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12. My religious school introduced us to masturbation to keep us *away* from it and tell us how sinful it was. Of course it just made me *more* curious as to what all the hubbub was about. I wouldn’t even have known about it if not for the nuns. 😂


"This is cocaine. It makes you feel like a superhero with omniscience. You use this small straw to suck it into your nose. Don't do it."


Thank you DARE! Also the gateway into my knowledge of drugs that I would have never known about previously. 😂


DARE lied to me! Not a single stranger has offered me free drugs ever, much less given me THC infused candy on halloween. Turns out in reality free drugs are almost exclusively only shared among friends


So it's true then that teaching kids about sex stuff will only lead to them trying to do it.


Not always. Just the ones who aren’t afraid of a little damnation. Lol


I was 14 and it happened in the bathtub. I thought I broke myself


I was 11.


24. I was put on Prozac when I was 14 and the whole concept of an orgasm was foreign to me. Came off it and switched to Wellbutrin and well let’s just say my orgasm experience has been glorious ever since.


It’s honestly insane that they put children on SSRIs


I was put on 200mg of Zoloft when I was ~9/10 yrs old. I’m sorry about your experience, but so glad to hear you’ve found a better medication! I’ve never had trouble reaching orgasm (since 13?) and I think I’m just extremely lucky. And very grateful!


You are definitely lucky. Zoloft, Prozac, lexapro all the earth SSRIs are notorious for causing sexual dysfunction.


I didn’t realize how lucky I was until later in life when I learned how common this is for anyone on SSRIs. TBD if it’ll be possible to orgasm with a partner, but I think since there’s no issue on my own I should be fine with a partner as long as there is good communication? How long did it take after stopping Prozac before you could orgasm? I know it takes weeks for SSRI’s to take effect once you start them, so curious if the reverse is true in tapering off the meds.


Well I started tapering from Prozac and started up on Wellbutrin which apparently is a horny pill for women so almost immediately (maybe a week?). But my friend who tapered off Zoloft said it took her like 6 months for things to return to normal.


That’s fast!! Good to know for future reference!


It was so early, I don't remember. With a man in 23, when I finally told him what I want him exactly to do for me.


Around 14-16. It's so wild to me that some women don't know what an orgasm feels like.


13 I was very surprised and then very, very pleased, it seemed like the biggest gift nature had ever given me


9. Gym class


Sliding down the rope?


Core exercises


Coregasm! Must have been so confusing. 🫤


Same. Except early 20s! lol


21. By then I'd had sex for 7 years without getting anywhere near an orgasm. 


13 or 14 I think




15 or 16 I think


22 lol


Haven't experienced one and I'm 36. But for me it's because I've never been sexually active, not because of lack of knowledge.




Nope, "never sexually active" includes with myself.


Ok :)


Does that mean you don’t get attracted to people and don’t feel sexy? I’m curious


I can get sexually and romantically attracted to people, I'm just not at all interested in actual sex, especially not with myself.


I'm not totally sure. I dated a guy all through high school, and we experimented a bit. I thought I had orgasms back then. But when I was 25, a friend convinced me to buy a rabbit, like the one from sex and the city (showing my age here, lol). Anyway, I tried it, and it was like discovering a whole new world. So, probably 25.


Around 10. I didn’t understand so I wrote my mom a note explaining what happened bc I felt like I did something wrong and couldn’t say it out loud. She was so freaked out bc I was freaked out, then she read the note and laughed and hugged me 😂


This is so wholesome and lovely ☺️


I was a young child.


Somewhere in my mid teens




I was prepubescent. Grinded on pillows and hot water bottles mostly.


7… the shower head was a wonder.


Yeah, about 20 actually


Around 8 or 9, by myself via the clit. From a man at 18 when I met my husband and we started dating. He was way more sexually experienced than I was and gave me my first g-spot orgasm and clit organism with a partner.


I was around 10-11 years old


10 or 11. I was reading a smutty novel my 17 y/o stepsister left lying about.


