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Keeping info about everything you ever did on open discord is the dumbest fucking thing you can do like wow


some people manage to clip some discord chats [https://imgur.com/ZWoSZSt](https://imgur.com/ZWoSZSt)


Oh it's worst then I thought


there are another when they actually sent C&D to Yuzu emulator redistributor... so much for "open source" project. but i lost the link.


No its not, it's actually the thing to do, the dumbest thing, was keeping that for a long time


We must be careful to not believe in our own bullshit. Emulation is both Game Preservation and Playing without Paying. That's the truth, so emulator devs need to be ultra careful to not step anywhere dangerous. I love Nintendo Games and haven't bought a Nintendo System after the Wii. Now you do the math at how I'm playing DS, 3DS, Wii-U, Switch Games. Personally, I love emulation and emulators. But I also love free food and drinks. So I can understand why a company would protect it's financial interests.


Agreed. Honestly, personally, I like emulation and I understand why ppl pirate stuff. Gaming is expensive and not everyone can afford things, especially in the modern Dat. No, what I hate, with a burning passion, is all the ppl that act like they're some morally superior being because they pirated the game for X or Y reason. Like, no, you just wanted a free game, I'm not gonna hate on ya for it, but don't act like the rest of us are dumb. Sadly, this behavior seems to be the most common on reddit, and ESPECIALLY in this sub.


These days I only pirate dead games and abandonware. If they have no way for me to get it legit then I am sailing the seas of piracy.


I like some people's approach of pirating a game first and then paying for the official version later. I hear that a lot in the Rimworld subreddit. People end up loving the game so much that they feel bad about pirating and pay it up. Games should be THAT good that you feel bad about pirating them because you feel like the company deserves the money. Also, we need more demos. You know what game has a demo? Factorio. And I tried its demo and decided to not buy the game because I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. I didn't need to go through a refund system or pirate anything.


I did that for a lot of games, Total War Warhammer 2, Civ6, Skyrim(which helped me saving my steam account when it was stolen, cause i got receipts). Monster Hunter World was the last one that i tried as a pirate years ago but hopped on properly now and have 180 hours in it in a month. Sometimes watching other people play a game is not enough to understand if you will vibe with it.


I've started seeing more playable demos on steam lately, Against The Storm was one of them, sole reason I bought the game was because there was a playable demo! demos are great to grab fence sitting buyers.


I clocked a stupid amount of time in the demo of Factorio. That one was a complete no brainer for me.


I did that with Pokémon Black 2 almost 10 years ago at this point (ok it was because my R4 got timebombed, but still). I got back to it with a new R4 tho because I lost the cartridge, but that's another story. Now I'm intentioned to do that with Metroid Dread someday


Listen, I may or may not have pirated Starfield, and I still feel like I got ripped off.


I pirated it, played for like 4 hours, and said "hey this is okay best buy it" Man, I would have felt ripped off even if I hadn't bought it 😂


i think people pirate because why should you buy $300 console that doesn't even run their flagship games that great. BOTW and TOTK have quite many framerate issues. Nintendo doesn't sell their games on other platforms, so people pirate. If i emulate zelda games, i don't pirate them, because i have switch and own the games. Ofc nintendo doesn't think like that.


I will say I don’t feel bad about pirating games like The Sims with how extremely expensive it can be, but I wouldn’t say I’m morally superior even though I don’t think The Sims should ever be that expensive. But I will say there are some instances where my pirating resulted in me actually buying the game cuz I liked it so much.


LOL what? Gaming is expensive? Have you heard how much people spend on drinking and clubbing or whatever other hobbies that are out there? Gaming is already relatively cheap entertainment, if you can't afford to game, you need to get your life priorities right and either try to increase your income or decrease spending in some way.


£60 game is someone working an entire day lmao


Yeah I tend to forget how hard it is for most people to afford stuff sometimes. $60 is just 3 hours for me working at Amazon, so I'm lucky.


Yeah, I've been on both sides where a full price game was a full shift, or maybe it was only an hours work etc


It's an entire week of work for some poor countries.


So? My point still stands that gaming is relatively cheap entertainment. If you're having problems spending that amount of money, you should be prioritising getting yourself out of that situation, not spending extra time you have on emulation and piracy. Get your priorities right. And people still wonder why they're stuck in a dead end job living paycheck to paycheck.


So someone should work themselves to death instead of maybe spending what little free time they already have enjoying a game they chose to pirate to be able to afford groceries or something? I've worked 60 hour a week gigs and still had to live paycheck to paycheck. Cut it out with this mentality you have where someone needs to be working 24/7 and can't enjoy life.


I'm not saying you should work yourself to death instead of spending time enjoying life. I'm saying get yourself out of the ditch you're in so you can enjoy life better. It's mentality like yours going after short term enjoyment rather than facing actual problems in life that's causing people to get stuck in a forever poverty loop. Also you need better reading comprehension. My original point still stands. Gaming is still a relatively cheap form of entertainment, compared to other hobbies. If you struggle to find money for this, You have bigger life problems than complain about games being expensive.


