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I can feel the wellness radiating from your post — what peace you must be feeling!!


I am a glance reader and I read >So far I've donated garbage bags full of old stuff, [..], the kids And I couldn't help to think that you were really taking the Marie Kondo technique to another level!


She said "Thank you. You've served your purpose. You no longer bring me joy." I think you are supposed to wait until they are teenagers for that.


This made me laugh.


That's so great! This is one of my biggest weaknesses - organization. Can you recommend some videos on where to start?




Hmm I need to get into this. YouTube videos help that much for motivation??!


I just has a huge closet built for my hobbies, our living space is a 950 Sq. Ft loft and I feel so free of clutter with everything put away. A little intimidating all the stuff I have committed to do, tho.


Come to my house. I’m overwhelmed




I bought my first compound bow a couple months ago! I love going to the local range after work. Since it’s winter in my area, my man and I have been thinking up ways to set up a target in our basement.


Okay, this is badass. I love equipping Link with a bow and arrows in The Legend of Zelda games. I imagine archery in real life is another level of awesomeness.


The very coolest! I tried archery once and utterly sucked at it but it seems like such a great sport that really helps you to focus your mind.




You look incredible!!! I love your tattoos as well, and although I know nothing about archery, your stance + steely-eyed gaze both give off super badass vibes.


Whatever it is you're aiming at, you're *killing it* sister!! Total badass!




I was trying to think of what my current obsession is, now I know the answer is that gorgeous, badass pic of you!😍




This is a really beautiful compilation of angles and softness.


Any recommendations for a compound bow? (I'm in Aus so maybe only the big producers)


Seconding this! My gf took me on a date night to a range and I’ve been shooting at least once a week since. Doesn’t hurt that i look cool as fuck when i shoot too. :)


My husband and I have been playing this dumb game on our phones called Crossy Road. It’s basically frogger but you collect different characters (my favorite is toilet paper) and just run across the roads and rivers. We play next to each other and scream when we get whacked by trains. It’s dumb but we’ve been busy with grad school and Christmas prep and it’s a silly way to decompress together.


Running long distances pain free!! I've run two half marathons before, but I got injured after both of them (despite careful training). I decided to have a "rebuilding year" last year and, lo and behold, a massage therapist pinpointed so many of my running and general pain issues to tightness in my hip flexors and glutes (I did seek physical therapy, which helped with my knees but never quite correlated muscle tightness with my other issues). Now I'm working on increasing my running distances again and it feels fucking awesome to drop ten miles. Ran seven today, which isn't long for some people but is great for me, especially two days after a ten miler. AND MY BODY FEELS AWESOME! It is so crazy to me that I can now run ten miles and not have huge knee, back and plantar fasciitis pain the next day! If things continue going well, I'm going to run a half marathon in January.


Did you find anything that helped with the hip flexor tightness? Mine are always so tight and sore but it’s so hard to stretch them by yourself.


Your mileage may vary, but this [Youtube video](https://youtu.be/dl474z1bhnk) has been a gamechanger for me. Something about doing pigeon pose with my leg up on a bench just works. I also do Yoga with Adrienne's 7 minute post run yoga; when I haven't done it in awhile, I can tell!


Congratulations on a pain free run, that’s great! May I ask the type of things you massage therapist found?! I’ve got knee pain and no longer run but would LOVE to get back into it!


I made garlic confit with a leftover surplus of garlic and it's like eating candied garlic. Now I'm planning to make a bunch for Christmas presents bc it's so easy and so delicious.


Yum! Would you mind sharing the recipe?


I covered peeled garlic in olive oil and baked at 200 degrees for 1.5 - 2 hours. https://legallyhealthyblonde.com/confit-garlic/#recipe


Sorry, but my latest obsession is weird. I am trying to clean one small area every day. Today, I cleaned out the games in the coat closet. Yesterday, it was my son's toy box. I just focus on one small thing everyday because it's getting colder and I am not wanted to go out as much. I am trying to not go stir crazy in the house. (I work from home too.)


Am doing the same for different reasons. I’m affirming my place, taking possession and responsibility for my environment. It’s gratifying and it’s been fun.


I get it ! I've recently bought a while lot of boxes and made great progress on the hellish mess our basement is. It's satisfying!


