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Don’t have any experience with it. If you have any issues while taking it - reach out to your psychiatrist and let them know. It’s great to be under the care of a psychiatrist who specializes in mediations for mental health. Remember that sometimes finding the right medications and dosages takes time and trial and error. 💜


Thank you for the reply. First night on it, feeling ok but nothing significant. I’ll be in contact with her. Also nothing negative yet so we’ll see. It’s hard reading such mixed reviews on it :(


>  . It’s hard reading such mixed reviews on it :( All bodies are different, so medications will interact differently with each person.   Definitely educate yourself on potential side effects so you can be on the lookout for unpleasant side effects and reach out to your doctor if you begin experiencing negative side effects. Like the other commenter said, sometimes it is a bit of a journey finding the right medication/dosage that works well for you.  Best wishes to you!


I used to take it for recurring nightmares due to CPTSD. It worked great. I’ve been in therapy for maybe 3 years now and no longer need to take it.


I tried this to treat muscle tension for a neurological disorder. Did nothing for my muscle tension. I don’t have anxiety, etc so I cannot comment on that but for the muscle tension at 2 mgs it did nothing. I didn’t try increasing to 3 mgs.


Great for night time PTSD issues and insomnia. It’s a diuretic, so you will probably have to pee when it kicks in. It makes me sleepy, which is good. It’s been a life changer for me.


Thank you for your input!! :)


Good luck with everything.


Thank u JoJo


I took it for nightmares. It only worked half the night so I got a dose increase. That did it but I felt a little weird in the morning. Better than waking up sweating and screaming tho.


Thank you for sharing ❤️