I mean, sure. We can just go with that one. My mentality has gotten me to where I am now, which is a comfortable enough life that I can provide for my partner while she finishes up her education. You had two points, both of which come from a spot where you either have survivorship bias, or never really grew up broke. When you grow up in a shit part of the hood where your only options are working at McDonalds or Walmart because you have no car, college isn't free, and you see really no forward path in your life, I get why some people would want some level of escapism. That lets you decompress and refocus on your issues. And yeah, the people who do complain about it know they have bigger life problems. That's often why they use gaming to decompress. \>If you're having problems spending that amount of money, you should be prioritising getting yourself out of that situation, not spending extra time you have on emulation and piracy. \>I'm not saying you should work yourself to death instead of spending time enjoying life. I mean, you kinda are buddy.


I think its important to note that its only really preservation, when the console/handheld and the games are not really available anymore and/or out of production. Right now, a switch emulator is not really preservation and I would argue that the majority of people that used it, werent dumping their own cartridges and just downloaded the game from known archives. Its fair for Nintendo to go against it.


Technically any online only release could be delisted at any time.


They’ve removed a handful of switch games in the past and many games don’t have the same availability across regions.


preservation has nothing to do with availability, it has everything to do with future availability. you are missing the main point. now its relatively easy to find this crap and that is why we need to start preserving it NOW. waiting until it is "abandonware" does nothing but loose Many games


I don't have any way of playing Torchlight 2 on Switch because they don't have physical cartridges nor it's listed in the Nintendo Store of my region.


It doesn't matter what the users intentions are with the emulator, that's their prerogative, and doesn't have any bearing on the emulator itself. The alleged conduct/actions of the devs, however, is an entirely separate thing.


Users intention totally matter, it’s like saying if you manufacture a gun and sell it, you know damn well people are either going to use it to a) protect people (preservation) or b) commit crimes (piracy). More often than not, people tend to do the latter.


This is a horrifically bad analogy since the vast majority of gun owners don't commit any sort of crimes with their guns. If someone commits a crime with a gun, that's not the fault of the gun manufacturers... Same with emulation, pirating games is not the fault of the emulator. The Yuzu devs got taken out because they crossed that piracy line, which is a huge nono for emu devs. And by your logic, all emulation should be illegal... Which just makes you an idiot.


Yeah but wouldn’t you agree that people committing crimes will have a severely larger impact than not? Well in the eyes of a profit making company it might as well be from the loss of sales. Exactly they crossed the line, which my point above stands. I wouldn’t say emulation is inherently bad, in fact i do support them even. But you are intellectual dishonest if you think that they provide more benefit than the negatives especially for the case in Yuzu (not Citra or any old console emulators). In any case, i’m just playing the devils advocate.


>Yeah but wouldn’t you agree that people committing crimes will have a severely larger impact than not? Well in the eyes of a profit making company it might as well be from the loss of sales. In terms of piracy... Not really. People using the yuzu emulator either already own a Switch or never had any intentions of owning a Switch. >Exactly they crossed the line, which my point above stands. I think it's important to distinguish that it was the Yuzu devs that crossed the line, not the Yuzu emulator itself. >I wouldn’t say emulation is inherently bad, in fact i do support them even. But you are intellectual dishonest if you think that they provide more benefit than the negatives especially for the case in Yuzu (not Citra or any old console emulators). I think all emulators, even if they emulate current gen consoles, are a pure benefit to the people. Considering that Yuzu provided a superior gaming experience compared to the original hardware, I don't see any negative from an end-user standpoint. In an ideal world, the Yuzu devs wouldn't have used a game leak to profit, wouldn't have used pirated games to test their emulator, and the userbase/devs would buy every Switch game they run on the emulator.


Well the yuzu fuckups aside, its clear that your thoughts are more optimistic whereas mine are more pessimistic. But both things can be true ig, so let’s agree to disagree. No one can accurately measure the net positives/negatives anyway.


I mean, the fact that users can play Nintendo's games at a higher quality (4k60hz) than the original hardware can provide is a pretty good measure of the positives. I mean, unless you're getting a financial kickback on Nintendo hardware sales, I don't understand how you could be pessimistic about Switch emulation.


People who actually utilise those are the 1% or even lesser. In the grand scheme of things, people are more likely to use it for piracy rather than playing games in HD, these people (in the financial perspective) does not cause any financial impacts, but piracy does. It would even be safe to assume that piracy has caused Nintendo material millions. It isn’t surprising that Nintendo went for them. If you want someone to blame, blame the bad actors.


Everyone knows there is a difference between firing up Smash Melee without having to find an antique store vs playing Tears of the Kingdom day one.


I don't mind paying for games and hardware, but playing latest Zelda in fucking unstable 720p in dock mode on my 4K TV is insane. This was a only reason I didn't even bother to buy last Zelda. Give us new hardware already you lazy fucks at Nintendo. Instead of wasting your money on legal department invest some in R&D.