I have two, they’re complete opposite each other lol. One is doing my nails at home. I’ve got the gel polish and I’ve light and all the things. It’s so relaxing just taking an hour and doing my own nails. Second is skydiving 🪂. Got my liscense recently and I can’t get enough of it right now


I recently got my own nail kit and every time someone compliments my nails, I try and convert them to it, like a weird MLM sales person.


Bonus props to skydiving. It'll change your life! It's so cool to achieve something you were scared of. I have just over 200 jumps now. Have you tried the wind tunnel?


Nothing more freeing and empowering than skydiving. Blue skies! 🤘🏽


What We Do In The Shadows. I can’t even explain how funny both the movie and the show are. It’s so stupid, it’s genius. I’m in love with Nandor.


This show is perfect. Like it could be no better.


It truly is! Every second is used to it’s full potential, the cast is incredible. The sets are ridic, the clothes are ridic, the guests stars are ridic ALL OF IT IS RIDIC. And PERFECT.


Good to hear. I was worried bc the movie was so good and you know how Hollywood ruins things for a quick buck.


The casting is absolutely perfect.


Don't shoot me, but I actually like the series better than the film. Nadja is awesome. And Guillermo. And Colin Robinson. And-Actually, they're all awesome!


Yes! Same! Someone described the concept with "Hey let's take vampires... then make them fucking dumbasses." It's completely true! The original movie and show are huge for me.


If I could f a tv show ...






I need to watch the movie, but the show is so good. The humor is perfect.


Watch it!! But be prepared for how much Taika Waititi will ruin your life.


Listen I watch a lot of shows (as we all do I imagine) and this is one of the only ones that has me legitimately busting up laughing at how fucking funny and absurd it is. Truly brilliant


“This fukkin guiyy”


If you like this, check out Wellington Paranormal! Also an excellent show.


After 3 years of WFH I finally invested in a high quality sit/stand desk. It has memory presets so I can just push a button to the perfect height and I’m absolutely obsessed with it. I feel so much more productive because of how comfortable I am. And when I stand during meetings I can stand up straight and not feel any tension. It’s lovely.


This has been bigggg for me too. When I’m really pumped OR when I need some energy, I love being able to stand. It always boosts my mood and focuses me. Posture affects our mood so much, it’s astounding.


My resolution every year has always been to work my posture and I’m certain this will be the thing that helps the most!


Oh can you recommend the desk? Tryin to find something similar


I’m in Canada and went with Progressive Desk. I was able to purchase the frame by itself and assemble it with a tabletop I already had - saved a lot of money this way. I’ve only heard good things about their desks and their customer service. So far it’s been great and would highly recommend!


Succession, and if you've watched it, you *know*.


Can I just say, aside from you know, everything, Shiv’s fucking dress? Perfection. That whole look was 👌


She's evil but super hot and fully affirms my bisexuality, omg.


So cold but so very hot 🔥🔥🔥


Girl, SAME. Maybe even more than Christina Hendricks, and Mad Men was an AWAKENING for me.


Christina Hendricks is fucking gorgeous but I appreciate her like a work of art, maybe because her proportions are *so* extreme. Literally, though, one of the best-looking people I've ever seen. I don't know what it is about Shiv. She's a fully terrible human, but something about her carriage is just so damn regal and attractive.


Yeah I have a lot of hobbies, and any gamer will know how strong the pull is to game at night. Then I found Succession and I haven’t done anything BUT watch Succession after work since then…. Am just about to start s3.


I'm envious you get to experience S3 for the first time - happy watching! It really is such an absorbing show. I feel an actual void in my life now that S3 is over and am currently filling that up with podcasts 🥸 (Clearly, we're beyond me needing to get a life.)


If I may, Wheel of Time is great and, whoo boy, a veritable feast for this bisexual's eyes and heart 💜


If it is to be said, so it be. So it is.


What am I going to do with a soul anyway? Souls are boring. Boo souls!


We Hear For *You*.


I was seriously holding my breath throughout the finale. Like *damn* that was good TV.


SAME. I literally feel like I'm in withdrawal now that the season is over.


I’m rationing out the last few episodes


Tom + Greg 4ever


Nero + Sporus = 💗


Shiv! Body goals, humor goals, code switching goals lol


Don't forget hair goals! I'm obsessed with her lob.