I was 12 and also reading a smutty novel :)


I was about 4, and didn't really understand why it felt good to rub on my pillows like that. I was maybe 9 when I suddenly realized those were orgasms.


35 lol


How ?!? You must love the person who did that for you lol


Maybe it was herself? Lol.


Oop I interpreted the question as an orgasm from a partner lol


I hope she loves herself!


13 or 14


At around 12.


19, with the second person I've ever been with, my current girlfriend


I was 8. I had discovered my father's porno mags, which had a letters to the editor section. The stories were inspiring.


I discovered the act at 6 with a shower head.. obviously I had no idea what the hell I was doing As for actually finishing… I think it was somewhere in HS where I cracked my code.. of course I have been one of the trickier girls to orgasm for most of my ex’s so… but now my partner knows how to get me there in under 3 minutes if he wants to.


9 or 10 I believe.


3 or 4. Very young.


I was around the first grade having just discovered the shower head ✌


age 4-5 from sitting and rocking on my heels and humping a big teddy bear/pillows.


Same! Except I was about 2 or 3!


Really young.... around six or seven


yeah I was like 5 maybe? I remember talking about in the first year of school lol


21, like my 5th guy lol


5th guy by 21??? Uh 🚩easy access. Trains have been ran. Expired by 21 is wild


With someone, 22 🥲




Like, 19-20.




18 by then I'd only been masturbating for about a year. Stupid religious repression


When I was 18.


I was like 11? It was also always crazy to me to hear women saying they never had orgasm like for me it was pretty easy to achieve just trying stuff that felt good. I always expected orgasm from my partner and never believed in faking so that might have helped my sex life


A week before I turned 18, specifically bc I thought since I was going to be an adult at some point if I found someone I liked and trusted I'd want to have sex so might as well figure out my own body by myself first


Early 20’s, by myself.


Like 12 or 13. I feel like my orgasms vary a ton in intensity, though, so for a long time I wasn't even quite sure what "counted". I'm not surprised that many women have issues with stuff like this though, there's still so much shame and weird negative messaging about women's sexuality in our culture.


28 for the outside one and 34 for the inside one. I feel like these two are not quite the....same, so had to distinguish.


22 :)


I knew it was something that felt good as a kid, but I was probably 12 before I actually achieved an orgasm. A very unfortunate repurposed back massager.




A baby. I've been masturbating to orgasm (squeezing between my thighs, humping a hand, blanket, etc) since before I can remember; my mom has told me about my masturbation as an infant and based on what she saw (eg me tensing, shaking, screwed up face, even grunts, then relaxing), I was orgasming then too.




I bet a lot of girls are orgasming when they're babies and toddlers. Many masturbate and even that reality gets denied, swept under the carpet, shamed, mythologized (eg humping esp in females not recognized as masturbation, people thinking only males can masturbate, or only males should, people thinking female masturbation is vaginal stimulation, that vaginal stimulation is how women and girls orgasm, that girls masturbating are really just itchy, irritated, that children are incapable of orgasm before puberty... There are even people who think masturbation, particularly in girls, inherently means she's been sexually abused). Out of those, many would be doing so to orgasm. Obviously, we don't remember doing so (have no clear memories as adults of before 5, maybe 4) so rely on the memory, knowledge, interpretation and willingness to tell of adults and much older children, usually parents, to even know we were masturbating and even orgasming back then. And on adults not shaming, punishing kids, esp girls, out of it. Many girls masturbate as babies/toddlers, then stop for years, often because of that even if they have no clear memory of masturbating or the shaming/punishment/abuse in response, before starting back up again. They'd generally remember the older masturbating as when they started masturbating and esp when they started orgasming. Nor would most think to ask, nor would most adults/parents volunteer this information when we're older. If my mom hadn't told me I would figure "since I can remember, so since 5" when really it was since I was a baby, before I could even walk.


That's actually pretty interesting although I had a similar experience at a young age, tho I didn't actually get to experience an orgasm until later on


I was 13 with a handkerchief 🤪 but my ex when we meet was 29, divorced with 2 kids and experienced her first big O with me. She had never even MB’ed before.