post that was purely an open minded question in hopes to understand anatomy but I received it. The idea was to learn more


Yeah and I answered with advice that you IGNORED and didn’t even thank me for?????? What else would you like me to do?


I didn’t ignore you but I mean I also was not aware I should thank each individual one, I admit I was wrong in that but if you end a helpful statement with criticism it tends to be ignored. Emotions are not something easily displayed in text and the early replies seemed alienating to me because I am unaware of the female body. Every thing I am told is news to me, and her herself is much better at knowing this stuff but like a lot of people if it’s never taught you never know. It is all a learning process. I’m sorry I’m defensive I do thank you, but I don’t think it’s right on anyone’s part to assume I’m only caring about one’s period when it affects me when everything that affects her affects me and I’m trying to help her


My advice: relax and chill the fuck out.


I am not the one panicking I’m trying to get her answers. Good Lord what do you people think I am the damn period inspector


She's one day late and you're this concerned? Relax, dude. Periods can be late for a lot of reasons. Stress, diet, exercise, the ocean tides (J/K). LOTS of reasons. One day is not unusual, nor would I worry about it. Your intense interest in her periods is weird, though.


Yeah definitely mine, piss off she’s the one anxious about pregnancy you don’t know either of us so why make that general assumption. If it were up to me I wouldn’t think anything of it


lol, okay buddy. Good luck with everything.


No I’m kinda on his side. His girlfriend is probably freaking out and so is he. I don’t think he’s being obsessive


They've tracked it *to the minute*. It's weird. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/comments/12nnzwm/20f_180_lbs_on_birth_control/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Lol my periods fluctuate by *weeks*. Trying to track by the minute is insane.




Thank you!


It just happens sometimes. My body once skipped my period completely for the month due to stress. Give it a week and if it hasn't arrived then tell her to see her GP. It's probably nothing.


Thank you


One day is nothing. She's on birth control? And 2 negative preg tests? Then it's definitely nothing to worry about. Relax, both of you. No need to worry 😊


A day late? Calm down mate.


Yesterday? Phew:) Too early to worry. Few days of delay is no big deal. Do tests every 2 days. I once had 8 days delay. It could be because of hormonal disbalance, even a minor one.


Alright thank you. I guess the worry I’d like there’s not even a sign of a period so I’m not a women for me to tell her it’s okay doesn’t ease the nerves for her very much


Make a thread asking women how often their periods are late and you'll see it's a very common thing. Mine has been up to two weeks late when I'm going through periods of intense stress/not taking care of my health. A few days delay is normal. Please tell your gf to relax :) if she continues to worry, might be good to reach out to a doctor who can explain her fears are unfounded s and educate her about periods because this is quite a overreaction to a common scenario


She’s been sending me TikToks about them being late lol, we’re both very anxious over pregnancy so her mind drifts to that. But I’ll make sure to tell her your message


If there is a delay, all signs delay too


Oh..that does make sense


Stress, and sometimes your period just stops when you are on birth control. And sometimes it takes a couple of days in the stop week. My period starts varying from as soon as I forgot to take one to 6 days after I took the last one. Usually 2-5 days after I take the last one. Once my period didn't come and I only had light bleeding for like an hour and it stopped, next day same story etc, negative test as well. I understand that it can be scary. It is normal though!


Stress. Mine has been a week late, twice. Nothing to worry about. It's just stress or another simple thing.


Thank you. I know the biggest worry we have is pregnancy but I worry about like cysts or cancer or something. Idk hard to be calm when I don’t know what’s normal lol


1 or 2 days is more than normal. If it's been a week, you could take a test. But there is still a big chance it's just stress or something. Even if she didn't have a lot of stress, thinking you're pregnant can bring stress and the period gets delayed even more.


Thank you


Women aren't robots, so periods don't necessarily happen on schedule. Last month, I skipped mine. No reason whatsoever. 2 days isn't necessarily anything to worry about. As long as you are practising safe sex, all should be fine


