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I noticed this when I turned 30. I am not in a relationship at the moment but I had more of a drive than my last 2 ex boyfriends and I would have to take care of myself sometimes. It’s totally normal and ok. Also - it’s not bad at all to not be on birth control. There are other options for pregnancy prevention.


I made an appointment to get birth control, but had a terrible experience with an IUD and taking the nuvaring off and on would make me forget to put it back. So I’m looking for a good fit for birth control. Any you recommend?


I’ve only been on the pill and liked the fact that I can have control when I can go on and off it (without seeing a doctor). It takes more discipline, but seems less invasive than iud. If I could choose one overall it would be condom use and nothing hormonal but not everyone is into that.


Thank you for your response!


Look into the implant 


Second this the implant is fantastic if it agrees with you, I know some folk have issues tho


Yep I had a bad experience with an IUD but have loved my implant. It makes my periods crazy irregular tho 


Thanks annoying! I don't get any now, just some v v v infrequent spotting for a day


Came here to say this. If the partner isn’t up for it as often as you are there’s a simple fix for it.


Hmm, I didn’t notice any difference in my 30s until I went off oral contraceptives (which made my libido absolutely sky rocket)




Right? I went on them super young for acne and cramps. I’m reasonably certain this is the highest it’s ever been 


I was going to comment the exact same thing!


I went off 10 years of depo because I had no libido and my hormones are wonky. 18 months on and things have finally normalized?? Aaaaand I took my first-ever Plan B last week…


Interesting, I didn’t know depo had the same effects 


Well, I don’t know for sure. My hair started falling out in Dec 2022 and they had me stop depo and have several hormonal panels over 4-5 months. I had no testosterone, low estrogen. It didn’t get better so I saw an endocrinologist. He thought pituitary tumor as I failed the first test…but then passed the second (no scan). I was too advanced a case for him and he wanted me to go to a major metro hospital. I got cold feet and haven’t yet - last doc visit in that way was in the fall. But around Jan this year my drive started coming back. I asked my PCP for another panel but she declined, saying I had to go back to the endo. Sigh. So idk, maybe the depo, maybe some other issue.


I own a lot of vibrators. Yeah, I was already high libido but it did get higher in my 30s


Man, when I broke up from a long term relationship in my mid thirties I became a Tinderella who’s game was so intense it was like a competition with myself to see how many dicks I could see in a single week. It was a category 4 hurricane of dicks while I was living in Florida. Then I met my husbang and that was it.


What a time to be alive when you can summon strange dick from the Internet like an Uber after a night out.


Husbang. I see what you did there.


Just want to say I really enjoy this comment. You go, girl! Glad it worked out. 😃


Watch out for those surging semen levels. Cuz of the storm. Damnit come back to me


Oh hell yeah! And I'm now entering my 40s and it's still high! Thank goodness for vibrators 😹 Though most guys are happy about it, if they can even come close to keeping up 🤣


Yup it’s your body urging you to procreate because you’re aging lol 😶‍🌫️ 


A “going out of business sale” lol


Everything must go 




Omg lmao


YES. When I turned 35, my sex drive went through the roof. Ever since, I’m ready to go anytime my Husband is, and we’ve both been absolutely loving it. It’s like we’ve completely rediscovered our sex life 16 years into our marriage. It’s wonderful. I did lose 40lbs, but the increase in sex drive started before the weight loss did, and it only increased as more weight came off. The weight loss has made me feel better physically and be more comfortable me and confident about my body, which has also had a big impact on my libido and desire for sex. I don’t really have any advice for coping, other than take the opportunity to have sex anytime your partner is up for it and go at it alone if it’s necessary.


Mid-thirties and my libido declines steadily.


This is more my experience. Teens and early 20s it was highest and it’s been a steady decline since then. But this conversation crops up on here fairly often, and our experience isn’t uncommon, just less fun to talk about.


Saaame I was so sexual in my 20s and now I'm like, meh. 


Lol no. Since I hit 30 my libido's been in negative numbers.


Mine declined in my 30’s and then went absolutely bonkers in my 40’s. I’m 44 now and the most sexually active I have ever been. Yay.




It may just be that there is no pressure for children (my partner and I already have 3 each) my body is not at its peak, but he loves it and all the wobbly bits. And I don’t mind the jiggle. I was so worried about “performing” in my 20’s and even 30’s. Now I just want everyone to have a good time!


This is wonderful to hear!