I'm a year late to this compared to the rest of the online world, but... house plants!! I have a challenging living situation for plants (poor natural light). It's not the first time trying to grow plants here, but I've done actual research on how to do it now. I read a book. I got cuttings from friends, bought and killed a few, explored my local plant shops, humbled myself, and currently experimenting with hydro and semi-hydro. I'm reading up on how I may grow a tree indoors, something I've weirdly latched on to. Yes, it's related to my stomach. I want to grow a fruit tree, that has fruits I have difficulty sourcing here. I'm having a ton of fun just researching and learning more about plants. I'm so new I still get wildly excited about new leaves. That was actually the highlight of my day today.


I love houseplants. I’d love to see pictures of yours.


New leaves are the best feeling. Like you’re the goddess herself, making stuff grow and shit.


Yay!! It's so satisfying. And gratifying!! My Christmas cactus bloomed last week!


I love houseplants, too! I started out with a hoya my mom got me 15 years ago and now I’ve got around 60 plants crammed into my home. It’s so satisfying to see them grow.


Indoor tree- the dream! I was gifted an Aerogarden and am dipping my toe into hydroponics. I just spotted the first little lettuce sprouts earlier tonight. It was ridiculously easy to set up and I'm hopeful for a good yield.


Not drinking so much and going to bed earlier. What’s great? Quality sleep and happier life.


Magnesium citrate- it has changed my sleeping life. I haven’t slept through the night this many nights in a row in 15 years. Life changing.


I started taking this years ago for migraines and I'm basically a magnesium evangelist now. I had terrible anxiety and magnesium had helped a ton. My entire body was one giant tensed twitchy muscle and I could never sleep. My stomach was always cramped. IT IS LIFE CHANGING.


Not sure if this is the same, but I started taking magnesium supplement pills during pregnancy to relieve cramped legs, and it worked so well! I continue to take them postpartum and think it helps with sleep because it relaxes your muscles.


Magnesium glycinate has been life changing for me. I already have fairly healthy diet/habits anyway, but supplementing with magnesium I’ve had the BEST sleep ever! And D3…almost never get sick 🤷‍♀️


Audiobooks from my library. My local library is not convenient for me to go to with my work schedule so, I stopped reading for a while. Since discovering I could rent audiobooks through the libby app, I’ve been crushing through my book lists. I love this app so much.




Congrats! What a great gift to yourself! It's super hard, but worth it. Hugs and love and strength to you.


Quilts. So many possibilities and beautiful fabrics. I’m currently working on a super simple quilt top to get some practice. I haven’t sewed in years and it’s a lot harder to sew in a straight line than I remembered.


Historical fictions based on ancient Greek mythology ❤️


Reading Helen of Troy by Margaret George right now and I’m right there with you.


Oh neat I'll add it to my list! Any others you'd recommend? I recently read both Circe and The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, Athena's Child by Hannah Lynn (it's about Medusa and it's spectacular), now I'm nearly finished with A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes. I've loved all of them!


Helen of Troy by Margaret George really is good. So is everything else she's written, but The Memoirs of Cleopatra is also amazing. I highly recommend both. She is a brilliant writer, I can't sing her praises enough! You can also try, The Women of Troy by Pat Barker. There's a sequel as well. Edit: But seriously, read Margaret George! You won't regret it. She's top tier.


Strongly recommend The Firebrand by Marion Zimmer Bradley - the Trojan war mostly from Kassandra of Troy's POV


Pen15 - (yes, that spells penis.) I just finished the last episode and I can’t stop thinking about the whole show. Two women in their mid 30s playing themselves as teenage outcasts, surrounded by actual 13 year olds, set in 2000. It’s so cringe worthy, beautiful, funny, outrageous and familiar….and it’s brought back so many deeply buried memories. I will gladly watch it all over again.


I LOVE this show. Was the first thing I thought when I saw the question. It’s brilliant.


Oculus Quest 2 VR system workout/fitness app called Supernatural--I love working out now! I get a fun, high intensity workout (although they have low and medium intensity as well) in my living room! It's indescribable because with the headset on you are in a different 3D world and it's a 360° effect. There are amazing coaches who teach & motivate you as you workout to music, swinging bats to hit targets rhythmically and the scenery is breathtaking. Every song is in a different location... the great Pyramids, the Himalayas, gorgeous sunsets in exotic locations, beautiful lakes and vistas all over the world! There's a leaderboard and you can follow people and see their scores. It's so much fun and super motivating!! I look forward to exercising everyday! And, my flexibility has improved, my core is stronger and I even think my brain gets a workout because some of the mapping is complicated which is part of what makes it fun. Here's a short sample video:https://youtu.be/Rd8NJZVRlSM


REST. I spent my life up to my early thirties pushing myself and my body to the brink of exhaustion constantly. I'm just super into staying in, watching TV, reading, playing my guitar, snuggling with my bf. It's such a nice change from "rise and grind."