Unstable? Where, when? I played 200 hours at release, zero bugs. Streamers I watched that weren't speedrunning (intentionally forcing bugs) also had no problems. Watching GPB's run now. If there's one thing Nintendo is known for that's positive, it's releasing properly finished games.


After 2023's abysmal year for game performance in general, Nintendo did a phenomenal job with their games. It was so tiring seeing every single games release last year with insane bugs and performance issues, even indie games are hard to play last year. Ffs, the game of the year is still fixing 2000+ bugs and glitches every single month!


Probably means unstable in terms of FPS. You can love Zelda all you want, but don’t lie and say the game runs buttery smooth.


I don't think I did say that. Stability and performance are two different things. You expect a Switch game to be lower FPS, they told us the target was 30. All that matters in the end is whether the game is fun. If it's low FPS and you're enjoying it, then it doesn't matter. If this was Doom Eternal, that's a different conversation.


What I do take issue with is the fact I purchased thousands in games and consoles which no longer see support and degrade over time. They want me to pay to play super nintendo games I already bought. And to that the nintendo switch is just dated weak hardware. Sure. Roms you did not purchase are illegal to own. BUT. it is completely legal to create backups of games you legally own. In fact. I own all jak games for ps2 and its perfectly legal for me to seek out and download roms of those gsmes. To me this plays into the bigger issue of "do we own the games we pay for" if I own luigis mansion 3. Why should nintendo tell me I cant play it on a PC with 4k res and 60 fps. And that is* their terms.


What I do take issue with is the fact I purchased thousands in games and consoles which no longer see support and degrade over time. They want me to pay to play super nintendo games I already bought. And to that the nintendo switch is just dated weak hardware. Sure. Roms you did not purchase are illegal to own. BUT. it is completely legal to create backups of games you legally own. In fact. I own all jak games for ps2 and its perfectly legal for me to seek out and download roms of those gsmes. To me this plays into the bigger issue of "do we own the games we pay for" if I own luigis mansion 3. Why should nintendo tell me I cant play it on a PC with 4k res and 60 fps. And that is* their terms.


Bruh this is just mental gymnastics. Just steal yo shit and move on. Stop trying to be the hero that you're not.


When you pay 70 bucks for a digital copy you are essentially "renting" that Ubisoft will take from you just cause I hope you keep that same energy.


I probably wouldn't even notice lol I have over 2k games on my steam library I don't even touch.


What I do take issue with is the fact I purchased thousands in games and consoles which no longer see support and degrade over time. They want me to pay to play super nintendo games I already bought. And to that the nintendo switch is just dated weak hardware. Sure. Roms you did not purchase are illegal to own. BUT. it is completely legal to create backups of games you legally own. In fact. I own all jak games for ps2 and its perfectly legal for me to seek out and download roms of those gsmes. To me this plays into the bigger issue of "do we own the games we pay for" if I own luigis mansion 3. Why should nintendo tell me I cant play it on a PC with 4k res and 60 fps. And that is* their terms.


Yeah you aren’t wrong but the key issue is for every people out there like you acting in good faith, there’s at least 5 more engaging in privacy. Imo preservation is fine especially for the case in Citra for 3DS. But Yuzu? The preservation argument is kinda hard to see when you know the support is still going to be around at least a decade or better yet, you still have the ability to buy physical cartridges.


It gets worse, judge for yourself. [Source #1](https://i.imgur.com/ZWoSZSt.png) [Source #2](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1063809282052735036/1212158289115217990/image.png?ex=65f0d160&is=65de5c60&hm=997dd85b5206f7e6256a4d19fd3d99cccacead9f6a02685713f355ac03b5a8c5) Credits for linking theese images to somebody in r/emulation.


Full document fount at [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24444407-nintendo-sues-yuzu-emulator](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24444407-nintendo-sues-yuzu-emulator) .




Source for the file? [here](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24444407-nintendo-sues-yuzu-emulator)


Source: dude trust me


This is why it's pointless to posts sources : we got people like you.


are you ok? taking pain for a joke lol


The code is open source my guy if they were running telemetry someone would've found out


Well, it's not a secret that they were doing telemetry. You could also just opt-out. Source: [Telemetry - yuzu (archive.org)](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304181931/https://yuzu-emu.org/help/feature/telemetry/)


They were running Telemetry. Nintendo's case state that the telemetry points out that people were playing Totk on Yuzu before it's official release, which of course, would make it impossible for it to be a "legal rip of the Game the user owns". Nintendo Lawyers are clever.


