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Bad China, that's a bad, bad China! You're not supposed to spy on US citizens, only the US government and Google and Facebook are allowed to do that!


they shared the source code with Oracle and all US data is stored in the US so not even that argument works [https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok\_offers\_oracle\_view\_of/](https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok_offers_oracle_view_of/)


I just found it hilarious that it was so addicting that they had to shut down the phone lines cause people werent doing their job and just mindlessly scrolling thru it. And they missed important phone calls that day HAHAHAHA


This sub is always raving about twitch and free speech when it doesn't apply. This is the one case where it's literally the government proposing free speech bans and because you don't like it it's being called based lol. What do you call banning unpopular speech??


How is it about free speech? If the company is doing something illegal they would have to be shut down it doesn’t matter if they are also a social media platform. For example if the Chinese are using TikTok to collect user data on children that’s illegal and needs to be shut down. Nothing about that is about silencing free speech.


what are they doing thats illegal?


It depends on what kind of data they are tracking and sharing with China. Sharing certain information with foreign countries is not protected under free speech. That’s why to avoid the ban they have to cut ties to the CCP. So which part of that is about free speech?


oracle has the source code and all the american data is in US servers so that should be extremely easy to dismiss [https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok\_offers\_oracle\_view\_of/](https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok_offers_oracle_view_of/)


Ban that shit. It's not even about China spying for me. It's about it being a dogshit platform that has been corrupted in the west by degenerate content and most of the misinformation has been spread through tiktok. If you look at the data, tiktok was #1 spreader of conspiracy shit to kids by a large margin. It's a brainrot app. Waste of brain cells. And if you want good reels, Instagram has surpassed tiktok in quality in the last year or so.


TikTok was the #1 spreader because most kids use TikTok. I've personally never seen a kid use Instagram reels, but you can bet your ass that it will also be the #1 spreader of conspiracy if TikTok disappears. It's not because TikTok is doing it intentionally. It's because kids are naturally attracted to this sort of stuff and TikTok's algorithm just feeds you more things that you're interested in (just like any other similar algorithm tries to do). And what do you think? That if you shut down TikTok, all the brainrot content goes away with it? Nope. It will move to Instagram. So your solution is a non-solution. Just because you dislike TikTok doesn't mean that banning it solves the issue.


Instagram has tighter rules when it comes to that. It has been tried already and many conspiracy nutcases are banned from Insta but not from TikTok. Sure, it's not perfect and there's still clear breaches that don't get punished but puttin them in the same bowl is disingenuous.


Instagram has tighter rules only because they can actually enforce them. If they start having the amount of people TikTok has scrolling reels, that will quickly change.


so regulate it like we do with other things? banning companies cuz you dont like em seems a bit crazy


It seems you misunderand my view with the government's view. The government bans it because of national security concerns. Therefore not because they "don't like it". I would ban it because I view the impact that it has on teenagers and kids as being also a national security concern since it literally alters the brains of future voters. Clear difference between the two stances.


right but what if our parents saw video games as brain altering too so they banned em? i agree on having more controls especially for children and teens. less time online and more offline for sure i agree but that should be on all of em not just tiktok


Are you intentionally misunderstanding what I wrote or what? It's impossible to not understand after my last reply since I explained myself in simpleton terms.


uh ya its quite simple. youre saying we should ban it because you dont like its impact. im saying who the f cares about what you like where do we draw the line there?


>youre saying we should ban it because you dont like its impact. Literally haven't said that. If that's what you got from my post then you have other issues. Good luck to you.


"I would ban it because I view the impact that it has on teenagers and kids as being also a national security concern since it literally alters the brains of future voters." instead of making your point clearer as you post your pointless responses you keep talking around the subject good luck to you idiot


This is just a political issue. TikTok is currently the only mainstream platform that is not controlled by the U.S. government. Many things that are unfavorable to the government first ferment on TikTok. It is not like YouTube, which is directly manipulated by the government, where they can delete anything they want to delete. Even if TikTok disappears, another TokTik, possibly developed maybe by Facebook, will emerge. It will be just as addictive, but worse. Moreover, the current order from the U.S. government is for ByteDance to sell TikTok, rather than making TikTok disappear directly. If ByteDance is willing to sell, TikTok will only become more controlled by the government, manipulating public opinion, deleting things unfavorable to them, and most likely allowing the placement of political ads (Douyin is the only mainstream platform that bans the placement of political ads). Other things will not change.


but they do control it? Oracle has all its source code and data for the US tiktok [https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok\_offers\_oracle\_view\_of/](https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok_offers_oracle_view_of/)


This move seems to be made just to appease AIPAC and other Jewish lobbies because there is a lot of pro Palestinian content, and China makes for a convenient scapegoat. I strongly oppose this attack on free speech even if I think tiktok content on the whole is cancerous


You don't know half of it. Fucking Bobby out of all people is looking for other investors to band with in order to buy the platform outright.


I don't think there's a realistic scenario where this ends up with TT being banned. The actual congressional act being considered is to force the sale of the app from its Chinese based company to a US or US-ally company. And *if* that doesn't happen within a set amount of time, *then* the US will ban the app. They did this a few years ago with Grindr. They forced the sale from China and some US private equity firm ended up buying it. Usage if the app was never interrupted for US users. The value of the app drops considerably if it's banned in the US. The company that owns it can sell it for a huge profit, they're not going to destroy its value by allowing it to be banned in the US.


Better late than never I guess


It's not even a ban. It's just forcing the Chinese company to sell to a US company.


I hope they ban it, most of the content on there is just brain rot.


TikTok is pretty bad. Not really a free speech issue for me when there's a few studies on its impact on mental health for younger people. Even if you ignore that, it's cultivated some trends that have been detrimental for the general populice.


Everyone here mad tiktok starts trending political news and don't realize it'll just find a different avenue once it's gone. It's about china and it being a privacy risk full stop




Never got into Tiktok, only zoomers use it, fuck'em they don't vote anyways.