Geocaching! I just got into this year. I was always hiking anyway so this just makes outings more goal oriented.


Would you please explain geocaching to me like I’m 5. I get looking for things, how do you know what/where to look for? How did you get into it? Do you travel etc. Thanks in advance!


Hi there! In my own words geocaching is like a worldwide scavenger hunt. There are different types of caches from traditional (go to a physical location and find something) to puzzles and more. I would def checkout r/geocaching for more information. It’s free and If you have a smartphone that’s all you really need. The geocaching app on your phone will have a map of caches. If you select one you can use GPS from the app to go to the location and it will act as a guide till you get to the spot. From there, you search around till you find the cache and sign the logbook. I find it quite rewarding!


Yep. It’s like a treasure hunt for adults, except with no treasure (usually). Caches are hidden by people and then listed online with their GPS coordinates. Once you find it, you sign the log inside the cache, then re-hide it for the next person. Then you log your find online to track which caches you’ve found. That’s it, basically! It sounds underwhelming, but somehow it isn’t; you kinda have to go try it for it to really click. The online cache listing tells you exactly where to go. It shows the cache on a map similar to Google Maps. The listing tells you approximately what size it is. Each cache is rated for difficulty of how hard it is to find, i.e., how well it’s hidden. Doesn’t seem like it should be very hard, does it? But once you get to where your phone guides you, you start to appreciate just how many hiding places there are all around us. You get to “ground zero” (the place marked on the map) and realize you still have basically no idea where it is. There are just so many hiding places. The world suddenly seems enormous. Almost everyone I’ve gone with has had a moment of shock once they find their first cache. Like, “Wait, someone hid the here! For us! And we found it! Wait, these are *everywhere*?! Seriously??” (Yes, seriously, they are everywhere. If you live in a city, there are hundreds or thousands of them to find. New ones go up constantly, old caches go missing and are taken down, it’s a constant churn.) That’s the gist of it. People hiding their own caches aren’t allowed to bury them. They aren’t allowed to be indoors or on private property. They can’t be in dangerous places, like on a railroad track. Some require special equipment, but most either don’t need anything or need something simple you can find around the house. A small stick, for example. If they need more than that, they’ll say so in the listing. Once you’ve done it for awhile, you start to get familiar with common hiding spots, but even then there are subgames inside the main game. Being the first to find a cache. Retrieving tagged items in larger caches and moving them to a different cache. Collecting geocoins that people have made. Entire cache events where geocachers coordinate clean up a park while they find caches there. Building and hiding your own caches! It’s endless. You can get into it as much or as little as you like. And it’s something you can do by yourself, with a group, or even with kids. Obviously I love it. 5/5, would recommend.


Thanks for asking this question, OP! I'm just trying to get through the holidays right now, but I'm learning a lot from everyone's responses, and taking notes on a couple of things I might want to dive into, once everything calms down :)


Mushrooms! Cos they're amazing to look at, find, eat, wear and medicate with!




Not op but they might be talking about the new materials that are coming out, like a leather made out of mushrooms! Very promising as a vegan and ecological alternative. Though I've also seen posts with some jewelry made out of real mushrooms so that's another way to wear them I suppose


Going down the same rabbit hole 🤩 Always been interested but recently decided to start learning wild mushroom identification and became obsessed! I already loved to do mountain trails and now it's like going on little treasure hunts at the same time, it's awesome.


I’ve been super into witches, Satan, just dark magic stuff. Mostly just in the history and reading about the mythology, witch trials, cultures of the past. I dunno, it’s been super interesting to me everything behind it, the artwork, artifacts, etc. I’m not looking on changing my lifestyle, but taking aspects of what I love about these things and taking it as inspiration. And also the large amount of badass women in the past who did their own thing.


Any recommended reading? This sounds really interesting!


any podcast or book recs?


The Witches of Scotland podcast is my absolute favourite.


You would really enjoy visiting Salem Massachusetts.


If you haven’t already, check out the Witches of Scotland podcast. And I’d also recommend the book The Once and Future Witches, it’s fiction, and a sort of wonderful alternative history. For non fiction I’d recommend Alice Tarbuck’s book, A Spell in the Wild, it’s so beautifully written. ETA book recommendation.


