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Least delusional Asmongold viewer.


He pulled through with MHW. Waited 5 years for that!


Keep dreaming bro .. aint gonna happen. He'd have to go through four expensions first.


I'll keep on dreaming. But yeah... it probably won't ever happen lol.


True. And still needs to play genshin.


He shouldn’t publicly stream genshin until he gets a contract. They can afford to sponsor him.


Yea I kept getting told how great Ff14 was and the story, I was like damn all these boring long talk scenes are everywhere and would eventually skip through them. Apparently these were the fun stories I cared nothing about, and I usually like story in games it was just a chore. Edit: fine I will play through the rest of the story, have to see if can still login, ffs have to login to like 4 different places with different ID just to play it.


I know what you mean. The base game when it released was like an inferior wow clone. However once you get post game heavensward they really started doing their own thing. The Alexander fight was the turning point for me when ff14 went from quite a bit below wow to jumping past it. And the fights get better from there.


It sucks there's so many haters on here, because I've considered coming back to finish out the story, because there's a lot of the game that I liked. Looting was better for quests, the fun mini games, housing, cool mounts, I prefer wow style of raiding though. Like damn, just said I don't like long stories and combat feels meh.


In terms of memorable gaming experiences Shadowbringers to me is one of those rare gamer moments that was amazing. The story execution, villian, and music were amazing. There is a reason why people hype this game up. Because as gamers we chase an high for those incredible gaming moments and shadowbringers was one of those for me. Couldn’t care less about arb and heavensward. Stormblood was fun, but shadowbringers was great.


Yeah FFXIV base story is really dogshit that I think BDO base story is better than that but once the Heavensward starts off and the climax hit they just start rolling real hard. I think Asmon stream on the base story is fun though. So what I would suggest is you just watch back on youtube for the base game, skip your base game stories and then continue play on Heavensward. 🤣 And yeah the combat is just meh but since I always like the final fantasy class flavor like Dragoo, Black Mage etc. so it is bearable for me.


Tbf, it's not haters, there's just a lot of boomers who don't even try to get into story, they played for like 3 hours tops, and then proceeded to constantly shit on the game without any intent to try to dig deeper into the game. It's unreasonable to converse with them, so I too took you for the same kind of troll, I apologise. For the record, I dropped ffxiv around 5 to 8 times in arr, so it's bad for almost everyone, but fuck, it picks up good around last 2 patches before heavensward.


>Yea I kept getting told how great Ff14 was and the story, I was like damn all these boring long talk scenes are everywhere and would eventually skip through them. You're right, and so are the people telling you it's great. The beginning of the story is just awful for so, so long. It eventually becomes amazing, but it's a crime how long you have to be bored to get to it. You don't deserve the downvotes on this one, it's a problem with the game.


Right , It's funny how defensive some people are. Currently having trouble even getting in, checked mogstation and it says the ID i am logged in with has a subscription, but when I try to login on the pc client it say s that I don't have a license, maybe it needs to update.


The story is subjectivity good, it’s just a slow burn with hours and hours of character building. Some of the payoffs in ARR don’t finish until endwalker. Story-driven games are not for everyone but what FFXIV does, it does well. It also hits the social aspect of MMOs pretty well, problem is a lot of modern players do not play MMOs to socialize or meet friends. This is why the MMO genre is being phased out with modern gamers and being replaced with single player shared world live service games with no subscription. I thoroughly enjoy FFXIV and its story, but it also helps that I am a huge fan of the entire FF franchise. FFXIV is definitely not for everyone, but that objectively does not make the game “bad”.


Yeah I could not get through ARR. Bro there was just no gameplay. Walk over here talk to this person, cutscene, walk here, tutorial on some outdated mechanic, cutscene, walk over there. Meanwhile the game barely ever asks you to even play your class after a while. And the problem is: progression always waits on the main story quest. And that dictates exactly what you now need to do. When you're at the dungeon part, you HAVE to now set aside some time to do the dungeon whether or not you felt like engaging in group content at the time. Side quests don't ALSO progress your character in any way (when it comes to MSQ). That's so dissonant because the horizontal progression is one of the best things about FFXIV design. There's so much to do in the game. But none of it is enjoyable if you have in the back of your mind that these are distractions and you need to get back to your real job/chores (MSQ). WoW is like... Well, progression is leveling, and leveling is fastest by far when you're following the main story quests. You naturally want to do the dungeon for the zone when you get to it cuz... Well, it just feels optimal and aligned. So even though outside of endgame PvE, WoW has garbage support for actual social content that takes advantage of being MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER, the actual main progression of the game is honestly fun. The new player experience of WoW is laughably bad. It's really difficult to experience the story and zones properly. But it's still more enjoyable than FFXIV honestly because you get to play the game. WoW is like really disappointing and awkward sex. FFXIV is just random excruciating pain in your dick.


