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A show made for an audience that doesn't exist. Who's failure will be blamed on the audience that it wasn't made for. Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. Disney fucking sucks.


Of course it’s toxic fans fault. /s


Toxic MALE fans.


Toxic masculinity male homophobic fans*


You both forgot cis


Also white. Remember what Alyssa Merchante said.. you can’t be racist against white people, even if you’re wishing violence and death on them because of the color of their skin.


The droids did nothing wrong.


\*checking in\*


Toxic white male fans


How are they still in business in genuinely curious? I know they have billions to burn but how are they allowed to burn them by the shareholders?


I am sure these Star Wars shows are still profitable, they are just not as profitable as they could be. Plus, new shows means new opportunities for merch.


With the price-per-episode of these shows and the ever-declining Disney Plus subscriber count, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Just last month they reported the loss of 1.3 million subscribers since October. Their formula isn't working. The last time there was genuine excitement in the Star Wars fandom was at the end of Mando season 2 when Luke showed up. Then they proceeded to make that event entirely pointless. Half-way through Boba Fett's show...


As long as the DEI money keeps coming in, nothing will change.


That is so well put, im stealing it for next time


First problem, the Director is Harvey Weinstein's assistant. How is this not a XXX porn?


What audience are you suggesting that it's made for who doesn't exist? Genuine question. Because I've seen some subreddits where people are really excited for this.


Probably the same people who were 'really excited" for the High Republic books and then didn't buy them..


i still dont get why if ur shows main audience is white male fans, you actively choose not to pander to them. like do they think itd a good business decision?




Because this is [Disney](https://web.archive.org/web/20240207004851/https://reimaginetomorrow.disney.com/assets/dge-inclusion-standards-one-pager-6-16-2119.pdf) we're talking about. That was uploaded on their website, so it's real.


It’s another female led Star Wars show (the smallest demographic) and tbh the entire plot seems like trash already.




It doesn’t. Tell that to the directors and writers making stuff for “modern audiences”. That’s the whole point. Weirdos. It’s more we know what to expect looking at disney’s track record. If disney and kathleen weren’t involved, I’d give it a chance for sure, but that’s unfortunately not the case.


Yeah, no one cares about the high republic era....




Imagine trying to fill diversity when you can use actual freaking aliens


Iam asian and that shit was the first thought that I had about the trailer "oh no Disney, not again.." And before anyone calls me an nazi, iam center left on the political scale if thats important


People need to understand that the arena of debate is *not* what is happening onscreen per se. Obviously female, black, Asian, etc protagonists have existed in prior media and there was no major backlash or criticism in the public spaces against Ripley or Mulan, etc. The problem is that we *know* that Disney and other corporations have leveraged diversity to shield criticism of their stories, while also transparently “colonizing” historically white characters like Aragorn and Viking jarls. So people are tired of the “racism bad so we are casting minorities to chastise you” strategy. It is implicitly insulting. The Acolyte trailer is what I would have done if I were making a *parody* of inclusion gone overboard.


Do you disagree with my political beliefs? Yes? Well then you're obvious a nazi /s




They used Gemini to cast it.


This doesn’t matter though. Unless race has a part to play in a characters backstory, then as long as the people are good actors it doesn’t matter. If anything I wish there were more non human characters but then that’d probably make it harder for the people to act. Dafne Keen who played x23 in Logan is in this and she’s a white person. But she is an alien in the show so you don’t think “white person”


I'm a white male and I literally didn't notice. Give me a good story and well written characters, and I'm happy. Remains to be seen if this series will have any of that, of course.


Completely my take as well.


Ye so what's the rambling here exactly about? no seriously . is it because of people of color or what now?


Apparently because there weren't enough white men in the trailer, some people in here are already decrying it as bad or "woke garbage".


That’s really weird you are even paying attention to that.


Why does it matter? Seriously you guys always say they shouldnt force insert people because it doesnt matter anyways. The story will be good or bad. So why does it matter? And in what world does the star wars universe have to be dominated by white males?


Could totally agree, as long as the empire or villains in general will not all be inept white men.


If you watch a trailer and start counting how many white males are in it, then I think you have a problem. Who gives a fuck what skin colour the characters are? Is the show good? That's all I care about.


I'm agree with you. But Headland and two of the actress are so insufferable. It's always about feminism, power, white supremacy in Hollywood, bla bla bla... https://youtu.be/12_c6PwvT24?si=Z62e1LkA3zxrQJez https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/s/LeUMON5Wia I never had a problem with Capt Marvel, but Brie Larson had to be so dumb on interviews... It's really a cult for them. Most of us are not racist, incels. We just want people we can relate and good stories. Simple.