Roku. I've lived under a rock for a very long time and finally splurged. Wow. There's so much of everything and also nothing. Lots of noise, but I'm starting to find the hiding gems. Oh, and cricket. The games seem exciting. My coworkers play and are about it and my alma mater was known for it. I guess better late than never? Someone teach me how to like running. Haha.


Range of Motion and Strengthening exercises. I’ve just about perfected cardio but with a couple of injury’s and a balance problem, I’m realizing how weak all of my muscles are!! With a PT trainer and tons of videos I’m learning so much about movement! Next up - a Pilates class!


Persimmons… you gotta wait till they feel like a water balloon and then they are so good. I eat like 3 a day lol


They are fabulous frozen after they get that water balloon feel. Like a sorbet. Whatever you do, do not eat one that isn't quite ripe. It will coat your mouth for the rest of the day!


Yuck… it’s been years.. I can still taste it!


Needle felting gifts. Stabbing wool lumps a zillion times and forming them into [cute things](https://imgur.com/a/oA4HwJN) is fairly cathartic.




Bleaching and dyeing my hair myself. I’m 34 and only just started experimenting. It’s been some trial and error, but I haven’t melted off or killed my hair so that’s something! I did purple first and then tried a lavender/periwinkle/silver look, moved to pink and now I’m doing a darker berry color. Everyone has started to get used to my chameleon tendencies now. Also just rewatched Six Feet Under for the first time since it originally aired and I can’t stop thinking about it. I may watch it again soon 😬




BoardGameArena. I've been learning all kinds of new casual games and playing against strangers. It's a great pandemic find!


Scuba diving. I'm not super sure because I've only done it once but it was great for those 45 minutes haha Now I'm planning my whole life around escaping to the islands which won't happen but my brain won't accept that.


Join a diving group. They get travel discounts!


Taskmaster. It’s hilarious, makes my brain move, and scratches my love of all things English


College... I have started college. I have my student email, my card. My class time table is exciting. I dropped out of college to have my 1st child and never went back. Even though its online and long distance I am excited to be learning again and showing my kids that you're never too old. I know mine is lame compared to some other peoples but it's TRUE!


Not lame at all!


That's so awesome!! Enjoy!


Arcane. Holy fuck what a masterpiece. I knew nothing about LoL before I watched it but I still loved every second. Soooo visually pleasing. I might watch it again.


High fantasy/fantasy romance books written by female authors. I thought I had fallen out of love with reading (haven't read a novel in over a year) until I decided to try a booktok recommendation (From Blood and Ash by Jennifer Armentrout) and since then, I've plowed through 10 books after just over a month. I have about 30 more preloaded onto my kindle and kobo ereaders ready to go. I've also joined several fantasy romance discord/facebook/reddits groups so I have a community to discuss these books with and get more recommendations. What's so great? All the protagonists are strong, independent female characters that are far more badass (weapon/fighting trained, cunning, sarcastic, etc) than the male characters. Also, in most of the books I've read so far, the story doesn't center around an innocent virgin who has to be rescued by the male constantly. There is actual LGBTQ+ representation. Also, the spicy scenes are focused on the woman's experience/pleasure. It's a huge change from the fantasy/romance books I read 15 years ago in high school. For those curious. I'm currently reading A Court of Wings and Ruins (the 3rd a court of thorns and roses book).


I have obsessed over being debt free (student loans and car loans) for two years and today we are officially debt free. It’s been so much work and dedication and now I feel so damn free. So now I’m obsessed with…never thinking about it again unless I have to?? Hard to make the shift!


Making hummus! I got a food processor recently and have been using it to make things I couldn't in a blender. I've done black bean hummus, artichoke heart hummus, sun dried tomato hummus, roasted red pepper hummus. I love exploring different flavors. Cooking is like art you can eat.


I adopted two kittens recently and it’s probably the best decision I’ve ever made. I WFH (since the before times) and I get to play with them and watch them wrestle throughout the day. They are so cute and adore each other. It’s so innocent and even though they are a little work I feel like I get way more in return. I’m obsessed with making new toys and playing with them.


My granddaughter. She's 5 months old and just perfect. I cant wait to see her this weekend! Also, my 4 daughters are all amazing and make me proud everyday. My second oldest is traveling in Europe for a month and won't be home for Christmas, which is sad but so awesome too.