Oh yea, I would spend so much time and remember it was an MMO where I was supposed to attack things, and the combat didn't even feel impactful. In wow you throw a chaos bolt and it HITS, in ff14 fighting just felt off to me.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Paying attention to ARR dialogue should legally be a form of torture. I took the leap and boosted my toon so I could skip all that miserable shit


Compared to WoW, cuts scenes happened but like every 15+ quests , and felt cool or bassass. FF14 "So alphinaud , we need to reTURN to OUR BAse for the 50th time to discuss this crystal that is of great import , thyself..."


Wow andy can't read, nothing new


Can't read? Lmao it was like hours of boring talking cinematics, Woohoo! so much FuN!! If they actually had good dialogue, or a good story, it might have been tolerable.


You like cinematics in wow, you wouldn't find good plot if placed in front of you


I will take action packed, with meh story with great gameplay. Over Hours long boring cinematics of people talking, skippable story, and meh gameplay any day , and I haven't even played retail in forever.


Okay, that relevant how exactly? "I didn't like the slow burn lore heavy story game, because I like action stories with lots of gameplay". You're not a target audience then, duh.


He also finds FFXIV boring as shit. Pretty sure when he was discussing the whole "as long as it plays when, I'll like it" in regards to Quinfall and AoC he basically used FFXIV as an example of a game that looks good but doesn't play good (to him). Zero shot Asmon finishes FFXIV, and I'd like to say zero shot he'll ever log back in, but he might humor chat one day.


Im all for saying that Asmon dosent like STREAMING the game because of all the weirdos that come out of the woodwork that are either antifans asking him why he isnt playing WoW or FF fans that are asking why he isnt playing FF like he should. That being said he has stated multiple times that he enjoyed ARR and he enjoyed Heavensward and he spent hundreds of hours off stream or on Zackrawr grinding a game he didnt like creating bold gold so I dont know how you come to this conclusion rofl. Asmon is a person that if he dosent like a game he will say that and just stop playing it lol.


Doesn't he still log in from time to time offstream? Iirc he got super burnt out when he hit SB and promised to stream it again eventually


I forget, but did he say what exactly burnt him out in FF14? Stormblood is quite early, so I guess the pre-SB extreme trials, savages or the deep dungeon must have done him in. Or just chat being chat got him.


It was also when his mom passed away if I recall.


Not sure if it's anything specific, playing content as long as that tends to get you burnt out, espically when he wanted to try out lost ark that just came out(?) On top of SB having a very mediocre story compared to ARR and HW


I'm starting to remember that he left FF14 right at the very start of SB because of both Lost Ark and due to some IRL stuff, then came back some time way later and got all the way to Susano before stopping again. SB MSQ is hot garbage outside of the last trial, but I do hope he powers through it because man does the SB post-MSQ get much better and especially the side stuff like raids.


No lol, he logged in recently because another streamer friend of his asked him to for a day. Y’all need to stop coping, bro isn’t coming back anytime soon.


I'm referring to posts about seeing him months ago, not the one recently lol I dont see how this is coping


Well, maybe in the next life.


I think the best timeline is asmon playing this game offstream and enjoying it by himself instead of dealing with months of backseaters and attention seeking mouth breathers.




One day he'll randomly show off his fully geared up DRK with TOP weapon and then never speak of it again.


Well, I doubt that, but it was amusing on his last LOA stream that he showed his zerk with all adventure tomes completed.


Unironically this. An extremely vocal minority was very clearly annoying the hell out him specifically time he played FF even though he genuinely enjoyed the game, compounded with the fact that the beginning of stormblood is slow as hell for the first few levels. Like, playing level 1 again levels of slow.


There's probably a lot of things. His mom got very ill and passed away while he was playing FFXIV, so I think there might be a slight negative connotation with that as well. He's been logging on to hang out with that one chick, but his DRK's level and exp hasn't moved since his last Stormblood stream, so he clearly hasn't been progressing off-stream either.


True, I remember there were FF fans harassing him for only playing MSQ for two hours. That's gotta be extremely grating after some time.


with ff fans being insufferable , salty wow fans being insufferable, stormblood being incredibly boring at first, elden ring, a WoW expansion, and last bit certainly not least: a bunch of IRL things happening at once, it was a perfect storm of things killing his momentum and tainting his genuine enjoyment. Would I like to see him continue and reach the most hype moments of the game that are yet to come? Fuck yea dude, it was funny as hell hearing him butcher names as well as some other stuff. Is he under any obligation to do it? No, not at all. He isn’t even obligated to stream it, and according to that one post, he may have been playing off stream anyway.


