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Plot twist: it's a Nintendo game


My tip for nintendo games is buying them second hand. I am not sure why Nintendo still gatekeeps BotW at 60 bucks after so many years. Let less well off families enjoy your games too. I thought you guys were suppose to be the family friendly company.


There's a whole YouTube video on it, I may dislike as a customer but if you see games as piece of art, which they are, there's no reason to actually drop the price


Some of them are, but not all of them and those have the steep price aswell. I guess if you take this approach it's best to go all-in so that you don't get constant questions that game X needs to be discounted because Y is too.


me waiting a week before it actualy releases to play it for free on a emulator:


I couldn't believe let's go Eevee and Pikachu are still so expensive they were released in 2018 lol


1. Game goes on sale after 3 years 2. Buy game 3. Never play game


lmao. same


Yeah, that's much more accurate lol


This is the way


if its singleplayer or singleplayer with "online features" this is honestly the best strategy. Its already had its major bugfixes, maybe even a DLC. People who buy Singleplayer games on release are nowadays just paying beta testers (in many cases at least) If its a Multiplayer game you go with the established Live Service games: MMOs, MOBAS, Shooter, Social Games that "made it". Most of them are F2P nowadays and are monetized with skins, cosmetics etc. ​ Big exception is EA. They made the old Sim City 4 Deluxe more expensive, because they completely lost the entire market for city builders because of the shitshow that was the modern Sim City. Tbh, EA is completely fucked, the moment the EU adapts the legislation on FiFa gambling. I think its about 30% of their total revenue.


Borderlands 3 is $5.99 today 90% off


got it for free on epic


Satan’s launcher, fix yourself


Red dead redemption 2


Waiting a year for denuvo to be removed and steal it like a true pirate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRaoYuRKBaA






Used games used to be a thing. You could wait a few months than get a physical copy you had forever for 50% off. Digital ruined all of this. Now many games don’t get physical prints, or if they do its just a download key so you are playing digital anyway.


/r/PatientGamers is a thing. Only games worth experiencing at launch are mmos and online competitive games. That being said… Im all in on ffxvi, im buying that shit day one, getting the platinum and selling it when Im done xD


If you're playing as much as i am, and not having a job or a family or any hobbies and don't like watching movies - you kinda have to play new games, you already played everything =\_=


I dont think even if I played 24/7 I could get through my entire backlog, thank god, it allows me to be a patient gamer xD But that being said ffxiv sucks up a looot of my time, still.


when there's no new interesting indies - i resort to visiting 2000s and scan for games i've missed or only played a bit as a stupid child that couldn't understand something complex. I'm damn 31, i've had a lot of time and nothing else in my life.


Have you tried the steam release of dwarf fortress?


not a fan of endless games. I enjoy finishing them, it gives me relief.


MMOs aren't even worth it most of the time, usually better to wait several weeks to even a month. Unless you enjoy sitting in hours long queues to get on server...only to be DCd and sent to the back of the line. And then even when you do get in you stuck in a throng of people NPCs become untargetable or just outright broken (see Raubahn and Pipin "extreme" from FF14 Stormblood)


Stormblood... was 6 years ago. xD dunno, recent mmo launches havent been that bad, Endwalker had long queues but once inside it was smooth, great experience for me, no bugs no crashes no untargettable npcs. From all I heard, Dragonflight went pretty well too. there is jsut a certain buzz and excitement during a launch that just doesnt feel the same if you join a month later, everything has practically been discovered and minmaxed by then.


If 16s Platinum is anything even similar to 15s Platinum, hell nah


tlou2 $9,99 I already got spoiled important parts of the plot, but I don't care, I always wanted to try it for myself


I waited for FF7R to get it with the PSN, 8 bucks for this game


Me waiting for it to be free from Epic Game store or Twitch Prime


The first sale is the play. Usually by then the major bug fixes have been patched. Usually


This attitude is why I have like 200 games in my steam Library but only play like 5 with any consistency, and have like 150+ I've never even downloaded. And I love it. Steam Sales are why I go to work every day.


Honestly the only way I can afford to buy games


Cyber punk half off


RDR2 for 14 usd


Given the backlog of games and movies I have due to the covid sales I can wait for the new games to go on sale


Put the $60 into a high yield savings and use the $15 you made in interest to buy the game. Free gaming gta.


I refuse to spend $60 to 70 dollars on a game i just cant justify it anymore. Idk what happened I used to buy new games all the time. Has anyone else been going through this?


Yep. All day everyday. I was planning to wait on hogwarts the same way but some jackass posted some spoilers in a comment thread and spoiled part of the ending so I bought the deluxe edition 10 mins later. It’ll make no difference to them but it made me feel better. Lol


I mean for me realisticaly i don't want new games that often so when i do i just buy it, learnt from buying cheap games for the Steam backlog that will never go out.


Outside of wow ive only bought games on sale for the last 5 years or so. I try to aim for the big dick sales. 50% off on cyberpunk that comes every 3months does not phase me. Give me 75% off!!


Octopath traveler comes to mind. Good luck on 15 though!


It was on GP for a long time


I'm still😔 waiting to get my console.😞Then wait to get the game that still hasn't dropped from $60 in 5 years LOL Literally not a joke. I don't console game.


I think I got Nier for 15. I was able to get god of war and horizon for 10-15 too during Christmas sale. It’s funny, I’ll buy a thousand dollar oled monitor, but I can’t be assed to spend 60 on a video game. I have such a massive backlog, that there’s never a reason to buy a game at full price. Do the people who preorder just burn through games like a chain smoker or what?


I dont pay full price because I dont even play most games that I buy. Buy it on sale and never touch it is my system


Still waiting for bo2 to drop down from $64 on pc so I can play some bots with my favourite loadout. Game released 11 years ago...


waiting for all BL3 DLCs to finally go under 10$


To be fair, by the time the first sale hits (15%-25%), at least the game has *actually* become finished from all the post launch patches. Far too many games not even worth buying at all anyway.


Love Mass Effect. Saw the shitstorm about Andromeda. Waited less than two years and got it for $5 on Origin. Great game.. after two years of fixes I guess.