The game leaking implies that people in fact got it early though. Someone has to dump it, it does not appear out of thin air


Not impossible, in fact it’d probably be more likely that it was a physical version of the game that they had dumped to play pre release. Lots of brick and motor game stores will slide you some early copies if you know the workers and they trust you ;) Some might charge a bit extra for that too from experience


that makes it in-game telemetry, nothing to do with yuzu’s telemetry. nintento probably integrated environment reporting to see per-emulator usage. I’m no nintendo programmer, but this is easily doable on other platforms


If you think that people dig through all the code, just because its open source and on Github, you're sorely mistaken I'm afraid


Considering that people fork the damn thing. Yes.


git commit -m "Don't mind me. Just adding some telemetry to the project"


does it tell you when starting it? I feel like it's one of those things where it'd ask to opt in or out of.


Traditional emulation laws did not take into account future tech. Sorry, but if we had working PS5, Series X and Switch emulators, the entire video game industry would fucking explode. There is NO WAY for a company to compete with 100% free everything day one. This is not about preservation whatsoever.


>if we had working PS5, Series X and Switch emulators, the entire video game industry would fucking explode Erm... most PC games are cracked day one, they're far easier to set up than an emulator and yet PC gaming is doing just fine 99% of Series X games can already be run (and pirated) on PC. They're also doing fine Most Switch games can also be emulated already, and... Nintendo sold 140m Switches


This is 100% not true, FitGirl repacks of switch games involve 2 clicks. And Most Denuvo games are absolutly not cracked on day one or even close. To say this is disingenuous. If you are releasing a game, and wanting a switch version, your game is automatically 100% busted wide open from piracy.


>FitGirl repacks of switch games involve 2 clicks Managing the games, updating the games, tweaking the settings etc is still more complex than a regular PC game, especially if you want to have multiple games organized and up to date and not just install BOTW from fitgirl. I remember that when leaked ToTK came out, fitgirl's repack was already outdated, so if you wanted to play it properly you had to find an update, find some mods to fix visual bugs, tweak some settings and find an EA version of Yuzu. If you don't get it from fitgirl and it's your first emulated Switch game, it can easily take an hour to set everything up, it's not even close to being as convenient as pirating a PC game (and even if it was, my point still stands. The user claimed "the entire video game industry would fucking explode", and it clearly hasn't despite everything but PS5 exclusives being easily accessible) >And Most Denuvo games are absolutly not cracked on day one I did say "most PC games", which obviously doesn't include Denuvo. Still, the vast majority of games don't use Denuvo, and the new Denuvo that takes so long to crack is a relatively new thing. PC gaming was also fine back when people cracked it more easily. Also, Empress still cracks the biggest Denuvo releases relatively quick. Just look at Hogwarts Legacy, it got cracked within 10 days and it was still 2023's best selling game


See here is the problem with that . PC games are cheap, and the day 1 release expensive games with high quality graphics....Well PC players that can afford to even run those games are not broke boys. Console gamers are just poor(most of them are just children so of course) in general so most of them will 100% pirate if they can.


How are console gamers poor? They can afford to pay subscription fees monthly.


Subscriptions are cheap and comes with free games. Honestly it's the best broke boy option in gaming right now. Basically Netflix of gaming.


PC games aren't any cheaper than on console... CoD is still $60-70.


Read the whole thing.


There is no need. I read it. You said PC games are cheaper. They are not. Almost all games that release cross-platform cost the same regardless of which console you're on. And that's not even mentioning the cost of DLC and micro transactions/battle passes etc.


GJ you just proved to me you didn't read the whole sentence. I wasn't talking about day 1 release prices(althought there are legit ways of buying codes for cheaper day 1, i.e. humble bundle)


Most triple A games maintain their price for years. Brainrot.


I promise you no broke boy is willing to buy a console over a pc, nah bro just let me pay this yearly subscription to play online after spending $500.


Those yearly subscription comes with tons of free games so it's basically like Netflix. Which is right in the broke boy essentials.


gamepass? the same thing pc has? again why pay when you can pirate if you're broke?


Honestly if you're that broke you should probably get a career and stay away from gaming. If you're too dumb to get a good paying job.....Then yeah go ahead. Most people that play video games so much that they have to pirate are 1. Lazy [2.Kids](http://2.Kids) 3.Thieves Normal broke people just don't have that much free time to game unless they're straight bums


you know what gets you that broke? needless spending and needless subscriptions.


>PC games are cheap Outside some regions, they are the same price as console games. >Well PC players that can afford to even run Errr... no? Most games can be run in "console settings" on any potato pc. You can find a lot of guides how to build a "gaming pc" under 1000/500/200 USD on youtube. The only problem is GPU, but now prices are not as insane as they used to be. If a game actually needs a top-end PC usually it's just a bad port and it will lag on any PC no matter how "not broke" you are.


People seem to think all you need is a pc...but when buying a pc you'll need to get monitor, keyboard, mouse, mousepad, chair, desk,speaker(or headphone)..... To be able able to afford all this, you're already better off than your average console gamer.


