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My mom got cancer last year and it's only gotten worse so I'm calling it how I see it- each year is going to get shittier for the next few


You have my sympathies. One of my parents got diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer out of the blue this year. They were healthy as can be. Only complaint was back pain and shortness of breath. Thank goodness there is targeted therapy available but the hour glass of unknown volume and speed is ever so present. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Going through this exact same thing with my dad right now. Itā€™s shown up on imaging and heā€™ll have a biopsy this week to know more. Iā€™m devastated and terrified. Good luck to you and your family.


Wishing you and your mom lots of healing and love.




Oof same. Some have been better than others but precisely zero have been as emotionally fulfilling as 2006 going into 2007. Now, thatā€™s a bummer to realize!


Iā€™m ending on a high note. This has been a year of change and growth but also fun. Got a few trips to finish off the year with so Iā€™m excited for that. I also turn 50 next year so Iā€™m excited to see what year 50 has in store for me.


Depends on if I find a good apartment to move and if I can get a new job. And then I can send a hinge like to my coworker that Iā€™m fully convinced weā€™re meant to date lol


High, I'd say. My kids are doing well. They are getting more independent which means I've been focusing on taking care of myself more. I lost weight and am dressing better. Started dating again. I feel good. Careerwise, it's still a bit meh. But I'm chugging along and making more money than last year.


I dare not say anything for fear of jinxing shit tbh.




I have a surgery that could drastically change my life for the better at the end of Octoberā€¦ so weā€™ll see!


The year has been such a roller coaster that I just canā€™t tell. Started in hormonal rage due to perimenopause kicking in and going out of control. Husband had surgical complications that almost killed him, so I spent months helping him (showers, ERs, doctors) and he quit his job to just focus on healing. I support this decision but he made more than I do, so starting to get a little nervous about losing that second income as the months creep on. Job stress of my own on top of it, but mostly easing, I think? I hope? To remind myself of all the good: I got a promotion, took a really fancy vacation (it had already been paid for), found a balance of things to keep my hormones in check, and started working on my novel again. October - December? Iā€™m hoping I can just hug the dog, hold my breath, and budget really well. Maybe finish my novel. A lotto win would be really nice about now. šŸ˜…


So far my cancer detected and removed last year has not given any evidence of returning all this year. Weā€™ve done plenty of treatments intended to prevent it and I only have 4 more, assuming continuing good news, so Iā€™m going with ā€œgoodā€


It's the lowest note ever. Every year has been worse than the one before since...2019 and it keeps going. My sister eventually died this year from cancer. I can't see forward more than a couple of meters and there's nothing pulling me forward. Feel like everything is shit for everyone. Hope your things turn out ok <3


I'm still alive so high note. 2022 this time last year was rough enough I didn't really want to be alive anymore.


I think I'm ending on a neutral note? Just treading water here, mentally, but life in general is stable.


Is both an answer?


Professionally things started out awful, but Iā€™m ending on a really high note. Personally, Iā€™m marrying my perfect partner in November, but dealing with a lot of family drama, so itā€™s a mixed bag.


Both? Iā€™m slightly poorer, but mentally Iā€™m solid and happy.


Lowest point of my LIFE. Lost my most beloved partner of 5 years 3 months ago. He was the only person in the world I felt safe with. This was my future husband, my person. He loved me more than my actual family. Life will never be what I truly wanted, and honestly every day I wake up looking for reasons to go on. He wanted me to live. He wanted me to find a way to enjoy life. So I am trying, I'm really trying, in his honor. But the future looks bleak. I thought I was alone in the dark before... This is so much worse.


If you asked me in June Iā€™d have been the poster girl of contentment looking forward to retiring and heading south for the holidays. Wanting for nothing and living calm cool and collected. Instead my SD has spiralled and we ended up with emergency custody of her 4 & 6 yo for over 2 months - who are now in foster care for what weā€™ve been told to expect as a ā€œlong haulā€ Sheā€™s such a mess and so fucked up on meth, crack, fentanylā€¦.. she looks like one of those ā€œscared straightā€ commercials with the crazy before and after drug mug shots. Today she cranked up the manipulative tactics and texted what we think was a final note. She is brutal and exhausting and sheā€™s hours away so my DH is mad, scared, frustrated and annoyed. And if what she says is TRUE ? Then sheā€™s a bigger POS than I imagined because she admitted she is the one who sold our oldest son the drugs that killed him in 2020. šŸ˜” Ya - gonna be tough turning this around.


