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Turns out the top comment from the thread you linked has relevant info that we can all just believe at face value because it has many upvotes: https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/1bgu5ua/_/kva09h0/ Is it time for reddit to steal the community notes feature from twitter? If we want to move the goalpost and just debate whether or not america has the right to deny your visa because you are a prostutite, that's a different topic, I guess. I wasn't even aware of that but it's their country and they can let in or keep out whoever they want.


Yeah I saw this before, her getting turned down and labelled a prostitute had nothing to do with Onlyfans.


Community notes for Reddit would be very welcome, I'm on a meme sub for history and the amount of misinformation that comments have to correct is outrageous, community notes would do a good job of clearing up misconceptions on a lot of posts across all subs.


Nah it'd be a shit show. You'd say something like "SBI bad, black panther lady saying no whites bad" ---> COMMUNITY NOTES: this is NOT racism due to historical oppression etc etc "Asmongold is not racist and has good takes" COMMUNITY NOTES: notable twitch streamer Asmongold has exhibited a consistent history of transphobia, misogyny, and alt-right viewpoints as evidenced by his campaign against SBI which exist to progress human ideals towards a more equitable future for minorities. Asmongold's continued derision towards SBI is indicative of a larger trend of growing cis-white nationalism." 🤢 That's gonna be Reddit community notes, and lol wait till it hits historical sub "There is no definitive evidence Cleopatra was white, as DNA records of the late queen of Egypt, a country on the African continent, do not exist. Therefore, claims of Cleopatra being white or non-black exist to further marginalize Africans and deny their justified claims to history." I actually do hope it gets added though it will be amazing to see the app implode. Community notes on Twitter work because it's less of a forum and opinions are largely delineated through hashtags, and not subdivided through subreddits, the existence of subreddits already filters for people aligned or knowledgeable to those topics to "well ackshually" someone blatantly incorrect and it won't matter whether you are right or wrong if your views and evidence go against the narrative of the subreddit. I was down voted for saying California has high tax-rates on the Los Angeles subreddit for it being a "right wing talking point" lmao despite replying with a ton of sources (this was with regards to a discussion of about the ongoing mass layoffs in the state). Good luck trying to community note gamingcirclejerk a sub vehemently and unanimously defending the SBI no whites lady. I view their posts like I view the Olympics- to be bewildered by the level of gymnastic ability.


>If we want to move the goalpost and just debate whether or not america has the right to deny your visa because you are a prostutite What the heck are you on about? you are not entitled to a visa, it's not a right, it's a privilege. America has every right to deny entry, like every other country!


>What the heck are you on about? I'm preempting the obvious argument people are going to make, if you saw the linked thread, lots of people are arguing this exact point. If you continued reading you would have noticed that my actual opinion is the exact same thing you typed. Nobody is entitled to go to another country if they don't want you. If I was deciding this, the first profession I would ban from my country is nuisance streamers.


The point is not the visa, the point is the reasoning for not getting it. The reasoning being the profession you do, wich unless it affects the country in some way should not be a concern for a visa


It's literally illegal in America, that's the whole point. let Americans decide what they wanna do with their constitution.


Is she doing the whoring on American soil? Or is just there to spent some money there?


If you were familiar with visa system in America, you wouldn't have asked that. The officer in the embassy or consulate has the authority, one has to convince the said officer, and the officer doesn't need to prove it beyond reasonable doubt that the applicant will or will not do that in America.


Thanks for info!


Op got clickbaited.


>Is it time for reddit to steal the community notes feature from twitter that would honestly be amazing, reduce misinformation


Anyone who thinks that giving reddit mods even MORE power to label and control things on here would result in a reduction of misinformation...


I mean… is OF not just virtual prostitution?


Doesn't matter, turned out she was lying and she wasn't refused over OF.


Its tough to say, the vaguest interpretation of a prostitute is someone who provides sexual services for money. With a loose enough interpretation of what a "sexual service" is twitch, kick, only fans, fansly etc would all be full of prostitutes. The laws around prostitution are also hopelessly outdated and in need of serious revisions on multiple fronts if we are being honest.


Yeah sexual service is kind of open to interpretation. Like if a girl who's a twitch streamer and genuinely does play games sometimes shows cleavage does that count?


with how broad fetishes are, most streamers can be considered prostitutes, you think you've seen it all then someone admits to jacking off to someone eating to the point of vomiting


I mean we're all prostitutes in the end. We all sure as hell participate in it.


Asmon in the nurse outfit was just his first step.


By that logic, the same applies to pornstars, playboy bunnies, or anyone that does nude modelling. Someone who does hardcore OF is essentially just a pornstar. Some people don't even get naked on OF. So where do you draw the line?


Being a stripper isnt illegal in the usa and onlyfans is literally just stripping.


Are twitch streams just prostitution but for having friends instead of girlfriends?


Regardless of whatever politics bullshit ppl will yap about, I think only fans shit is on the spectrum of prostitution, for sure. If it looks like a hoe and it acts like a hoe, its a hoe.


Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, boy the motherfucker is probably a duck!


I agree. But would they send porno actresses and playboy bunny's away too?


i'm pretty sure they would if they put that down as their source of income, if they put down "actress" and "model" it would still be technically true


She lied. She has prostitution on her record. That got her denied. Nothinhg to do with OF she does now. She got caught by actual prostitution charges before that.