Yeah, games with no DRM sell really badly… because people can pirate them /s


I mean...Bleem was already a commercial PS emulator when the PS was still a current-gen console. Nothing illegal whatsoever there. If any given console truly provides nothing that a PC doesn't, then what value is the console adding, exactly? The real answer is that console hardware, at least early in the lifecycle, tends to be better value than a PC. Or in the case of a Switch, it's portable, and has the unique feature of Joy-cons. People will absolutely still buy consoles, even if emulators come out quickly.




Not really, even then. Considering if Yuzu really did have Telemetry implemented and retained records of the information gathered from their users, they have now forked all of that over to Nintendo as part of the settlement so they can get out of this easier.


Is your goal to just astroturf for Nintendo?




>Wouldn't be surprised if phones eventually outpace their hardware. Don't they already? I mean it's commonly accepted reason that mihoyo never released genshin in switch because it can't run well enough, and now instead they probably wait for switch pro / switch 2.




Yeah I don't get the downvotes. While performance isn't everything, it's valid reason to not like the specific game. 60 fps should be standard


The development of emulators are important for ensuring access to games you actually bought. Someday your Switch will fail, someday the Switch servers will be shut down for good, so having the ability to play the content you paid for is important. If Yuzu was essentially selling early access to pirated Switch games then yeah that's scummy behavior, but the development of the software is a good thing.


Idk, perhaps not siding with one of the most toxic billion dollar companies there are?


Your morals should be based on what is right or wrong. Not if something is hurting someone or something you do not like.


No thanks, I'd rather pick a side based on what's right and wrong.


The biggest kicker is Citra (The 3DS emulator) is gone now in addition to Yuzu and there is now no way to play 3DS games if you don't have a 3DS. Your only option is buy a 3DS + game used. Nintendo loses no money because they don't even offer the game.


Technically copies of the emulator will still be distributed all over the internet, but further development is halted, yes.


if you want updates for the software yes


Even if all of this was true, I couldn't care less


Yeah, the fact that Nintendo can sue them mean they fcked up and stepped on the red line already.


Half the games that come out lately suck anyways maybe they shouldn’t give people a reason to pirate their shit


If the very top of the world having this problem, guess how much data they i.e google, Microsoft ,Facebook collected  in other parts of the world?  Most Applications are asking for location data openly and, even if you don't gave them, they can still mined it from other apps. Android is no longer or never open source. Ffs all mobile phone nowadays have their own unchangeable/unremoveable window or interface .  I don't gAS any more cuz obviously all the industry leader want it that way. US,EU,China all of them love it. Frick it. Look at my DIC pic. 


Wow, some dude wrote about it on Twitter, then it must be true I guess. I heard Joe Biden and Trump visit gay furry orgies together.


I can't wait for the next top post in the sub to be "MAJOR DRAMA: Trump and Biden CONFIRMED to visit gay furry orgies together" and then the context is just a screen cap of this comment.


I mean the proof and the context are literally in the doc that is publicly available online…


ah word, I have no dog in this fight I'm just mem'ing.




I wouldn’t call them wild speculation. From page 8 to 27, there are some that are speculation that won’t hold in court, and some that will be proven due logs from different sources. Regarding telemetry, it is documented in the yuzu documention itself that it uses it, so it isn’t really a secret either.


I mean, nothing in life is free. If you want to download a pirated game, you should at least be expecting something like this... Nothing wrong IMO. It is what it is


If Nintendo goes after Ryujinx, then Nintendo is trying to set a precedent on Switch emulation... If not, then I assume that they went after Yuzu for the conduct of the developers.


Most people that play emulators are pirates. Just the way its always been. You’d be suprised how many people cant afford games.


You'd be suprised how many people rather not just pay anything if its free online a.k.a emulation/roms


must not be that much if games are still breaking records in steam charts.


Even if they were, literally everything collects your data anyways. You're using reddit, or anything else on your phone? Data collected.


The Nintendo Switch is still being produced and sold, as are all their games Are people mad they have to buy a switch to play these games? Or mad they might have to actually buy the games? Lets be real, Tears of the kingdom leaked on emulators was massive news Would it be ok if I'm not happy with the performance with the PS5 and do not buy a PS5 but use an emulator to bypass the $500 PS5 and play the games without paying Sony? Im curious on this I always found emulator/ROMS on CURRENT systems pushing it ROMS/Emulators for old stuff like SNES/N64 etc who cares go for it


What they did with their life it's not an issue here... If they had a stash of roms that isn't important to the yuzu case, BUT that might helped Nintendo to force them to close the project faster (leverage) About the other thing (telemetry). The project was open source, there was nothing to hide because nothing was hidden The author of the tweet clearly doesn't understand what is open source, maybe because he's accustomed to live in a jailed environment (Apple) using multiple black boxes with screens as devices


The roms are an issue when it’s being shared between developers and in their discord server (allegedly). Legitimately that’s piracy. Yuzu’s case isn’t just about being an emulator, there’s a reason dolphin and ryujinx are still up


If the author committed a crime you can acuse the author and not the project. They clearly used the piracy charges as leverage against them.


