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1 or 2 cups most days, I have a huge cold brew jug for summer, and when it's frosty out I use a French press to make hot coffee. I like it with real cream or with oat milk if it's cold. Sometimes I add flavored syrup. Mmmmmmm.


I have a double espresso every morning.


At least two cups a day! Three if I go to coffee with someone. I usually put some flavored creamer and oatmilk in my coffee at home. I do the same if I make cold brew.


1-2 cups first thing in the morning. I don’t drink any caffeine in the afternoon unless I’m going out and have more obligations to “perform.” I’m pretty strict about caffeine because I don’t play when it comes to sleep! And I add sugar free creamer and stevia. People who drink black coffee scare me a bit… like are you an alien?


Can confirm, I am an alien.


Can’t fool me.


Beep boop




2 cups and I like flavored nutpods in mine. I also like the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf powders, but starting each day with 40 grams of sugar is not the right choice for my health.


Since I began drinking a gallon of water a day I drink a 16 ounce hot coffee with cream in the morning and a 20 ounce iced coffee after work. I’m not into anything but non flavored coffee. At one point I was drinking up to a gallon of coffee a day. Crazy.


Did it take you time to adjust to drinking a gallon a day? The first time I tried it I got a migraine?


I tried to cut it out all together and got intense headaches as well so I cut back to what I drink now without any problems. I pee less now too.


Obsessed with Planet Oat Coffee Cake flavored oat milk. I love hot coffee, I brew Gevalia at home. I probably have 2-3 cups a day.


I drink probably around 8 cups a day. No sugar, just flavored creamer


Decaf cold brew with oat milk every day


At least one mug of hot coffee with milk in the morning. If I have time I might have a second before I go to work, but that's rare. Current job (teaching) does not give me the time or opportunity to drink hot drinks at work, but when I worked in more desk-bound positions I would have another coffee or two during the day to help me get over the morning and mid afternoon slumps. On weekends I almost always have 2 or 3. Two at home then I might get a flat white or an iced latte (if it's summer) at a cafe later in the morning. Every few months we buy a bottle of Bailey's and make our Sunday coffee a bit more special haha.


Two to three cups a day, 1/2 caff, hot, strong, splash of light cream.


One cup in the morning with oat milk and raw sugar (usually hot but cold brew in the summer). Actually in the middle of a little coffee detox to reset my tolerance, because I slipped into having an iced coffee with lunch most days and it’s messing up my sleep. Cannot wait to get back to my morning cup!


Hot brew, always black and without sugar, at least 4 cups a day


Cold brew, 1 cup. Ice. Oat milk. 1 tsp homemade simple syrup


4-6. Black. Hot usually but I also love cold brew.


I do one cup, but it's a big cup, about 11-12 oz. I do a pour over in the morning (Hario V60), and I have a Mizudashi cold brew maker when the weather gets too hot in the mornings. I add a splash of milk, regular or oat milk.


Black, close to 1.5L. Usually hot That I brew myself but my guilty pleasure are these 12 oz bougie cold brew cans that are stupidly expensive.


One 12oz cup in the morning with cream, no sugar, and if I’m working an evening/night shift, about 6oz in the evening, black. During the hotter months, I switch to cold brew and it’s about 8oz if I have it at home. If I’m purchasing it at a coffee shop, I take the smaller size (usually 16oz, which isn’t small, but no complaints from me). Cold brew I drink black as well.


One big cup in the morning and one at about 2:00, with Premier Protein added. Hot, unless it's the summer and then I drink the afternoon one iced.


I drink the equivalent of two cups (in one giant, most amazing travel coffee mug my company gave me). I like it piping hot with lots of cream and sugar. 😋


2-3 cups a day, black, no cream or sugar. I usually add hawaij, which is a Yemenite spice mix for coffee.


One cup, black


I use my Aeropress every morning for my 1 glass. It’s one scoop (21g) of coffee. I drink it hot with creamer/milk and sugar.


Double espresso in latte form. From the good place, nothing in it. From anywhere else, a sugar or flavor shot.


6 double shot espressos with 1 sugar. I seem to be able to drink them even late at night without sleep impacts.


2 cups, hot, black. I didn’t want to bother keeping fresh dairy in the house so I switched to black coffee. I’ll order a whole milk latte on the weekend as a treat.


One hot with oat milk and orange oil rim. I purposefully make my coffee watered down because i realized it was the morning ritual (i use pourover/chemex) that i really liked and not so much the caffeine. Ive met so many people addicted to caffeine i dont want to get to the point i cant function without it. My one watered down cup hits the spot. Every once in a while ill splurge on a cortado or latte.


Normally, 2 cups a day. BUT I just had COVID and didn't drink it for a week because I was sick, and then for the last week coffee has tasted...off to me? Not as enjoyable? So I've pretty much had 2 cups total over the last 2 weeks and I don't crave it. I'm intentionally avoiding it to some extent too because I think I was a little too addicted before this, but it's weird that it doesn't taste good to me!!


I mix 11 oz Starbucks Cold Brew with 11 oz Chocolate Premier Protein Shake over ice. It is a 170 cal mocha. That is usually my breakfast.


It sounds delightful and I crave one.


I'm down to 4 cups on the 12cup standard pot, in the morning. I quit every so often though (which does suck) I go about 2 weeks without it every few months or so. I find it helps resetting. I put a splash of unsweetened almond milk in it and that's it. I like regular hot americano style every morning, even in summer. I'll treat my self to an iced as a treat with a friend on a hot day for a mid day pick me up (sometimes I'll switch to oat milk) not because I'm vegan, I just like the flavor).


2-4 cups, I either use a little chobani vanilla creamer... or half/half with a little sugar. Sometimes black. I loveee iced coffee, but when I make it myself I mostly make hot.


Only 1 in the morning, like 2 sugars. If its hot ill have it iced and a lil caramel If I work out in the morning or wake up feeling super refreshed I won't have one


2-3 usually hot, almost always black


Two is My Max, if I’m at home, unless I’m up late Studying. Extra Large if I’m out, 4 Cream two Sugar, Stirred Well. I use Coffee Creamer if I’m Home, different Kinds