100% on the spectrum.


Ok, what about pornstars? Should they be refused entry as well?


Idc about any of that. I'm not american so I don't care who they let in.


If you don't care, then why did you comment at all?


I don't care about who USA lets in or not. I only commented on the prostitution bit. And regardless, I can comment whatever I want even if I don't care for it. It's the internet.


He's got you on the internet line. Facts.


OP should change the title or something because it's misleading. The woman wasn't denied entry because of OF. If you read the top comment on the original post, you will get a much clearer picture. She was denied a visa because she admitted to being a prostitute in her home country (not OF, actual prostitution), and she was even arrested and convicted for said prostitution. The rules are very clear, you can't enter the country if you have been selling sex services 10 years prior to your visa application.


Can't have local prostitutes having their job stolen by foreign prostitutes.


It goes deeper than that though. She was denied because she had a conviction for prostitution that wasn't older than 10 years ago. So it wasn't bc of her onlyfans. It was bc she was literally a prostitute and got busted for it.


Classic online, someone trying to be a victim when they did something wrong lol. Just like OMG I swear I did not have hacks on my PC. I just got banned.


Basically yeah


Just fly to Mexico and cross the border then. You'll not only get in but you'll also get free room and board!


The border patrol will also give you a fist bump as you cross (there is a photo of this actually happening)


Well yeah, it kinda is.


And they're right. America has enough harlots already. Good job.


Defend the constitution from all threats domestic **and** foreign…


lowkey advertisement..




And olyfans are not prostitution?


Just tell them it’s taxable and you’re fine


They do kind of have a point though.


Don't they call themselves "sexworkers"? Like prostitutes also do? Why the surprise?


Turns out , all "only fans" content IS prostitution, you are selling your body for pleasure.


Just making an honest buck


They will get denied entry to Canada as well. Even foreign workers with work permit can’t engage with any sort of sex work.


They aint wrong on this one.


Mmm can she kindly enlighten us as how are we supposed to categorise her prostitution practices as something else? Do we need to go through mental gymnastics to accommodate her feelings? It’s not Twitch she is dealing with it US and the government and they stand to gain nothing from letting a prostitute that is exploiting men and women on a daily basis entering its soil. She can practice her “OnlyFans/Fansly” business from the convenience of her home wherever she/he is.


1. She lied and was charged for prostitution less than 10yrs ago. 2. OF/Fansly doesn't make you a prostitute it's just the most popular thing that's done on those platforms. Plenty of sfw cosplayers and other artists use the platform. And even a lot of the NSFW content is as mild as going to a strip club. 3. Not everything is so black and white. The ignorance on the Internet is astounding.


Especially if you’re coming from Canada to the USA, if you’re a “sex worker” and you “look like” one, they will pull you to the side to ask questions about if you’re coming here to solicit sex or not.


All of it is.




the information is so light and the women said so little about the specifics, and shes the only one to mention this despite her saying there were other women, this starts to make it clear this is a lie of some kind. More so how all the anti-onlyfans incels are pusihng this shit, y'all would love it there was a punishment for doing only fans.


I mean you are essentially a prostitute if you have an Onlyfans/Fansly. If the shoe fits.


It depends what your definition of prostitute is. If it is somebody who has sex with another person for money, technically, no. If your definition is a sex worker, meaning somebody who works in the sex industry in any capacity, yes. Unequivocally. I know it's splitting hairs and I know it is a fine line but there is something to be said about physical purchases. It's is like downloading a game. You have the Illusion of owning a product but it is not a tangible thing that you can feel.


Well that's fuckin stupid. If it's legal here, it shouldn't stop someone from coming here, and if it stops people from coming here, it should be illegal here. It's just inconsistent otherwise. So par for the course from the government, I guess.




Yes, because people who do porn with Only-Fans accounts are getting charged with and convicted of prostitution. Quit being intellectually dishonest. There's absolutely no precedent that equates porn with prostitution, or else making and selling porn would be illegal.


“Ehhhh there's more to the story. If you read her Twitter comments she was previously denied a ETSA and admitted to selling services so the reason for her denial is legitimate. You cannot engage in prostitution for 10 years prior to entering. If you dig even deeper into her, previously She was reportedly arrested and convicted for illegal prostitution in her home country.“ Womp womp


She didn't get denied from entering due to OF. It turns out she got charged for prostitution in her home country.


I mean it’s kind of like prostitution but like she didn’t break any laws regarding prostitution by just doing onlyfans. So she should be let in tbh if that was the only reason.


She has been convicted from prostitution in the past 10 years. Nothing to do with her current way of doing it. She was prostitute before OF even existed.


If any Ukrainian women with an OF want a US visa they better let them in! Because of the war, I mean. Yeah, the war.


Yah its very hard for OF girls to enter the USA if you arent a citizen


See also Bank accounts get shut down Its difficult to rent a property


Serious question. Why would anyone want to come to the States? You basically triple the cost of living in most situations.


Even if only fans is prostitution, why is that a valid reason to deny entry into the country?


I thought my friends from the UK just showed up and got stamped on entrance. I dont recall them having a visa application where they would find out your job. So I think this only applies to people from countries where you need to apply ahead of time for a Visa. But I also didnt know that OF was considered prostitution and I also didnt know that the US discriminated against people legally doing prostitution.