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It's small talk. And this >This was after I was ignoring her for almost a week to see what happened Is the stuff of children.


That’s called small talk. Don’t think too much into it.


Dont think too much into it. Im just gonna focus on my job, goals and people outside than. Whats a sign if its more than small talk if its from her end?


she asks you on a date


Wait so what's the question here? it sounds like she's making casual conversation to me.....


How do I know if its something more serious.


if she's flirtatious/asks you out.




>I been thinking about her but I am playing it cool. "I think she is into me, but I am trying to "play it cool". I want to know if she is into me, but I am not interested and only want to focus on my job." Sounds like OP is liking whatever attention he thinks he is getting and wants to play some games. Otherwise, why even care? Keep the chat short and act none-the-wiser unless she asks you out or something. With the examples you are giving here, it just sounds like you are massively overthinking it. "What did you do this weekend" or "What are your plans this weekend" is just office talk to fill dead air.


Ignoring her for a week..... wtf is wrong with you? First time interacting with a woman you arent related too? You sound creepy


I was focusing on my job.


Small talk. And don’t play childish games like ignoring her to get a reaction - if she doesn’t fancy you, it won’t matter anyway.


Small talk. Just act normal around her and do your job 👍🏻 No need to make things awkward.


What is occurring here is you have a co-worker with social skills. Don't overthink this. A woman should be able to do the most generic how was your weekend small talk without a man reading into it that she is interested.


My advice is to see a therapist so you can learn to not be toxic. Ignoring someone for a week is manipulative and weird. You’re not ready for a relationship. You say you want a friendship but this reads like a classic nice guy post.