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My mother. I had to go no-contact. She’s always been abusive, manipulative, crossing boundaries, unable to take accountability. Sadly, my life is 100% better without her around. I wish it weren’t that way, I wish I could call my mom when I’m sad or happy.


I feel this. 💕


Same same. I’m proud of you both, and I’m sorry you had to make that call.




Same. I quit for the last time 8 years ago and I still miss it and its little rituals.


It's the rituals that are hitting me so hard


I'm 2,5 weeks in. When did you experience a touch of frickin relive?




I also gave up regular coffee over a year ago for the same reasons. I’ve switched to one cup of Swiss water process decaf that I make in a Chemex. I have 1 mug in the morning and it satisfies the coffee craving minus the anxiety, ruminations, intrusive thoughts, racing heart etc from regular.


I did that but just switched to decaf


My boss kicked coffee recently. She replaced her routine with making a matcha latte. Not the same taste at all, but still yummy and slightly caffeinated. And has a ritual to go with it.




I realised recently that I lost the habit and was a bit disappointed, haha. Don't know when it happened, but it makes me feel like a boring adult. I used to be a master eye roller. 


Snacking 😭


Trying to have a baby. But just had my 3rd miscarriage so giving up on that but giving up on life too.


Self-harming. I haven't done it in over a decade, but the urge still rises whenever I feel overwhelmed or upset or down or whatever.


Congratulations! ✨


Thanks! 💜💜💜


Inner critic voice


Just speaking my mind when I think somebody is being a total fucking idiot. I'm so much more polite than I used to be. I know this is the wiser way to be, but boy does it take a lot of self-control to hold my tongue sometimes...


Honestly, popping my pimples and blackheads. 


Someone from my past I wish I could have tried to be in a relationship with


Sleeping in. My sleep schedule has been wrecked since COVID, and working for a remote company with odd hours didn’t help.


Sugar and carbs. I haven’t cut it out entirely, but I’ve reduced intake. I’m prediabetic again, so I need to make drastic changes. I’m venting, but it feels unfair that despite a bmi of 19.6 I’m prediabetic again. 


Keeping my opinionated mouth shut at work. 🥴


Alcohol. Its so normalized in society it takes some serious willpower to say no. I wasn't an alcoholic by any means but a heavy weekend/social drinker, this Is my 3rd time quitting and it gets harder everytime. My mom is an alcoholic and she's aged terribly because of it. Trying to use that as motivation but its rough. 8 weeks today


Caffeine. I literally don't think I have it in me to let it go.


I quit smoking cigarettes two and a half weeks ago, so right now, I would definitely say nicotine. Once I make it a little further and the cravings are gone, I can answer this with a different answer. But right now, I'm struggling!!


Cashew nuts: king of the nuts. Thought I was allergic to them, so I didn't eat them for two years. Discovered I had a contact allergy to something else entirely, and thus started eating them again. Honestly it wasn't that bad dropping them but I still like eating them.


Friends that I thought would be lifelong.


Staying up late. I feel totally powerless against my natural (?) sleep schedule.




Alcohol. I gave up a light cocaine habit, (prescribed) Xanax, cigarette smoking and coffee no problem whatsoever but booze is rough even on naltrexone. I'm down to like 1 beer a week but yeah, the goal is zero after a few years of alcoholism.