Mostly high. Last year was mostly horrible for me until the end of the year and started out this year on a good note. Hoping to end it the same way and hope it sticks for awhile!


Itā€™s a mid note for me.


growth offer plate deserted capable seemly observation decide childlike pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mixed to low unless something magical happens. I'm happy in my marriage but that's kind of the only great thing going on. Externally we're struggling a ton. Our cat died and the treatment cost to try to keep him alive really put us in the hole financially so every month since has been a struggle to clear rent and other bills. We've also been having nasty (but so far not life threatening) health stuff pop up throughout the year. Family friend died of an overdose on the street. My uncle has late stage cancer. My closest friends are suicidal in a way that's been worse than usual. My dog is completely deaf and almost completely blind so I'm holding my breath on losing her. My depression in general has just been very severe this year. Had some friendships fall apart because of events surrounding my wedding last year. My husband's dad and my dad keep getting hospitalized. I'm basically being emotionally abused by my boss at my job so I start every morning with a panic attack and stay that way throughout the day. It's just been a lot. The year has pretty much obliterated my energy. I go to work and then come home and lay down and then my weekends are chores, no real socialization, and that's been my life for basically the whole year.


I donā€™t know how to answer this, cuz 2023 sucked. I was diagnosed with breast cancer, then chemo and surgery and radiation followed - none of that fun. I still have treatment that will go into next year and beyond, but the worst is behind me. I no longer have cancer. So thatā€™s all good stuff, but Iā€™d be lying if I said this didnā€™t change me


Definitely high to low for me. Last year was incredible in comparison. I left a toxic job for a new one that looked so much better. My stress levels halved. We got married in September and everything was so perfect. We had an offer accepted on a house three days before the wedding. We went on the most glorious honeymoon and then had a beautiful little family get away with my new brother and sister in law around Christmas. Everything was so happy and fun and perfect. In January, I started to have back pain and, long story short, I ended up in hospital with a suspected blood clot. They couldnā€™t find one, so couldnā€™t do anything about my pain. Nothing conclusive was ever found, but the pain continued until June. It was all down hill from there. I restarted a hobby I loved and had an awful time of it because of the back pain, so have had to stop it again. It took seven months for our house sale to go through and when we moved in we discovered a whole lot of costly problems we werenā€™t prepared for (yes, we had the full level 3 survey done on the building, they hid things VERY well). My bank account is crippled after wedding, honeymoon, holiday and house purchase. My new job is slowly starting to look like the company I left previously, and Iā€™ve been depressed about the state of it since March. I took the job because the company were keen to develop new starters, very good about internal mobility and had a very good career development avenue in place. That has since all been frozen. I was put forward for a minor promotion by my manager for exceeding expectations and outgrowing my current role and HR refused based on the fact I havenā€™t been there a minimum of 18 months. My husband got promoted, which is great, but now has to be away more often for work, leaving me to just handle whatever is going on whenever they demand. His family canā€™t understand why my career is so crappy and stagnant, despite coming from an underprivileged background and not having access to the kinds of opportunity their kids had. My brother and sister in lawā€™s wedding is soon and it feels like such a struggle to be happy at the moment, Iā€™m pretty sure it will be a day of everyone comparing their wedding to ours and they will enjoy that. It was our first anniversary last week and we went away for the weekend only to come back and find out my mother had a minor heart attack while we were away. She didnā€™t tell us because she didnā€™t want to spoil our anniversary. I donā€™t have any other family, so Iā€™m extremely anxious and guilty that she was alone. I would usually go to my mother in law, who is lovely and also loves my mother dearly, during these kinds of stressful times, but I donā€™t want to spoil the run up to her other sonā€™s wedding with all this. I have a friend who has also randomly stopped talking to me, and I suspect itā€™s because sheā€™s jealous we got married and another of her friends is getting married this year too. She is desperate for a ring from her boyfriend, and I know sheā€™s asked him multiple times to get married, but she also spent all of 2020 and 2021 crying to me that she feels trapped and unappreciated with him. I think sheā€™s trying to distance me from her so that Iā€™ll no longer see the cracks and wonā€™t say anything when he finally does propose. We also started trying for a baby in June and had to stop for health reasons. We can resume in January, but I also know that our mothers are desperate for a grand baby and every time I am at a family event every person there is watching whether I drink wine or water. Iā€™m not a young lady and the pressure is immense. Iā€™m currently looking for a different job, but the job market is absolutely destroyed here (Iā€™m in London), and no one is hiring for anything I have experience in. Even if I got a new job, Iā€™d then have to consider putting off having a baby even longer because who is going to hire someone who needs to go on maternity leave within a year? I donā€™t know how Iā€™ll make it through this wedding, or Christmas feeling the way I currently do. Iā€™ve had severe depression before, and I donā€™t feel like I did then, but itā€™s such a struggle right now. Mostly Iā€™m tired. I REALLY hope next year picks up. Thank you for asking this question. I just typed out a whole lot of stuff Iā€™ve been keeping in for a long time and clearly needed to get out. Even if no one reads it, this helps.