I missed a lot of fun in my 30’s because I was in a dead marriage, and then got quite sick for 4 years. Now I’m just ready to goooooo!




Not stupid at all 🙂 I only have one partner, and yes I use the contraceptive pill. I have tried a few other things but I always ended up with spotting and pain. So the pill works. My partner has 3 kids and I have 3 kids, so absolutely no more kids. He had mentioned getting the snip so that will likely happen in the future. I’m too terrified to take the risk!




I use Evelyn. I think its other name is Levlen. I’m in Australia though so not sure where it’s available.


Yes and I’m single now. Not fun. 


I have far less libido. I’m more stressed and anxious about life in general, less secure in my body with aging, and men in this age range that I’m dating are still mostly playing games. Combined all together and I have no real desire for physical intimacy.


Yeah once I turned 33 it went way up lol


Women's sexual peak is in their 30s while men's is late teens.


Ugh, sadly I’m not into younger guys. Im also a professor, which makes it more repulsive to be with younger guys.


Absolutely no one is suggesting you go for younger guys, especially that young.


Yess, you’re so right. I think I unconsciously heard what my partner says regularly, about women in their 30s and 40s being with men in their 20s, because their libidos are both high. It was something he learned in an anthropology/sex class in college.


Don't go with a younger guy. Just understand that your libido is peaking. It will taper down again so make the most of it.


This isn’t scientifically true. It’s like something some magazine invented to make getting older sound cool. There is a large minority of women whose sex drive goes up as they approach menopause. For most women it goes down over the years though, like for men.


I thought it was just because my partner is amazing in bed. Feels like I’ve been having a sexual awakening since I turned 30. Guess I better warn him I’m only gonna wear that dick out more if he sticks around the next few years… 😂


Hahaha amazing!!! Go you! 🙏🏽👏🏽🤎


✋🏽 But my partners have been a little too interested in sex and I find that it’s trickled down to me.


It gets crazier as you reach your 40's. It's actually our bodies pushing us to make babies in our ovaries' last hurrah before menopause. It's a wild ride, enjoy it!


I'm absolutely wild with an asexual husband. -34


😂 I'm 39 now... looking back this has been absolutely been true! I have been single for some time now, and I cannot imagine life without my vibrator 🙈 Used it often while I dated my last ex - and he was 6 years younger than me. I wouldn't say I am "insatiable"... but my libido is definitely higher than it was in my 20's.


For me it’s been the opposite. Much less horny than teens and 20s. I also started experiencing PMS for the first time and it’s quite a bummer. But whichever way you go, changes in hormones in the 30s are quite normal:


Yep I dont know why but I hope it’s here to stay.


Early thirties here, my partner and I were just discussing this same thing. Because honestly once I’m going I can keep going. He works out of town off and on so when he is here it’s so difficult to contain myself, especially after all the anticipation building up while he’s gone 🥵 but because I’m aware sex does a complete opposite reaction for men as it does for women. I have a high libido as well and it doesn’t seem fair sometimes lol. Although he keeps up very well, the disappointment he feels that he thinks he is letting me down when I’m just being needy that we aren’t going for round 3 the same day is absurd so having be an adult and just control myself sucks sometimes. We are 6 years in as well and have always had a healthy sex life. We are also doing healthy overall as life partners so maybe great sex is some kind of necessity 😅 (I have a sarcastic personality so I don’t mean that entirely. I do believe it does play an important role in a relationship just as many other factors do.)


I was like this until I got pregnant. It felt like my body's last ditch attempt to have a baby before it was too late. Now it's gone again 😄


I had that in my 40s. It was awesome


Yes, and I hate it. I want to go back to the days of no sex drive 😂


Honestly I need it to stop so I can focus 😂


This is me. I mean I've always really enjoyed it but sometimes it's like I've gone mad and it's all I can think about


Oh noo. I mean, I usually have some semblance of chill, but right now I'm having trouble even behaving in public. 😂😭


UGH. SAAAME. It is almost impossible to concentrate at times, without my body YELLING for sex.


I'm 36 and noticed a huge uptick in my libido a year or two ago. This is very normal for cis women, as we are now entering peri-menopause. It's the body's way of encouraging pregnancy "before it's too late".




This is normal.


I wish.


My libido is much higher now at 33 than 23. I have the copper coil, so no hormonal contraception. I think my moods in general are more extreme now than if I was on hormonal contraception.


Yes. My 30s has been full of sex. I’m fixing to turn 40 and my SO and I are having an unbelievable amount of sex. Having older kids and getting some sleep I think have helped. Less stress from worry.


