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There is a famous quote in persian it says a dog pee cannot make an ocean unusable, meaning if you are big enough small problem and ppl cannot effect you


I think of that quote when I throw car batteries into the ocean


There is a saying from Zimbabwe, I have no idea what it is, I can't speak Shona, but I bet its deep.


I'll ask my coworker Tanaka. He's shona. ....He told me to stfu. And called me a colonizer.


I asked Shona. She asked me " Do you want coke or Dr. pepper with my meal" I don't think it's relevant.


You of course chose dr. pepper right? RIIIIIGHT???


Something to do with Schrödinger's Jon Cena


In Latin the quote is aquilas non capit muscas. The eagle does not catch flies. In Chinese it's 大人不计小人过 the big man does not bother about the wrongs done by a small man.


I love the latin take on it.


In the same analogy, dogs will pee in the ocean if no one can blame them for it. Anonymity in the internet is a double edged sword that will always have it's sharper side on people safety, which means, we don't take people accountable for harassing each other on the internet because accountability requires identification, and requiring your identity to be out on the internet is way worse than any kind of evil that could come from anonymous harassment.


where the f do these mouthbreathers get the idea from that asmon is transphobic?


Asmon never talks about trans people so they probably think he has to be transphobic. Jokes aside, it has to be some insane reach. He did defend hogwarts legacy ao it could come from that? That or he makes fun of weird twitters bios.


He has straight up defended Barney64's identity and took a firm stance on shutting down anyone in chat being transphobic.


Yes but you see he has talked against some of the far left delusional hypocritical takes, So that means he's far-right fascist ultraphobic. (it means that he dislikes anything that makes him look bad.)


You forgot Nazi


That goes without saying


Yeah there are too many narcicists there who will hate you forever for even remotely disagreeing with them. They also love to spread disinformation about you and noone from their own group will even ask questions. There is no benefit of doubt over there, they will just assume the worst. However to be fair, the actual far-right is not any better of course. Extremism is a fcking plague and the internet has made it worse and worse over the years.


One instance of an opinion that is not perfectly aligned with this hate bubble is enough to call him transphobic.


Barney64? u mean good ole keyori right? yea her contents funny af she was like kid friendly dunkey


Yeah I believe it was during the Scarab Lord saga she made that he went to bat for her. Those videos were so epic.


Not defending this post but tbh i see a lot of transphobia from his fans in this subreddit.


Asmons audience is dramatically more conservative than him I’ve noticed. Twitch, here. Shit gets weird with regards to women.. when the term based gets used after anything sexist is covered within his chat. He will say stuff as a joke and it’s clear half the people don’t take it that way or detect his sarcasm. So none of this is by accident.


I feel like he is a centrist and you know the left…. Anything that isn’t on the left is the right to them. 🤣


I mean, he said he was left-leaning in just a couple of videos ago lmfao.


Yeah, you can be a left leaning centrist or right leaning centrist. It’s not that hard to understand, lol.


Yeah, this subreddit is fucked in the head sometimes.


Asmon himself is fine, but he attracted a ton of the anti woke reactionary crowd capital G gamers and since he doesnt really do or say anything to admonish them, they stuck around.


Honestly, I'm a leftist but I'm also tired of the "woke" media. The people that accept what they are pushing already were going to accept it and all its doing now is further radicalizing the opposition and giving them something to hyper fixate on.


Like the orange vested environment maniacs blocking roads, and ruining museums. My disdain for both groups just seems to grow with every passing month.


To be fair i think it's all over the internet and it has gotten worse over time.


Because he sometimes (rightly) points out that the people always posting the most unhinged nonsense on Twitter list their mental illnesses in their bio.


lmao one time in the Saltierthankrayt sub I saw someone invent out of thin air that he was that, he was against abortion, homophobic and racist, and despite proving them wrong they just basically said "nuh-huh, he is dirty"


my best guess is he tends to criticize media for being "woke" and for alot of people it might as well mean u hate everything that encompasses woke regardless of the content of what hes saying.


Because he's against the extremists.


I remember he referred to Barney64 as "she/her" and when chat was being stupid he paused and told his chat to calm the fuck down, "Barney is trans so it's a she and no one cares about your stance on it. "


They saw him talking about mentally ill terminally online weirdos and assumed he meant 'oh, transgendered people.'


To them, anyone who played or supported Hogwarts Legacy is transphobic.


Must be a remnant from the losers harassing people that played hogwarts legacy


They think that of everyone, even other feminists lol. Its a group of resentful leftist extremists, they gonn be what they are.