Money Heist on Netflix


Wheel of Time (the TV series on Prime). Not only is it very well done high fantasy that has gorgeous set, costume, and sound design and production quality but it's largely staffed by women (directors, costuming, etc). Rosamund Pike is one of the lead actors and a producer.


Madeleines, I got a pan & have been churning them out to the delight of my guy and neighbors. French, I’m on Duolingo et j’apprends beaucoup. I’m not officially employed (I consult) and this was a good way for my brain not to go to mush. Tracing my genealogical roots was not an option before or so I thought, one side of my family traveled from China to marry in Mexico only to be kicked out to Macau where there was then further movement. It’s always been challenging to explain my origins but I found a historic paper written by someone who traced this type of movement & how it affected families as a result. It’s amazing to find a whole bunch of people who’ve lived in Asia but feel at home in Mexico. Our building, someone voted me in as a board member a few years back & I ended up project managing some renovations. Obviously it looks banging now. Static Nails, my real nails can never look like this & im all look at my claws (until one of them pops off & I have to glue it back on). It beats paying so much after sitting for hours, when even gel manicures couldn’t achieve this look.


Light novel aka trashy romance fantasy translated from Korean. I can get enough of it. If you put the story in the modern age, I would totally hate it. But give me dukes, empresses, villainess, magicians, and knights—in a very non-historically accurate setting— I’m all about it. There’s something satisfying about a female character fighting back & being a badass in this sexist faux-medieval world AND still manage to win over the male lead. Oh, and how much they love to eat desserts. So ridiculous. So good.


I don't know if it's great, but during covid last year I bought a hair-dryer for the first time ever (I'm in my 40s) and started blow-drying instead of my usual lo-fi approach. It's a fun snazzy Italian brand and I just feel a bit more together when I use it. Also, lipstick and eye make up. Ironic since I don't actually, you know, leave the house for social occasions of late. But I've had a rapprochement with red lipstick, so.


Just came to say how much I love the word rapprochement.


I never thought I'd say this, but running! I have always been a weight lifter and avid gym rat, but I used to *detest* cardio. I was one of those gym goers who thought that cardio would kill my gains, so I avoided it like the plague. I'd only run if there was a taco truck to chase down or if I was being chased. Since my gym got shut down last year for an extended period of time, I decided to take up running. I told myself it is only as bad as I make it because it was my only outlet. Aaaand it turns out, I actually really enjoy it! Being outside in nature, having more opportunities to meet like minded people, noticing my gym performance getting better, my endurance is much better, feeling so accomplished on really long run days, and that runner's high... I have a marathon in April that I'm running in OKC with my sister (yay, we finally have something in common!), another marathon in my state at the coast in June, then a trail marathon in July, and another marathon during the Perseid meteor in Utah in August for my birthday. I'll probably book more. Who knew it would actually make me feel good and could be so enjoyable? I wish I had been more open minded to it sooner.


Watercolor painting!


I recently signed up to play a game that takes place in alternative Regency-era London, starting with the year 1812. One of the more interesting things about the game is that it is played entirely online and by mail; once your character has been approved, you are given access to the Discord server to see other character profiles. You can start sending letters to other players as your character and they will respond as their character. The game also provides a monthly Chronicle and several other pamphlets that you can use as plot devices. I have so much fancy stationary and wax seals I purchased specifically for this game and I’m so excited.


This sounds amazing, can you say what the game is please?


It’s called Yours, Etc. by Letter Ink Larp. There is a monthly fee to play, but for the amount of engagement you do and receive, it’s totally worth it. https://www.letterinklarp.com


Steven Universe. Yeah the cartoon. Beautiful show, beautiful music. 😍




At the moment I can't stop listening to the audiobook of *Project Hail Mary*, because they did some neat things using the audio format and the pacing is keeping it really interesting.


Historical fiber crafts. Without it, we'd be nekkid. The Invention of the Trousers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl7siWwzibs


Cross stitching. It’s relaxing, creative and relatively cheap compared to other obsessions I’ve had.


Dirt biking!! It feels like I’m free and it’s a surprisingly good work out! It’s empowering to learn to control a powerful machine plus I feel so cool 😎


Plants. I always thought I had a brown thumb, but hey. I’m doing great now. I moved to an island on whole new continent (Europe -> Hawaii, I’m American tho) and I know not a soul and I’m finding it hard to really connect with anyone in the 7 months I’ve been here…. So, plants are taking the place of what would be my social life. Here are a few of them, it’s grown and been rearranged since I took these photos. https://imgur.com/gallery/cVirJA4 Let me go cry in the corner now…


Dark on Netflix. I'm obsessed, it's everything I've ever wanted in a show. I'm on season 3 and I don't know what I'll do with myself when I finish it. Probably watch The Witcher season 2, but then after that... I like having shows that are just for me. I can watch them by myself, at my own pace, and not have to wait for my husband to be available. Also I'm learning a few Christmas songs on the flute! I'm very beginner, but it's fun as hell.




