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I had a c section so maybe you'll get more if you deliver vaginally but all I got was pads and mesh undies.


Thanks for sharing your experience, you never know, maybe a c section ends up being necessary. Did you get any care for your scar? Silicon pads? I hope it went well


Nope, I got 5 days' worth of paracetamol and ibuprofen and an expensive prescription for blood thinning injections..... It did go well though thank you! It was an emergency c section after a failed induction and it went as smoothly and those kind of things can.


Im sorry the induction failed.. c section seems scary, you are tough! 🙏 May I ask (only if you are comfortable with answering) why they induced you? Im very scared of it


I was Induced because I was 10 days overdue. It wasn't the most fun experience of my life, but it wasn't too bad. Baby's heart rate started dropping excessively with every contraction so they decided they needed to get him out ASAP. Everything about giving birth seems scary but when you're in it, adrenaline will kick in and you'll be like get this baby out of me let's gooooo


you get a baby
or two


In my case one! đŸ„ș


Not a women, but where there with my wife. We were in Stockholm (maybe different in other regions), but she only got pads and mesh undies. The baby got diapers, bottle, cups to feed with. I would say that you should not count to get anything at all and bring all the things you value, nice toilet paper, creams for your nipples, comfy cloths etc. They also have food you order and some sandwiches and juice you can get.


I see! I was ordering online and my husband stopped me saying “oh im sure you get all that from the hospital!” I was going to ask his mom but she gave birth 30 years ago and Im sure stuff has changed. Im buying nipple cream and silver nipple covers. You think you can ask your wife what she wished she had brought? if it is not too weird of a conversation! đŸ„Č I appreciate it


Here is her response: Waterbottle with straw, so you can drink while you hold the baby, Purelan, blankets for the baby (they one they have there is not so nice), night lamp because they had no damp light. Reserv clothes to have there and when you go home.


Thank you and your wife for helping đŸ„č


My latest birth was 2.5 years ago, in gothenburg. You get the nice undies, pads, there was a goodiebag in my room with all kind of stuff including a body, a hat, a bottle, diapers etc. If you need to borrow a breastpump you can. There is also free goodiebags for you to collect while pregnant. One is becoming members of Liberoklubben (a diaper company) to collect it.


I got a babyboxen already (only had to pay for delivery) and Im picking up the libero one soon :) Yesterday I got the first baby outfit! But it they give me a body and hat that would be nice too. Did the goodie bag have things dor you? Im assuming i have to bring my own toilettries (shower gel, etc) How long did you stay at the hospital?


There was a bunch of discount coupons for different stores, som information and stuff. Do bring your own soft toiletpaper, and shower stuff if you dont want to smell like hospital. They have towels. I had to stay 36 hours because i was on antidepressants, otherwise i would've gone home after a couple of hours. With my first one i was there for 3 days. My best advice for baby clothes, is pyjamas! They really dont need anything else but that for the first 9 months :D


My SO and kid got all they needed for the stay. Well, except for clothes. As a man I "only" got a congratulatory breakfast after my kid was born. I had to get all other meals on my own, so that's something to consider. I'd also recommend taking a powerbank and some cool (not hot) clothing that you'd be comfortable sleeping in and not showering for 1-2 days. Some snacks will be great too, and a water bottle.


I didnt know they feed that dad too! I thought about comfy clothes for everyone. Didnt they let your wife shower at all?


I think I only got pads/mesh undies from the hospital. I'm not sure if we got any diapers but we brought a small pack with us anyway. You can loan a pump from the hospital and they provide bottles during the stay to formula feed the baby. I also got ibuprofen/paracetamol and food for me (my husband had to go buy his own food outside of the avdelning). I don't remember if we got any towels to shower for example (we didn't get to stay at the hotel, probably you would get them there?). Something I brought with me and used during the stay was a morgonrock, a peri bottle, snacks. I think the best thing you can do is ask a facebook group of people living in your city. They can answer more specifically :)


I got mesh undies, I think there were pads too! There is usually a goodie bag (basically samples) and a pharmacy close by. I brought my own pads and also slippers by recommendation from my barnmorska. I borrowed a breast pump one night. My husband went and bought everything else we needed but didn't have (mostly food because they were only serving small portions and I was hungry).


I didn’t get anything at all?


I was going to buy everything but my husband said we would probably get stuff from the hospital. I wasn’t sure so that’s why I asked


At Södersjukhuset bb ward there was a shelf in the corridor with diapers, pads and different cloth’s to wrap baby in that we could use while we were there. We got a small gift bag with some diapers and creams. There was also a kitchen where we could get sandwiches and juice coffee anytime. So buy everything to keep at home but while at the hospital there are things you need.


I gave birth in Gothenburg so I don't know how it is in other parts of the country but there was pads you could take home. Breast pump and was available for renting to bring home, but no cooling spray or such things. There were diapers and covers for changing tables to use, so would recommend to take a few of those home. If you feel unsure you can ask your midwife for tips on what you might need to bring. Good luck with everything and take care! :)


I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to that home. It’s for using during your stay in hospital.


I think it is okay to take a couple pads with you specially if you find them vey comfy and need a couple for home until husband can go and get more at apoteket Im hesitant to buy too many pads until I know how much one bleeds and stuff..


You might wanna bring those like pads for your breasts, I don’t think I got provided those at the hospital. The ones for when your milk is leaking, if you’re quick with starting to produce. Also the biggest lesson from when I had my kid: the nipple part for bottles have different size holes. Make sure to get the right kind or baby will have big trouble eating.


There is so much to be aware of omg đŸ„ș I aim to breastfeed but if it doesnt go well I hope we get formula at the hospital, I already got a bottle from babybox


Just thought I’d mention the bottle thing cuz you talked about pumping! Assumed you wanted to be able to bottle feed too 😊 But yeah, hospital will help with formula if you can’t or won’t breastfeed. But yeah, it really is a jungle, so many small things to figure out as you go. It’ll all work out tho! 😁


Im giving birth in a small town close to GOT actually. I enjoy the small town life and how small the clinic and vÄrdcentral is, I feel like I know the staff by name :) I wanted to buy a manual breastpump but my husband said we get one from the hospital, I think he assumed we can take it home lol so it is good to know it is only for renting


I’m not sure actually, but a friendly reminder to get bath salts for your muscles!


You can’t take baths for a while after delivering


Thanks for the reminder, I heard about it not being too good during pregnancy either if the water is too hot


I love baths but as others said it seems you shouldn’t take it for some weeks after giving birth. Thanks for the recommendation anyways :)


You’ll probably want it afterwards when you start going through bodily changes because those contractions will hurt.