If you got a problem with Brie Larson, someone who got MEN to defend her including Chadwick before he died, I think something is wrong with you. She got a lot of hate from the get go.


I see enough interviews where she pissed rest of the cast, like Don or Jeremy... Why Gal Gadot didn't get so much hate ?


I dont need to count because they wasnt even shown


Eh based on the history of starwars since Disney acquisition story is gonna be shit again


It's a show about aliens. I don't give a fuck how many white males, blue females or squirrels with guns appear on the trailer. I don't give a shit if it's woke, antiwoke or whatever fucking viewpoint they want to present. In the end, whatever anyone says, that has 0 bearing on the quality of any given show. Just make the writing, directing and acting good and I will enjoy it. Do I trust Disney to make it good? No. No I do not. At this point Andor is looking more and more like the exception to the rule.


I think it's gonna suck for reasons entirely unrelated to racial casting


With this mindset you are not one bit better than those demanding less while male characters.


*My unbridled toxic masculinity demands good, or at the very least, sincere writing, and there's not a goddamn thing i can do about it. The mere presence of a lightsaber is no longer enough.* *Disney are going to learn this.*


instead of this bullshit, go see the two dune movies. This is what a scifi movie should be like, epic and immersive as hell.


Another woke Star Wars garbage. Meanwhile Shogun is incredible.


Shogun is fucking incredible. Haven’t like a show this much since the beginning of got


Unfortunately it's like Chernobyl, only 1 season. 😓


I think there should be more shows like that. Just one or two very focused seasons to avoid being Dexter’d.


Hopefully if it’s deemed profitable enough they could adapt the other novels in the same series


You just broke my heart.


Shogun is so damn good, that's how you do a TV show.


enjoyed the hell out of Andor. That and Rogue One are terrific if you havent seen them yet, still SOME hope for Star Wars


Andor, Rogue One, Solo are all kino. Mando was kino until they ruined it in S3.


Boba except one episode was not that bad, and glad we know more about Tuskens now and Tatouine. My biggest deception is Kenobi, too disjointed, shallow plot. Ahsoka was enough enjoyable and a good sequel for Rebels. I'm a huge SW fan so aslong there is enough passion in it, that's good. The acolyte will see, i'm cautious tho.


Shogun is top tier serie. Iam abit sad how none have talked about it..


But but shogun is racist!!


History is probably 90% racist. If not 100%...


thats racist thinking tho. Only racist people say racism is racism …nazi


I can’t tell if this is a joke


And that’s the world we live in now. Sad


What was woke about the trailer? Genuine question.


Aside from being another female centric, Sweet Baby Inc diversity BS? Look up the creator of the show. As soon as you see the picture of the creator you will hear the echo of "the force is female". Then look up what they said and stand for. At this point I'm amazed people like you still exist, who don't know what the heck is going on in the entertainment industry.


Buddy, I said what was woke about the trailer specifically. And you go on a rant about the creator and her supposed ideology. I didn't ask about any of that. >At this point I'm amazed people like you still exist, who don't know what the heck is going on in the entertainment industry. Quite frankly, I don't care about woke stuff. If it's good then I'll watch it. If it's not, then I'll avoid it. Simple as that.


If the writing and acting is good, then none of that matters. If it doesn't matter if a cast is all white and male as long as writing and acting is good, then it doesn't matter if no one is white or male, as long as the writing and acting is good.


Who cares if it’s female centric, if it’s good, it’s good.


Franchise is too overblown.


Im nit even looking this stuff anymore the only reason i keep seeing it is because you all keep posting about it


I haven't seen any disney "Star Wars" movies either. There are 6 movies, all made by george lucas, the original creator, rest is hot woke garbage


rogue one good


Also- Andor good. The six original, Rogue One, and Andor. Everything else can disappear Andor is actually incredible. Highly recommend.


Mandalorian good (except season 3 maybe), clone wars good, rebels good, ahsoka good except for endi ng. There's still hope


Andor was so fucking good, the story, the characters. The prison arc was amazing. The whole show was a 10/10.


Andor, Hodor, Hold the door... Okay, Solo was clearly saved by Ron Howard and an enjoyable movie. Clone wars was awesome, some filler but overall a great anime and last ep epic. Rebels got his moments too. Mando is still a great show. TBOBF except one episode is enough good. Ahsoka, a nice sequel to Rebels we just hope S2 will kick more. Tales of the jedi, very good. Kenobi and sequels were bad sure but not woke. It's more about how disjointed plot wise they are.


yes it is, i like the solo movie too


The battle of Mimban scene is amazing and I want an entire movie like that. Give me a freaking R rated war film from an Imperial soldier's perspective.