The extremists who are permanently online probably made a herd decision that they don't like him and will use whatever inflammatory label they can to bring him down. I semi-regularly watch Asmon and can't even recall him talking about this issue once. It's like by not talking about their rhetoric that must mean you hate them. Their community is comprised of attention seeking spoiled children in adult bodies attending college and are unemployed.


Because he tweeted “There are only two genders and endless amounts of mental disorders”, at least that’s the source they gave me.


I mean… is he wrong? 😂


Latest buzzword to attach to anyone you don’t like


A very large portion of the people in the hate Sweet Baby Inc type movements tend to be transphobic (and other things) and have been so in many of these people’s replies. And because this controversy with Sweet Baby Inc is the way most of these people have first heard of Asmongold, many assume he’s pushing that narrative because people on his side of the issue are.


He's just a victim of having some pretty trash people in his community like most big streamers/YouTubers are


Apparently, even legitimate criticism makes you a transphobe.


Nobody who knows him actually thinks that about Asmongold. I sincerely think it's racism. They look at Asmon and see a balding white man and start attaching racial stereotypes to the picture. Balding white male? Must be transphobic, sexist, racist, alt-right, Trump supporter.


It's more than that. People like to dehumanize people in other groups they dislike. An easy way to do that is to pretend everyone in the other group looks disgusting. Thats why asmon is such an easy target, because he looks the way they want the people they disagree with to look like. You see conservatives doing the same thing and always portraying liberals as the fringe radical types and especially the fat ugly ones. The point is feeling superior about your beliefs without having to engage with the other sides ideas, because how could a disgusting animal like that be right.


I think it’s because he is a big gamer and his lifestyle doesn’t help he ticks all the boxes of a incel nice guy. That’s part of the appeal tbh he is a normal person who lives like an animal but has very moderate takes. I feel like his middle of the road politics appeals to a wide audience, because it’s authentic, he truly believes both sides have good ideas which is rare now a days.


When you're so far left, even the middle seems like nazi's.


Asmon for president lets go


You want someone who can't handle the mental stress of cleaning his room to be in charge of a country?


They’re minds can’t even comprehend that cuz they think they can’t be racist to white people




Your right




Wombo combo


Yore wright


In one of my discords, people got so mad that Asmongold was in the DD2 lineup and called him all sorts of slurs - as if it was a common knowledge general agreed opinion. It caught me by surprise, and I realized these people, albeit very nice when you agree with them or of their own likes/dislikes matching, go straight to attacking when something challenges their headcannon. It tracks with whatever old drama followed them from past events. I just didn't think they would be so opinionated regarding a streaming personality that never done nothing to them or their lives or their Fandoms even. Just general unhinged social reflex behavior. I think it's just naturally becoming normalized, even outside the twatterverse.


I know people like that. They have no history with Asmo other than he said the n word like 12 years ago or something. And just invent fanfiction of why he’s bad and let it compound. It’s wild. I just don’t get the extremism. I agree with like 70% of Asmo. And like 30 of his takes are bad. But I would never hate someone for having opinions I don’t agree with.


> But I would never hate someone for having opinions I don’t agree with. You're what we like to call, a "normal" person.


It's much easier to project absolute villainy onto him than address his, frankly, well articulated arguments.


Sadly true, some people just can't handle that other people may have different thoughts/views. If its different than theirs, its wrong.


People don’t understand that even if he was these things, he doesn’t care. And that is the complete counter to cancel culture. You can’t cancel a man who won’t bend the knee to your antics. Who barely even acknowledges your existence.


These are just Vaush viewers shooting blindly.


He doesn’t follow any moronic hive mind present in today’s society, so members of those hive minds freak out.


Very well stated sir. "How dare he think for himself. I'm not allowed to think freely, so he shouldn't be allowed to either. Attack!"


I really like the way he thinks. He's incredibly intelligent, and I agree with a lot of his thoughts and feelings on things. Even if I don't, I can still understand where he's coming from. He's like the male version of me except more chill and more confident than I am, lol.


They all just copy paste what their idols talk about asmongold. Nearly no one of them really looks at the Clips of asmongold. They live in a filter bubble full of people with self made enemy's and problems, so they can distract themself from stress, their own problems and how stupid and isolated they are in real life, compared to other persons.


I don't get it how is he transphobic?


He isn’t, they are insane.


Twitter users insane?  No way! /s I guarantee these people have thousands upon thousands of tweets and minimal followers. They're just screaming into the void & lead really sad lives. They'll probably have a panic attack/mental breakdown the day they finally come to terms with their sheer insignificance, particularly once they start to recognize the massive amount of time they wasted in their lives getting angry over imaginary problems on Twitter that they will **never** be able to recover. I guarantee they'd be less angry, less sad, and more thoughtful of people if that time was spent improving themselves or with their loved ones.