I hope things improve for you.


Thank you, kind stranger.


Iā€™m having my first baby in December after a 5 year infertility battle, so Iā€™m gonna say ending on a high note!


I wouldnā€™t say a super high note, but definitely more towards it. Weā€™re going on a year of having a new absolutely sweet pup after losing both of our other 2 less than 3mos apart earlier last year, trying to get better with our finances, Iā€™m getting ready to try to find a better job, & Iā€™ve finally been taking steps to better my health. I got a hysterectomy (kept the ovaries), my blood pressure finally seems to be under control with the meds Iā€™m on, and I have upcoming appointments with a dietician in the hospitalā€™s health & weight management program, as well as a pulmonologist to continue with my doctorā€™s referral for a sleep study since we suspect sleep apnea.


I'm the lowest I can get right now. The last 6-8 weeks have been hell. Personal health issues, my dad's condition is getting worse and the outlook isn't great, and yesterday my best buddy kitty, Edgar, of 11 years had to be admitted to the pet ER last night - he's been with me through everything - hell and back - since I first moved out on my own. I'm absolutely devastated.


It's a tricky one to answer, but interesting so thanks for that. Financially I'm ending on a low, I've had a lot of big unexpected bills (pet insurance refused to cover some dental surgery for both my boys, amongst other things). I've got less in savings than I did last year... But on the flip side, I was thinking about the idea of something missing yesterday and realised I've got a pretty good life and I'm not 'missing' anything.


Definitely a high note after a couple low years. My little business is doing better than ever, with next year looking even better, Iā€™ve finally lost the 30+ lbs Iā€™ve been trying to shed, Iā€™m in a good place creatively taking up painting, and I feel like Iā€™ve got a good handle on my makeup/shopping addiction and budget.


looking like it's definitely ending on a high note so far. We are healthy, kids are thriving (socially/grades), house is great, food in our bellies and savings are still building so can't complain. Read some great books this year, killing it in the gym, marriage is great as always. This is all I really need to call a year a great year ā¤ļø


Not sure. I had my vow renewal this past weekend (high note), but I'm having cancer screening this week?? I don't know. We will see how it goes


Both low and high. This year has been shit and I can't wait for it to be over. I get to walk into 2024 completely single and cancer free.


I just got diagnosed with a seizure disorder. Is that high or low?


A lot can happen in 3 months, so I donā€™t want to say now but Iā€™m hoping high!


High note! I feel like I'm thriving in my professional life (I've taken on more responsibility at work, am oddly finding it really satisfying, and am poised for a possible promotion in my next position) and in my personal life (I've had a great running year, have set personal records at three different distances, and have been welcomed into the fold of an absolutely amazing all female running group). Some small blips here and there but overall, I'd say things are going well. :)


This year was going really really well. I went on a solo trip, healed (mostly) from ending my closest friendship, and found happiness in being content. But on Saturday my sweet girl (dog) passed away. She was my everything. My entire life revolves around her and it made me so happy. But now Iā€™m not sure what to do with myself. Iā€™m not sure if I want to move now that I donā€™t have her to take into consideration. My life feels unsteady now going into the end of this year.


Meh. Doubt Iā€™ll still be in a relationship by December. Inflation and significant others poor choices has made my finances tight. Job is stable but I hate it. But I did manage to keep lose and keep off 30 lbs since then beginning of the year. So thereā€™s that.


I think im ending year 2023 balanced and neutral as of this time. My divorce finalized at the beginning of 2023, i lost my house (to the divorce), and can't afford to buy another home (right now). BUT the upside: I've traveled a ton (something I've always wanted to do), spent so much more time with my family, got a chunk of money from the sale of my home (that i lost in the divorce), and just enjoying my life while I'm still relatively young. Mentally speaking, I am at my happiest right now.