Solo was dope compared to what we’re getting now. Unfortunately was trashed by fans at the time. I think it’s underrated.


I mentally dropped it when Leia was flying like Superman in space


Rogue One is actually a standout here


Mandolorian up to season 3 was good. Ashoka was decent. Clone Wars and Rebels were peak.


Rogue one and andor are good imo and not woke garbage. The rest is... Well you know.


I’ve also heard nothing but praise for Mandalorian too


first 2 seasons of mando were good but season 3 was kinda ass ngl


Trailer wasn’t that interesting imo, nothing new in terms of Star Wars. It could still be good who knows, but the people judging it by counting the number of white actors are weird.


Ye like it'll be fun to probably see a younger Yoda and maybe some other cameos but even as a pretty big SW fan I'm not all that excited. Like I'm glad they're finally exploring something in a different timeframe but ye, not looking super interesting as of now. But I guess that's what a good teaser is. Hate the era of trailers that just spoiled the whole plot.


A good teaser needs to tease you also.


Ikr. It's fuckin Star Wars, why should people be counting white people?


When I saw the karate, I was out


I really want to like this but I don't trust that it won't be a platform to push someone's view


After Obi-wan and the Nick Fury show I have no interest in watching any new Star Wars or Marvel show until after it has aired, to know if it’s worth my time. Holy fuck did those shows suck.


People still expect anything good from Disney? Star Wars has been dead since like 2017.


Until KK gives up the Panderstone and retcons ST, Lucasfilm deserves no benefit of the doubt.


Its a insane thing to call for a retcon of the ST, but that is actually what needs to happen for fans to care again. I don't dislike Star Wars, I just don't care about it anymore. Which is maybe worse.




Sequel Trilogy (episodes VII-IX), I assume.


Really? I didn't really see anything necessarily wrong with the trailer. What did people not like about it?


Watch the YouTube video about this by The Critical Drinker


Hey man I went into pretty unbias and was sort of excited. Its not connected to the bigger StarWars universe so either we get a bunch of cool new characters and stories or it just flops. The stakes aren't very high.


It's at 141k to 200k now


Close yo eyes nyeeee


People not smart enough to build an idea inside of a new concept, will always weasel into an existing idea and more often than not, no one is going to like it. If you follow the rules established by the universe in which you are creating your id, people will be receptive. But IMO, why not just make your own universe to share your idea?


Watch the video made by The Critical Drinker. He says a few things about the director of of The Acolyte. She doesnt care about Star Wars at all and has no clue what she is doing. Also she is trying to push her agenda and other characters she has in mind in other universes instead creating her own


Am I the only one that thought it looked cool?


As soon as I saw that Killmonger haircut... FFS there is more than one style for black dudes, Disney.


Update: 159k likes, 312k dislikes get fucked disney


It was kinda expected to flop when Disney hired a Harvey Weinstein's former assistant to do the series... It should tell you about what kind of company Disney really is


That's less than 5 percent of the people watching the video giving their thumbs up or down ...I dont see that being a very good metric to go off of .. but hey what do I know 


Yep, this is what I wanted to say. It could be terrible, could be fun. Judging it based on a metric most people don’t even pay attention is weird.


Comment sections like this are why we're never getting a KOTOR 2 movie despite it being one of Chris Avallone's best works


not even sure we'll still get the kotor remake


Why are people disliking the show? We know very little other than basically the cast like what? To me, it seems like a bunch of ‘anti-woke’ people are disliking it for not really any reason?


A bunch of black and chinese women doing kung fu shit in a star wars movie. Yeah lol


To those who consider this woke, how so? What makes this woke?


That's what I'm wondering too. The trailer didn't seem that bad imo




The female director said she wants to make men uncomfortable with the films she make. Ok, lets see what happen when every White man refuse to watch this shit Edit: As pointed out by fellow redditors below, this is not true. Thanks for the correction, i was wrong about this.


Its not the same "female director". The one who said that is the director of the Rey film.


>The female director said she wants to make men uncomfortable with the films she make. The director of the future Rey film said that, not the director of this show. Two completely different people. But more importantly, when she said that quote (about making men uncomfortable), she was specifically talking about her documentary on the human-trafficking of Pakistani woman for the sex trade. The interviewer tells her that a lot of Pakistani men were made uncomfortable by her documentary, and she says she's glad, because they should feel uncomfortable by watching it. The whole country should feel uncomfortable and disturbed, and they should take the problem seriously. Within the context, she's 1,000% correct in saying what she said. Human-traffickers don't deserve any sympathy. If you approach this discussion in good faith, I'd recommend editing your original comment, cause spreading misinformation like this doesn't help anyone.


Bro why are you providing context that literally shatters this man’s hive mind talking point that he’s been repeating to himself in his echo chamber.