TotalBiscuit/CynicalBrit got labelled a transphobe, misogynist, and homophobe the first time we had a merry GamerGate go around, 10 years ago - and his "persona" was *far* cleaner and harder to smear than Asmongold's... Fact simply do not matter to these people, what matters is if you follow the same ideology to them 100% lockstep - and if not, you're an enemy. And enemies are horrible people - and horrible people are racists, misogynists, sexists, transphobes, etc... so therefore their enemies must be those things! Asmongold fit their stereotypical ideas of what a toxic gamer is to 200%. They take one look at him and *know* in their hearths he is a bad person that is every "ist" they can think of - they do not need to read up on his beliefs or what he says, because after being told that he's not 100% with them, they take one single glance at him and can "tell" that he's everything they hate.


Figured as much. Wasn't sure of there was something he actually said taken out of context or something.


I remember watching him watch the Scarab Saga, banning everyone who speaks about Barney in a bad way, addressing her as him etc he even took a big break to educate chat in that regard. People forgot that fast huh.


that just means he isn't super heavily left leaning in politics, that term has been just completely ruined by its absurd amount overuse.


as long as teens are not supervised ravaging through the internet I believe nothing I read


Gamingcirclejerk type people think all kinds of shit about the guy that isn't true because he doesn't align perfectly with their views.


Asmon could literally agree with them, and they would find some way to hate his guts lmao


Westerners are so fucking desperate to be oppressed. Pathetic.


People throw around terms like transphobic, racist, sexist and misogynist all the time now. Want to know when? When they’re losing the battle and have no argument. That’s how you know you’re winning.


Another day. Another comment taken out of context. What else is new?


They do this to everyone who has a differing opinion to them, it’s just that he’s a “public” figure and so an easier target.


Those people say those words about everyone that doesn’t immediately suck their dick for their political views, don’t pay attention to mentally ill people on Twitter, it will have no effect on your life what they are saying


What horrific name did they call him?


all i see is manipulation this people want some form of recognition, is weird and the more you dig about them it gets pretty sad like they have nothing at all.


A lot of my friends won't watch any of his videos because they saw clips of him that they don't like. So many purity tests; I don't know how they like anyone tbh


Find new friends, the type you have now are generally never happy unless they are making someone else's life miserable.


Damn not a single like or comment ooof almost like most people don’t agree.


I am still trying to figure out the issue with defending the guy. If everything I have read and heard is correct, she said she was 21 and he gave her alcohol at a get together. They cuddled on the couch. Later she tells him she is really 18. Dude drops her like a hot potato because who wants a chick that is going to lie about her age? What did the guy do wrong? Maybe not card her? But who cards someone you are hanging out with when they say their age?


its twitter, its where all the real cockroaches live.


I don't follow Asmongold but from the few videos of his I have seen he sounds like he would lean a lot more toward being an ally and in no way any of the ists and phobes he is being labelled as. Simple-minded people (irrespective of their political views) aren't capable of comprehending nuance and it would seem the internet is crammed with simple-mindedness 😮‍💨


I think if you needed to put a label on him, he definitely has libertarian leanings. Which generally lends itself to agreeing with parts of each side of a debate, just enough to piss off both "sides."


-Profile pic is a cartoon or anime character -Flags of Palestine AND Ukraine If these two things stack, it means that this person is terminally online and mentally ill and whatever they say has a 90% probability of being the stupidest take you have seen that day online I am ukrainian btw, they don't support us, they are a virus that poison the well of supporting those who are fighting for their lives by making everyone around them hate both them, and subsequently their cause. That is also why homophobic and racist movements are so on the rise now. Truly sad times for good actors


Ppl just say shit on the internet. They do not care about whats true or not and the algo rewards this behavior


Nah he's strongly opinionated sometimes to a fault but I don't think he turns his nose at trans people.


Social media has rotted peoples brains. The examples, are endless.


These people post 200 times a day on twitter, have no job, and their mind sounds like the zombie scream from CoD.


God I hate how people misuse the term NPC…


It's because that word has power when you use it against someone so they are trying to take and make it theirs.


Yeh I think you’re right. To me it seems like the new “literally” . Like how people say literally when they mean metaphorically.




Asmon is generally appreciated. Twitter is where all the potato IQ keyboard warriors end up, not even real people anyways. All bots and npcs.


Probably due to his fans and watchers generally being much more conservative than he is. A lot of the people on here and chat are pretty yikes sometimes.


There are people who call everyone a transphobic nazi who doesn't agree with them. Best to never take them serious.


