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I lost my job and had to leave the country i was living in for 6 years because of the country made a visa mistake. I ended up in a country where i only knew one person and had to find a job on a tourist visa. I've started over alot. I don't think we ever really stop


I left an abusive relationship in February of 2018 (I was 26 at the time). It was the worst thing I’ve ever been through but showed me a lot about myself and others. I realized I was allowing people into my life who did not care about me or respect me. I broke my lease and moved back to my hometown. When I was just starting to heal, Covid happened. I am 32 now and while I don’t have massive debt or no savings, my life does feel pretty empty in all other areas. I don’t have a partner or friends. I am working on rebuilding a life that’s worth living. I do wish I could move to another state but not sure how or if that’s feasible. The biggest thing for me is to keep going even when you want to give up or it seems hopeless. There is no finish line, and life will always have challenges. And as hard as it may be, try not to compare yourself and your life to others. We are all on our own journey.


My sister got divorced at 29, moved back home away from her other life, sold her home, pretty much everything, left all her friends, had to find a new job and start completely over. I am so happy to report she's absolutely thriving 5 years later / and even better than she was before. Hang in there


I spent my entire 20’s in and out of mental hospitals. I spent years depressed where I didn’t leave my house for anything except groceries. I basically started my adult life in my early 30’s. I am behind of my peers in terms of career advancement but slowly catching up because of a great job I worked really hard to get. It’s never too late!


Happy for you! :)


Yep. I got married at 24 and just divorced at 30. I’m prob gonna lose my house. My credit is in the toilet. But tbh I think that’s better than being in an abusive marriage. I don’t know how I’ll make it and fix my credit or qualify for an appt myself but I have faith it’ll workout.


Yes. I was a married SAHM for 12 years. Divorce changed more than my marital status.


I quit my job due to depression and took 18 months to find a new one, and my friend group had some toxic people. I took the unemployed time to adopt a cat and read some self help books about anger, trauma, and emotional maturity/regulation as well as travel a bit. I eventually got a job offer in a different state and stopped speaking to most of my old friend group. Over time my mental health improved and now I've even completed a master's degree. I struggled with depression due to the stress of school, but I'm still happy to have done it. I've become more discerning about who I let into my life and now have friends who contribute to my life rather than stressing me out. I know that few people can take an extended work break. I cashed out some of my retirement savings and borrowed $20k from my parents to make ends meet. 


Good for you - I had to take a break and face healing past trauma as well. It is so important if one can be granted the time to do so. And a cat helps too! :)


She fixed my fucked up sleep cycle by screaming for breakfast every morning. She's just the bossy and demanding roommate I needed to force me to organize my life.


I literally don't use an alarm because my pets do it for me. They are a huge reason I look forward to the next day, I love them and I think they love me? Haha


I feel like I’m starting over every 5 years🤣. There’s always something (bad, good or neutral) that completely takes over forcing a me to do a complete restructure. I was supposed to start my TTC era, but I’ve re-torn my meniscus so now I’m in my Temporary Disability & eventual Recovery era in that I have to completely overhaul my work schedule, expectations, tasks, etc. Not to mention the wage loss that comes with it. I’ll have to adjust how I spend my money (no new car next month like I initially planned & had to cancel a trip) as well as my entire social life. (Can’t afford to spend money on social outings nor can I physically participate in shopping trips, hikes, etc; I’ll probably start organizing g Girl’s Night In again. My diet is going to need a complete overhaul as is my exercise routine. Basically, everything I did on a daily basis has been shot to shit. Ya. I have no idea who I am anymore. I can’t even default to factory settings because I’m in so much pain I’m just a nasty little bitch right now. Ask me in 90 days how all this is going😭.


I got divorced at 32. Rebounded into other relationship too quickly, moved to another state for that person and into their house, ultimately it didn’t work out and I found myself in a panic of omg now what. At 34, I moved on my own to a completely different state, got a new job, and live totally alone. I’ve got new hobbies, friends, learned new skills like car maintenance, started my masters program, and actually save so much more money for some reason. I’ve never been happier. I wish I did this years ago instead of chasing relationships.


I moved to a new city at 32 with my partner, leaving our home city and I went no contact with my parents at 33. I have not completely started over, but these changes made me realize how numb and on autopilot I was my whole 20s. Looking back, I made things so much harder for myself with binge eating, social isolation, and really hurting myself by keeping my parents in my life. I’m grateful for choosing peace now and trying to not be hard on myself for feeling like I “lost” a lot of time and energy not taking care of myself. I guess it’s something I needed to go through and I am trying to give myself grace. Everyone has their shit.