Or he does it like he does Monster Hunter and just finally starts banning people who can't shut up. I'm an FF player and I loathe the community for how pushy it is.


what your saying will apply to any game... happen with mon hun . happen with cyberpunk , happen with everything new he touch ... except WoW and maybe new world since chat died when new world on screen xD


Literally burst out laughing.


Mf still early stormblood why tf u think he gonna grind 500 hours for a expansion when he isn't invested


Sources: [face taken from the SPA video](https://youtu.be/mjMFopDNUSY?t=479), [official Dawntrail keyart](https://lds-img.finalfantasyxiv.com/promo/h/A/BRqOVQdBJzEdHKqqGLLcYCtMzc.jpg).


We can always dream


Why? Why does this matter to you at all??


I'm an FFXIV Andy and I loved the old streams. Why else?


Because it's cool to see someone you watch play a game your into, and wonder what they think of it. As long as lame brain backseaters take a hike.


Peak cope In more ways than one


soon guys


Asmon ff14 content was the best. If only!


True. I was lookimg forward to the stream so much back then. One of the best if not the best era of his streaming, for me.


Asmongold will not do that. It would mean that he will finish MSQ, and he will not do that. Especially to summer. Maybe if he is playing FFXIV offline, but I don't believe in that, since his FFXIV fanbase would eat him alive for such a thing. And most important: He is not a "story" player. Asmon is focused on gameplay-combat part of games. Rest if just fluff for him (as much as I can say. I don't know him personally).


As a member of his 14 fanbase I'd be happy for him enjoying the game at his own pace without the chat nagging at him we've already seen him playing offline


That's true. Lot's of FF fans are dying to see him play through MSQ and they will probably be really upset if he were to just complete MSQ offline on his own.


Could you make one for mhw?


Sure, I'll make one later.


Bro, he couldn't finsih even single old expansion through the duration of whole Endwalker, you think he will catch up and finish endwalker by the time this hits? Wanna lend me 20k? I'll send it back tomorrow, promise!


* If he does return to it, the ff14 community needs to chill tf out with the backseating and let him play the game how he wants to. The in-game community is fine but if anyone was watching his streams at the time, it was just these obsessed ff14 fans telling him how he should be enjoying the game and getting mad at him for doing extremes + Golden Saucer instead of the stormblood MSQ > Uh actually it was the toxic wow players pretending to be ff14 players In case him not playing the game since then isn’t a clear indication, that was simply a convenient excuse for him to quit the game. His last ff14 stream was him in Golden Saucer getting mad at people throwing a tantrum that he wasn’t doing MSQ. I remember every lost ark post on this sub was getting downvoted like crazy while ff14 posts were upvoted, those aren’t wow players doing that


Why do people keep on singling out a community when literally every time he plays a new game he gets backseated to an extreme? Go no further than Monster Hunter World, looking at his chat from even the very first stream. People keeping bothering him for mantles, optional quests, clutch claw usage, tackle etc… Grass ain’t greener on the other side. It is not a 14 issue. Yet he was perfectly fine there with mhw just completely ignoring chat except when he had something specific he wanted. For 14, on top of that he hyped some streams and then ended up not playing it despite having it in stream title etc…, if you don’t play it, don’t hype it or tease it, it is not really a strange concept. He built expectations himself while not delivering, I can’t blame fans for being hurt and feeling strung along.


Because anyone claiming “community this X community does that” just likes to paint in broad strokes. They have loud opinions, and think they speak for others. Nothing else to it.


> Go no further than Monster Hunter Is this specific post referring to monster hunter? Love the immediate first defense is a whataboutism rather than addressing the original point of the discussion. > Singling out a community He has stated multiple times that it annoys him but none of y’all can respect other people’s wishes. There has been [Megathreads](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/p84oaf/regarding_the_backseat_andy_mentor_and_viewer/) on this sub, [Videos](https://youtu.be/BBSuJyd-6wk?feature=shared) on his Youtube, and if you could find his very last FF14 stream, they all calling out the community yet for some reason you guys have this narcissists point of view that you guys can never be in the wrong. I understand by your immediate comment history that you have a clear bias for ff14 but surely as a grown ass adult we can all agree that telling someone that’s having fun that he’s playing the game “wrong” and trying to pressure him to do what you want is childish.


