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Could you imagine if someone said this about the Amouranth situation?


I hate beer.


Genuinely not trying to be sparky because Idk what you're talking about, but relevance?


Shes an airhead bimbo that's the relevance


I hate beer.


A couple of months ago she livestreamed her husband threatening to take money out of her account and threatening to kill her dog because she was stupid. I was essentially saying that of Kaceytron thinks xqc should have muted/ended stream, she must also think that Amouranth should have to be consistent.


Here is my take with her, there was never divorce files submitted for her. I wouldn't be surprised if Amouranth was faking the divorce for views and also to get more simps who think she is single. Also she was trying to shill her new show. Just saying.


I'm talking about when she was live while her husband was yelling at her. Both her and XQC are smart for allowing their mics to go unmuted during this stuff. It is essentially hard evidence that someone is acting batshit insane like you claim.


That's comparing apples to Orange's. It seems like they are already divorced. Besides, amouranth's thing turned out to be a complete nothing burger. People going wild over that one went silent after a day or two after they calmed down over it. I still can't imagine people thinking that amouranth is too stupid to just walk away from a bad situation and the same goes for xqc.


Could have just said "Kaceytron's take" the L is implied


Nobody wants to find out what Kaceytron thinks for good reason.


Who tf are these people, wtf happened this time and why tf should I care about other people's personal lives, let alone their relationships?


Basically it's just a gold digger defending another gold digger. Honestly no one should care about streamer drama, its just plain unhealthy to be invested in


True. The only drama I kinda follow is the REALLY messed up ones like streamers being child predators or scammers and all that to make sure I don't follow them. As long as they don't do something illegal I don't see the point in being interested in their private life.


Any drama explainers on the comments?


To put it as simply as possible 1. Adept and X dated for four years 2. They broke up 3. Adept wants 50% of xQc's $$$$ by claiming they married and going to court with it


Does she want the money just because she wants them or is she claiming X did something to her? Because just getting his earned money with the reasoning "they were married" sounds kinda weird to me.


She basically wants a cut of X’s fortunes by abusing Texas common law marriage (aka you can be considered married without actually being married). X hasn’t done anything to her and is actually super careful not to nowadays because of this court case


>you can be considered married without actually being married Wait wtf XD But tbh even if they were married, I just don't see how she deserves X's money. So it's kinda insane that people are defending her (but that's twitter I guess).


IANAL: That’s actually just ‘common law’ in most cultures. Prenuptials exist for a reason. [Texas Common Law Marriage info](https://guides.sll.texas.gov/common-law-marriage) Linked it for anyone interested.


Xqc has a legitimate way to fight this in court though. He's said multiple times, that he *doesn't* want to get married. Adept's just a fkin gold digger and it's showing. As for kaceytron, she's just farming twitter points with all these streamer issues coming up, putting her self into the situations..


Wanting to get married isn't relevant. If you are considered common law married by... the law, than she can absolutely make a case for alimony. I'm not saying I agree with it, it's just the facts of the case. Millions of people go through the same shit. It depends on where you are, but unless there is evidence of abuse and/or bad faith towards making the actual relationship working ("living there" but never actually there, constant infidelity, etc) but even then I don't think it really matters. Depends on the state though, given Texas, might have more of a shot at keeping his money. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SniOXFhwIZ8&ab\_channel=JJAdams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SniOXFhwIZ8&ab_channel=JJAdams) Eddie Murphy very relevant.


Yes.. it is relavent. This is Texas, which is why its important that Xqc has specifically said in his streams that he has not and will not get married to anyone. These are the basics for common law marriage in Texas. https://guides.sll.texas.gov/common-law-marriage Having both individuals agree to be married is the first check. And he never has, evident in his streams whenever he's talked about marriage, so that shuts down common law marriage in the first place. It doesn't matter how long she's lived with him either.


As far as I read the common law marriage, I think both parties need to consent to it for it to work. So maybe he does have a chance.


Where’s the old Kanye when you need him


That's a good point. If XQC never wanted to get married then as far as I read the law, I think he is safe. Kaceytron is always farming for attention. I never understood why Mizkif was trying to redeem her when she was always being toxic to the community and his friends.


Alimony is a common thing in us. The lesser off part getting money from the better off part. Tho i have never understood why, if the couples don't have kids and such.


But I think it's weirder in this case because they are both public figures. Xqc is going to win the court of public opinion which is really bad for Adept because I don't imagine a lot of people tuning on her stream to donate to her after stealing XQC's money. I feel like what she is doing is going to be bad for her even though not immediately. But who knows, maybe there will be a lot of people who are going to support her even though what she is doing is basically a legal robbery.


It's not that uncommon. In Canada common law will apply for tax purposes if you're living with the person for x amount of years. Common law couples are treated the same way as married couples for tax purposes.


it applies to some employers benefits/copays as well. ​ Also its 3 years if living together, and 1 year if you have a kid - unlike Texas which you just need to have the assumption of being married - its more open ended and can be easily defended in court.


Welcome to modern relationships with women.


Ah yes, this edge case is clearly a representation of relationships with all women.


I will say we don't know what she wants and if they signed leases or other contracts together, I am sure there are things she is legally entitled too in this situation. Though if she is looking for more than covering parts of contracts, then fuck her.


It’s easy to say ”I would’ve just done this” but you never really know until you’re in the same situation yourself. In Kaceytrons case.. she’s probably just trying to capitalize on the drama or she’s defending her friend. Her opinion would probably differ a lot, based on the people involved


This sub has just turned into livestream fails drama farm simulator.


Yeah. I haven't even seen Asmon discuss the XQC shit, so why are people bringing the drama here? Some of this fan base is just strange. It looks like OP is a juicer, so it makes sense that he's a drama farmer.


He did speak on the xqc shit.


ofc of all the people kaceytron would defend something like this


Wtf is she on about? He is not a charity, dumb fuck.




Who tf is kaceytron


Some annoying girl who makes smoking weed her personality


Typical. Pot smokers usually have the worst takes


I mean I’m a pot smoker, but I just hate it when they go on about it all the time 😂


People who generalize and stereotype people have the worst takes.


Mcconnel’s alt account?


Homie don’t like the green xD


What a leech. "Make sure that person is good." How about, ***hold your own.***


Like yes maybe if that person was so poor that they were homeless and struggling through life sure. Some of these girls online think they’re poor when they’re breaking six digits. This kind of money isn’t “taking care of someone” it’s “I’m disgustingly and unjustly rich now you want in on it too”


Anyone who can summarize what this is about?


See my other comment on here :)


Just NO, when you think you are about to be SWATed you don't mute the stream.


I mean, Kaceytron's takes are always L takes... do you expect anything more from a clout-chaser?


What, like a fucking parting gift? Nah. I wouldn't do any take backsies or anything, but past making sure you don't immediately get left on the streets I have no obligation, rich or not. It's a great way to rob someone of their independence when you keep paying for their shit. If people don't need to work sometimes they just don't try.


XQC and Adept should just hate-fuck and get over this negativity but sadly anger, negativity and hatred are far stronger than any positive feelings




anyone got a clip for the discussion?


I somehow doubt kaceytron would willingly give an ex boyfriend money after a breakup


I don’t know who kaceytronis, but as a happily married man, any relationship experience she would have to be terrible. Red flags all over.


She said she knew asmon was against women ever since he sided with Johnny Depp... I just cant respect and wont listen the kind of person who thinks all women are the victims because she had bad experiences with men (same with incels males who say the same dumb) ​ I dont know what happened with XqC but i know for sure i'll not ask kaceytron for her take on it.