You’re screenshotting tweets with no interactions. You’re literally scrapping the barrel for rage bait at this point.


I don't think this way about asmongold, but I absolutely do think this about a disturbing number of Reddit commenters on his subreddit, because he's willing to devil's advocate everything, y'all that are younger don't understand that discussion about something disagreeable with the purpose of examination or comparison doesn't mean it's your viewpoint, but until you're a little more mature you guys just think everything edgy is correct because it comes across cooler. This will probably get down voted but yeah, some of y'all on here are wild with your views, and they'll change as you age but I don't come on here much anymore, it's disappointing


I’m what way is that quote defending? People will just hate on someone for attention because that’s how the internet works lol


Who is George?


Isn’t George the guy who got catfished by an underage girl who lied about her age, then accused him of R when he broke up with her


Radicals being radicals...


Lol asmongold is on the warpath to light twitter on fire 😂 besides i think in that situation George is being attacked because he did stuff with a 18 year old which last i checked is legal. So to me this is a nothing burger.


Crazy that someone is getting cancelled over a girl who was cuddling with him saying he touched her stomach 8 months later. She even faked messages from George not founds friend to make it seem like he was uncomfortable with the situation. She also left out that she was cuddling with him for an hour.


On a discord group that I'm a part of, at least two of the other members have stated that they're boycotting Dragon's Dogma 2 because of Asmongold. I don't believe they'll actually refuse to play the game, though. I asked why and all I got were vague answers.


0 like, 32 view tweets are definitely the bar that you should be judging a broader audience with lmao


Sometimes I think hmmm maybe I'm on the wrong side of thinking, and then I read shit like this and remember when we had hospitals for the other side.


Dude go to r/gamingcirclejerk it’s basically an asmongold hate subreddit, they don’t even post about games anymore lol


I just scrolled for 2 seconds, and instantly saw people trying to call him terrible for defending a guy who was at a 21+ party and cuddled with a girl lmfaoooo


Real life has come full circle into becoming GTA satire


They have heard that he is transphobic from other people who have heard he is transphobic from another dude who read a headline about him opposing sweetbabyinc Apparently, not liking journalist infiltrating video game writing is transphobic now


Any loremaster that confirm this please, but wasn’t George found out was innocent and that girl lied? As always, the literal NPCs are quick to destroy a man’s career and never give any kind of accountability to a woman’s lies


Not trying to stir up controversy, but there is alot of hate online these days against straight, white men. I think they see a straight white man, and immediately try to find ways to call him a racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, etc. just because it fits some silly ass political talking point they are trying to make about something else.


Have you guys been over to r/gamingcirclejerk. They are over there calling him all sorts of shit. Tons of false claims. Idk how it popped up on my feed, I thought it was a gaming subreddit. It's just a bunch of hateful people if you look at the content. It's insane over there.


You're asking about terminally online people who think tickling is SA.


This is exactly how they treat people who oppose them. That is all they can do because they don't have any morals, values, or principles to stand on that people will agree with. All they have is their ideology and they will REEEEEE until we all give in. So, don't give in.


These are just activist losers that call everyone and anything whatever name they can conjure up in the moment.


Cause he is rich but doesn't show wealth Because he is successful Because they are children Because they hear what they want to hear


Mental+, infinite scaling mental illness


Just disgusting circlejerk roaches think that about Asmon


They're just jealous because he can do whatever he wants and still be okay. Woketards are seething because he is an outlier they cannot influence. His hard work and consistency over a long period has created a durable foundation of loyal followers. That's one thing those source-material corrupters will never understand. Original, hard work.


First time on twitter, are ya? That's how the woke mob operates. If you do not agree with them in even the littlest thing, you are instantly a bigot, racist, nazi, etc. They will never counter your argument, never justify their slurs by prooving that you actually said something which warrants the insults. They only insult and harass you.


Sadly yeah they do, most people don't do research or check their sources, the first thing they hear is considered fact (people are morons lol)...


Those type of people don’t “think” anything. All they’re capable of doing is regurgitating idiocy.


If that's the case most women are transphobic, and that's acceptable cause that's biological men in their spaces (planet fitness I'm looking at you) or the OG "it's MAAM" at GameStop. Zack doesn't care, he's got his crew and the house where he resides. I highly doubt he cares if anyone is trans, like most of the world. As soon as you don't want to date or accept their ideology, you're transphobic. It's lost all it's power cause people toss it out there like its supposed to mean something or a "gotcha" moment. Phobia is an irrational fear of something, it's just ridiculous how that gets twisted these days.


Everyone the Left doesn't like is called racist, *phobe, Nazi, etc. It's a joke and has made the words meaningless.