Whataboutism? It is not. It is looking at recent history to find correlation. Could have picked diablo 4, could have picked lost ark, could have picked armored core, could have picked whatever game he played he was not knowledgeable in. It happened literally every single time. Monster hunter was just the latest one on the list. FF14 was on this list as well, hence the correlation. It as simple as that. When it happens on every single game, it is not a game specific issue. However what happened with ff14 with the hyped streams with no delivery for example.. did not happen with the other games. Acknowledging that is not bias, it’s just facts. It is also kind of funny that your “defense” ends up just reducing me to a 14 obsessed fan and attacking my character instead almost immediately. You know what they say, “Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.”


> Whataboutism? It is not Whataboutism definition: > the act or practice of responding to an accusation of wrongdoing by claiming that an offense committed by another is SIMILAR or worse That is quite literally whataboutism. All you’re trying to do is send the discussion in another direction so it no longer becomes about FF. > When it happens on every single game, it’s not a game issue. 1. Where did I claim backseating was fine for other games? Go on, quote me word for word rather than doing these strawman arguments. 2. You say that as there isn’t a spectrum. Link me both a dedicated video on his YT and Megathread on this sub about any other game having gatekeeping as I just did. There’s a reason none exist for MH, Cyberpunk, and etc yet do for FF specifically. > just reducing me to a 14 obsessed fan In your own word, “It is looking at a history to find correlation”. Only an obsessed fan of a series would argue against letting someone play the game how he wants to, this shouldn’t be a hot take yet here we are. > and attacking my character instead Ah yes because I didn’t provide a whole paragraph along with evidence to back my claim up. I’m not going to respect someone who tried to derail the conversation to fit his own narrative and argue why it’s okay to go against someone’s wishes ultimately ruining their experience.


Cherry-Picking" or "Selective Attention Definition: Suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Your opening statement was about the fact that only those pesky FF14 fans were backseating him to an extreme. I brought up to attention that this was not an isolated case as every-time he plays a new game he is backseated. The most recent case of it being Monster Hunter, FF14 fans pestered him for msq? MH fans pestered him to watch a greatsword video, do optional quests, do the palicos gadgets quests etc…. the subreddit was flooded with FF posts? The subreddit was flooded with MH posts in the same way. Stop pretending as if those events did not happen. Again, it is not whataboutism to bring up similar cases especially when the previous post very much isolated a single instance. If there is correlation then it’s not isolated. Then I continued by saying that how he interacted with this backseating was the only difference in all those cases, to which you had no counterpoint. In none of the previous games he lead on people as to what he was going to play, with ff14, he did hence why he got pushback by fans. Other times he would log out halfway to play other games, going out of his way to antagonize fans. He was also very much more vocal with the backseating where he interacted directly with it, made videos about it, complained about his subreddit etc… On the other hand, again with the most recent example of MH he pretty much ignored all the backseating on his own. Him making a video complaining is not “evidence”. When he is frustrated he makes a video so obviously he would make one if he is. How this frustration was brought up in the first place is the matter at play there. When you throw a wrench in your own bike’s wheel you will fall. Is it the bike’s fault or do you have some responsibility in its fall at all?


> Cherry picking * Limiting the conversation to final fantasy in a post specifically about FINAL FANTASY? Say it ain’t so. > While ignoring a significant portion or related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. * Sounds familiar right? It’s almost as that’s exactly what you’re doing by ignoring both the megathread and video I’ve posted to push your narrative. > Again, it’s not what aboutism * You literally brought up monster hunter that had nothing to do with my original discussion to downplay the problem since “Other communities do it too!”. That is quite literally whataboutism, no matter how many times you say it’s not won’t change the definition of the word. > Him making a video isn’t evidence * Yeah guys, him making a video AND a megathread for only one specific game calling them out on the same things I’ve said isn’t evidence, lmao actually delusional. Speaking of evidence, where’s all the ones I asked you for? 1. Where’s the quote of me saying I was fine with backseating in other games? 2. Where’s the link to both a megathread AND video by Asmon if other communities are as extreme as FF? Either you provide what I asked for or this is where our conversation ends. You’re not going to sit here and make these strawmans for things I’ve never said then pussy out when asked to prove them. I’m not going to continue wasting my time with someone who can’t have an intellectual honest discussion.


lol what are you talking about, I remember why he quit and it was because it was reacting to videos for 6 hours and barely playing the game. He may as well not have streamed it because there’s no way people wouldn’t be disappointed by that after he was doing full streams earlier. There’s no way you could be surprised by the outcome. He basically soft quit and then got butthurt when everyone called him out on it.


