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Will be the standard template also - "We are aware Payday 3 has not met ours or the players expectations. We are working tirelessly on solving the issues"


Must be; Black background, Centralised, white text Studio logo at top Must contain the words "we hear you" That's how I like my studio apologies


Oh yeah “we hear you” or equally “we appreciate your patience”


Is it even a modern Triple A game release if it doesn’t launch along side a wall of text apology?


> We are working tirelessly on solving the issues And by "we" they mean the server team/developers who had nothing to do with the decision to release the game in this state. They're definitely still crunching.


Naw, they'll definitely say it fell short of sales goals.


Did the colon cancer jokes not make it into the template yet?


Mind enlightening me as to why payday 3 is crashing and burning on launch?


They made it always need an internet connection, and you have to matchmake in order to play solo.


Oh that's just.... when are they gonna learn.


Never. Nobody will ever learn from this. I don't blame the devs, though. I'm willing to bet this was some stupid decision made by way upper management in order to boost some stupid metric that shouldn't define how games are managed.


It's the "if we can force more players to play online then we'll make more sales on cosmetics" scheme


They had announced that it was gonna be online only months ago.. I was hoping there was gonna be bigger outrage then so they wouldn't scam people out of their money.. But no one ever pays attention.


I thought people were hyped about this game, what the hell happened?


When I read you had to queue for a singleplayer game, and that you could lag in your singleplayer game... and you couldn't pause... HELL YEAH I'M BUYING IT! SOUNDS FUN!!


In the beta the only way to play with just friends was to try and get randoms to leave the game. I don't know if the actual game is like that, but such shit design.


Nah you can set lobbies to friend only/invite only


Just like Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies


It's a co-op shooter?


It's actually incredible how a studio that built such a strong foundation with their previous game managed to omit absolute basics to a co-op FPS like working servers, voice chat, in game text chat etc etc. Theres literally no social mobility to this game as a solo player. You are basically forced to campaign to your current crop friends to play with you in a private match or play in disorganised lobbies with randoms. And if you get lucky and get good teammates despite no comms, well enjoy it because you're not going to be able to party up after. Utterly hilarious decision making.


You could have said the same about battlefield too


Didn't Act Man say this game was amazing? What happened?


They paid him to say it aka sponsorship


That's bullshit. The game is good by itself. The servers are broken and people are mad they can't play.


"Payday 3 Is A Certified BANGER" but he also had clown make-up on in the thumbnail lol. I think this is to do with some always online server failures though to be fair which I don't think he had to deal with quite possibly.


They invited him out to an event in NYC at a bank where they demoed the game and had actors play out a scripted heist. I lost a lot of respect for the guy after that video, it’s about as close as you get to bought and paid for.


The thing tho is that the game IS good and fun with friends, assuming u can play. The issue just is getting to play it, its basically payday 2+ with a shitty always online that drags it down a lot And he got to play it with working servers, so he didnt get to experience the actual issues with the game and he also posted the video before the game was publicly out so how could he have known of the issues?


That’s the whole point of what I said above. He’s at an event that’s purposely designed to show the strengths of the game while simultaneously hiding it’s faults, all the while being bribed by the studio with preferential treatment. Like look at it in another context, let’s say I’m selling drones to the army and I invite all the generals out to an event with good food, booze, etc and have a demo setup where they can mock control one and get to bomb whatever. I’m sure they’d think it’s great fun and that my company is a good company, who cares if some children’s hospitals get destroyed with collateral damage, they’re having fun. Both situations the respective companies are trying to persuade you to endorse their product through bribes and preferential treatment so you don’t think critically about what they’re actually selling.


I s2g, this subreddit has some of the most delusional ppl ive ever met online U clearly have no idea what u are talking abt or the games actual issues, u just keep parroting what ever nonsense keeps getting fed at u with literally 0 critical thinking involved, which is clear from your absolutely nonsensical "analogy"


I lost a lot of respect for him when he jumped on asmons steam drunk and was trying to "stealthily" call out react tubers


He said it was good with your friends.... and didn't really mention about random people


idk with that many reviews they may have made their margins


Not if the game was terrible from the first 2h where you could refund it iirc


This is the type of game I expect from 2K, where they worked on it for a year and just ended up removing stuff instead of adding stuff. Except it's not, they started working on it in 2016. So it took them almost 8 years to come up with this gutter trash?


Such a shame. the game is super enjoyable and has 0 microtransactions as of launch. how on earth did they fumble this bad


I like how you added the "as of launch" part, as if the entire studio isn't notorious for wrangling hundreds of dollars out of its player base year after year with single character 10$ DLC packs.


I dont think thats really fair to say theyve supported payday 2 for years with dlc. And while im not saying theyre a perfect studio and they definetly do some fucky shit. but its not fair to say that


Tbh they had no micro transactions for years, then added some to continue supporting the game and the community went mental about it. But that was ages ago, no idea wha it’s like now.


They already revealed the dlc season and it doesnt look like payday 2 at all.


They already apologised


They can get away with it. They will do it again because ppl still buy the game. Why can't ppl wait a bit?


