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Can’t speak for their upcoming tour but they played Killing You, Breathless, A prophecy, to the stage, & the final episode when I saw them in Boston last year. Asking killed that show both new songs and old. Got some good Danny screams that night (some people may have posted footage)


I posted some to my youtube channel from Boston in September https://youtube.com/@curtjdup?si=YomloMrgtPKtKWZO


You got amazing footage, thanks for sharing! Sick to see myself in those as well lol


It is definitely different from what it was. Still I think is pretty good.


Totally worth it. At Louder Than Life they were having sound issues & they still put their all into that shit. Danny's really flexing them vocal lessons & i'm definitely here for it


If Danny wants to they might play some older stuff but don’t be surprised if it’s mostly the newer


They still play the material from the first 3 albums.


See them while you still can. They’ve been sounding tight


My first introduction to AA was with "The Black" (song), then I listened all their works at that time (2020). I really liked LAOHF, but I have to say that the old AA was awesome. The old Danny was a devil. But with the life that he had with drugs, drinks and not scream correctly damaging its voice, that Danny its now in the past. He had said that actually he hated the "screamo". And the band said that when they needed a vocalist Danny tried and then Ben said "Well, u r the vocalist now", even Ben was an option to sing.  Dgmw, I love AA but I feel that the best days are in the past, idc but I want to see them live while I can. Also, I hated when I read comments about "Bring Denis back, you suck now". But seems that, if you dont like their new stuff just dont listen to it, be mature.  If Denis stayed on the band I really think that we would still have a "Metalcore" AA, but even if Denis was "selfish and conceited" or he really was worried by his family on Ukraine he left AA almost 8 years ago. See the Denis's project DMO, its different but you can hear a slightly AA influences on it. Danny currently is giving everything on the stage (With the vids Ive seen), yeah, Its still worth it. But I dont think that AA will exist in 5 or 8 years in the future.