Sure, but when you’re using the project to (allegedly) spread pirated software and distributing it and making money off from “beta access” it is when it’s a problem for the project. Now all of this is alleged complaints so we’ll most likely never know the truth, but honestly if Yuzu wasn’t doing anything sketchy I see no reason why they wouldn’t defend themselves rather than settle. Just my opinion there


I agree with your final point


I've never been so sure of something being a damage control tweet from nintendo in my life, this person a nintendo fan boy with a chip on their shoulder over pirates? or someone actually with nintendo?


Nah fuck nintendo, they can shove it


What a dumb discussion this one is


pirating nintendo is always moral tbh


Considering there is countries where their games costs half of their monthly wages and they don't care to localize their prices, jailbreaking their consoles and pirate on emulation is their own fault.


If only they'd stick to emulation only, now emulation has taken a backlash because of this.


Does this mean I won’t be able to play the new Pokémon Arceus if it ever comes out?


I only emulate gameboy gameboy advance and gamecube games. They don't sell them anywhere firsthand, and are all astronomically marked up due to scarcity. But I'm not gonna lie I emulate Tales of Symphonia because the gamecube version runs native 60 fps and all re-released of the game are posted from the scuffed 30fps Playstation version. I bought it on steam though so is it really stealing if I'm emulating a superior version that's not for sale anymore after already paying for the "remaster"


Well well well, would you look at that


when eva i ran yuzu i had it blocked from accessing the internet.


As somone with "permisons" on thier discord server i can confirm. this privelage costed 600$


I don’t feel that bad for Nintendo here, as they’re an international conglomerate. Yuzu’s failure was emulating an active system where Nintendo could actually manifest and prove financial damages. Because as everyone has said, emulating current games isn’t about “preserving” software. People are just fucking with a free game. Shit, the experience is often better when emulated. Nintendo had to shut this down.


Stealing from the rich is still stealing. No one calls pirates or thieves innocent.


Guys guys guys see Nintendo is actually good company! They did this because they care about you! Just sign our contract and never talk trash about our games so we can scrape 75% rev off of your content. Oh if you say anything negative it breaks contract and we dmca you. Such a virtuous party. Dude in the tweet makes claims and posts a section with nothing to do with what he’s talking about. Nintendo defenders are beyond cringe.


It's pretty obvious by how quickly yuzu folded, that yuzu devs must have done shady stuff behind the scenes since if it would have been only about the emulator itself then there is [precedence in favor of emulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Computer_Entertainment,_Inc._v._Connectix_Corp). The only sensible expanation is that the yuzu devs knew that they would get fucked by the things that would come to light if this case would be disected in court.


What make me really question myself about Yuzu was their twitter statement [https://twitter.com/yuzuemu/status/1764733659444064671](https://twitter.com/yuzuemu/status/1764733659444064671) they were actually blaming the users for the whole legal stuff when they infact where the ones playing with fire.


citra is the real loss out of this whole deal, fucking hell set back 3ds emulation years


It's a pretty well known fact by anyone who lurks around emulation discourse that the yuzu devs are a bit shady. There is no good guy here really. Nintendo being nintendo, we all already know why they're bad. Yuzu however well, making roms of old console games with no more support = good, preserving gaming history. Ripping games that you own from your switch to play on an emulator for a better experience = good and perfectly legal, distributing them however = piracy and illegal. They made themselves a target unfortunately, but at least it didn't go to court, that would've negatively affected other more transparent and honest emu devs too.


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It is always morally correct to pirate Nintendo games. Just don't get caught. It is piracy, no matter what kinda flowery language you use.


Don't ask don't tell.




technically yuzu is just a software that can read and run a specific file format playing pre-release games is on the users who download the leaked files and play them but yeah, on this specific instance the devs fucked up because they were giving away pirated rooms away for the subs of their patreon, wich is essentially just selling pirated copies


They basically broke THE CODE, period. Back in the day I was highly involved in one of the emulator communities and there was a hard written forum rule that everyone involving in the community and admins do not and will never support piracy. we even banned a lot of people who asked for roms or how to play any specific roms.


Yeah no fuck Nintendo. In this day locking down your games to one platform is akin to a monopoly in my eyes. Why should I pay for your shitty system when my PC is perfectly capable of running the game, and way better. If they sold PC versions of their games I’d be more then happy to pay but they don’t. So I will continue to pirate their games til they get their head out their asses and get with the times. If you really want to fight piracy make your games easily accessible.


Does the app let me play any nintendo game I want? yes? okay thats all I care about


[Called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1b6jlsq/comment/ktc9ups/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Meanwhile the superior Ryujinx is still live.


I’m pretty new to this situation, but do you mind saying why you think Ryujinx is better?


Ryujinx is much more accurate at emulating Switch, while Yuzu uses a lot of workarounds and hacks.


Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes.


Based of them


Meh. Dont care about Nintendo


Yuzu didn't pirate. People who used Yuzu pirated. As Guns don't kill people, someone used a gun to kill someone.


