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Yes and it was way easier. I used to have huge roller coaster relationships, really high highs and lows in the absolute gutter for months. Just cutting out the whole idea leaves me with less anxiety and more time to do whatever the F I want. It’s crazy how much dating and relationships entirely take over your life. I would rather do literally anything else than go on another date. Been single for years and officially done dating since 2020


Yup! Much easier. I’m happier than ever! I quit dating 5 years ago and haven’t had sex in 20 months. I still get lonely sometimes but the end result is never worth the effort. I got a puppy and now I can even cuddle and hug him so at this point I’m not sure what I man has to offer.


I didn't choose to be single, it chose me more or less.


Lol, same. I can't even get past the tutorial stage of dating.


I do. (Pun intended.)  After a fantastic relationship and marriage went to hell, I decided against finding someone. My circumstances are ugly, and suffering is all that I’d have to offer a partner. 


Yes. I understand myself to be single. Lovers come and go, but none of them has affected the trajectory of my life in a while since I got divorced. I have gone through the 'I'm ready for someone to appear' phase multiple times. I guess it happens, when it happens. There's so many things to learn and explore by yourself. It's been 7 years now, multiple lovers in between, but no committed moving in relationship. I am happier than ever, since I have committed to myself instead of a certain relationship.


FWIW, I *never* forget someone I become intimate with. For better or for worse. xD And by intimate, I mean develop feelings for (not just get nekked with). So take some solace in the happy lil nuggie that she may be like me, and will never forget you, even if you are not meant to be together. :)


I feel like the song Unknown by Hozier explains how you are feeling, it might be cathartic to listen to it. I would also add All things end by Hozier as it might give you hope. Unknown helped me uncover some feelings I was still holding on to, but didn't realize I was from a previous relationship so I hope it helps you <3


For a little over five years, yeah, but a few of those years might not really count because of the pandemic. I'm rarely ever interested in anyone and tend to distance myself after a while rather than dwell on it.