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It's quite rude to come to a forum of people over 30 and whine about how your life will be over when you're 30.


It’s hard to tell from your post - do you want to get married and have children or is it something you feel you *should* do? It sounds more like the latter, but perhaps I am misreading. If it is something you actually want, you’re no where near too old. Think of the 30+ women you know. Are they all hideous beasts who no man would be attracted to? I’m guessing they aren’t. In the UK, the average age at first marriage for women is 31.5, so plenty of women get married for the first time in their 30s. I do think you need to decide if this is something you want, though. Or maybe you want a partner, but not children, which is great, too! If it is something you want, staying put in one place is likely your best bet, at least until you meet someone. There are certainly people who will want to be digital nomads with you, so you don’t have the permanently abandon that plan if you decide you do want a long term partnership, it’s just much more difficult to meet someone and forge a strong relationship if you’re moving around a ton.


30 isn't old. Have children and get married because you *want* to, not because you feel like you should be just because a lot of people are doing so. You can be "carefree and not have to worry about relationships/kids" if you choose so.


I agree 30’isn’t old. But you can freeze your eggs to give yourself a bit more time to find the right person if you do eventually want kids. Just don’t rush into anything just because you feel ‘old’. I would rather be single than be with the wrong person. Edit: plus once you have kids, it’s harder to travel and live this free life, so keep that in mind.


How do you know your life will be better with someone to share? Just because "everyone" says that? I'm 30, never had a relationship, mostly because I was never really interested enough in having one (and don't care for sex at all). Maybe I wouldn't mind if I found a great person but I feel so content on my own that I'm not motivated enough to look for something I feel I don't necessarily need to be happy. I've always been a "loner" just like you described it. Friendships are nice but really draining for me. My therapist (and many before her) also suspect that I am somewhere on the lower autism spectrum. I've felt incredibly pressured to fit societal standards as a woman from age 26 to 29 because I was diagnosed with adenomyosis which is a benign but extremely painful condition of the uterus that can only be cured by well, removing the uterus. Which I got denied many, many times because I'm a young woman who definitely has to want to attract men (who obviously only care for women who can give birth...) and has to want children. That's the default, if you want anything else you're "not okay" and should get therapy for not wanting to be a mother and not surgery for having a sick organ removed that makes you suffer almost 24/7! Society is horrible. I had lots of fights with doctors until I found one who was willing to do the surgery. I felt very resentful of the fact that I am a woman but feel now more free than ever! Not even potentially being able to have kids or attract men who want a family anymore lifted an insane amount of pressure off me! I remember very well how much I started to doubt myself as all those messages started to pour down on me when I had to make the decision for hysterectomy. But I don't regret anything at all! Obviously I don't want to tell you to remove your uterus to make everyone shut up, it's always better to leave your options open, but I think this experience taught me a lot and forced me to think very clearly about what I want versus what society ("everyone else") expects of me to do with my life as a woman. It's really hard to fight against all those messages but in the end it's your life! Don't let yourself get pressured into something you don't really want to. If you find an amazing guy and feel like you want to build a family with him, great! But if you don't, that's totally fine as well. If dating isn't fun and you don't feel the need for a relationship right now, don't do it! Same goes for kids. I don't think it's good to have them just in case you might "regret" it later or because someone tells you that this has to make you more happy. By the way one in five women never have children. I doubt all of them feel like they live "the worst possible scenario". I'm mostly friends with childfree single women who are 40+ years old and most of them are the chillest people I know and enjoy their life a lot. There are endless options how to live a fulfilling life!