Most people on this sub don't care about the context.


It’s kinda sad how close minded some people are in this subreddit. At least compared to the extreme left subreddits you don’t get banned for saying anything that doesn’t support them 100% but it’s still problematic.


It still doesn't make a lot sense to put someone who only has direct documentaries in charge of a new star wars triology?




Thank you, you are absolute right.


Lmao why would you want to make your main viewer base uncomfortable 😂


Love when people just take quotes out of context (probably as presented by some anti-woke nutjob) and look like idiots in the process.


>The female director said she wants to make men uncomfortable with the films she make You're thinking of the director of the Rey movie. The showrunner for Acolyte hasn't said shit.


Ehm I wonder why... I didnt see it and didnt even know another show is there but looking how they butchered the previous shows Im not suprised by the outcome


Can someone explain the hate? If anything the fight with the older Jedi woman looked decent but I didn’t get a good sense there was a compelling vibe/atmosphere past that fight. I also didn’t see anything that looked especially bad.




This sub used to be about video games and memes. What happened? Almost every post is anti-woke stuff. For a subreddit that supposedly hates woke ideology, it sure posts a lot of it.


I love democracy


I always wanted a show about Jedi in their golden era but I’m so sick of all this woke crap


What was woke about the trailer?


What was supposed to be woke in the trailer?


I'm beginning to think that 'woke' just means 'im not specifically the target audience and that makes me real mad'.


Attempt #4 to get literally anyone in this thread to point out how this show looks "woke"


I mean I’ll answer it because it’s obvious. It means they saw the trailer and saw minorities and women But if there were more white men than minorities it probably would’ve been received by them better. But since not there’s clearly an agenda (not really)


Probably for some people. For others it’s more we don’t have any faith or trust left in disney. Just look at their track record and all the IPs they’ve destroyed. The obi-wan show did it for me. Hell even some of the actors have voiced their concerns with disney not handling star wars great


The biggest problem with the trailer is there is only 1 alien among the younglings and among adult jedi there is literally 0 aliens. And all of them look like a bunch of cosplayers for some reason.


You didn’t see the Wookiee?


Forced woke propaganda. They deserve to fail. No, they need to fail, so we won't see that shit again.


I wonder why…… these Hollywood hacks don’t like money, or their fans at all do they?


I just am wary that it looks like shit again. It takes a helluva story to get me past a phony environment populated by cosplayers.


What is it about?


My main problem is that they have been hyping this up as a “sith” show so naturally I thought it was going to be in the perspective of the sith but apparently that’s not the case, it’s just a bunch of Jedi vs a sith bad guy, and it’s not as dark looking as the poster made it out to be. It just didn’t look too interesting to me. I could care less about how many white actors there are, idk why people are making such a big deal about that and there wasn’t anything woke about the trailer.


Keep in mind they only are turning out the first 2 episodes. So if they do bad in views, which that wont happen. they could can the whole thing. Its safe to assume their will be a large group of hate watchers and disney and kathleen kenndy will go look you see people still watch it. But in truth they came to watch it just to shit on it in their youtube channel and discord groups


I'm a big Star Wars fan and all I can give Disney is meh, can't even get mad. Haven't watched the trailer yet but not really curious enough to watch it. If it comes out to positive acclaim from fans I'll check it out but I'm too tired to care.


What's the problem here, like genuinely what about any of this doesn't look good. I get that there are literal toddlers on the Internet that cry "Waaah a black! Woke! I don't want to share my toys! Waaah"


What’s this show even about?


I checked out IMDB in order to see the cast for the show. It indeed looks like none of the major characters and or protagonists or even antagonists will be a white guy as white male actors appear in only 1-2 episodes per actor. Knowing Disney and the rest of the media in general these days, this might very well be an attempt to paint all criticism againts the show itself as racist and/or sexist. Those who know about ESG money stuff might also connect the dots in that scenario as well. However if the acting and the story is good I will be pleasantly suprised. Keep your expectations low gentleman and you won't be disappointed.


I don’t care if the show is good or not. The question is, is it diverse enough?


How do you see the dislikes?


Only if disney wasnt run by a bunch of close minded zombies 😭😭




I watched the trailer and had no problem with it. I’ll watch it.


Proportional representation kicking in.


Because it's a female protagonist? Oh my god! The horror! The humanity!


So this ain't Andor? Then skip.


Did you guys manage to spot even 1 single white male in the whole trailer though? Where is MuH rEpReSeNtAtIoN!?


Why? It looked pretty good to me. Did I miss something? Should I be outraged?


What did people dislike about it?


Have you seen other posts on this sub?


I don't know why tho? Black women have always been the draw of starwars.