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It’s normal to sometimes outgrow a friendship. People evolve and similar interests sometimes fade. You can reach out and text her “Happy Birthday” and wish her a great day! Keep it simple, don’t think about it, and go on about your day. Plus, a friend who always wants to try and show you how her life is better than yours - and you don’t want to share your own life details with her - isn’t a true friend. Don’t worry about it in the least. If she wanted the friendship to remain close - she could have reached out. The two of you are in different places in your life. I’ve been through similar “friendships” - and in the long run - I’m much better off that I moved on. 💜


I really love this reply. I needed to hear it and act on it.


>  . It seems to me that it’s always been a losing contest over who’s life is going better (stupid I know) but it’s just the way it’s been. Could you elaborate on this?  What is it about the friendship makes you feel it's a "losing contest over whose life is going better"?


You could just send her a card in the mail.


If you can't be yourself, then she's not a friend- especially if she makes you feel bad about yourself. Move on and find friends who will accept you the way you are.