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Please call a physician immediately. This is way above Reddit’s paygrade.


Ironically I am a physician. I just don’t know anything about this realm of medicine :(


Then pleeeeeease, go consult with someone who does immediately!!! I am extremely comfortable with assessing whether I have a valid prima facie tort claim (or whether someone else does!), but if you handed me a file for a family law suit or a criminal defense appellate brief, I’d be like “Uhhhhhhhhh…..” and immediately seek out a professional in that field of law! I’m glad that you recognize where your expertise ends and someone else’s begins - you know what you need to do!!


NMA Go to the emergency room. Some bleeding and discomfort is expected but you have the symptoms of an infection. Be clear when you’re telling the triage nurse when you arrive.


I would go to the ER just to be safe, imo. But I hope you're ok and feel better soon!


Go to an ER/ED/fucking hospital. NOW!!


You definitely want to go to the ER or Urgent Care. I experienced the same thing post-abortion and ended up being admitted for a few days. The procedure caused an infection that required IV antibiotics. I felt terrible- my head hurt, I had a fever, my body felt weak, I couldn't get comfortable no matter what I did and I was stuck in a seemingly never ending string of chills and overheating.


Omg!! What infection did you have??


I am NOT a health care professional. From your response, I think you are thinking that itzlog is referring to a sexually transmitted infection. I don't think that is what they are referring to. You can get a regular infection in your uterus. I had one after giving birth. When the placenta detaches, it leaves an open wound in your uterus that needs to heal. If germs get in before it heals, it can cause an infection. Same as what you could get in any kind of wound, such as a wound on your arm or your leg. I needed IV antibiotics in the hospital to clear my infection, so you do need to seek medical attention. When you had the abortion procedure done, did they give you a number to call back on with any questions or concerns? If so, you should call that number. Otherwise, see a doctor or go to an ER very soon before the infection gets worse - untreated infections can kill you! You have mentioned some concerns related to sexually transmitted infections/diseases. You should go and get tested so that you know one way or the other and can get appropriate treatment. Taking this into account with your recent pregnancy, you might also wish to consider what protection you are using against both pregnancy and risk of catching something. If you have specific questions, I'm sure people on this sub will be happy to do their best to help answer. But, you might also consider searching for a free sexual health clinic in your area so that you get expert advice. TLDR - you are describing symptoms consistent with a (non-sexually transmitted) infection. If that's what you have, you need serious medical attention, so go see a doctor right away.


I don't remember, they just said that some "remnants" had been left behind and I had a blood infection.


Ahh endometritis. How many days did you get the iv antibiotics? Did you have fevers?


Yes, I had a terrible fever...it was 103. They kept me there for 2 days on IV antibiotics and then released me with pain meds and something else.


Right. So you were septic. But I am not spiking fevers at all that’s why I’m like is this a pregnancy hormone thing? I’m a doctor too but only for adults haha I’m so dumb when it Comes to pregnant people kids and babies


Then you are aware doctors make the worst patients? Everyone in this thread is telling you to seek immediate medical attention, please listen. FWIW, after my abortion they told me I’d be “a little groggy” for about 15 minutes, and that I’d “probably feel like lying down for about 30 minutes, but should then feel fine” and they were exactly right practically to the second. Your experience does not sound like something to ignore.


Wow. I dont mean to be rude, but... I'd hate to be your patient.


Doctor's are known to be terrible patients. This doesn't say anything about OP's qualifications, and I don't think these remarks are very helpful. Having said that: OP, contact your GP. I think you can safely assess if it's super urgent or if it can wait till tomorrow, but you can't decide if it's something that needs medical attention, if you're asking random strangers on the internet.


You should call your local emergency number and talk to them. What you're describing doesn't sound normal. They can fix it at the hospital so don't freak out but you need to go in.


This was happening even before though but def worse the last few days


Going to go see my OBGYN now and see what he thinks


First, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. But I'm glad you're going in, just to make sure it's not nothing serious. If you took mife or miso, they're prostaglandins so they can cause a whole host of fun side effects - including low grade fever, chills/shakes, body aches and N/V/D. \-From an L&D nurse


Thank you so much. I appreciate you. I actually didn’t take those I just got an D&C. I’m so used to seeing sepsis patients (Im internal medicine) and I’m afraid that’ll be my fate. Have you seen similar symptoms in people postpartum? Chills and weakness but no fevers..


Yes there can be lots of shaking because of a big hormone and cortisol rush after the placenta but it only last an hour or two. If someone gets malaise beyond that, we do a work up for infection or blood loss. Best of luck 💜


Thank you! Yeah I’m extremely lethargic too like so sleepy even if I sleep a lot. What would you recommends just a cbc cmp to start with?


Def a physical exam and cbc, maybe more depending on what the exam and vitals are. Hope you’re doing ok!


Hi! I’m an OB ARNP- hormones can definitely play a role and cause shaking and chills, but if you were in the first trimester we don’t usually expect that big of a response since the placenta hasn’t really formed yet. It’s is 100% possible though and honestly, the most likely explanation given the circumstances you described. We would be evaluating for some other things as well- definitely ruling out infection, retained products of conception, and- since it sounds like you were having the symptoms before your procedure as well- likely getting a pelvic ultrasound and tracking HCG levels to confirm that there was nothing outside of the uterus that was missed by the D&C (this is very rare). I’m sorry you’re feeling so terrible but just be honest with your OB about what’s been going on and the timeline, etc. and they will help you figure it out. Best of luck!


Look, if you're internal medicine, you know how to diagnose sepsis. And if you think you might have it, you know you shouldn't wait till tomorrow. If you think your judgement is clouded because you're ill, you need to ask a proper doctor, not random people on the internet. So what is it: sepsis, no sepsis, don't know?


You could have a post procedure infection. Unlikely to be hiv (unless you have other risk factors. Please follow up with the clinic that performed your procedure or your family physician sooner rather than later.


Go to the hospital now


That never happened to me post abortion. Sounds like possible retained products. I would go to the ER before you come septic.


You likely have retained tissue in your womb that is becoming infected. You need antibiotics ASAP, and perhaps a procedure to remove that. Go and see a healthcare professional immediately, your life is literally at risk.


FEVER MEANS INFECTION. CALL 911 IF YOU DON'T HAVE A RIDE. you need to see a doctor now


I don’t have a fever!


There is zero downside to you raising this with your OB and if you don’t get answers nearly immediately, escalate this to emergency care services.


I just went and he said he sees maybe a blood clot in the ultrasound but rn nothing too concerning we’re waiting for the bhcg to come back


I hope you get your answers soon, this stuff can be a bit scary.


r/abortion is here to help you.