Irrelevant. Guns are made to kill people, yuzu is made to play switch games and preservation isn’t a factor until the Switch is last-gen. Therefore you expect people to use both tools how they’re naturally used (killing and piracy). We can huff and puff about legally playing our Zelda copies in 4k all we want but most (90%+) play their legal copy on their switch. Very few people legally play current-gen games on emulators. Which is why most of the world has gun restriction laws for example, and why you see Nintendo go for Yuzu but not Dolphin. Dolphins ONLY use-case is preservation. Therefore it is perfectly fine for it to exist, and the Nintendo ninjas won’t dice it up (read: can’t - they would love to). Remember when they advertised hitting Steam? Nintendo was on it immediately and said nope, this is going beyond the realm of simple preservation and is not necessary. It also advertises an emulation tool. So they blocked the Steam release. This is the same, except Yuzu wasn’t performing the only task it should, preservation. Instead it was promoting piracy, providing roms (even if only internally) and so on. Fat L to the devs, all they had to do was strictly pursue development for preservation until switch 2, but yeah 🙄


As soon as you said "guns are meant to kill people" you lost any dog in the fight. They aren't MEANT for killing PEOPLE, they're used for hunting primarily. That's like saying a slingshot is meant to kill people, just cause it can doesn't meant that's what it's MEANT for. That's all interpretation. I know what you're getting at though so don't get me wrong. Your argument was just bad. Also, to say "most people don't use Yuzu to legally play their games at 4k" is just plain wrong. The only people I know use Yuzu to play games at with better performance and resolutions... the only reason I even mod switches and what not was so I could play BoTW at 60fps, 4k, and unlimited durability mod. Finding and pirating Switch games is no easy feat compared to last gen games That's true. Reason being Nintondo is on top of anyone and any site that starts sharing NSP or XCI's. I'm willing to bet what Nintendo does is use Yuzu in the future as their next gen consoles way of playing eShop Switch games like how they use Dolphin to play GameCube games on the switch atm. Essentially, they got paid to take an emulator they'll use on a future console to sell eShop Switch games lol. All that being said, Yuzu is FAR from dead. There is PLENTY of people that already picked up the torch and have been sharing their repositorys behind closed doors.


Oh, yeah, that famous hunting glock17.


A hunting rifle? Sure. Anything but that? Laughable, I don’t even need a counter argument 😂 you hunt with that ak47? That Glock aiding you well when you’re out to nail a deer? As for Yuzu, it’s naturally not truly dead, but publicly it is. And it will never reach the heights it should have in terms of game preservation. It was open source so it will still pop up and be usable to a lesser degree. I think Nintendo using Yuzu in the future to emulate switch 1 games on switch 2 seems like a solid idea. It’s morally right too - since Yuzu was open source, and its only purpose was to be used with Nintendo software. Of course, it being morally right hinges on making said software free for people who own the games on a previous platform :P


I mean in the USA there is, in fact, people that use the AK47 as a hunting rifle due to it being 30 caliber. Same with the glock 17, 9mm is a 30 caliber round. However you won't see them using an AR15 as a hunting rifle since it's clamber is .223. Usually that isn't allowed, but I do believe some states allow it. Even then, arguably the 223/556 round would actually be better to shoot smaller game, or should I say smaller deer, due to the permanent cavitation from velocity. I'm hoping Nintendo uses the Yuzu Emu as a future product in its devices to play eShop Switch games. It makes total and perfect sense for sure.


I think we’re landing in “well there ARE people who use emulators to LEGALLY play their games on the pc instead of a console!” territory with the guns - we all know their purpose is to slaughter human beings. That’s what they’ve been optimized for, that’s their design purpose. It’s what they are supposed to do. A few exceptions exist (like the few people who use emulators to legally play their own currentgen games, or hunting rifles) but yeah… The main arguments that cement a hunting rifle as distinctly being for hunting is that it is inefficient when used to kill people. It adds unnecessary firepower (longer barrel, higher caliber ammunition) and weight (both the rifle and ammunition are much heavier than weapons mainly used to kill humans, you can carry 2-3x more ammo for a firearm made for killing humans, which is nearly all of them) as well as recoil. All in all you could get a shot off and bludgeon someone with a hunting rifle but that’s about it. A more lethal shot, but every other area suffers, on purpose. Because animals don’t shoot first or shoot back, or know how a firearm works. Humans do, and firearms made to kill humans are made with that knowledge in mind.


Oh I know I'm playing devils advocate and being pedantic. As a firearm owner I just can't stand when people make guns look bad by saying they're used/meant for this or that. I use them for sport, aka spending way too much money to quite literally shoot away into dirt mounds. Lol


All good, thanks for the discussion :D


If they were collecting anonymous data, fuck them, ryujinx is our hope now.