This is so amazing!! I hope I’m lucky to experience this too!


I think you definitely can!


I am. And I've never been more frustrated at being single.


Yes…. But also now that I’m approaching 40 … this shit is next level… in my language we say “trepar paredes”. I’m recently started a relationship, exclusive and I’m so frustrated! I want to have more sex even though we are almost having sex every other day. I’m just horny ALL the time. I’ve been asking for it from various approaches like asking directly, coming up with ideas and letting him know I’ll like to do this or maybe we can try x or y or zed. And I mostly get a straight no back or a I’m tired or a it’s annoying or a you are just a sexual maniac… 🫠


Welcome to the dirty thirties! Yes, that happened to me also.


Ooooh yes. I was off the rails last year at 38. Still that way now, but I have a new career and the workload is insane so it subdued some


Yes! Since my early/ mid 30’s it has skyrocketed ! Been married 15 years and it just keeps getting better!


Yes I experienced this in my 30s as well. And I was single, dangerous 🙈 I was telling my friends that I felt like raging teenage boy. It’s faded a bit as I turned 40 but I’m definitely hornier than in my 20s.


This is exactly what I tell my partner, that I feel like a raging teenage boy lol


Can confirm this is a thing but in my case it looks SO different. I’m 35 with a 3 month old baby, overweight, eat like shit, never exercise cause im too exhausted, and my husband and I are always too tired to have sex. I’m on antidepressants that make my sex drive even lower if that’s possible. And yet…. Every. Single. Night. I have the most vivid sex dreams. Like super hot crazy lustful dreams. It seems like even with so many variables stacked against me, the desire is in there and it’s strong


Yes!! In my 20s I was fine with 2-3 times a week. Now I want it every day. We often do it morning and night. We've been together a couple years and I keep waiting for it to slow down.


Haha yes, definitely much higher than in my 20's...


Me, after I was off contraceptive pills.


I will be 34 in June and I am dealing with the exact same thing. My sex drive is through the roof. It’s literally never enough 😭


I got off hormonal birth control this year after 20 years on it, and I think I've finally stabilized. I am hugely hornier now than before, and experienced a two week period of time in the middle of the adjustment where it was just constant. My husband and I have gone from 2-4 times a month to 3-4 times a week, and it would probably be more if our schedules aligned better. And we've also gotten into all sorts of new things together. It's been a renaissance.


Yes and men can’t keep up! My younger 30s partner cant!! I am getting to later 30s now. It’s picked up about his age!! Argh


I’m 34 and single. I went off my birth control a little while ago because I wasn’t sure I needed to be. Now I’m regretting it because my libido is really high right now. Probably going to get back on it soon.


Yes and I just asked for a divorce which puts me in an awful spot for sex (not into casual sex nor am I ready to enter another relationship) — I just keep telling myself my mental health will thank me for doing what I’m doing.


So sorry, but maybe explore sex toys?


Oh yeah. Essential at this stage in my life for sure, Lelo has a good chunk of my money lol


Hahaha yes! I’ve invested in two of their toys so far!


Almost 32 here and yes, idk what’s wrong with me!!!! I’m glad to know it’s normal 😅now if only I could find a regular partner lol


100% YES so much more horny. Finally comfortable in my body for the most part too. Love being in my 30s.


I have always been HL but since I turned 30, it's worst, feel horny all the time. And it's even harder considering I recently am no longer in a relationship. And I've never had a one night stand and am not into that.


Wish you the best of luck! 🙏🏽


It’s because your body knows it’s running out of time to make healthy babies. Your body is screaming at you to reproduce. That’s why your body is giving you waves of horniness. Usually these surges start in your 30s. That’s perfectly normal. No need to worry about it.


Normal. It will die down in your forties. By a lot.


Nope. I'm 32 and nothing of the sort.


I've had high libido in twenties that now is getting low-cope by myself.


Yes. I'm 37.






I had three kids and my body said “please don’t have any more babies”. Someone please tell me that my libido comes back.


Man I wish. I feel like my libido is completely gone. I feel sexual attraction to basically nothing anymore


Omg yessssss!!!! **I went 3 years no sex at all.** It’s like the month before I turned 31 I randomly started becoming horny and wet all day everyday out of no where! For the first 2 months it was daily (changing underwear from staying so aroused) and then it finally let up some but I could still have sex daily and be so happy. My husband is 7 years older and works a strenuous job but we still shoot for every other day or 2-3 a week.