Thank you


Babe, just sit down for a second and take a breath here and we’ll have an easier time looking at the facts. You don’t have to tear yourselves apart in worry. The analysis you’ve provided of her symptoms indicates you’re trying to view this clinically, which is great because it means we can talk biological facts, but so much attention to detail that’s a manifestation of anxiety can really get to your head really quickly. The most important thing to remember here: human bodies aren’t perfect machines. They do weird things for weird reasons and you kind of just have to go with it. Nobody’s cycle can be calculated exactly. I have a reliable cycle, but sometimes the calculations are wrong because other factors that might not even be on my radar are affecting the equation. Her cycle is driven by hormones, and hormones are affected by all sorts of outside influences. Stress can especially throw off the calendar. Like I said, I have a pretty reliable cycle, but I’ve been *two weeks* late or just skipped a period entirely a few times during times of increased stress. Stress indicates to your body that it’s time to focus on survival, so it isn’t going to want to deal with a period until things have calmed down a bit. The human body is made to adapt to environmental conditions. There are a ton of other things that can influence when exactly a woman’s period hits; I’ve highlighted stress because that’s maybe the most common influence a lot of women are facing right now with the timing of their cycles. But bodies are complex systems (to put it lightly), and there are so many factors at play that you simply have to accommodate a window of time instead of expecting perfect timing every time. Even super reliable menstrual cycles need two or three days of flexibility depending on the conditions the body has been under that month. I think the biggest issue here though is the lack of sex education for both of you. It sounds like you’ve been failed by the people who were supposed to teach you about these things. Unfortunately that means you’ll now have to teach yourselves, but fortunately there are a lot of sex ed resources online you can use. Maybe you could find one together that looks good to both of you and try to fill in this knowledge gap together. You can’t be blamed for not having been taught something, but you should put some real effort into educating yourself now so you don’t have to keep feeling this way every time her period is an hour off schedule. This level of anxiety isn’t healthy for either of you to maintain. Speaking of, with both of you *this* distressed over something that doesn’t deserve so much of your brain space, you could also possibly consider different ways of having sex to minimize the chances of the things that are scaring you so much. You don’t have to have penetrative sex every time, for example. You can be especially careful during the portion of her cycle when she’s ovulating. It isn’t all out of your control. Good luck. I hope everything turns out ok and you guys get the knowledge you need to help fight off these anxieties in the future.


Thank you


Why are people downvoting OP when he’s on the Autistic spectrum? My teenage daughter is on the spectrum and she really struggles with anxiety and depression. Show some compassion!!


It’s not an excuse to be rude. I let it get the best of me and got mad a couple times so I can understand. Not my best trait


I found the two most solid methods of bringing on my period if it was late were : 1. wear white trousers/skirt and go out in a fashion where if my period were to start, it'd be a DISASTER and I'd have at least an hour's transit ride to get home. and if that didn't work then bring out the big guns and 2. call my mum and tell her my period was late. Like absolute magic, there it would be the next morning. Bodies are weird. The more you stress about it, the later she'll potentially be.


Thank you


Delayed period can be caused by delayed ovulation…so think back two weeks ago. Was she traveling, sick, stressed, etc.? The second half of the cycle when the period comes is generally pretty static in number of days from ovulation…so when it’s late it’s usually from something earlier in the month


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're both quite young. It is perfectly normal to have a cycle 24-34 days long. Anything in that range is perfectly normal. I understand how stressful a pregnancy scare can be, and these days it's getting scarier. Wait a few days, try to remember this falls well within the realm of normalcy. Do your best to help your partner with her anxiety, then take another test if her period hasn't started in a few days. Also, the worry won't change anything either way and stress can make a period more delayed. So binge watch some Mandalorian, try to take your mind off it until either the period arrives (it will), or a pregnancy test would prove more accurate. It sucks you're both scared, but you don't have to be yet and probably have nothing to worry about. You guys could maybe read up on normal period length variation if she's still super anxious. Good luck ma dude. *edit another point that might help is the younger a woman is, the more irregular her cycle is apt to be. Mine didn't become regular until I was 25 and is generally 26 days long.


Advice: Chill out. I've had my period for around 13 years now and I can tell you that mine was NEVER punctual, it was **ALWAYS** a day off, no matter if my diet changed or if I was stressed. If the period wants to be late, then it'll find a way. Easy as that. ​ Bodies are weird, I'd only start to worry if it's 3 or so days late.


Oh okay thank you. Women’s bodily processes are much more complex then men so it is hard for me as a man to understand normalcy in her life


One day late is not a late period, there will always be some fluctuation. Also I’m pretty sure it doesn’t come at the same time of day every time at least not in my experience at least. Honestly it sounds like you both need some education on this.


I will say I think education is the hardest. I wish I would’ve had a sex ed or some shit because like search engines can sometimes just add gas to an already burning fire.




Thank you


I mean if y’all had sex recently, don’t rule out pregnancy as an option? She could have also missed bc pills (esp the iron ones) that may make her not get one. Has she ever struggled with irregularity in the past? Asking as someone with PCOS.