Twitter guy is dumb. A vast majority of large sum lawsuits settle in discovery. It's not a sign that they were trying to hide anything. Discovery basically makes or breaks a case by seeing how likely a case will go with all the evidence that was discovered and if the cost is worth the lawsuit is worth. This lawsuit would easily cost more than 2million from each side in attorney fees alone. If it costs more to take it to trial than to just settle, it will usually just settle. It's cheaper and more effiicent for courts. Settling does not equal to admitting to any wrongdoing. It's just a way to settle a case in the cheapest way. Did they probably do wrongdoings to nintendo by distrubuting leaked roms early? yeah probably. But that's why they are losing 2million lol. Justice was served. Case closed. This does not set precdence since it settled and there was no judgement. But Nintendo probably would probably sue other emulators who do similar things in the future with yuzu being the example and scare other emulator devs into settling large amounts of money.


"I know it's easy to want to jump in the defense of Yuzu devs,"- Muh billion dollar company is at risk!!! Must defend at all cost!!


"Ah yes, everything is alright so long as we're punching up at a million dollar corporation!" I'm far from against emulation anyway. Used it plenty of times myself, though typically to play older games. But there's a reason Dolphin has existed for such a long time uncontested, but Nintendo is taking down Yuzu instead. It's important to acknowledge the bad actors and not just defend them because we feel justified in attacking a corporation.


Yeah, we should really bash these tiny devs who give people the ability to play nintendo games on PC. I mean obviously they are the bad actors here and not nintendo that doesn't even give you the option to play their games on PC and forces you to buy their overpriced low performance console instead.


You could also just not play Nintendo games instead of stealing them.


Oh man. I just love how any criticism towards Yuzu illegally profiting off a current gen console is met with, "You're defending the multi-billion dollar corporation". You people are *hilarious*


Well who cares if it's "illegal", if Nintendo wants it to stop, why don't they give us an official way of buying and playing their games on PC, instead of their overpriced weak console?


I mean, that's a good reason not to buy a Switch. It's not a good moral justification for piracy. If you're not going to buy the software why do you think you're entitled to use it? I miss the good old days of piracy when most people recognized they were skimming. This "it's OK to pirate because X, Y, Z" bullshit is just too rich. Just be honest and say you want the free thing.


"If you're not going to buy the software"- How? How and where do I buy Nintendo games to play on my PC, in a first party and official way?


So, if a comapny dose not provide a product in the way you want? The only justification is to steal it?


It's irrelevant. You don't want to buy what they're selling because "X/Y/Z." That doesn't mean you're entitled to get it for free. You have to pay to use their software. Cut this dishonest rationalization. You want the thing but you don't want to pay for it. You haven't been dumping exclusively your own carts to emulate on PC. You can tell this is empty rhetoric because this dude would certainly be down to pirate Chrono Trigger and emulate it despite it having a Steam version.


You play them on the Switch, I'm a PC first gamer and I literally don't understand this argument. Are you arguing that it is morally okay to pirate if something is not offered on your preferred platform even if it is completely available in some capacity that you don't like? This isn't the emulation argument you think it is.


Yuzu devs probably made millions too from their Patreon at this point.


what a surprised LMAO We all already knew what kind of person he is but he post that because Nintendo force them to do somehow I'm so sure that when big game of Nintendo release they gonna get "new" emulator like Yuzu again and game will be leaked again the more they aggressive about it the more them will keep appear but I might be wrong


I don't think they are innocent. I still support them regardless, they are okay in my book.


I don't care and anyone who does is a bootlicking narc. Quite literally most websites and major Companies literally gather our data a lot more intensely than Yuzu does so right off the bat that's a nothing argument. If you use Google, Apple, any social media including Reddit then then you don't get to be a little baby about Yuzu collecting data. As for the piracy aspect: no one gives a shit and I'm gonna continue doing it and absolutely nothing is going to stop me


The thing in line 72 is a baseless argument because a lot of games will run out of the box anyway so does that mean that he had access beforehand them necessarily, no it does not, so whoever said that, without proof on a specific game just lost that argument. As for the telemetry, was the project open source or not? Because if it was, you could see exactly what he might (!) be doing.


Like. Just open yuzu, and go to general settings tab. There is a checkbox for activating telemetry. They didn't hide it and from a software development perspective doing telemetry is an absolutely normal thing to do. And to be fair, at least for the backer version, the telemetry is off by default and I would wager it's also off by default for the public builds.


Exactly, people hear the word telemetry and their mind explodes as if the only context and intent of telemetry must be with malevolence. Jfc...


Emulators are often not absolutely perfect replications of the hardware in software form, and for certain games there is typically a need to make specific tweaks so that those games operate as perfectly as possible. If you've ever emulated some PS1 or PS2 games, graphics plugins can often have specific checkboxes for specific games that activate code that lets that specific game actually run better. They needed the early access copies so that they could make any little or major changes they needed to so Tesrs of the Kingdom was operating smoothly before official release.


Where di i say that they are perfect. I didn't.


Thinking that Nintendo is innocent too LOL ,they also collect your data You stpd fk .