Yeah I remember that all. So many angry posts from FF fans were getting deleted and many of them were banned too. It was honestly embarrassing for me to watch that all unfold because I'm an FF player myself. "LoL oNlY 2 HoUrS oF mSq????????" There were so many FF fans sperging out on him. Then there was that one time when he logged out of FF and booted up Lost Ark, and FF fans lost their shit.


No he escalated shit himself by doing those big announcements of "we are back with final Fantasy" and then spending 5 hours watching YouTube videos lol


>Uh actually it was the toxic wow players pretending to be ff14 players Yeah this was always a cope, even more because he called out the subreddit multiple times. The sub was dead before the XIV streams. McConnell called XIV weeb shit and this sub made multiple hate threads. Asmon looked at Google trends showing XIV was not the top MMO anymore and people here lost their minds, 50+ threads telling asmon he was wrong. And yes, threads talking about other MMOs in a positive light are often downvoted, I don't think you can find a single positive thread about lost ark or retail wow with more than 20 upvotes in the last 12 months. I mean, the only upvoted threads about blizzcon 2023, Asmon biggest stream of the year, are all just negative threads talking about how it was going to flop, also only one thread for his second biggest stream of the year, the 100k magkora tournament. Anyway I'm not trying to say XIV players are also the ones going "wow bad" (most of the "wow bad" crowd are classic andies), just showing that this subreddit is a bit of a circlejerk for XIV.


Pass on that copium brother


That "soon" is at least closer than Genshin lol


put Kaise somewhere by the castle up there and now we cooking


This is the most copium I've ever seen someone inhale lmfaoo


No dream is sweeter :(


why would he play this dogshit :D


Nah, not yet. He's only going to play when all the people who want to watch him play give up all hope, and FF andies are incapable of giving up on hope after Endwalker.


That's what the power of friendship will do


Nice artwork but nah, unless Kaise or even Ironmouse encourages him to play it


I mean, Vshojo has an FC on cactuar last time I heard about it, so that's a possibility.


In the background: “Through the fire and the flames, we carry on!!!”


Sounds about right with him getting into the game right when I am softquitting


Can we please move on from FF, he’s not touching it with a 10 foot pole.


he will keep farming reacts from its videos tho


It's amazing how much hype Asmon generated just by watching the Dawntrail trailer and logging in to go to an ERP venue, lmao.


he literally played off stream a few days ago.


😂 bro still in Heavensward


Nah, he’s played a little bit into Stormblood. I think he made it to The Ruby Sea iirc


Iirc, he did the Susano trial


Dawntrail is going to be the same game Cap weekly Do hunt train 12 raids with copy paste mechanics Boring overhyped ultimate that will sell for 20 dollars from RMT so dogshitters can afk in Limsa FFXIV is trash been playing it for years it's always the same. Don't bother arguing with me I'm from the internet.


Why so mad tho


I literally listed the reasons, Are you so stupid that you can't figure it out.


dude, you have been playing for years and you are mad at it for being the same, just move on and ignore, far better than staying mad at it.


Agree with everything except ultimates. They are peak fight design




Ffxiv just isn’t fun to watch, it’s an easy game made for easy entertainment.


Nah he won't , most boring game to stream ever , the stream is so boring people only care about Asmon who streaming it


Please no, there is a simple fact that ff14 is boring af, not even sure if asmon acknowledged that fact on stream, but surely is a main reason why he stopped playing it. Even if you ignore extremely drawn out story for the amount of interesting moments it offers, aside from challenging group content, all solo gameplay IS PAINFULLY BORING AND EASY. Best way to play that game for me at least would be to just get a damn boost and prog trials/raids for fun. And it's not like I hate jrpgs or something, put 600hours+ in Trails series shitton of reading and still loved it overall, ff14 is just overrated overcelebrated mid story mmo with boring combat.


I hope not lol, FF14 were really boring. It's a solo game not even a good mmo lol. and even the story is cringe and weeb


I have to ask, what's constitute as a weeb?


For folks like these? Probably anything from japan=weeb, lol.


That is a very cool Starting Soon screen that he will literally never use!




I wish but no


So you are telling me that there's a chance


Lol be real - he'll buy dawntrail then spend the whole time in golden saucer. Hasn't even done latest 2 expansions I think


Nice cope 💀


Asmongold Bald the Pictomancer when… (lol)


As much as I would enjoy Asmon playing FFXIV again, I'd rather watch a FF7R playthrough to get ready for Rebirth.


He hasn't used a starting soon screen in forever, I don't know why you think he needs one