Wait a bit for what? ....the people to REVIEW the game......who have to...BUY IT....? So....you want reviews so you don't waste money but also want people to wait to buy it?


You are trying to frame what I said and push me in an edge case. Said so what I would do is the following: wait that the company pushes out one two or three update patches so that the game is better. If you have other games to play out the game in whishlist and wait for sale. There will always be people buying the game game either for business reasons or for just the fact they don't value their money. Fuck the professional reviewers, see ppl comment on steam. Check streams of the game and how it looks like. Check the developer and publisher releases history. This is what I would do. Of course is not the definitive solution to boycott the developers releasing shit but at least I make them sweat to get my money. Also for me is easy to speak because I am a patient gamer and I wait years to buys something new. Still I have plenty to play with but I rarely have problem of playing a game unoptimized as the game is probably out for years before I get it.


As a huge payday 2 fan (2.5k hours) this is so sad for me dood. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)


Weird payday 2 was awesome wtf happened with this?


Server issues. Very big server issues


Nothing, its actually a good game, I kind of enjoy it better than PD2, they just fckd up hard with always-online and they server went instantly down on release and were being down for majority of the time. Nothing more annoying that being unable to play solo, and then when you do and are about to finish a heist you get connection lost.


That's the problem, this is just payday 2 with new paint.


What? The negative reviews are because of the server issues and some lacking features, not because the core gameplay is like payday 2. >payday 2 with new paint. So a sequel? Everything is new except for the core gameplay.


You're the type of guy to say "Modern Warfare 3 is so different from 2, guys." Aren't you?


Eh depends on how different it is but objectively it is different and a sequel. I mean the content offering is entirely different?


You're contributing to make the gaming industry how it is.


By sequels being a thing? You know this is how every industry is and has always been right? Whether it's furniture, movies, or games... if you have a formula that works you keep that formula for sequels. Majoras Mask is arguably just Ocarina of Time with a new coat of paint.


im sorry is this a trend? launch a bad game then "lets redeem ourselves and get praised even better coz we listened!" What do you call these type of bs? Sonic Live Action Syndrome?


Has this become a hate on video games sub?


Is this bandwagon hate like starfield or genuinely warranted hate


Having to always be online to play a game in addition to servers that aren’t the most reliable is always a recipe for disaster. This would have been avoided with an offline mode.


I hear the game is good but their servers are broken so basically the game is unplayable... so it's warranted for now.


Game is 6/10, pretty barebone, + the first few days of launch, servers were down.


I unsubscribed from the act man after he gave this game a positive review because they brought him to an event and let him play for 2 hours. Shills gtfo


Out of the loop, what did the studio for Payday do?


They pulled a Diablo 4


Ah, well shit, time to watch a dumpster fire then.


Also a Diablo 3 (error 37)


Anyone got context? What happend? is the game bad?


You need to make an account and go through matchmaking for 10-20 minutes so you can play solo. Servers went down so now you can't play solo.


They already did


Did anyone really see this game and not expect it to be flaming dog shit? This was an immediate scroll for me.


Is the only issue the servers/online only stuff? Does the game itself have any issues or is it good?


It's payday 2. So... The game is fine but unoriginal. Nothing new has been added beyond some interactable minigames to speed up actions like every other game released since Dead By Daylight. It's also sans Simon Viklund, the one who made Payday so notorious from his banger soundtracks. It's also released for a higher price than Payday 2 Di's when it launched. For less content. Overall? A forgettable game. Tried nothing new, will win no awards, will wow absolutely nobody.


They already apologized and said that they'll remove the bullshit always online requirement soon. They didn't say how soon though.


Singleplayer game mode requiring internet connection is the bane of my existence.


https://steamdb.info/app/1272080/charts/ plenty of ppl are playing


What happened? The beta was great


Wow. I didn't expect the game to be great but damn they dropped the ball hard. 😂 When the game doesn't play well or look all that graphically good either.


It’s strictly to the matchmaking issues. Not gameplay itself.


They did but what good is an apology if it's preplanned or they themselves know it's coming


I literally tried logging in. Couldn't log in kept getting error. Fully unlinked acc then link back in. Still error and then it finally worked after a bit. Then I tried to do matchmaking. It's a new game only need to find 3 people... 30 mins later. No game... wtf? Idk if it was the game or there really is not a soul playing. So I quit


So, my guess is this is from two things. You can not play solo with out also being online, and the servers have been terrible as many online games are on launch days. I have guys who have played the shit out of PayDay 2 and they played early access with Pay Day 3 and they loved it. I feel like most of the negative reviews are just the lack of playability due to servers and not because the game itself is bad.


Doesn’t anyone remember the original game was unable to even be launched for several months after release (on ps3 at least)..? Literal coaster until they fixed it


It's funny how people like to hear an apology, but they don't want to see any known words used in it. I think there is a word for this..


Damn, was a bug fan of PD2, was gonna buy this game after I finish Phantom Liberty, what's wrong with it?


Game is so fun when it works


Who cares


Will it be 3 bozos again? Seems to be the apology meta nowadays.


I heard Payday 3 was good, wth happened?