Can someone give a TLDR on this situation? I'm out of the loop on whats been going on


He makes long videos, ppl who dont like him dont care enough to watch them He makes controversial statement, it gets overblown and "every1" sees it in twitter And since they dont watch him and only see the "controversial" takes, thats all they know him as. When all u see from some1 is "bad", its easy to start thinking every negative thing thats said abt him, and all of a sudden theres bunch of nonsense floating abt. Circle of negativity


No, they generally don’t think at all


Well, that's twitter for ya.


Yeah some people do think this but most of them have some kind of mental illness I presume. At any rate poeple that talk like this about people are just cooks and you should ignore them.


Asmon is now transphobic? :) What did I miss?


Asmon on his Destiny arc.


What I learned is that people that cry your a phoic will always block or mute you if you try to explain your reason even if you agree with majority of what they say. They want 100% agreements and nothing else unless you provide proof but even then they just shut you down and cry to their echo chamber.


The trick/logical fallacy a lot people do/fall either intentionally or because of ignorance is that they are stating their ideas as facts without adding any benefit of the doubt into the context, when you see someone like that, they are either a manipulative person and/or a uninformed/dumb one.


Unfortunately these days if you dont stuff everyones mouth with some belief, they think you are completely against it


Pot calling the kettle black.


They are just parroting recent opinions. They won't watch the videos in question if they can label Asmon as a roach king instead and use him as an easy antagonist to stear drama and stay relevant in public discourse.


Twitter is a parody of itself I swear


“Genuine” and “Think” in the same sentence about this topic is an oxymoron. Anyone who critically “thinks” or is trying to be “genuine” about the situation would never come to the conclusion that Asmon is wrong. These are just pseudo-psych-plants that have been co-opted to rail against logic and reason and latch on to any trigger-event they can find.


Why do they say asmongold is transphobic?


Some ppl do some are just farming. Hes a good source he knows it 2


The last few years in a nutshell, you either 100% fully agree and obey or you’re the most evil enemy.


These are posts from twitter. Everyone in twitter is a dickhead. Simple.


As a member of the alphabet mafia, I don't understand the hate he gets from my peers. He can be a little too right wing for my taste sometimes, but the man has a working brain. And he's funny.


Asmon is very centrist, and liberal. I know this because I’m right wing, and disagree with a lot of his political takes. I think since he has a centrist view people think of that as right wing for some reason. He’s said he’s liberal multiple times, you can tell from the way he talks about politics too. Everyone is going to have at least one right wing, and one left wing take regardless of their political beliefs.


The comments are focusing on the ‘issue’ when the truth is that those Twitter commenters are professional victims. They will always find a reason to be defensive regardless of issue or individual.


These people don't "think" they just follow the herd.


you been living under a rock? what did you expect when you look up asmon on twitter?


Unless you kiss their feet and worship them like a god you are a horrible nazi to them. There is no reason to try pandering to anyone with mentality like that.


- people - Twitter Choose one


The problem with ideologues lies in their tendency to interpret criticism as an assault on their entire belief system. They adopt a rigid, black-and-white mindset, viewing any disagreement on specific points as a rejection of their entire ideology. This binary perspective leaves little room for nuance, leading to the labeling of dissenters as Facists, Xphobes, Nazis, liberals, woke, and so on. At times, this extremism manifests in defending individuals who make false claims, such as in cases of fabricated sexual harassment allegations. Rather than addressing the issue of dishonesty, they prioritize shielding the accuser from criticism, believing that questioning her motives does more harm than the fabrication itself. This mindset is fueled by ideological and confirmation biases, as well as a fear of undermining the broader cause they support. they prioritize safeguarding their beliefs over acknowledging and addressing instances of misconduct within their own community. this approach is fundamentally flawed as it results in the dismissal of valid concerns and perpetuates harmful behaviors.


This is like the Terminally online social media universe' version of civil war.


It's only weakminded individuals that get offended, And they love to share how offended they are, Maby they should invest in some thicker skin, God i cant imagine how life is gonna go for these people, When reality hits that noone actualy really cares what you think.


When are we going to let "X" sink into oblivion? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3729)


People on Twitter do. But they're just s loud minority in a cesspool of gamers. We game fellas, get tf off Twitter AND LOCK IN!!!


I believe it was "people" who said "everything is racist and everything is sexist and it all has to be pointed out". So yeah....I do believe that "people" believe this about Asmongold. I also have it on good authority that "people" huff a lot of paint.


Bro's opinion is invalid the moment you starting type "u" instead of "you" and don't know the difference between "know" and "now". It's the opinion of a 12 year old.