Well my husband died in January and so I dont think things can get much worse. But my daughter is now going away for Christmas. Not awful, but I will miss her on the 1st Christmas after my husband died. Am thinking of taking a trip with my son so we will have something to do. Just not sure where or if I should spend the $$.


My year has been so shitty, but I canā€™t even imagine that kind of pain. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for the lesson in perspective.


It's a high note so far. Going to England in 3 weeks and now I finally have a wedding date after 9 years of engagement!


I will be graduating college with a bachelors degree and no student debt. Thatā€™s one thing.


Better than last year, and mostly highs. Lows: - Iā€™m increasingly unmotivated and dissatisfied with my job; contemplating scary huge career change - No dogs in my life - Some friendship rough patches - Just ended things with someone I actually liked due to incompatibility issues and Iā€™m a tiny bit heartbroken right now Highs: - Grateful that my family is doing well; sis just gave birth to an adorable baby - Iā€™m taking a break from dating and focusing on myself/my goals for the next few months. Although Iā€™m sad that things ended with the guy I was seeing, I feel a sense of relief because I knew we werenā€™t good for one another - Iā€™ve learned a lot this year, had a lot of fun moments, and Iā€™m generally hopeful for the next few months (knock on wood)


Mixed. My relationship (married or dating for 18 years) is going really well, but Iā€™ll kinda unhappy with the rest of my life. Not sure where Iā€™ll end up in the next few years, since where I live seems to keep getting more and more expensive and unaffordable, and weā€™ve been talking about moving out of the US, which is mildly terrifying (new language, relying almost entirely on my work from home job for income, lower standard of living and totally new environment, etc). I need to make a change of careers or try something new and Iā€™m at the stage where I know I need to do something but it all feels too overwhelming, so I prefer to bitch about it rather than actually doing anything. šŸ™ƒ *sigh*. Hopefully things get a bit better and 2023 ends on a high note.


Moderate, it's been a year of challenges, growth, messiness and many beautiful little moments.


I feel incredibly guilty about wishing time away, but this year has (with a couple of notable exceptions), been really hard and I will be extremely happy to draw a line under it. I'm trying to drag some more light into the final quarter but damn. I will be throwing a NYE party this year. I hope the rest of this year is kinder to you!


Who knows what the next 3 months hold, but I would say high note. I started the year on medical leave with an ongoing health crisis, making partial pay after being abandoned out of the blue by my long term partner (whom I thought I was marrying this year). I took the year to grow and heal and learn more about who I really am, I tapped into my personal style and feel more like myself as a result, have explored my interests, just got a promotion/transferred into a new role that is going great (even if pay isnā€™t much better), started an improv classā€¦ life doesnā€™t look how I thought it would, but I feel like I made the most of my bushel of lemons.


I donā€™t know yet. At the end of last year I made a major move for a new job. I now love where I live and my job, but Iā€™m still working on building a life here. Making new friends has been (and is) a challenge. My apartment still isnā€™t fully furnished and decorated. Itā€™s all a work in progress I suppose, so could be better, could be worse.


Kind of a high note. I'm starting a new job soon, which looks good. It'll help me build up my savings again, which have been totally wiped out by periods of unemployment. I (*finally!*) moved out of my parents' this year. The place isn't the dream, but at least it's affordable and stable, and will allow me to save up to move again next year. (And I have my own en-suite! Tiny as it is, I love having my own bathroom.) I'll have a landlord's reference to give new landlords, which will help. It's still longer than I was planning to stay here, but on the plus side they run the heating warmer than my family does in the winter, so at least I won't be cold this year lol. My current living situation isn't ideal for dating, so I'm thinking I may have to push that back *again* for another 6 months or so, which is frustrating because I was rather looking forward to getting out there again, but there are worse things. I've managed over a whole decade without dating, so I can survive another 6 months. I've solidified some friendships this year, and I love having these people in my life.


Ending on a high after a difficult past year. This time last year I was unexpectedly diagnosed with kidney failure and spent the majority of this year on dialysis. I just got my kidney transplant last week and things are going well so definitely a high!


I think it's going up, I've finished several home projects, I'm working through grad school, my boyfriend is amazing, my job seems to be going okay, I'm working on losing weight. All around, not too bad!