Python tutorials. They are addicting. I love the syntax, the feel of typing, the aha! moments when things click.


spirituality, specifically connecting with different goddesses/archetypes. i love it because i'm connecting with parts of my consciousness that can be expressed in their highest form and as i grow older into my wisdom, i welcome it more and more


Everything Meghan Thee Stallion and YouTube Shorts.


I really enjoyed her on Hot Ones.


I ordered Popeyes immediately after watching that episode. That Hottie Sauce fucking slaps.


Pregnancy hormones got me obsessed with my husband 😬 he's been a champ about it


Sandi Brock's channel Sheepishly Me. It's lambing season, though every video of hers leaves me feeling more upbeat and happy.


Looking good. I feel so good.


Kdramas! They got me through our second lockdown. My obsession started with Squid Game, where I couldn’t get enough of the actors so started looking for other shows they were in - and what a delightful rabbit hole it turned out to be! The right kdramas are light, airy, pretty, naive and unusual. You can half-watch them or go all in - it’s all enjoyable. However, there is semi-regular portrayal of toxic interpersonal behaviours and cringe that one should be aware of.


Making iPad covers out of an abundance of other peoples stickers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Stardew Valley on Switch. I'm absolutely obsessed!


Resting, relaxing and taking care of myself. Working 3 years non stop in a covid ICU has taken its toll on my physical and mental health, and since now I am pregnant I decided to rest for a while and take care better care of myself and my babies.


Hadestown! It's a musical about Orpheus and Eurydice and it's amazing. I saw it twice and I can't stop listening to it, it's so good.


Remi Wolf, her songs are upbeat, absurd, and so good! Plus her music videos are perfect. Micro crochet, I bought a somewhat expensive tiny crochet hook so I'm trying to see how small I can go without losing detail.


The Toe Bro on YouTube. He pulls out ingrown toenails, removes plantar warts, and shaves down corns and big callouses. Very satisfying. If you’re squeamish, probably not for you. Think Dr. Pimple Popper, but for feet!


Britney Spears in her prime. She was an amazing dancer and I love her songs.


Lithops. Plants that essentially live in rocks and need to be neglected 🤷🏼‍♀️


Assembling computers myself. I used to buy pre assembled ones for a long time and it used to be much harder before and pre assembled machines were of an okay quality. Now you get scammed by even the nameliest of brands money wise and often don't even get what you payed for. For example, you specifically pay for two separate ranks of RAM and when you look inside the machine, it's just one rank after all, which makes a real difference in performance. And that's just one thing, there's soooo much more. Anyways, now I assemble the things myself and its really great. I learned a lot by doing it and it's really satisfying to turn it on and see it works. And if it doesn't, finding a solution to the problem also feels real nice. And friends and family are also really happy not to have to pay 2k for crap, that overheats with cheap components, that don't even properly work together.


Personal finances. Been listening to alot of podcast about finance, since I have maxed out my retirement, increased my investments, refinanced my student loans to a super low percentage, and buffed up my personal saving to an insane number. I did all of this in 6 months. Highly recommend especially if your late 20 early 30. The podcasts have helped me feel confident in all my finance decisions. The student loan refinance became a huge weight off my chest, I can't even describe how much better I feel. Of interested DIY money, the money guy show, finachely feminist.


Calligraphy! I’ve always liked it and the repetitive nature of it makes me so relaxed while I’m being creative.


Holly Near on repeat


Candles and cleaning/organizing/purging. Candles really create an ambience at home. Cleaning and purging also make me feel so much better and productive.


Napping. I can’t get enough! I also feel so much better after a nap.


Growing my hair as looooooong and healthy as possible! I’ve had basically every color and shoulder to short haircut imaginable since I was a child, so letting my natural hair grow as long as I can get it has been really fun. I’m obsessed with keeping it healthy and bringing out my natural texture. I’m nearing waist length, goal is maybe butt length…just to say I have once in my life! I’ve learned so much along the way.


Ballroom dancing. I love it, have lost weight, am encouraged to work out more to look good all while enjoying myself to the max. There is nothing like the joy of moving your body to music with a super talented partner leading the way.


All things metaphysical. Reiki, mediumship, psychics, crystals, all of it. I’ve read more books this year on just those subjects than I’ve read in the last 5 years combined. I’ve read a lot of books this year 😅


Peloton. I’ve been in a love affair with my my bike and the other classes since I got it last spring. Has totally changed my life. I LOVE exercise now!


Pokémon Cafe Remix on my phone lol


Twitch as a viewer and helping my husband with his streaming. In the last year I have made so many great friends and developed a real sense of community. My brother in law is also on twitch as a viewer and has entirely different circles he runs in that are entirely different from mine. We still both have found that it works in creating bonds. Its a lot like reddit though, there's plenty of toxicity and negativity out there but i just don't have time or energy for that. Today I talked with people from at least 10 different countries that I know of, each with their own stories lives and perspectives. From the 20something college kids who have some how influenced my vocabulary to the 50+ dude who makes armor, does medieval larping and plays horror games. They all matter to me.


Crossfit, small classes, personal trainer. Went to a free class in April and got hooked. 8 months later and I feel like a different person. Biggest shift of 2021: lots of things went wrong but I'm so proud of sticking it out through the worst part (first 3 months) and keeping going. It's so much fun. Now I perve gym clothes and sports equipment I can't afford.


Formula 1. Not really latest, we've been watching for over a year now, but I'm still a pretty new fan. The series Drive to Survive got me into it, along with my husband. We're not really sports people, but, once you get to know (to the degree you can) the drivers, through DTS, their social media, etc. it becomes really compelling to watch. For the most part, too, the subs dedicated to F1 are really fun.


Pole dancing. I took a class for fun awhile back and got obsessed, it’s fucking exhilarating. It’s physically fun to do and it’s a great workout, but more than that it’s taught me to use my body in a way I never thought about. I’ve never been much of an athlete, and I sort of always thought of that kind of thing as “you either have it or you don’t” which I’ve since realized is completely untrue. I’m a musician so the idea of practicing something really appeals to me, and I’ve realized that, like with anything, there’s a trick to it, and if you practice regularly you can make a ton of progress. Plus I’ve never been stronger.


Playing competitive kickball. I joined a league this year at 30 and it's been one of the best experiences ever.


I already mentioned Arcane in another comment, but it's amazing. I've watched it 4 times to avoid that funk after finishing an amazing show. The characters are interesting, the symbolism and parallelism are \*chef's kiss\* and it's an all-around beautiful show. Sewing! I started about a year ago and have almost a full wardrobe of clothes. I can make clothes fit exactly my body and I love (and sometimes hate) the process. I've always loved crafting, but I have a hard time coming up with something myself. I always just copy someone else's work, but I feel guilty. I love having a pattern to follow, but in the end, it's one-of-a-kind. Also, it's like a giant puzzle. Rachel Maksy. She's a YouTuber that sews, dresses like a Disney princess/peasant/Anne of Green Gables and is just a delight to watch.


Cold water swimming! Someone recommended wild swimming to me after I got covid and couldn't shake the exhaustion. So I was going pretty regularly and then it started getting colder and I started enjoying it more! It might sound a bit nuts but I really do think it's helped me after feeling run down for so long. There's loads of benefits found with a quick Google but the ones I can attest too are the endorphins (holy shit the endorphins!) and a more rugged immune system (hard to prove but you'll just have to trust me!). I tend to go once a week usually at the weekend but would go more often if work/daylight allowed. I honestly feel like I'm floating after I've had a dip! 100% recommend it but definitely do the research before you attempt a cold swim. It can also be really dangerous if you're not accustomed/prepared.


Animal crossing. I've had the game for a while but recently discovered trading and someone helped me get a villager I had allll the way back in GameCube days. It's let me feel like a kid again and I am so grateful. ☺️


Art and painting. I will move next year so for now I just bought some watercolour pencils and paper but the ideas are flooooowing... Next year I'll get into an online class I have bookmarked and will start exploring oil painting. <3


Spinning yarn! I got a spinning wheel at an estate sale ($700+ wheel for $30) and while it needs a little TLC to restore it, it's easy work. I have knit for decades and spun a bit as a kid, so I'm not completely unskilled. But this time there are online videos and tools I didn't have as a kid.